| 17 | The Tale of Separation

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Playlist: bad day. [lofi / jazzhop / chill mix]

A/N: This chapter contains violence and angst. Viewer discretion is advised.

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He walked towards his door and opened it, leaving his room to walk down the stairs.

He walked down the stairs only to find Garroth entering the living room not noticing him. 

'If I have to suffer he will too,' He clenched his fist.

"Hey Garroth, I thought you finally got the message and left, seems not." Garroth looked back at him.

"Suprised to see me?..."

"Not really, I figured it wouldn't be that easy for you to take the hint and leave, or even get rid of you."

"You know, I can say I pretty glad you came back here. Because now, I can let you know how I felt that day, the day you ruined my life!" He charged towards him raising his fist upwards to swing it at Garroth, Garroth caught the shoulder he punched with and pushed it back, catching him off guard and punching him in the stomach. He held his stomach and stumbled back, gritting his teeth. Garroth looked at him with a glare, closing his hands into fists turning his knuckles white. 

"I don't want to do this Zane, I don't want to fight you, but I will if have to, don't start this, Zane; you know better." Garroth scolded, a frown on his face. Zane inhaled a deep breath, and moved the shoulder that was punched, he winced and grabbed it. "Take the hint and know that I'm not stopping this fight, I'm ending it, I'm ending everything you did to me." He went in for another punch but Garroth only got out of the way. "Ending what?! What did I ever do to you?!"

Zane only looked to him with a glare. "That adventure we went on when we went into the basement and messed it up even after being told not to... Who do you think got all the blame?"

"I did," He turned towards him. "And that day what do you think your father told me? That if I ever tried to ruin his view of you I'd no longer be your brother, he would get rid of me..." Garroth gasped and took a few steps back. "No... He wouldn't dare," Zane grinned. "Only he did..."

"What have you two done?!" The moved from their hiding place, ready to run to the stairs. "Get out, both of you!" Garroth grabbed Zane's hand and rushed towards the exit, Zane only to let go and slowed down behind him. Right at the door, Garroth looked back to Garte holding Zane by his wrist. "Zane, I want you to stay, we need to have a talk." He looked mad. "Garroth... You can leave, you're not involved in this." Garroth backed up and hide behind a nearby object.

Garte let go of Zane's wrist and Zane turned to look at him. "And what exactly do you think you're doing with Garroth down here?" He sounded angry and he was, it only made them both even more scared. "We were only playing! W-we didn't mean to make a mess, it was Garroth's id-"

"Stop blaming your brother for your mistakes, I don't know why I was shocked that you did something like this, you always do things like this. But I won't allow you to drag the heir to the company down as well."

Garroth hid further into his hiding spot, he didn't know how he could help his brother.

"All you've done is continue to cause trouble for me and this family, you've only been kept around this long because your mother insisted I did so, the same with your younger brother. But if you ever even try to ruin his future as the next heir of the company, or drag him down again I'll make sure to get rid of you myself and make sure no one finds out what happened to you and why you went missing."

"Do you understand?"

Garroth got up from his hiding place and ran to his brother's side. "Dad, please stop!" Garte sighed and walked away, Garroth followed in suite, Zane stayed where he stood. "He didn't mean to dad!" Garroth claimed. 

"Garroth... You need to make sure your brother doesn't try something like this again, it's your responsibility as his older brother to do so; I trust that you can do that. I trust you won't let that happen again." Garroth nodded, Garte waved him away. "Now go, I have a mess to clean up..."

Garroth blinked, the memory coming back at full force, he blinked back tears. He shook his head. "It isn't true! Dad wouldn't do that!" 

Zane smiled at him. "He would admit it."

"No... He... I won't let you say that about him! Your lying!" He threw a hit towards Zane but Zane easily dodged the hit. 

"I see you made your decision, it's now time to finish this..."

The fight continued on, Garroth soon throwing punches to no avail, the only two hit he was able to throw at the beginning of it. When they heard the mom rush down the stairs neither of them bothered to stop the fight, no matter what she did she couldn't stop it. More tears fell, when she figured out she couldn't even stop her own sons from fighting, all she needed was for Vylad to walk through the door and see everything unravel his world and destroy it once and for all. Her's was already destroyed only a few minutes ago.

"Just give up this fight Zane, I don't know how you made it this far but you won't last that long if I have something to say about."

"Will you stop telling me what to do, I've already made it way farther than you and the rest of my family thought I could!"

"No one ever said that Zane!"

"Except you and your so-called 'father figure' liked to say that a lot. I'd go back on what you just said a while ago, 'I thought you were supposed to be less of a failure'. You were always dad's favorite, and you loved it! Don't tell me you didn't because you damn well know that he favored you out of everyone else!"

"I got in trouble because of you! Because of that stupid adventure, you wanted to go on I got in trouble and not you, and you wanna know what I was told! I was told that if I even bothered to tell on you or do something to you I'd be gone! And it's all your fault!"

"Stop saying that I didn't do anything wrong! You keep blaming for something I don't even remember!" He felt tears prickle at the corner of his eye's, he wasn't sure why he was so angry or what he even did wrong. He threw another punch, stopping to take a few breaths trying to calm himself down.

"Aww, are you tired already? I thought you were supposed to be a fighter since that's the only thing your good at, besides, that's the only thing our father can't do that you can."

"And I thought you were supposed to be less of a failure," Garroth replied with a glare.

"You really think I don't know that? I've been told that my entire life so it doesn't really affect me that much anymore, and I just don't care what people like you have to say anymore." He walked towards him a smile on his face.

"You only have bad days, however-" He pushed Garroth back a bit. "-I've had a bad life. If I want something, if I need something, it's always going to be taken away from me. If I stand my ground I'll only lose in the end like always, I have nothing to lose anymore, you never were my brother in the first place." 

Garroth glared at him and punched him in the stomach, Zane fell back and held his stomach.

Zane chuckled. "You're playing dirty... I didn't expect that from you." 

"I wouldn't doubt you to do the same,"

And the fight continued again, blame thrown along with punches too until it reached the fight reached its end.

"You did everything wrong! And now our family is gone! Torn apart! Because of you and the dad, you looked up to mom and dad aren't together anymore..."

"This is all because of you!"

With those words said he felt something inside him snap, something break, and him only being able to see green.

"SHUT UP!" Garroth yelled, he clenched his and punched straight for his head, his eye's flashing an emerald green; Zane only dodged his fist by moving to the side backing up closer to the wall.

"N-never! You made me this! You took everything from me! You broke me and it's all your fault."

"I'll make you know everything you did, everything you did to ruin my life, I'll make sure you suffer for it! For all of it, you'll never escape everything you did, and I'll make sure-" His breath was caught in his throat once Garroth stomped forwards and grabbed his throat and slammed him against the wall with his left hand his other hand-formed into a fist. "I said SHUT UP!" Zane gripped at Garroth's left wrist squeezing it as best as he could, trying to kick him away with his feet. "Garroth you can't- you wouldn't, you shouldn't-"

"All of this happened because of you, I didn't make you go on that adventure you went on it yourself! I didn't break you, you did it yourself, and now you'll suffer for what you said."

"Garroth... Garroth please you have to listen you can't do this you'll-"

"What? Kill you, hurt you? Like you said, you have nothing to lose so I don't see the loss."

"Garroth, please... don't do it,"

Garroth grinned. "Only I would, you made your choice long ago, Zane. AND I'LL MAKE YOU LIVE WITH IT-" He pulled his right arm back and swung it towards him before he hit him a hand caught his fist, he looked to his side to see Katelyn caught his fist a glare on her face. "Just what do you think you're doing? You're lucky Aaron brought me along in case this would happen." Katelyn grabbed his arm and bent it behind his back, grabbing his other shoulder and pulling it back. "This is why you should try defense classes, you'll learn the number one rule is..."

Before he knew it he was against the wall hands held behind his back. "Don't get distracted, especially someone as strong as you." He looked at her eye's flashing from emerald green to blue. "Strong?... Get distracted from what?" Garroth asked and Katelyn looked at him eye's narrowing. "Killing your own brother, you never get distracted in a fight, even if I'd prefer if you don't try to kill people that doesn't mean I'm letting you off the hook this easily," Katelyn said.

She grabbed his arm and twisted it. "Consider this a warning, I have way worse things I can do, whether we call the police or not is your brother's decision; even if I may not like him that doesn't mean I don't care about people's safety, including him." She sighed

"As brothers, and family, you two should treat each other respect, neither of you have respect for each other, everyone can see that; I'd advise therapy but I'm afraid of what will happen from what I heard it seems like you need to discuss this with your family. I don't know much of the situation but I'd at least try, but that's just me, I'm not sure there's much you can do after what you did but you can at least try to make things right."

She looked away. "I just hope, maybe... You can fix things because from how I've seen things so far, he's been changing, I think... Maybe because of someone who I saw watching him from a distance." Garroth struggled in her hold trying to get his hands out from her grip, she tightened her grip on his wrists. "What do you mean he's hanging out with someone who's changing him for the worse!? He barely even trust me why would he trust them- wait- I bet it's Gene or Zenix isn't it!" Katelyn shook her head.

"I said I 'might' have seen him hanging around someone, I didn't say I did! Stop freaking out!" Garroth leaned his head back trying to hit Katelyn in her head so he would let go of him. "Of course I'm going to freak out, my brother's in danger and I need to protect him from-" He almost broke out of her grip but she tightened it and grabbed his head with her other hand and pushed his head against the wall

"Calm the fuck down Garroth! There are better things to worry about now then whoever your brother is hanging out with and whether you need to protect him or not; if I was you, I'd be worried if I killed him or not instead! And also why your mom is upset!" With that, they both stayed silent once they were told by Aaron who dealt with the situation that Garroth could be let go now.

Aaron sighed and looked to Garroth. "I'm just gonna say that I know exactly why he tried to fight you and it's... Neither of you are at fault, he started the fight because, um..."

"Because of what?"

"Um... I don't know how to say this but... Your parents are getting divorced."... Congratulations?...

"What? Y-your joking right?"

"No... You weren't there for it but, you'll have some things to deal with now, and I'm afraid..." Aaron sighed. "Someone else too, your younger brother..." He moved out the way and as a familiar person entered the room, they're eye's told a whole different story than the true one; fear filling them.

"Vylad... You're back..."

"Garroth..." His voice was shaking, broken even, tears close from falling from his eyes. 

"What happened?"

He could feel his world crashing down by those two words, he'd have to explain everything. Every fight he wasn't there for, how he didn't know what he did, how he hurt those he had to protect, how they'd have to decide between their mother and father; how he'd have to first hand see the destruction of his brother's world.

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A/N: You won't like what happens next...

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