Chapter 8 Aldini Twins

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After arriving at Totsuki Resort, the place where the Training Camp is being held, they can't help but be utterly amazed at the magnificent building before them.

"As expected from a rich school...they even have a great hotel like this one..." Yuki says in amazement.

"Totsuki is the parent organization of all the hotels and villas of the area." Shun says. "Dozens of Inns are managed by a brand named Totsuki Resort, there're a lot of cases of the academy's graduates finding employment on the cooking department of these resorts. Only during this season, they don't accept guests and they're used for the training camp."

After that, they walk into the hotel and head to the great banquet hall, and Soma notices Ikumi as he greets her. "Oh! Isn't that Nikumi?"

Ikumi tenses up after hearing Soma's voice, and Soma says, "It has been a while."

"Yukihira..." Ikumi is now stuttering, and Yuki asks, "Hey, Yukihira? Why are you calling her using her nickname?"

"Eh, but I have her consent, right? Nikumi?" Soma asks.

"Like hell you have it!" Ikumi yells back. "But you have to be careful, Yukihira."

And then Chapelle goes onto the stage as he says, "Good morning everyone, I will now give you a quick overview of this Cooking Camp. Today marks the first day of the Totsuki Institute Friendship and Team-Building Cooking Camp. It will last six days and five nights. Each day, you will be given an assignment that, in some way, relates to the culinary arts. These assignments differ every year. On this first day, all of the 980 students here will be divided into 20 groups. Once this presentation is completed, you are each to proceed to your designated area and join your group. Each instructor will set a baseline grade for each assignment. Any student, who does not meet that grade, will fail. Buses are waiting on hand to send these students back to the Institute immediately... Where they will be formally expelled. Speaking of your instructors, we have invited guest teachers to judge your work. Each guest has made time in his or her busy schedule to be here for this camp. Please welcome these Totsuki Institute Alumni."

Just then, a lot of alumni arrive at the place, but Soma only recognizes Dojima Gin, as he is the same year as his father. Soma thinks, "So they are either from the late 70th or early 80th generation..."

The one with the magenta hair and glasses, Shinomiya Kojiro, points at Soma and says, "You on the 9th line starting from the front. The boy with the scar on the eyebrow."

"Me?" Soma asks as he points himself, but Kojiro says, "Sorry, my mistake. The next one to him."

Soma looks at the boy next to him, and Shinomiya says, "You are expelled. You may go home."

The student is panicked, and Shinomiya says, "Your hair care product has a citrusy scent to it. That smell can easily overpower the fragrance of whatever you're cooking, not to mention it's a bit on the noxious side. Fashion is an important ingredient. If the chef is unfashionable, then dishes are that much less attractive. I suggest you choose unscented hair-care products in the future."

"Wait, expelled! For that one little thing?!" The boy yells, and Soma beats Shinomiya to it and says, "You can lose customers because of that."

"He is right, do you want to shut down my store?" Shinomiya says, and the student can only lower his head.

Soma thinks, "So Chef Shinomiya... He's the first Japanese chef to be awarded France's Plusol Award!"

He turns to the second chef and says, "Chef Mizuhara Fuyumi from the Italian Restaurant: Ristorante F... Sushi Restaurant: Ginza Hinowa's head chef: Sekimori Hitoshi..."

Megumi says, "Wow, a lot of them are on the magazines almost every month."

"The simplicity of white clover. I might have been born to meet you, don't you want to talk all night in my Augerge?" Suddenly another alumnus holds Megumi's hand, causing the girl to panic. The man is Chef Gotoda Donato, from the French Auberge: Tezoro.

"Let go of her, hand chef Gotoda." Another chef comes and she stops Gotoda and holds Megumi's hand, "I'm sorry, he made you have a scary experience. By the way, you're cute. And you look very filling."

Megumi is panicked once more at the sight of Inui Hinako, from the Japanese restaurant Kirinoya.

And the final member is the one Some knows well of, Dojima Gin, the Totsuki Resort general head chef. Chapelle hands the mic over to Dojima for him to make his speech.

"Welcome, everyone to the Totsuki Resort Hotels. The Alumni gathered here today are all head chefs and owners of their own restaurants. For the six days, you are here, you will each be treated as one of their employees. In other words, that means if your work isn't up to our standards... *Runs his right thumb across his throat* You're Fired! As you've already seen, the instructors can expel you at any time for any reason. I wish you all the best of luck. That is all." Dojima says.

After splitting into groups, Soma is now at Chef Inui's section. She says, "Everyone is here, right? For my assignment? I'll have you guys form into pairs, and I want you to be with the person you were for Chapelle-sensei's class. Each pair must go to their designed kitchen."

"Soma-kun! I'm glad to be paired with you!" Megumi rushes towards Soma, who smiles and says, "Me too, let's all do our best."

Just then, a blonde boy walks towards Soma and says, "So you are Yukihira Soma, right?"

Soma turns to the boy and says, "I am, is there something-" But he notices that the boy is stepping onto his feet. Soma smirks and says, "Since you're still going, I'm going to assume that you did that on purpose. Am I right?"

"Naturally. I was hoping I'd go against you sometime in camp, but never thought I'd get my chance on day one." The boy says. And another boy who is chubby and has brown hair walking towards them as well. "I'm going to crush you just like what I did to your shoe."

Megumi starts shaking when she stutters with fear and tears in her eyes, "Um... Th-this is already a really hard class... I... don't think we should be fighting... So, guys?"

The boy continues, "I finally have a chance to stomp you flat, Yukihira Soma!"

Soma smirks back and says, "Well good for you, and congrats. So listen, I get you're trying to pick a fight, but you can get off my foot now. You've made your point so you can stop."

Inui takes out a bag of rice crackers and says, "Okay everyone, I'll be sitting here. So, if there's anything you don't understand about the assignment, go ahead and ask."

"Um...Chef Inui? We haven't received any explanations yet..." One student says, and Inui says, "Ah, is that so? Then I must explain. My assignment is to use the ingredients you can find here to make any Japanese-style dishes."

But one student says that there are no ingredients on the table, and Inui replies, "Oh, yes there is. There are lots of things! A beautiful bountiful nature, a clear blue river. It's a treasure trove of wonderful ingredients! This building and property have long been privately held by the Totsuki Institute. A fence marks its boundaries. If you cross that fence, you fail. To pass this assignment, you must find your ingredients inside this area only, prepare them, and present them to me. Any seasonings, oils, and utensils you may need are provided inside this room. You may also use any of the fishing rods and hunting equipment located in the shed. The time limit is two hours, so then ready, set, go!"

Everyone starts to rush out of the kitchen to find the ingredients in the backyard, as for Soma's group and the blonde hair boy's group, the blonde declares, "Let's have a match, Yukihira."

"A match?" Soma tilts his head with confusion.

"Yeah, let's see who is better." The boy turns to Inui and says, "Chef Inu, I'd like you to make the final decision for this, which of our dishes is a true delicacy. Please judge it impartially."

Inui is not impressed and she asks, "Hm? Why would I want to do that? It has nothing to do with my assignment, so I'd rather not, thanks anyway."

"Oh, I see." The blond's confidence flies right out the window at this point.

Soma giggles a little and says, "So now what? Your antics have turned this awkward, y'know."

"GWAH HAHA! That was so lame, Nii-chan! HAHA!" The round teen laughs, and the blonde yells, "SH-SHUT UP! DON'T YOU START LAUGHING TOO!"

Megumi asks, "They are twins? They aren't alike at all..."

"I was thinking the same thing." Soma replies.

"A-Anyway! I will never lose to you Yukihira! Anything you make, I will make better!" Then his twin then drags the blonde away, and he says, "Hey, let's go already, Nii-chan."

"DID YOU UNDERSTAND, YUKIHIRA!" The blonde yells before getting out of their sight.

Megumi says, "Soma-kun, we need to get going as well."

"Sure." Soma says, "In fact, this is a perfect task for the both of us."

After getting to the river, Soma is now fishing while Megumi is panicking beside him. She says, "Uh...we must hurry up, pull in something and start cooking! What should we do about the dish, Soma-kun? If it's char or rainbow trout, we can grill it with salt, or maybe boil it in Soy sauce? Ah! We should think about plating too! We have to search for some wild plants or something..."

Soma says, "I know, but the rest is going to think the same thing, that makes it harder for us to pass."

"This is not the time to say that! At any rate! We have to finish this dish!"

After getting two fishes into the bucket, Soma and Megumi are walking back as they meet up with the twins again. "Judge it impartially, huh?" Soma smirks.

"SHUT UP!" The blonde glared at the boy first, but then smirks, "You're using fish too? Good grief, all of you. Cooking fish just because the theme is Japanese food. Isn't your way of thinking too narrow?"

"Then what's are you going to do then?" Soma asks, and he shows them the duck, he also states that they can find Rabbits and chickens in the yard as well.

"Move, Yukihira." Soma notices the hands of the boy as he is in deep thoughts, and they start to see the two of them start cooking. "Isami, do everything until taking out the tendon."

"Okay, Nii-chan." Isami says as he starts to do the work, and Megumi is watching it in awe. Isami turns to Megumi and asks, "What? Do you need something?"

"No...I just thought you have amazing skills." Megumi says in a panicked tone.

"Fufu, is that so? But Nii-chan can finish three times faster than me." Isami says.

The blonde slices the duck chunks in a way that will allow for it to absorb more sauce so fast, and then he rolls the duck in bread, adds some spice, grills it on a frying pan, carefully pours out the fat from the pan; all of this is done with ease.

"Well, no wonder he can do that much. I felt his hand, that was a hand that's been in the kitchen." Soma says.

After putting the duck into the oven, the blonde says, "Forno, Ascendere!"

While waiting for the meat, the blonde turns to Soma and Megumi as he says, "Sorry for the tardiness, my name is Takumi Aldini. And this is my brother Isami Aldini. We worked in the kitchen of a Trattoria in our hometown."

"A Trattoria, huh? My pops told me that it means a small diner in Italian. Which means, he has the same background as me." Soma says.

"That's right. I too am a chef that's protected his shop from the kitchen. You said that you "Don't plan to lose to some bunch that has never stood in front of customers"? Say that after you've defeated me. between Aldini and Yukihira...I'll show you which is better."

"Sounds interesting." Soma says as he ties his headband. "Now come at me!"

And here is a new chapter, Soma and Megumi meet the Aldini twins, and they are going to start their competition. Who will win and what will the match become? I hope you like this chapter.

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