Chapter 7 Polar Star Garden

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It is six o'clock in the morning, and Soma is still sleeping on his bed until he wakes up from the voice of Isshiki. "Good morning, Soma-kun! It's a nice morning, right?"

Soma rubs his eyes and says, "Isshiki senpai?"

"I want you to help me out with something! Can you come outside once you've changed?" Isshiki asks.

"Mmm...I stayed up late yesterday, so I'm sleepy...please go with someone else." Soma decides to go back to sleep, but Isshiki comes from the loft again and says, "Don't say that."

"You were there this whole time?" Soma is now fully awake after seeing him.

Right now he is walking with Yuki as Yuki asks, "Ahaha! Yukihira, you were woken up too?"

"Yeah, but what are we helping with?" Soma asks.

"He said we're harvesting vegetables in the field behind the dorm." Yuki says.

"To think that he grows his own ingredients." Soma says in awe.

"There's a lot of people who do that in the Polar Star Dorm. Ibusaki cuts the wood he uses for smoking by himself, Ryoko's speciality is cooking using "Shiokouji", so she has her own workshop close to the dorm. And me too, like in France, there's Bresse chicken, I wanted to make "Polar Star Chicken". So I've been grazing and raising them. And this place is mainly managed by Isshiki-senpai! A plantation where 10 different species of vegetables grown."

Soma is in awe at the sight, but he goes into a weird expression after seeing Isshiki wearing nothing but undergarments.

"Good morning, Soma-kun, Yoshino-kun! Doing manual labor in the morning makes your heart healthy. Let's work up some sweat together."

"Sure?" Soma says, but then he hears Megumi's voice.

"Look Soma-kun! We can pick this much!" Soma turns around to see Megumi in a farmer's outfit as she is picking a lot of vegetables.

"Tadokoro, you look good in that suit by the way." Soma says.

"Um...thank you..." Megumi says with a little blush, and Yuki adds, "Yeah, you are the Polar Star's refreshment."

Isshiki interrupts their conversation and says, "Now, my friends. Come here! Knowing how ingredients ripen is part of studying cooking. This is the Polar Star Field, or you can call it the Isshiki Field if you want."

"I see, so the field that my parents were using to grow really took care of them very well." Soma says as he looks at the tomato, he takes a bite and says, "This is firm and really sweet. This sure is high quality."

"Well, I'm devoted to this, thanks to it, I haven't gone to my classes at all lately." Isshiki says with a wry laugh, and Soma yells at him, "It feels like you're putting the cart before the horse!"

Yuki says, "But Yukihira, you mentioned something about Angel's Eyes, does that mean you can distinguish the raw and ripen vegetables with ease?"

Soma chuckles and says, "Well, that is one way, the other is that I can use the bad ones to make them into good recipes."

Megumi says, "Just like how you made a cheap-looking steak into the Chaliapin Steak that catches the judges attention back at that day."

"Yeah." Soma says.

After the workout, everyone is tired and hungry, Megumi takes out the bento box and she opens it, revealing three kinds of Onigiri.

"They all look good, I mean, having Onigiri after working on the field." Soma says.

"Yeah, thanks for the food!" Yuki says.

They all take a bite and Yuki says, "This is so delicious! This is Negishiodare, right? By dressing the quickly boiled chicken breast in Negishiodare, the sauce spreads even to the surface of the onigiri! The saltiness stimulates my appetite!"

Isshiki takes another Onigiri and says, "This one has Konbu, huh That's standard for Onigiri." But after bitting it, he says, "Oh? A konbu Tsukudani and cheese?"

Megumi explains, "Yes! Tsukudani's rich sweetness unexpectedly goes well with cheese."

"Then what is the last one?" Soma says as he takes a bite, and says, "It's so great! I can't have enough of the garlic taste!"

Megumi explains, "You see, that one is pork pickled with garlic and honey." Then she starts to explain how she made it. And then she also takes out Barley Tea and Roasted Green Tea to drink.

"This is the charm of Tadakoro-chan's cooking. It brings peace to the people who eat it." Isshiki says.

"The chicken breast isn't dried out and the pork is perfectly soft. All of these were carefully done." Soma says as he turns to Megumi, "But why can't you do this in classes? I mean, you can get a lot of "A"s instead of "E"s if you do something like this all the time."

Soma's words are like arrows hitting Megumi's heart, and she starts to fiddle her hands and says, "Uh...I have stage fright...when I get nervous my head goes blank and I always make mistakes."

"You should relax some more when you cook, Tadokoro-chan." Isshiki says.

"Yeah, Megumi can become a great chef and a great wife!" Yuki says as Soma blushes a little at the thought.

" that so?" Megumi says with an embarrassed laugh.

But after getting back into the dorm, they notice the guidebook and Yuki says, "It finally came..."

"Yeah, it's addressed to the Polar Star Dorm." Ibusaki adds.

The book is the Training Camp, and Yuki says, "This is an outdoor school for a few days. You had them in primary and middle school, right?"

"So this school has that kind of stuff as well." Soma says as he notices Megumi becoming white. "But why is Tadokoro trembling? It's like the smile she had just now was a lie?"

"You see, this training camp is the first hell the new High school section students have to go through." Yuki says. Then she explains that students are sent to Tōtsuki Resort where they spend five days training rigorously. A lot of people were expelled during the training and some years ago, the students were cut in half.

Megumi can't hear it anymore as she faints, Soma quickly rushes to her and says, "Tadokoro, hang on together." He turns to the group and says, "You said that the students were cut in half, right? Then we should be in the other half of the students that stayed. We should all do our best."

Soma's words manage to spark a flame towards everyone, and they promise themselves to stay alive in the camp.

And after that, Soma decides to go inside the West Kitchen, the one he won from Tsukasa Eishi in a Shokugeki, he looks around and mutters, "So this was the place where my Mom used to do all the cooking..."

Soma decides to clean the whole kitchen before taking out a diary, which was written by Yukihira Tamako, his mother. Ever since her death, Soma has been keeping the diary as he reads it day after day, trying to learn what is going on with his mother. Every time he looks at his mother in the kitchen, she is always so optimistic. She loved her husband Joichiro ever since they were in the same dorm: Polar Star Dorm. But ever since the Junior High Division, she has been living in hell, people mock her as the girl who came from the diner, and they even booed her and mocked her.

"The Phantom." Soma looks at the picture of the Phantom, in truth, Soma is the second phantom, the first one is his mother, the reason she does it is that she wants people to acknowledge her cooking skills with being labeled as a second-rated diner girl. Joichiro would sometimes help her, but ever since he becomes the Ashura, he has seldom come to her aid after she was being ridiculed. But Soma is glad that the two of them still love each other, which makes them his parents.

"Now then, Mother. I hope you can guide me through the Training Camp, and not only me, but Megumi as well.." Soma thinks as he puts on the headband, trying to cook some recipes in the diary.

At the same time, Erina and Hisako are just walking past the West Kitchen until they notice the lights are on. "Don't tell me that the Phantom is here..." Hisako says with a panic tone, but Erina is not that worried as she says, "Hmph, that's even better, I can try to have a Shokugeki with him to see who is under that mask."

But just as they open the door, all they see is Yukihira Soma who is cooking. He turns around and says, "Oh? Nakiri? Arato as well? What are you doing here?"

The two girls are now stunned, and Erina suddenly yells in anger, "That is what I want to ask you? What are you doing in this kitchen?"

"I'm trying to make some recipe practicing. Is there something wrong with that?" Soma asks with confusion, and Erina yells, "This is the Phantom's Kitchen! He won this kitchen through a Shokugeki and he asks nobody to come in! How did you get in?"

"I asked his permission?" Soma asks, "I mean, ever since I passed the exam, I had his phone number?"

"What?" The two girls are yelling in disbelief, and Soma says, "Oh, and he decides to give the kitchen to me, so that means this is my kitchen. I think that is why he asks nobody to come in."

"The Phantom giving a kitchen to you? Is that some sort of joke?" Erina yells, but then she goes back to her arrogant attitude and says, "If you said that you had the phone number of the Phantom, then tell him that I want to have a Shokugeki with him! To think that guy would accept a second-rate chef like you into the kitchen."

"Are you sure you're going to keep calling me second-rated? Even though you already knew that my Mother was a part of the former Elite 10 member?" Soma sighs. "If you're done here, I am going to continue working on my food. Don't you need to prepare for the Training Camp?"

Erina snorts and says, "Practicings are for losers who don't have confidence in themselves. I know that I am going to pass the test without any problem."

Hisako looks at the time and says, "Um...Erina-sama, we have to go right now, or else we are going to be late."

Erina turns to Hisako and says, "Okay, let's go."

After the two of them leave, Soma says, "Weird, she asked for a Shokugeki with me, but yet she didn't hear my reply. Not to mention that she is still narrow-minded."

Just then, he gets a phone call as he picks it up, and he says, "Hello, Soma here. Is that you? Uncle Dojima? It's great to hear your voice again." "..." "You mean Pops? I don't know, probably outside of Japan or somewhere else." "..." "Calm down, Uncle Dojima, I know you were angry at him, but that is so like my Dad, right?" "..." "Oh, I'm doing great, I was just trying to make Mom's recipes in the West Kitchen, I got it from the Shokugeki from the First Seat of course." "..." "Really? I'll check it out. That might be a good help." "..." "You mean the Training Camp? I am going there of course, since you are the head of the resort, perhaps we can meet sooner or later." "..." "Okay, I'll see you soon."

After ending the call, he sighs and says, "Uncle Dojima is still the same, worrying about my old pops. But then again, he is my Pop's best friend. So let's see where is the secret recipes that Uncle Dojima said in this kitchen..."

And here is a new chapter, and the last half of the chapter is original, I want to make more of Yukihira Tamako's flashback and how it affects Soma. I hope you like this chapter and the next chapter will begin the Hell Camp.

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