Chapter 6 Ikumi Mito

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"How about this donburi?" Soma asks after showing several attempts to make the dish, and Konishi tastes and replies, "It is delicious, but that's not enough."

He also explains that Mito was going to use the best-ranked beef, an A5. That rank was so tender you could drink it. Now Konishi was bringing himself down with his own words.

"We agreed to use a Beef Don challenge, so we're going to use beef," Soma states. "Besides, you said it yourself senpai, a Don is an epitome of "Fast, Cheap, and Good". That's exactly what Nikumi was insulting! If we want anyone to respect Dons, we have to do it with an inexpensive Beef Don or it's meaningless!"

Konichi says, "You're right, we need to prove them wrong."

"But may I ask what is the budget?" Soma asks, and Konishi is depressed again, "With the money have from the new budget... I don't think we have enough to even buy practice ingredients let alone the ingredients for the Shokugeki,"

"But we still can't give up like this." Soma sighs. "Maybe I should use some of my pocket money to help."

He sighs and thinks, "It's a good thing that I managed to beat that ninth seat, though. But still, Dad could have given me more money..."

After making more dishes, time passed in vain as they could not find a proper dish that could rival Ikumi's A5 meat, and Konichi is paled again.

"Soma-kun, how about you rest up a little bit? If you have a change of pace, you might come up with an idea to overcome this like in the first class..." Megumi says.

"Oh? You mean the class when I softened the meat with honey?" Soma then realizes what he can do and he holds Megumi's hands, "You're a lifesaver! Tadokoro! There was one! A way to give meat with cheap prices!"

Then he starts to use the beef steak to do various procedures in making a beef steak donburi. He cuts the steak with a net pattern, and then beats it to stretch it. Then he covers both sides of the meat with finely chopped onion and leaves it for a while. After removing it, he adds salt and peppers as seasoning, and take the button melted on the fry pan, and use the juices that grilled the meat to fry the onion, then it is done, he just puts the fried onions on the steak and use the knife's stomach to mark the net lines and put it on the rice to complete it.

"That's...Chaliapin Steak! It is a dish made in 1936 for the Russian opera singer Feodor Chaliapin when he visited Japan. At the time, he was suffering from toothaches and said, "I want to eat a tender steak." This dish was devised to answer to his request." Konichi says.

As Megumi and Konichi taste the steak, they are very satisfied, and Soma knows that this is going to be the one to beat Mito Ikumi.

In Erina's office, Mito Ikumi is standing in front of her as she says, "I'll use a Japanese Back Wagyu fillet. It will, of course, be an A5 Grade. Not only that but it's also been aged for over a month. Two days from now, it'll hit its peak flavor. In other words, that fillet will be... An A5 to surpass all A5s."

The Meat Master runs her thumb across her neck and adds, "I'll use techniques designed to bring out every drop of that flavor and crush that Don RS like a bug."

Erina rests her chin on her intertwined fingers and says, "Excellent. We shall rid ourselves of that worthless RS and get rid of that "Annoyance" all in one blow."

The day of the Shokugeki arrives, and everyone is already seated as they are going to watch how the transfer student does his work. On the stage, the emcee: Urara Kawashima, says, "Sorry to have kept you waiting, everyone! We have received word from the Shokugeki Administration Department, they have validated this Shokugeki as official! In a few moments, the battle will begin!"

She winks and it causes the boys to cheer for her while the girls are glaring.

"Three judges have been appointed. Today's theme will be Donburi and the main ingredient will be meat! Now, from the East and West corners... Contestants, take your places! First one to the west is the Meat Master: Mito Ikumi!"

Ikumi Mito takes her place on the stage revealing her chosen attire of a flame print bikini and cut-off jean shorts, much to the pleasure and chagrin of the men of the crowd and Urara, respectively.

"And now for the other contestant, Yukihira Sōma!" Urara adds.

When the Don society takes the stage is it amidst intense boo-ing and jeering from the crowd, mostly aimed at Soma for his remarks during the entrance ceremony.

"This transferred just a few days ago, right? What did you do to get hated this much?" Konichi asks.

Soma notices Megumi's panicked face and he sighs, "Nothing else but rather aiming for the top."

"So let's review the conditions of the Shokugeki! In the event Mito wins, the Donburi RS will be disbanded and Yukihira Sōma will be expelled! In the event Yukihira wins, the Donburi RS will receive increased funds, larger facilities, and better equipment, not only that, but Mito Ikumi will become an official member of that RS!"

Before the shokugeki can begin the crowd and contestants both take notice that Nakiri Erina, accompanied by Hisako Arato, has arrived to personally watch the competition. The crowd surmises that her attendance is due to Ikumi belonging to her faction. Erina gives Ikumi a smile and Ikumi relishes that she'll have the opportunity to prove herself in front of Erina personally.

"Now! Let the Shokugeki Begin!" Urara yells.

With the Shokugeki finally underway, Ikumi starts off by showing off her primary ingredient, an entire flank of A5 beef. Brandishing a large meat cleaver, she energetically begins slicing up the beef. Her chosen slice of beef has a thick layer of fat on the back and very thorough marbling, per the amazed reactions of the crowd.

By the faintly sweet scent of the beef, she declares the beef perfectly aged with the optimum amount of savory enzymes, such as glutamic acid. She begins by searing and basting the beef in butter, to ensure that the juices of the meat do not escape before placing it in the oven to cook through.

"Mmm! The rich scent of butter is filling the arena! The smell alone is enough to make me hungry!" Urara says through the mic as a bit of drool dripping down the corners of her mouth.

"On the other hand, Yukihira-kun's cooking..." Urara says as Ikumi turns to the boy. "It seems he's finely chopping a great number of onions! And he is bringing out the meat! Now, just what kind of ingredients will he use against Mito-san's A5 Japanese Wagyu?"

But then , Soma then pulls out the cheap, grocery wrapped steak cuts, he says, "They just had a special sale, that is really lucky for me."

This shocks everyone in attendance and prompts the crowd to begin throwing random trash at the stage, to the dismay of Urara. "Noo! Stop that! Don't throw things at the stage!"

"Soma-kun...are you sure you're fine?" Megumi says in worry.

Ikumi, now certain of her victory, returns to her meat to ensure that it is cooked through. Rather than using a thermometer, she is able to use a simple needle and her lips to determine the exact temperature of the meat.

"Her true worth actually lies in her sensibility. The lips are an especially heat-sensitive part of the body, even so, her lips are so sensitive, she can feel the exact temperature. Look at her fingers, at her graceful love for meat, it is like she is a pianist playing an elegant solo: A sonata of meat."

While cutting her meat, Ikumi taunts, "You're still there, transfer student? You sure became quiet, where did the power from three days ago go?"

Soma isn't responding as he is focusing on the cooking. Ikumi sighs, "Keh, at least try to answer back, you're such a shame."

"There's no need for me to talk. Because my donburi will eventually start talking eloquently. Besides, it's common knowledge that the skills of the chefs that talk too much in the kitchen can't be trusted, you know?"

Ikumi grows angry but suddenly the smell of his dish finally reaches her, triggering a mild foodgasm.

Shortly thereafter, the time for the Shokugeki ends and the contestants are called to prepare their dishes with Soma looking relaxed and confident while Ikumi looking notably more perturbed.

Ikumi presents her dish first and says, "This is my dish, an A5 Wagyu Rôti Don."

The judges are impressed by the visual aspect of the dish, the first judge, President Kuraki Shigeno from the Japanese restaurant Kuraki, says, "This carved meat looks like a flower, to think I got to see such a beautiful donburi..."

They then taste the dish, and Kuraki says, "It's so wonderfully delicious, it makes me weak in the knees!"

The second judge is the Japanese black critic named Bito Yoshiki, and he says, "This! That powerful intensely rich flavor is the true greatness of A5 beef. And this cut was roasted taking into consideration the angle of heat! Heating a cut of meat perpendicularly to its grain ensures the meat will heat evenly and that the greatest amount of juices will be produced. First-class chefs always read the meat's grain when they cook it!

The third judge, a TV Program producer named Okamoto Katsunori, says, "Don't forget the rice hiding under the beef petals! Steamed in butter and the beef's own grease, this garlic rice is exquisite. I could probably eat three whole bowls of it just by itself!"

"It's a dish so seductively delicious, it's almost sensual! What a marvelous performance by Mito Ikumi!" Urara says.

"Of course, this is the pleasure of the meat." Ikumi thinks.

The audience has already decided that Yukihira Soma has lost the Shokugeki. Nonetheless, the judging continues. Urara says, "Now what is the dish you are serving?"

"Let's see, I'll call it, Yukihira style Chaliapin Steak Bowl." Soma says as he presents the dish.

"Chaliapin steak, eh? So it's cheap meat tenderized by onions." Bito says as he turns to Okamoto, "Let me be blunt. This, after that masterpiece of a dish?"

"I agree. I'd sure like to go home with the taste of A5 beef still on my tongue." Okamoto adds.

But as Soma reveals his dish, it turning out to be more pleasing to the judges than they expected. The judges taste his dish, and suddenly they start eating constantly as if they cannot stop themselves, which catches Mito off-guard.

"My hands can't stop from eating! The meat is not only tender, but the finely sliced onions on top helps with my appetite further... There is red wine as well to sear the steak...It remains the meat juices and caramelized the onions!"

Okamoto says, "And the sauce, it was thickened with potato starch, which wraps around the rice and meat amazingly."

Kurakai says, "And yet, the scorched soy sauce is tying the dish together, and char added as a seasoning for an even deeper flavor. He has made a wonderful sauce on the onions that are key to making a true Chaliapin steak."

"But why did I feel like I can eat this dish endlessly? Is there another hidden secret in the dish?" Bito asks.

"Yup," Sōma sys happily as he grabs a glass jar of his counter and adds, "I added in some handmade pickled plum to the rice."

"Aha! So that's it! That brisk aftertaste that encourages you to eat another bite is pickled plum! The tender, fragrant steak... The beautifully thickened perfect sauce... And the fresh tartly flavored plum-seasoned rice. Every piece of the Don works to make the others taste even better! You can't help but dive in!" Bito says.

Quickly, they have finished his dish, Kurakai asks if there can have any seconds, which causes Ikumi to notice that her garlic rice isn't finished.

"Your Rôti Don was an exquisite dish, dear... But THIS is the Don that makes me want more!" Kurakai says, and Ikumi grits her teeth.

"They clash." Soma says as if he knows what Ikumi is thinking. "The Wagyu Beef and the garlic rice. Both have strong flavors, so both would compete against each other. Your dish may have seemed like a Don, but it wasn't really one. It's just like the captain said. A true Donburi is "Complete in One Bowl"!"

Ikumi is now angry, and she yells, "Sh-shut up! I still say that's all garbage! Your crappy meat can't match my top-quality beef!"

"That's why I have the eyes of my mother." Soma says. "The Angel's Eyes. Even with a normal ingredient, with one look, I can turn them into better recipes. If you can't accept the results, then how about you give it a listen? Taste what this Don has to say."

He takes out the donburi and says, "Dig in."

Mito is having the donburi as she starts to remember her childhood. When she was nice, she received a teddy bear from her mother, Ikumi showing a fond love of it. But then, despite her mother's pleas, her father damages the doll, telling her to never give her a gift like that again, as he believes her, a family heir, should never show any signs of femininity. She tells her to be strong and think of nothing else, Mito picks up the broken doll, and begins to cry.

"Damn it...why would I have to remember all that..." Ikumi thinks with tears in her eyes. And the judges are agreeing that Soma wins the match. He takes off his headband and says, "It wasn't much!"

Megumi and Konichi are happy at Soma's victory, and Ikumi is on her knees and says, "I lost..." She looks up to see Nakiri Erina looking down at her with disappointment before leaving.

"Oi, Nikumi! Can have a bite of your Don?" Soma asks, and Ikumi just glares at him. "Baka! Don't go getting a big head! And don't you dare call me that name!"

"But why? That nickname is quite cute on you." Soma says, causing the girl to blush a little. "Best regards from now on. Nikumi-chan." Soma says.

Ikumi is red with either embarrassment or heartthrob when she shouts, "Y-you baka jerkface!"

After seeing her leave, Soma adds, "Make sure to come to the clubroom."

Then Konishi walks towards Soma and says, "You really are amazing, Yukihira. You're the only one who can carry on with the Donburi RS."

"Well the truth is..." Soma says with a sigh. "I won't join the club. I mean, I just went to see what it was like."

Megumi is also surprised at what Soma is thinking, and Soma continues, "Well, but thanks to that, I was able to make a new Donburi dish."

After that, both Soma and Megumi leave, and Konichi can only tell Ikumi about what Soma said in the next day, and she doesn't like it.

And this is the end of the Shokugeki with the Meat Master. The next chapter will be the Polar Star Fields and some original content for the Phantom Seat.

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