Chapter 56 First Bout Part 1

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Days have passed and the train with Soma and the others finally arrive at Rebun Island. At the same time, the bus that brings Alice and the others also arrives, with all of them frowning as they fail their friends by being expelled by the Central. But as they get into the stadium, they are shocked to see how many people are watching the match through the crowd.

"Talk about a crowd." Isami says.

"They must be the ordinary students who cleared the final exam. And thus, all of these spectators, without a single exception, are cheering for the victory of the Azami administration of the Elite 10..." Hisako adds.

As Urara appears on the stage, a lot of them know that she has been brainwashed by Central, and she starts to welcome the Elite 10 as they all cheer for Central and Azami.

"So Yukihira and Megumi are gonna have to fight amongst all these deafening cheers?" Ikumi says with concern. And Isami and Hisako are also worried for Takumi and Erina.

"Now then, counting on...we've got those insolent, no-better-than vomit rebels who have the gall to defy the noble Central! Allow me to introduce those detested scoundrels! Get your asses in here already, you scum! And prepare to suffer a crushing defeat worse than hell itself!"

Just then, much to everyone's surprise, 8 people walk into the stadium as they exclaim. "Isshiki-senpai!" "Mimasaka Subaru!" "Kuga Terunori! And to top it all off..." "Former third seat Megishimar Totsuke?"

"Wait a minute, that's Erina-sama on the enemy side!" "And what is Yukihira Soma wearing? That's the Phantom's cloak! Does that mean he is the Phantom?"

Soma sighs and turns to the crowd, "As you all can see from my outfit, I don't think I am going to hide the truth. I am the Phantom, the undefeatable 0th seat of the Elite 10."

This causes everyone to gasp in surprise, as well as the Elite 10, who are surprised to see how Soma is revealing his identity. Soma says, "But together with my teammates, we will definitely win this Regiment Shokugeki no matter what, even if my enemy is the friends in the past."

Everyone shivers at Soma's cool tone, except for Azami, he says, "So you all manage to get many members on your side. This should make it a good show."

"Indeed. Ever since we have settled this, every one of us has gone through rigorous training." Soma says.

"Miraculously, this match has turned into an 8 vs. 8! It's an evenly-numbered showdown! Without further ado, we will consult with both teams to determine the limit of number of chefs who will compete against one another at one time!" Urara exclaims. "There are eight competitors on each side, so the upper limit is 8 people! It is possible to have up to 8 chefs competing on each side simultaneously. Now then, what shall we do?"

"How does a 3-on-3 battle sound?" Erina asks.

"Very well." Azami says.

"In that case, both teams! Please choose the 3 chefs who you wish to battle within the 1st bout!"

Megishima turns to Isshiki and says, "Isshiki, the two of us should come at them with the intention of routing every last one."

"Seems like you're not at all lacking in motivation. How reassuring, Megishima-san." Isshiki says.

And it turns out that on the rebels' side, there are Yukihira Soma, Isshiki Satoshi, and Megishima Totsuke. While in the Central side, Julio Shiratsu, Kaburagi Shoko, and Kinokuni Nene are the ones to battle.

"Isshiki senpai! I'm sorry, we all went and lost...and then got expelled." Yuki rushes to the senior and hugs him with tears.

"Look at you, actually wearing proper chef clothes, you feelin' alright today? But I gotta say, there's no one I'd put my trust in more than you!" Daigo adds.

"Did you come all the way to Hokkaido just to save us?" Marui adds.

"But if we lose this match, will you be expelled too, senpai?" Ryoko asks with concern.

"You think that'd be enough to prevent me from fighting? No way. I'd do anything for my precious juniors." Isshiki says. "And well, I've thought about what to do in case we can't win, so you can rest easy. We should just go tile the fields together!" Isshiki says, which causes them to sweatdrop.

Kuga says, "As expected, it looks like Tsukasa-san isn't coming out to play for the first bout. In that case, I'll take a pass for the four 1, just as expected. I'll let old man Megisima show his stuff in the first round, okay?"

"As usual, you're quite the chatterbox, Kuga." Megishima says, "You're not depressed after being kicked out of the Elite 10?"

"What are you talking about? I'm deeply wounded! I'll have you know!" Kuga yells.

"But I can't believe you even managed to win over Megishima-san for the cause." Ikumi asks Soma, who sighs and says, "With the Phantom's help, it is not a problem."

As they look at the match-up, Soma notices that he is going to challenge Kinokuni Nene, he says, "Looks like you're fighting me rather than Isshiki-senpai, huh? Kinokuni senpai."

"Even if you are the Phantom, I'll let you know that I won't lose to you this time." Nene says while adjusting her glass.

"Now then, before we begin cooking, there's just one more thing to do! It's time to choose the theme ingredient for each card! The drawing will be done by lottery! Now grab a ticket, if you please." Urara says as she points at the machine with all kinds of themes.

"Kinokuni-senpai, you can just go and pick." Soma says.

"No, you're free to pick the ingredient yourself. I don't mind. I want this to be a clean fair match after all. I always strive for equality, it's in my nature." Nene says.

"I know, it is also why you hated Isshiki for giving you the win a year ago." Nene tenses up after Soma says something that only she is able to hear it.

Kuga whispers to Soma, "Yukihira-chin, little miss braids over there is always on edge, and she's got a sharp tongue that'll lash out at you at any moment, so stay on your toes, alright? And I think she's probably on her period today!"

"Kuga, die." Nene says to Kuga and then turns to Soma, "Just to make myself clear, if you were assuming that I can only cook Japanese-style cuisine and nothing else, you're sorely mistaken. No matter what theme you may select, or what genre you choose to battle me with, the outcome is inevitable. Your dish will taste crushing defeat at my hands."

"Say that after you really beat me once." Soma sighs as he picks the theme, "Oh boy, looks like we are doing this again, huh?"

After Soma shows the theme, it says Soba, causing everyone to gasp in surprise. Urara yells, "I can't believe it! Folks! The third card's theme ingredient is Kinokuni Nene's ace in the hole, Soba! In a shocking turn of events, her specialty was drawn! And with that, we have drastically drawn closer to the Elite 10's victory! That's what you get, you damn lowly rebels!"

"Damn it! Yukihira! How unlucky can one guy be at drawing lots?" Ikumi yells.

Soma looks at Nene, who turns around and says, "It's not my fault."

"Well, I wasn't aiming for this to happen as well." Soma says, "But, if you think I will be making the same Soba like last time, then you will be mistaken."

Isshiki says, "Looks like my theme is the Eel. What about you, Megishima?"

"Scallion." Megishima says. "This is also good for a chef who specializes in healthy meals, but it is also good for ramen as well."

"Even if you are my senior, I am not aiming to lose." Shoko says while folding her arms as they start cooking.

"Now let the Regiment De Cuisine begin!" Urara yells as Kinokuni brings out a huge mixing bowl.

"Just look at that is so huge..." Isami says.

"So this is the real thing..." Hayama adds as they see how Kinokuni is kneading the soba flour into the dough. Her fingers flow like a breeze around the kneading bowl.

"There is no chance that Yukihira can match her Soba skills! What can we do?" Yuki panics.

"At this point, our only hope is to throw a curveball and come up with some novelty dish or whatever." Daigo yells.

"Don't worry about it." Megumi says, causing everyone to look at her with surprise. "Soma-kun is capable of making the same Soba as well."

"What? What do you mean by that, Megumi-chan?" Alice asks with confusion.

Erina says, "Sou-kun told me that in the previous year, Kinokuni Nene had challenged the Phantom with the Soba theme. And...he won."

"What?" The others ask her with surprise.

"Indeed." Kuga says, "He is capable of making the same Soba as he has learned under Kinokuni family when he was younger, though he didn't meet that little miss braids. I can assure you that the taste is just the same."


"Here it is, Kinokuni-style Soba with Kakiage." Soma says as he presents the dish to everyone in present. Isshiki says, "This really is the specialty dish of Kinokuni household."

"You're not joking that you really can make those noodles. But I wonder if the taste would be the same..." Erina says. "After all, you failed to recreate Kuga-senpai's dish."

"Don't worry about it. Just have a taste." Soma says.

As they try to taste the soba, all of them feel like they are wearing kimono as they are attending some sort of festival. They can't believe that the dish is so great and delicious.

"Amazing...Soma-kun..." Megumi says, "This is delicious..."

"I have to admit, this soba is good." Isshiki says. "It really was the soba from Kinokuni Household."

Hinako decides to try out the soba and she says, "As expected from Yukihira-kun, these are some good quality Soba."

Joichiro smirks, "Looks like letting you travel around the world to learn anything is good for you."

"You just want to show those other chefs about how you beat me!" Soma yells, "But I admit, it is grateful to learn a lot of things. Phantom's cooking is not made for just one day after all." Soma says.

"But right now, we need to learn how to beat this kind of noodles." Erina says, "Knowing Kinokuni senpai, she will try to improve her dish as well, that's why we will have to improve the dish if we want to beat her."

"And that's why I made those Soba noodles. So we can find a way to beat it." Soma says as they start to study about the dish.

(Flashback Ends)

"So there is a chance to win after all." The rebels are now having hope for Soma, who stands up and says, "I have decided, I am going to make Instant Yakisoba for this match."

"What?" Everyone is shocked at what Soma is saying, but Nene isn't focusing on Soma as she looks at Isshiki.

"I know that the Phantom is my opponent, but I will definitely win against him, and then you...Isshiki..."

And I'll end this first chapter right here, as you can see, Soma reveals his whole identity, and I am not sure how many chapters I will be writing for the first bout, but trust me, it will be not short and I hope you like it.

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