Chapter 6 - A Sudden Turn Of Events

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A/N: HI! ITS ME BUT IM TYPING IN CAPS! oh and im back with the next chapter. i might be able to produce more chapters a bit faster now that we are getting a three week break (yes...three weeks) so anyways, enjoy!

(jessie, james and meowth are all standing at Giovanni's desk in his office)

Giovanni: you do realize how important catching that pikachu really is, don't you?

Jessie: of course si-

Giovanni: he's the only possible threat to our master plan, and we cannot let anyone have even the slightest flicker of a chance of stopping us

James: understood sir

Giovanni: now you might be wondering as to why i have personally summoned you three here today, which i normally wouldn't do to members who have failed their mission for several years

(the three flinch)

(the sliding door in his office opens, where a figure walked)

Matori: sir, the prototypes are finally ready

Giovanni: bring them in Matori

(three scientists followed by a grunt with his hypno entered the room, the three scientists where all pushing a trolley with some sort of helmet devices who begin calibrating them)

Giovanni: you see, i am fully aware of your failures jessie, james and of course meowth who has caused more failures to you two

(Jessie and James flinch in surprise and look at the pale faced meowth)

Giovanni: however, we are running out of time, we can no longer perform such failures, therefore, i am hereby disbanding you three from Team Rocket.

Jessie: but....but sir-

Giovanni: HOWEVER......before i do, i require one last mission, and if it is achieved properly, your position as rocket members may be considered, are you willing to take your chance?

Meowth: yes sir!

James: we will perform any mission!

Jessie: team rocket means everything to us, and we will not let it simply be tarnished

all three: let us redeem ourselves!

(an evil grin grows on Giovanni's face)

Giovanni: well then in that case, let me tell you what the mission is....

Grunt: hypno! use psychic!

(the three members are held in stasis, where the three scientists place the helmet devices on Jessie and James. once placed, the visor drops down, covering the eyes of the two, and flashes into a colour of purplish red)

(suddenly, their bodies become engulfed in the purplish red electricity. Muffled bloodcurdling screams erupt from the closed mouths of the two. meowth watches this in horror, tears streaming from his eyes)


Grunt: SHUT UP!

(hypno focuses some of his attention on meowth making it unable for him to speak)

Jessie & James:

(they both struggle to raise their hands out towards meowth)

(the intensity of the discharge increases)


(Giovanni's grin turns into a smile, his dilated pupils shining in delight)

(the electricity from the helmet stops and the two rocket members who are released from the 

psychic, collapse onto the floor, however, they immediately rise up, standing rather awkwardly)

(the bodies of the members are now streaked in a mix of blue, red and purple veins)

Giovanni: find that pikachu, capture it and kill anyone who would prevent you from completing your mission

(the floor beneath the two opens up, causing the two to fall crashing down to the ground however, they don't even have a scratch on them, and they immediately begin sprinting into the 

forest ahead)

(Giovanni glares at meowth with glee, watching tears stream down his frozen face)

Giovanni: and as for you, i have a very important job for you. (tells the grunt) take him to the testing lab, maby he might be of some use other than a translator. (to meowth) i hope you enjoy needles

(the grunt and his hypno carry away meowth)

Scientist 1: their vitals seem normal

Scientist 2: their bodies have accepted the mutation

Scientist 3: their neural status is completely under control, they are your minions now sir

Giorvanni: impressive work Ross, stage one of Project Eternus is a complete success.

[At Professor Sycamore's Lab]

Ash: hey! professor!

(professor sycamore looks up and a broad smile forms on his face)

Professor: why, if it isn't Ash and Serena!

Serena: its been a while professor!

Pikachu: pika pi!

(the professor notices that May and Gou are also here)

Professor: ah, so you both must be Ash and Serena's friends

May: we sure are

Gou: so you called us here to gather the data for mega evolution energy right

Professor: yes of course!, and I'm sure Ash must have told you all about it

Ash: umm..........actually


Ash: i-its not that i forgot it cause it's so darn cool, but when i think about the technical side of it, my head hurts and starts spinning and ughhhhhh.....

Gou: well you could have at least told me SOMETHING about it

Ash: yeah....i thought i could, but when i did, i kinda realized that you wouldn't understand if i 

said it, so i thought i might as well play dumb

(professor laughs)

Professor: ahhh, you are still the same Ash, even after becoming alolan champion


Ash: well......ummm


May: oh yea you did, i remember serena was super exited that day, seeing you fight on TV. she got so into it she almost broke the TV by punching it

Serena: MAY!


Ash: woah...what was that?

Professor: oh not again...

(the three run into the pokemon biome, to find a garchomp who seems to be radiating a purplish red aura and has already destroyed most of the terrain)


(Garchomp turns to face the professor with his fear stained eyes)

(garchomp swats away his trainer sending him crashing to the glass wall)


(he struggles to gets up and dusts himself off)

Professor: ill be fine! you kids get outta here!

Ash: iron tail pikachu!

Pikachu: chuuuukaaaa piKA!

(the move makes a direct hit to garchomps head)

(he backs up from the gang, shivering from an electrical discharge)

(he collapses onto the ground)

Professor: Garchomp!

Serena: that was pikachu's ability static!

Gou: is...he alright?

Professor: not sure. physically, he will be, but the thing is, this isn't the first time this has happened

May: you mean, garchomp has had these kind of rampages before?

Professor: yes, and it has something to do with mega evolution

[le time skip]

(everyone is in the laboratory, garchomp is on a hospital bed with diodes attached to him)

Professor: the first time when it happened was about 3 months ago. much like today, he went rampaging, knocking everything aside, but it wasn't just garchomp, there were trainers and gym leaders who experienced similar

(professor shows the many reports of the mysterious rampaging attacks on the monitors)

Ash: sceptile, medichan, gengar, heracross....all those pokemon can mega evolve

Professor: precisely!

Gou: i guess you are smart when you want to be

Ash: hey!

Professor: but yes, what ash said was correct, these rampages aren't just random, all of them can mega evolve, not a single one out of them cannot

Serena: was there any kind of chemical that may have done this?

Professor: you're referring to the project R aren't you?

(serena nods)

[A/N: in case u don't know what that is, the R serum is a chemical which causes pokemon to go mindlessly rampaging, but since pretty much everyone has seen the detective pikachu movie, i guess there's no point in me even explaining this....huh]

Professor: no, that's impossible, it would have to be some kind of manipulation with an already existing force

Gou: but something doesn't make sense

Ash: what do you mean?

Gou: well, since garchomp is a ground type, getting paralysis from an electric type just doesn't 

seem to be possible, even if it's pikachu's special ability

Professor: that is true

Gou: maby... garchomp wasn't mind controlled

May: huh?

Gou: like how professor just said, there was no chemical and the only way someone would be able to do that to a Pokemon would be to physically move them

May: like a puppet?

(gou nods)

Serena: professor, maby if you explain what your new discovery in mega energy, we can get a better idea

Professor: right! of course

(he opens the research files)

(suddenly, an emergency message pops on the big screen)

Professor: what the-

(he opens it, finding out that it is an audio message , he plays it)

???: is this thing working? um hello? oh god i hope you get this message, please, we need help, several pokemon are going on a rampage and we don't know what to do, we got the people in the plaza inside lumiose tower, but i don't think we will be safe in here for much longer. send help, PLEA-

(the recording cuts short)

(ash, serena and the Professor are stunned by what they heard)

Ash: that cant be!

Serena: but who else would it be!?

Professor: its.....

All three: BONNIE!

A/N: welp...that was something rather...odd, well stay tuned for the next chapter,

btw, thank i should have mentioned this earlier, but thanks to you guys, i could never feel prouder of this moment

thats beautiful...


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