Chapter 1: Kalos

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Serena's POV:

"C'mon Serena!, if you don't hurry up, we might miss it!" says an impatient twin-tail haired girl as she drags me through the streets of Kalos. Its been almost a year since i arrived back in Kalos for my quest to become Kalos Queen, and i must say that the training i took back in Hoenn was most certainly helpful, especially after i met my new friend who i have been training alongside.

Serena : "Calm down May!, the streets of Kalos aren't going anywhere"

May: "Aww, but please hurry! I really want to see what Kalos has to offer, the new Pokemon, the great food, I get more siked to go the more i think about it!". 

I giggled at this remark since it reminded me so much of Ash..oh Ash, i hope you are okay. One thing that May special was her amazingly positive and active nature, and because of that, i get the energy I need for training, kinda like how Ash used to do...*sigh, I miss you Ash Ketchum.

3rd person:

While the two top coordinators enjoyed their meal, Serena stared blankly at her tea, mindlessly stirring it.

May: "Hey Serena"

Serena's head bolted upwards from her tea

Serena: "y-yeah?"

May: "are you still worried about that?"

slowly, Serena lowered her head down and returned to starring at her untouched tea

May's POV

:[knowing Serena who has been working harder than ever to becoming Kalos Queen, it must've hit her hard knowing that she still hasn't achieved her goal after all she has done, but the reason for that this time is different.]


The loud booming voice of the announcer fills the stadium room

Announcer: "Ladies and Gentlemen, tonight is most certainly a night of narrow chances, but this moment must go down in history as the most narrowest victory of all time. the new Kalos Queen is....."

A loud shocked gasp fills the room as the results have been displayed, Serena and Aria both speechless.

Serena & Aria: "I...I cant believe it..." the results showed a perfect draw

Announcer: "well then, it looks as if we have an unfinished showcase showdown! you both have 5 months to train and compete in the ultimate finale battle, good luck to you both and Au revoir!"

*end of flashback*

[*sigh, she's been really stressed out, saying that she should be training and not resting. If i play my numbers right, i think that this should wake her up.] Her finger on her RP is hovering over the trainer ID of Ash Ketchum

May: "Hey Serena, there is a Pokemon battle arena where they are hosting battles for trainers advancing into the Super Class world rank"

Serena: "Okay..?"

May: Lets go there!, it may bring you some more inspiration for the big showcase, plus it may take some of the stress off you"

Serena: I...guess i could-

May: GREAT!, lets go then!

May grabs Serena's hand and begins to drag her alongside herself while she runs

Serena: MAY!! SLOW DOWN!!

May: Never! 

[cmon Ash Ketchum, this is your moment, this girl is literally head over heels for you]

A/N: sorry for such a short and lame chapter, i just wanted to get an idea of typing a story (since its my first time). let me know about your opinion cause you're feedback really matters! ill try and post a longer one next time, just don't expect it soon. 

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