Chapter 2 - Old Rivalries Reignited

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A/N: Hey! I'm back with another chapter, and as promised its a lot longer than my first one. thank you guys so much for the support, and I hope that this chapter will be just as good as the previous one. Enjoy!

Ash's POV:[Man, the last battle was so exhilarating. that clawitzer really was something, and it kinda brings back memories, *sigh, Clemont is probably cleaning up the mess from his newest machine, Bonnie should be working hard and paying attention in pokemon school, and Serena-]

Gou: ASH!!

(Ash's eyes immediately shoot up from his RP)

Ash: yeah, whats up Gou?

Gou: I was gonna catch another flabebe, but i ran outta pokeballs

Ash: i probably have some in my bag, just check

(Gou begins rummaging deep in Ash's bag. he eventually finds a few pokeballs, but as he pulled them out, a picture flew out of the bag. curious, Gou picked it up and examined the people in the picture)

Gou: hey Ash, is this you? (he says pointing at the picture)

Ash: Oh!, you found it!

 (he immediately grabs the picture from Gou's hands)

Ash: I was looking for this everywhere back at home, i thought i lost it!

(both look at the picture, intrigued)

Gou: so...who are those people?

Ash: that's Clemont and Bonnie, that girl there is...Serena

Gou: she seems exceptionally close to you

Ash: huh, i guess she is (he says slightly blushing)

Gou: then...who's that?

Ash: oh, thats-

???: HEY ASH!!!

3rd Person POV:

(both Gou and Ash look in the direction of the noise. Ash's eyes light up at the sight of the person)

Ash: KORRINA!(the blonde roller blading girl swiftly stops in front of Ash)Korrina: long time no see

(pikachu who has been sleeping on the bench next to where Ash was sitting immediately wakes up and jumps into Korrina's open arms)

Korrina: nice to see you too pikachu!

Pikachu: pika! pi!

(a smiling lucario appears behind Korrina, which caught the attention of Ash's riolu)

(Gou begins to immediately look back at the picture, and then back at Korrina)

Gou: hold on....are you?

Ash: yep, she's the girl in the photo

(Korrina notices the picture in Ash's hand and smiles)

Korrina: wow! you still have that thing, I'm surprised considering what kind of person you are

Ash: hey! I'm not that irresponsible.

(both share a laugh)

Korrina: but then again, at least you aren't as dense as you used to be (she says nudging at Ash) Clemont told me all about it

(Ash slightly blushes at this remark)

Ash: i guess so (he says sighing). hey, what are you doing here anyway?

Korrina: I'm competing for the world championship, and I'm only one battle away from going to super class

Ash: same!

(both of their RP chime in sync)

(note: RP means rotom phone btw UwU)

(both check their phones and realize who they are battling)

Ash: my next opponent

Korrina: is

Ash and Korrina: you!

Korrina: i should've seen this coming

Ash: but you didn't

Korrina: shut up already! this time, I'm gonna win

Ash: oh really? well then you're in for a real surprise

(both shake hands and nod)

Ash: don't you dare hold back

Korrina: as if i ever did!

Riolu: Ri Rio Ri!

Lucario: Luca!

Gou: like trainer, like pokemon am i right rabo-

(Gou's raboot is not in his original place, as Gou frantically searches for him he finds him just ahead of himself pointing into the forest)

Raboot: raboot rab!

Gou: another pokemon?, awesome! ill watch your match as soon as i get that pokemon ash

Ash: sure! good luck!

Gou: thanks! you too!

(Ash, Korrina, pikachu, riolu and lucario begin running towards the stadium)

*time skip*

Gou's POV:

[Phew! that Flabebe was no joke! that was so darn hard to catch (he is staring at his pokeball) well, we better get back and see how Ash is doing with the battle, what time is it?](he checks the time on his RP and immediately is shocked)


Raboot: RAA!??


(Gou begins running out the forest at great speed alongside raboot)

*meanwhile with Serena and May*


Serena: I mean, its not a really big deal

May: not a big deal?! IT IS A BIG DEAL!

Serena: umm okay

May: if we really hurry, we might still be able to make it for the final round

Serena: its alright May, we can do this tomorrow, I'm sure there will be-

May: tomorrow? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND? NO! we have to go now!!

(she grabs her hand and runs at blinding speed towards the stadium)

*at the arena*

Gou: *pant, *pant. Made it, oh and it looks like it is the final battle!

(Gou finds a place to sit down and collapses on the chair)

Gou: cant believe i nearly missed it

(raboot shakes his head in disappointment)

(two young girls appear crawling up onto the seats near Gou)

May: *pant *pant. are these seats taken?

Gou: no!, please sit

(Serena and May both crash into their separate seats)

Serena: don't you EVER do that again!

May: hey, it was worth it though

Serena: what do you mean?, why did you put in so much effort to bring and show me this very battle?

Ash: Dragonite! intercept it with dragon claw!

(Serena's head turned a complete 90 degrees to the familiar voice. The voice that she has only heard in her dreams for the past year, the voice that she so longed to hear, the voice of the one who told her to never give up till its over)

May: does that answer your question? 

(tears began forming in Serena's eyes)

Serena: Ash Ketchum.....its really him

Gou:, are you okay?

(little did the girls know that they were being watched by Gou who was listening to the whole conversation)

Serena: Oh! sorry for disturbing you!

Gou: oh no its ok, I should be saying sorry for overhearing your conversation

May: that's alright

Gou: but i couldn't help but notice that you two seem to be familiar with Ash Ketchum

May: Familiar is an understatement dude, we've traveled with him!

(Gou was exceptionally shocked by this remark, but then brought his mind back to earth)

Gou: haha, i shouldnt've expected less from him. He's already been all over the world after all

Serena: you know Ash as well?

Gou: oh yeah!, we are researchers for the new research station in Kanto. My name's Gou, nice to meet you both!

May: I'm May, also know as-

Gou: the princess of Hoenn!? wow! I cant believe i never noticed!. and you must be Serena right?

Serena: y-yeah. How do you know that?

Gou: well Ash talks a lot about you, about how brave you always are, how determined and hardworking, how you are so supportive, and how can i forget about how much he talks about your-

(Gou gets abruptly cut of by a loud crash coming from the stadium, only to realize that Ash's dragonite and Korrina's Lucario has crashed onto the ground and are struggling to get back up)

Ash's POV:

Ash: DRAGONIE!! are you ok?

Dragonite: Grr!

Korrina: Lucario!!

M.Lucario: LUCA!

 (*oh yeah, M.Lucario is mega lucario, ill even do this with other pokemon who mega evolve or dynamax*)

[we did manage to land some good damage onto lucario, but from the looks of things, i think that bone rush did way more damage than the dragon claw. Dragonite's struggling, what do i do!?]


(ash is in a snowy forest with Serena who appears to be in tears)

Serena: the ash i know is full of energy, is a leader, always tries his best, he's always positive and he never gives up! he hangs in there till the very end!........

(Serena begins pelting ash with snowballs)


*end of flashback*

(ash's eyes widen in realization of the memory. a certain fire has been reignited inside of him)

Ash: Dragonite, this battle isn't over yet

Dragonite: Raahh!(dragonite pumps his fist in agreement)

(dragonite seems to also be fueled with the energy that ash was radiating, since he stands up strong)

Ash: lets hit em with our full force dragonite! one more time, dragon claw!

(dragonite charges at M.lucario with full speed)

Korrina: Intercept with mega punch!

(lucario's fist glows orange as he lunges towards dragonite)

(both moves meet in a powerful frenzy, but dragonite seems to be pushing a bit harder)(dragonite attacks M.lucario with a direct hit with dragon claw, causing him to go flying back)


(M.lucario regains his footing and charges up a powerful blue sphere)


(dragonite begins readying a powerful beam)

Ash & Korrina: GO!!

(both moves miss each other and directly hit their respective targets, causing a massive explosion on both sides of the battlefield alongside smoke)

(as the smoke cleared, the two powerful pokemon stood there, with dragonite collapsing to his knees)

Rotom drone: and the winner is-

(lucario exited his mega form and completely collapsed on the ground)

Rotom drone: Ash Ketchum from pallet town!

(the crowd erupts into a cheer)


(dragonite lunges on ash bringing him into a hug, followed by pikachu and riolu)

Korrina: LUCARIO!

(she rushes to her pokemon who groans weakly)

Korrina: you did amazingly

Ash: he sure did, and that's two wins from you in a row

Korrina: next time will not be so lucky

(korrina and ash shake hands, but their heads immediately swiveled to the stadium screen)

Ash: alright! i finally made it into the super class rank!

Pikachu: pikachu pi!

Riolu: nyaaa!

*short time skip*

[what was that sudden burst of energy? it felt like a mix of happiness and being overwhelmed, whatever it was, that was crazy amazing]

Gou: hey Ash!

Ash: oh hey, whats up?

Gou: i met some people you would want to meet

(from behind gou came may)

May: hey Ash! its been a while

Ash: May!!?, what are you doing here?

May: just thought i would drop by and show you to a friend of mine

(from behind may, came another girl)

(ash froze at the sight, his cheeks lit up red and a few tears began to form)

Ash: S-Sere-n-n-a?

A/N: welp, i fixed that shitty spacing (at least i think so). anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter.  i would love to hear your thoughts about this chapter. 

see yall next week! 

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