Chapter 5 - A Good Old Rescue Part 2

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A/N: welp, its been a while...sorry for the delay, balancing wattpad stories with exams has proven to be very difficult, and I'm still not done with my REAL exams. anyhoo, buckle up and get ready!

[Jessie, James and Meowth are all sitting  around a fire which has a stew simmering in it]

(Jessie raises a glass of questionable "apple juice")

Jessie: a toast to us, we finally have pikachu!

James: and as a bonus, we caught the twerpette's sylveon!

meowth: and yknow what that means!

(the three were about to burst screaming about old wishes, until they abruptly stopped)

Jessie: waaait, why did we plan on taking pikachu?

James: that was for the boss, so that we would get a reward

Meowth: but....what kinda reward is it?

(all scratch their heads)

Jessie: so this whole time, we were blindly chasing a kids Pokemon without exactly knowing 

what we were gonna get!?

James: but, but, but, but....but..

Ash: Team Rocket!

(all three look behind them in their horror to realize everyone has found them)

Meowth: its the twerps!

Wobbuffet: wAAAH! BUfett!

Serena: give us back our pokemon!

Gou: yeah!....wait wasn't that supposed to be my line?

Jessie: as if!

(Jessie pulls out a remote and pushes a button)

(a net rises from the ground around the gang and traps them)

James: sorry, but today's our lucky day

May: you wont be so lucky when i bash your head inside out!

Gou: woah, May

May: too much?

(team rocket have already got into the balloon and are slowly ascending)

Meowth: as much as we would like ta play with yu twerps, we gotta bounce

James & Jessie: C YA!

Ash: cmon dragonite, hurry!

(dragonite swoops from the forest and slashes the meowth balloon)

All three rocket member: H O L Y S H I -

[Blue, aka me, pauses the scene]

Me: hi, what you nearly witnessed was the act of foul language in what is supposedly a kids 

show. As a responsible teenager, such use must be done with moderation. BUT GUESS WHAT, WE AINT RESPONSIBLE TEENAGERS, SO THOSE RULES CAN GO AND SUCK MY DI-

[scene continues]

dragonite: BAAAH!

(dragonite cuts the net loose)

Ash: perfect timing pal!

Gou: did you get what we told you bring dragonite?

(dragonite nods in approval and hands gou a small leather pouch)

Meowth: luwks like escapin ain't gonna cut it this time

James: time to pull out the big guns

(a peliper flies above everyone, dropping a large capsule full of pokeballs)

(Jessie grabs meowth by the legs, shoving his amulet into the slot of the capsule)

(two pokeballs come out)

James: lets see who we've got today

(James and Jessie toss their pokeballs)

(out comes a bisharp and a hariyama)

Ash: bout time we had a battle, you can rest dragonite

(ash retracts dragonite and sends out gengar)

Gou: i wanna battle as -

Ash: hey serena! lets do it together!

(serena's eyes light up, her cheeks turn a light shade of pink)

Serena: right behind you ash!

(serena sends out mudkip)

Mudkip: mudkip mud!

Gou: aww.....but i wanted to battle!

Ash: gengar! use psywave!

Serena: hydro pump mudkip!

(both attacks combine and form a powerful beam of dark energy and water)

Jessie: use force palm!

James: jump in front of the force palm

Meowth: what for!?

James: trust me

(bisharp leaps in front of the force palm and by using the force from the attack, bisharp lunges 

directly at the beam)

James: night slash!

(bisharp cuts through the attack effortlessly and crashes into gengar at extreme speed, dealing massive damage)

Ash: gengar!

(gengar struggles to get back up)

Ash: grr...use night shade!

James: x-scissor!

(bisharp cuts through the move again)

Ash: if they're gonna play like that, i guess we gotta fight fire with fire, ice punch!

James: iron head!

(the two moves clash)

Jessie: stone edge!

Serena; oh no you don't, use surf!

(both moves clash vigorously, but the surf overpowers the stone edge)

Ash: ice punch! again and again!

James: shadow claw!

(the moves keep clashing with equal force)

(bisharp lands a surprise iron head attack and sends gengar fling back)

May: no! gengar!

(gengar is barely able to stand up)

Serena's POV:

[oh god, gengar cant hold on for much longer. that team rocket, how could they. I got to take the 

situation into my own hands, I have to! I must protect ash! Mudkip, we've been traveling for so long, we've grown strong together, now its time to show them what we are made of]

Jessie: body slam!

(hariyama comes crashing from the sky )

Serena: doge it!

(mudkip backflips out of the way)

Serena: aqua jet!

(mudkip surrounds itself in a jet of water and rushes into hariyama, pushing the large pokemon back)

(hariyama regains its footing)

(using the momentum of the aqua jet, he slams mudkip into the ground)

Serena: MUDKIP!

James: now lets end this, bisharp finish the job with night slash

(bisharp charges as gengar at great speed)

Ash: gengar! you gotta get up!

(the night slash lands, causing a large cloud of dust to form)

Jessie: we...we did it

Meowth: they actually did it...

(the three leap in joy)

(serena's expression changes from a worried to a confident expression)

Serena: you better not celebrate so soon

(from the cloud of smoke came a warm blue glow)

(as the smoke cleared, there stood a glowing pokemon blocking the attack from bisharp, only to suddenly break the attack, revealing the pokemon)

Marshtomp: Maaaaarshtomp!

Gou: it...evolved

May: that's serena for ya, always full of surprises

Gou: did marshtomp move that fast?

(may points at the hole behind marshtomp)

Gou: ah, dig. a classic

(serena's eyes glow with glee and a broad smile grows on her face)

Serena: alright marshtomp, lets show em what we got!

Marshtomp: Marsh!

Meowth: well at least it cant go downhill from here

Pikachu: pika PIKA!

Sylveon: NYAAAA!

Serena & Ash: you guys are ok!

(both pokemon are furious at team rocket)

Jessie: but...but how?

Meowth: we tranquilized em!

(the three realize that both gou and may were holding the remnants of two chesto berries)

Gou: since the two were tranquilized, we had to get some chesto berries

May: and who would be better than dragonite to go and find them in this dense forest?

James: oh come on!

Marshtomp: maaaaaaaaarsht OOOOMP!

Pikachu: pikaaaaaaaa CHUUUUUUUUUUUUU!


(all three members are pale faced)

(marshtomp hammers the ground with his fists where a trail of cracked rock surrounds the rocket members and their pokemon, exploding the ground beneath them)

(while this is happening, pikachu unleashes a *classic* thunderbolt, followed by a furious dazzling gleam by sylveon)

(and as predicted, the three get blasted out of the stratosphere with no time to even say that "they were blasting off again")

[le time skip :p]

(everyone's back at the pokemon center finishing up an outdoor meal)

Ash: man, today was AWESOME!

May: you could say that again!

Pikachu: pika!

Blaziken: blaze!

(all four share a laugh)

Ash: oh yeah, serena, how's your leg doing?

Serena: its getting better, i should be able to walk without crutches in about 3 days

Ash: that's great!

(serena smiles which changes to a face of determination)

(serena suddenly stands up)

Serena: I've decided, that in order for me to get stronger, I have to do better than i have ever 

done before, which means...

(serena turns to face ash and does her signature adorable smile)

Serena: i wanna travel with you again ash!

(ash's face lights up, a tinge of red appears on his face)

(ash, failing to hide the blush by rubbing his nose regains his confident attitude)

Ash: cant tell you how long I've been waiting to hear those words from you

(ash rushes up to serena, embracing her and delivers a quick peck to her cheek and looks at her lovingly, all while red)

[*serena used explosion*] 

A/N: welp....that happened, and so i guess the "journey continues"?, welp yeah, it does, i still have ideas for this book. be seeing you in the comments. bye yall!

Stay safe!

Wear your mask!

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