| 15 | Family Issues

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Playlist: lonely day - lofi hiphop mix

. . . The Next Day . . .

Dodge, and Hit; just like when Garroth tried to fight you when you were a kid.

'Mom and dad plan to visit, they plan to figure what we're doing. How am I supposed to tell them about anything? My job, my talents, my blog, they wouldn't like any of it, mom might like it but dad- he'd hate it. He can't control me anymore, I'm not scared of him anymore, I have Aaron, I have myself. I can't be scared of my brother or my dad, I'm stronger now.'

Dodge, and Hit; just like when the Shadow Nights tried to hurt you in High School.

'Yeah, the Shadow Nights made me learn how to dodge, to train, after college Aaron helped me with training and everything. They loved to torture me, try and beat me, chase me around and made it where I needed my inhaler, sometimes even stole it from me until they were told to give it back, and that's when I started learning to do this. It's their fault, not mine.'

Dodge, and Hit; just like when Garroth called you last night about how you moved and didn't tell him.

'I wanted to get away from you, Garroth. You witnessed them beating me up in high school yet you did nothing, you only asked if I was okay and brushed it off like it was nothing. I got in trouble because of you, you ruined my life and made me blind; I hate you. I wanted you to leave my life because without you I did things I never thought I could do. You never thought I could be an artist, yet, here I am.'

Dodge, and Hit; just like when you're training with Aaron

'Aaron gave me a chance, he tried to be my friend, he was nice to me like no one ever was. I can trust me, he can trust me. Even though I don't love him, I know who he loved; Aphmau, she was annoying but she probably had some charm to her, maybe that weird charm her friend Kawaii~Chan had. If I ever had a crush or something would happen I'd tell him, or he'd find out. I trust him, and he actually cares for me like no one else had before.'

Dodge; you can't.

'I almost failed to dodge that time, I can't fail at doing the few things I'm good at; I can't be the disappoint I was always told I was..'

You can't always escape from everything by doing this, it'll always find you.



'Right in the nose Aaron!'

"Shit!" Zane shouted, he fell backward and held a hand to his nose as it burned with pain. Aaron looked at him wide eyes and gasped, he rushed over beside him. "Are you okay? Did I hurt you? Is there an-" He went to grab his wrist and pull it away but Zane pulled away. "Aaron, I'm fine, it's just an injury," Zane said, he pulled his hand away to see blood on it, he went to touch underneath his nose; blood. "Oh, shit,"

A wave of panic set over Aaron as his mind was sent into a jumbled mess. "Zane, I didn't mean to-" Zane placed his non-bloody hand on Aaron's shoulder. "It was an accident I know, just get me a tissue, I need one," Zane asked, Aaron, nodded and ran to his gym bag, digging through it until he picked out a few tissues. "Geez Aaron I heard a rumor in high school you were a hard hitter but I didn't think it was meant in fighting. Geez!" Zane said, he ignored the other people in the gym starring at him, some concerned, some laughing, he hated them all; why were they even here this early anyway?

'Damnit Aaron,' Aaron rushed over to him a few tissues in hand going hand them to.

"Why do you have tissues in your bag, Aaron?" Zane asked. "Because I'm worried if I punch too hard I might hurt you." He gave the tissue to him and Zane only glared at him. "I'm not that weak Aaron, you know how I feel about that..." Zane muttered taking the tissue and wiping the blood off his hand and underneath his nose, Aaron handed him another one to put to his nose. "I know, I know, I'm just worried, you've been off lately like, you've been more distracted; this time I actually hit you and wasn't able to stop myself from punching you this time."

Zane shook his head and stood up Aaron following him, they went and sat on a nearby bench. "It's nothing Aaron, just life like usual," Zane dismissed with a wave of his hand. Aaron put a hand on his shoulder and with a concerned look. "I know when something's bothering you, Zane, don't try and pull that on me." Aaron claimed, Zane smiled under his mask. "Ah, that trick didn't work on you, you know me so well."

"Is that bad?"

"Not at all,"

"So what's wrong?"

Zane sighed. "My mom and dad are planning on coming over and I have to tell them all I about what I'm doing, knowing my mom she'll be happy about what I'm doing, but my dad..." He sighed. "He'll hate it, knowing him he'll want me to stop doing art because apparently 'that's not a real job'. I work at an art shop and make money off of commissions online, I think I'm set for living in a house, by myself." Zane explained. "I would have to say from being there before it's a nice place, I don't see how he wouldn't like it."

"Oh trust me he'll find a way to, he finds a way to hate everything I do. But besides that, I know one thing for sure, we're totally going to get in an argument, maybe even a fight with Garroth if he decides to do something." Aaron raised and eyebrow. "You, your gonna get in a fight an be able to protect yourself?"

"Like I'll be able to protect myself, look at me, I'm weak; I'm not strong at all like you." Zane sighed, Aaron nudged his shoulder.

"Hey, at least you get to be dummy thick, I don't, feel lucky." Aaron compliment(?). Zane eyed him then rolled his eyes. "Yeah, that's totally gonna help my current situation right now." Aaron let out a slight laugh. "Bet you could call Aphmau that too," Zane joked.

Aaron glared at him. "Do you want me to be there just in case something goes wrong?" Aaron raised an eyebrow. "Whatever, it's not like I can stop you from coming with me anyway, your an overprotective person anyway," Zane added. 

"I mean... I can't argue with someone who has no evidence!"

"At least I didn't make my friend's nose bleed,"


. . .

Katelyn looked to her phone as it dinged. A message from Flower Boy, AKA, Travis. She picked up her phone and opened the message.

| Flower Boy |

Flower Boy:


You won't guess what just happened!


What happened?

Flower Boy: 

I don't know what you did but thank you! Michi got fired and was banned from the store, my boss just told me!


good for her

Flower Boy:


well can I ask you something?



Flower Boy:


well you think I could get you some flowers?


you do you, I'm not gonna stop you if you do.

but I have a question to.

Flower Boy: 

what is it?


Do you think I can walk with you home or to work for the next few days or weeks? just in case Michi tries to do something?

Flower Boy:

ah- that's a little straight forward.


so it's a no?

Flower Boy:

not at all!

I just didn't expect to be asked to be walked to my workplace and house!

just know your and my friends are probably gonna make fun of us



what happened yesterday I just wanna make sure your okay.

you got work today?

Flower Boy:


but I got work next Monday


ah nice.

. . .

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