| 1 | My Coffee Shop Crush

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Playlist: Like a dream lofi hip hop mix

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Aphmau was a girl- well a woman that graduated from college and took up a job at a Coffee Shop called Mocha's Cafe a few months later, little did she know that someone who she could admit she didn't really miss was there. Zane Ro'-Fucking-Meave! The guy who put everyone through hell and back during High School; needless to say she wasn't really that happy when he was already working at the Cafe she was working at. She happily ranted to Kateyln and Kawaii-Chan who could agree that if he was still the same way he was in High School it would be an absolute nightmare to work with him; in hindsight, it really wasn't.

He helped her when she needed help with the orders but never really spoke unless asked a question or was serving a customer. 

She'd occasionally see him drawing in some sort of sketchbook on break or take a walk outside to with some sort of L shaped bottle thing. She soon learned that it was an inhaler when he wasn't wearing his mask and told her to cut back on the perfume and then he said he needed to take a break outside, she chased after him to tell him that he should cut back with his attitude only to learn that her overwhelming perfume smell caused him an asthma attack; that was kinda traumatizing to witness her causing her coworker an asthma attack. Needless to say, she warned her friends about that when they ever planned to come over to the Coffee Shop.

She had to beg Kateyln to not show up and with an overwhelming amount of perfume and snatch his mask, god that was terrifying.

But she didn't really mind him working there, he never did anything to mess with her or anything that bothered her too much except that one day her High School Crush walked in and he fucking knew him and never told her until that day.

. . . 

It all started with her walking out the break room they had and looked over to what Zane was doing, he was serving a customer, she gasped her face flushing light pink. Currently, Zane Ro'Meave, the buy she never really took the time to know was currently having a casual conversation with Aaron Lycan! Did they know each other from somewhere- wait...

The Ro'Meave's and Lycan's were known to work with each other on many projects...

Oh... That makes sense.

With that in mind, she took a deep breath and walked behind the counter ready to hopefully serve anyone, but her luck isn't well and Aaron just had to say something about her, oh god why when she didn't brush her hair and just put it up into a ponytail. 'Why life? WHY?!'

"Hey, you look kinda familiar, I swear I've seen you somewhere before. Did you go to my school?" Aaron asks his head cocking to the side. She looked towards him and tried to say something until Zane interrupted her before she even spoke. "She went to the same High School you went to Aaron, she's Aphmau. You two were really close, right?" Zane asked Aaron nodded with a smile. "Yeah, we were close, right Aphmau?" He reached his hand over the counter towards her, she took it and shook his hand. "It's so great to see you again! You still look as great as ever, we should probably hang out sometime sooner." Aphmau blushed at the compliment and let go of his hand, she looked away. "Y-yeah... We should,"

"So, what do you want to drink?" Aphmau asked, Zane, shook his head. "Don't worry about that Aphmau, he has a specific way he wants it fixed..." He eyed Aaron who let out a little chuckle. "And he'll throw a fit if you don't fix it right, I've learned from experience that if you don't fix his stupid Latte right he'll get mad." Aphmau blinked. "Aaron... Is this true?..." Aaron lightly blushed and scratched the back of his head. "Yeah... But I guess you're probably wondering how we met, well we met-"

"I'll explain Aaron," 

"But Zane are you sure you can multita-"

"If you've ever had to deal with my dad you'll know how to multitask, I'm not dumb Aaron."

"I didn't say you were dumb Zane,"

"You and everyone else tend to treat me like, and you know how much I fucking hate that Aaron; you know exactly how my dad used to fucking treat me like that Aar-"

"You know, Zane why don't you explain the story and fix Aaron's Latte I'll listen and try to watch on how to make it because knowing you, you're probably better at doing it than me." Aphmau blurted out. Zane rolled his eyes but got to fixing Aaron's latte, both her and Aaron let out a sigh of relief. 'Oh god, he has past trauma that's even more terrifying adding how he has Asthma and how his dad probably doesn't treat him well. Now I understand what they mean by don't judge a book by its cover.'

"Well," Zane started. "It all started after college, we ended up working at the same place since our dad's wanted to collaborate and stuff. Our mom's forced both of us to get to know each other and get along; we both hated it at first, especially with what happened in High School. So eventually we got to know each other and with how cliche it sounds we actually learned how to get along and I found out that 'cool boy' Aaron was a big softie." Aaron chuckle. "I knew you were!" Aphmau claimed, Aaron blushed. "I could say the same about you Zane, you wouldn't believe what he's like if you get to know them!"

Zane blushed and tensed, he finished off Aaron's Latte and put it on the counter. "S-shut up you idiot! Now pay and leave, you have a meeting with your dad, your sister told me to remind you." Zane glared. "Why do you have my sisters number?!" 

"Because she knows that you're gonna try your hardest to not attend that meeting, besides it was inc case you're in trouble and I can't contact anyone else. Not sorry you have a worried sister Aaron."

"Oh, shut up Zane."

Aphmau sighed. 'Oh god, it's just like High School all over again...'

She sighed and served the next customer. Aaron soon left but then she realized, how were they gonna hang out if they don't have each other's phone number... FU-

And to top it all off she was gonna start to get to know Zane due to the fact that he might not be that bad, she got his phone number but... He got fired that day. Why is life so cruel?

But at least Zane got to work at he always wanted to work at.

. . .

"Aphmau-Senpai!" Kawaii-Chan exclaimed as she pulled on Aphmau's arm pointing at a store. Aphmau caught her balance and looked over the store she was pointing at; it was Nara's Art Klub when it was really an Art Store. The rules were simple, at least have someone at the front desk, just don't flirt, makeout, or frick in front of the customer, is you do, be ready to get banned from the entire mall; feel free to wear whatever you want and long as it isn't revealing anything private, you probably shouldn't show yourself off, though you can if you want, you don't have too but you can. People tend to come here to draw, a lot, Kawaii-Chan comes here... 

A lot...

"Isn't that the guy that Aphmau-Senpai talked about has asthma? Kawaii-Chan didn't know Zane-Kun got fired and started working here!" Aphmau looked at him and blinked. "Yep... Man-bun, Asthma and all... I knew he could draw but didn't think he'd work here." Kawaii-Chan blinked and gasped. Aphmau eye widened. 'OH GOD NO-'

Kawaii-Chan squealed and tried to run inside the store but Aphmau grabbed her wrist and pulled her back. "No more Aarmau art!"

She pulled her away from the shop. "I don't need any more art for your damn ship..."

"But Aphmau-Seeennnpppaaaiiiii-"

"No buts! I'm not letting you contact any more artist on my watch..."

Zane looked up from what he was drawing and saw that girl he used to be working with called Aphmau leaving with some girl that he assumed has pink hair from the flash of pink he saw, he also saw a tail; maybe a Meif'wa or Werewolf? He shrugged his shoulder and continued with his drawing. 'At least she founds some friends; good for her,' The door to the employees only room/break room, it was probably Blaze or Nara, he liked to chill there when he eats lunch or gets a phone call; WAY better than Michi when she gets a phone call and talks as loud as she can and in front of the customers. 

He walks up to the front desk and leans onto the desk. "How's the store going since I was on break?" Blaze asked. 

"Good," Zane said.

Blaze winks at him with a grin. "It's probably because of you're cool drawings," Zane shook his head. "They aren't cool or good, I've accepted that so do you need to do to Blaze." Blaze sighed and shook his head. "They are!" Blaze huffed, he ended up sitting onto the front desk and swung his legs over to where Zane was.

"So Scarfy Dude, what your drawing?" Blaze asked peering over his shoulder, Zane rolled his eyes. "A friend I knew from High School, Blaze," Zane answered continuing to draw whoever he was drawing. "Who from Highschool?" Zane sighed. "Travis godammit! Why are you so obsessed with what I draw?! " He slammed his sketchbook onto the counter and slouched onto the stool he was sitting on, Blaze ignored his question. "Where does he work?" Blaze asked grabbing his sketchbook and looking through his drawings. 

"He works at the flower shop across from here!" He reaches out to grab his sketchbook. "Now gimme that!" He grabbed his sketchbook from Blaze's hands and closed it and held it in his tight grasp. Blaze sighed. "Bro, that's sad. He has to work with Michi, that sounds horrible." Zane nodded his head. "That's exactly what I said! Michi is a total bitch that constantly tried to flirt with me and sometimes tried to get physical!" Zane began.

"That's why I drew it for him, he's having a tough time dealing with her because she's all over him when they're alone yet he won't go to the police because there's no proof. Frick that, even though there's no camera's he can still go to the police or to his boss, he'll learn eventually but until that frick Michi! She's a total bitch!"

"Yeah, frick her! She's a bitch!" Blaze grinned, Zane chuckled. "Man... You're not that bad Blaze," Zane smiled under his mask, Blaze nudged his shoulder. "Does that mean you'll draw me?" Blazes voiced hinted with a bit of hope in it; Zane pushed him away with a 'Pfft' noise. "Hell no, hook me up with those color pencil's I've been trying to get then we'll talk." Blaze weakly punched him in the arm. "Frick you Scarfy Bro!"

"I'd frick me too!"


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A/N: Get ready for smack talk behind each other and some swearing along with that.

Oh yeah... And this too.

Words: 1927

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