Chapter 55 Flashback with Elite 10 Part 4

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"Now the meeting with Kuga senpai is also an interesting one." Soma says as the said person flinch a little, Takumi asks, "Why is that?"

Soma says, "Do you remember the Autumn Leaf Viewing? In the previous year, Kuga senpai has tried to ask if any of the Elite 10 members are going to accept his challenge."

Megumi asks, "Eh? You did that?"

Kuga sighs and says, "Yeah, I did that. And Tsukasa senpai is the one who accepts my challenge."

"Tsukasa, huh? Then you must have a one-sided loss against him, right?" Erina asks, only to be glared back by the said person.

Soma says, "Indeed, it is his loss, but there is another reason why Kuga senpai holds a grudge against Tsukasa Eishi."


"You're still down in the dumps, Kuga?" Eizan says with annoyance. "It's already been over ten days since your Shokugeki against Tsukasa-san! You should've known from the outset that it would be impossible to put up a good fight against the first seat! You conceited little runt!"

Isshiki says, "But if you were to look at it another were good enough to drag the first seat out to the battlefield. If you ask me, that's more than enough to be proud of."

"You're right! I'm the only classman who Tsukasa Eishi bothered to compete in a Shokugeki." Kuga says. "I'm going to challenge him into a revenge time."

"Wait a minute, are you serious, Kuga?" Nene asks with surprise.

And when the four of them try to find Tsukasa, he is with Rindo and the Phantom.

"So Tsukasa, you had a Shokugeki with an underclassman, Kuga Terunori, right? The one who managed to get third place in the Autumn Elections. Why did you want to challenge him?" Soma asks.

"Kuga?" Tsukasa Eishi is confused, "Who is that?"

"Geez, Tsukasa! You forgot about it already?" Rindo scolds him. "He challenged you with the Szechuan Cuisine a few days ago...geez, there's nothing inside of your head except the next dish you are going to prepare."

Soma notices the four people who are watching the scene, and he says, "Tsukasa, Rindo, I'll meet you later. I have some other business to attend."

The two of them nod as Soma leaves, as he knows what is going on.

(Flashback Ends)

"That's so think that he would do that..." Megumi frowns.

"Indeed...that is also when I met the Phantom for the first time..." Kuga mutters.


"So you four have been listening to our conversation, right?" Soma asks the four, who flinch after seeing the Phantom talking to them. "I think this is our first meeting, Kuga Terunori, right?"

"Is it true..." Kuga asks with anger, "He didn't even bother to care about the match I had with him?"

"Don't worry about it, he usually does that a lot." Soma sighs. "Though it must have hurt your pride after hearing such bad words from him."

"You're the 0th seat, right? Please tell that guy that I'm going to have a rematch against him!" Kuga yells.

"Even if you try to challenge him again, you will end up losing again. Why don't you try to frustrate your anger against me?" The Phantom asks, causing the others to get surprised.

"What are you doing? Phantom?" Nene asks.

"It is simple. I am letting Kuga express his frustration by cooking some meals for me. I know how spicy and hot those Szechuan Dishes are." Soma says.

"Then why not having a Shokugeki?" Kuga asks.

"I'm even better than Tsukasa, if you can't beat him, then you won't have a chance to beat me. You'll get hurt for more after doing so." Soma says.

"I don't care, maybe if I beat you right now, Tsukasa senpai will be able to notice me, right?" Kuga yells.

"Don't say I didn't warn you." Soma sighs as he accepts the Shokugeki.

(Flashback Ends)

"And of course, I lost." Kuga says, "But I never regret that because I learn that besides spiciness, delicious is also important, that's why I use the authority of Elite 10 to try to improve my dishes."

Megumi says, "Wait, Soma-kun, so you were the one that made Kuga senpai's Mapo Tofu like that?"

Soma sighs, "I have to admit, it was my other personality's work. But I respect Kuga senpai a lot ever since that day."

"I'm glad to hear that from Yukihira-chin." Kuga says with a smile.

"Now the next one is Eizan Etsuya." Soma sighs.


Soma was walking on the road until he was surrounded by a lot of people, Soma asks, "What is the meaning of this?"

"Sorry about that, I asked them to help me find you." Eizan walks in front of Soma and he says, "My name is Eizan Etsuya, and I'm here for you, Phantom."

"For me? What does a Grade 1 student want with the 0th seat like me?" Soma asks.

"I want to have a Shokugeki with you, if I win, I want you to be one of my subordinates." Eizan says with a smirk. "I have been watching all your matches ever since you become the Elite 10, I have the confidence to beat you."

"Is that so? I have also heard of you, you have been doing a lot of business for Totsuki ever since you join the high school division. You said something that you're doing it because of money, right? Then if I win, how about you try to hand over some of the money?"

Eizan freezes a little, but he smirks, "I don't mind. I am sure that I will not lose."

After that, they have a Shokugeki, and true to be told, their theme is desserts, and Soma is going with the Chocolate Ice Cream Cake, and Eizan decides to go with lemon yogurt. When basic chocolate compounds enter this acidic environment, they dissolve and lose their characteristic flavor. But Soma decides to do something into the Chocolate, which is Coffee, and that ruins Eizan's victory.

" plan was perfect..." Eizan mutters in shock after the judges all vote for Soma, who sighs and says, "I never stop thinking about new ideas and new possibilities, you said you already know about my dishes, that means you are still one step behind to learn all about me. But that doesn't mean you can stop trying again."

Soma puts the money back to Eizan and says, "I won't try to take your money for the first time. But from the next time, I'll do it."

After Soma leaves, Eizan says, "Interesting indeed..."

(Flashback Ends)

"And after that, Eizan senpai has been trying to challenge me once a month, as he tries to gather more information about my Shokugekis." Soma sighs. "But never once he could defeat me."

"I never knew he was that kind of person, considering what he did to the Polar Star Dorm..." Erina says.

"But there are some times Eizan and I are good business partners, after all, he did give me a lot of money after losing to me." Soma says.

Isshiki says, "That's true after all. And the last member seems to be the current Number 8: Julio Shiratsu."

Takumi says, "I have heard of him, he is also specializing in Italian cuisine. His family cooks for the Italian Embassy."

Soma says, "He is also in the quarter-finals in the Autumn Elections, but he lost to Isshiki during the first match."

Isshiki says, "He is a formidable opponent, I must admit."


"Damn it...I lost..." Julio mutters in frustration as he walks into the hallway. But he smells something that is similar to pizza as he looks into the room, he notices that the Phantom is using the kitchen as he made a seafood pizza.

"Looks like it is finished." Soma sighs. "But this will be good for my dinner."

Just then, he notices that Julio is watching him, he sighs as he decides to let him taste the pizza. Julio decides to agree as they are now sitting with each other.

"By the way, what are you doing here?" Soma asks, "I heard that you lost to Isshiki Satoshi in the quarter-finals, right?"

"I was just frustrated with the loss, I know for sure what kind of person Isshiki Satoshi is, but we had similar family backgrounds, yet I feel that I'm still far from him." Julio says.

"I see. I have not met this Isshiki Satoshi yet, but I can tell for sure that you really admire him and you want to be like him." Soma says, "So, how do you like it? The pizza that I made?"

"It is very delicious, but I think I might have an idea to improve it." Julio says.

"Then don't hesitate and show me how to do it." Soma says as Julio nods, because of his family background, he uses the same ingredients, but in a different matter to make a better version of seafood pizza. Soma tastes it and he also feels good.

"But why are you eating the food with the mask still on? Won't it be disturbing?" Julio asks.

"I can't show anyone my identity." Soma sighs, "It is also because of my family background. But I heard that your family cooks for the Italian Embassy, right? No wonder you are able to make such a good pizza.

"You're flattered, just because my family is good doesn't mean I'm good. I just want to learn from others as well." Julio says.

"You have a very good flair, if you are able to use that to wield the Italian cuisine, then you can reach better heights." Soma says.

Julio nods at the words and thanks the Phantom while trying to go find his other friends.

(Flashback Ends)

"And that is how I met the final member of the Elite 10..." Soma sighs. "And the 9th seat was Hayama, he was expelled and Central won't have time to find another one, and the 10th seat is Eri-chan, so I guess that's it."

Senzaemon says, "Now that you have known all your enemies, right now what you must do is to learn about them and try to find a way to defeat them. That's how the training is going to be."

The others nod as they go to the kitchen to prepare, except for Megumi and Erina, who want to ask Soma some questions. Megumi asks, "Soma-kun, I want to ask, did you hate any one of them after learning they join the Central?"

Soma says, "I don't hate them, I know that they might have reasons to join Central. Though it is hurting to learn they have become our enemies, but that won't make me hate them."

"How do you have that kindness...if it was for me, I would have hated them..." Erina says.

"Just like how you used to hate me, right?" Soma says as Erina goes back into her angry mode and starts to yell at Soma, causing the others to sigh.

While in the Central Train, Eizan and Julio are sitting in their respective rooms, both of them are still thinking about the fact that Soma is the Phantom. Eizan knows for sure that even though he really wants to beat him, he also knows that he has never won against him as the Phantom.

As for Julio, he is also thinking about the Phantom, after all, he had cheered him up after his loss in the Autumn elections, and he refuses to join Central, along with Isshiki. He knows that he has to make them learn their errors.

And this is the final part of the past with the Elite 10. Now I am going to fast-forward to the Regiment de Cuisine, but for each Shokugeki, I am going to write longer as I will add flashbacks with other alumni or their interactions to make it very different from the anime. I hope you all like this chapter.

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