| 18 | A Lonely Aftermath

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Playlist: Don't wake me just yet | Emotional music

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Garroth's breath was caught in his throat, he took a step back. Vylad was here, he wasn't supposed to be here, he wasn't supposed to see any of these fights, he wasn't supposed to see his family fall apart like he was. "Vylad... I- Didn't know you'd..." The tension was thick in the air. "Garroth, what happened? Where's mom and dad, and what about Zane? Is it just us here?" Vylad questioned as he walked towards him with slow steps, a confused look on his face.

Garroth couldn't look him in the eyes. "Zane is... Um," He started to panic. "Mom and dad aren't here right now, well together... A-and I don't think they will be anytime sooner, and about Zane... I um... Might have done something to him that might have made him say he wasn't my brother anymore..." Garroth explained. Vylad stayed silent. "I... I'm confused? I don't... What? Why are you trying to say? That mom and dad aren't going to be together anymore?!" 

"Well yeah... Mom and dad are getting divorced... Suprise?..." You fucking dunce-

"But they wouldn't leave any of us like that, they wouldn't make us chose! Y-you're lying, did Zane put you up to this?!"

"No... I mean, I... Might have almost killed him so I don't think he'd have that idea."

"What... Why did you try to kill someone?! What's wrong with you-"

"I didn't mean to okay?! I just- Can't really remember what even happened and something I couldn't remember- Something dad did when we were kids that I could have never remembered before I just remembered it a-and... I just..." His arms fell to his side. "I don't know what he was talking about when he started that fight, he was blaming me for things I never even knew happened until then..." He felt his vision began to blur from the tears that were streaming down his face.

"I-I don't know what I even did... I barely even r-remember anything from my childhood or what even happened. Like- I just repressed them or something like that because it doesn't make any sense! Saying I ruined his life and..." He let out a pained sob. "I failed... As a big brother... I-I'm sorry..."


"I'm sorry..."

"No, don't be, it's not- Just... Come here..."

Vylad pulled Garroth into a hug. "You tried your best big brother."

. . . A While Ago . . .

Garroth let go of Zane's throat and was pulled away by Katelyn to be restrained. Zane fell to his knees grabbing his throat coughing, trying to get air into his system. Aaron rushed to his side patting his back. "What happened while I was gone- you know what never mind that do you need your inhaler or some help?" Aaron urgently asked making sure to support him in case he fell over. Zane shook his head only letting out a few coughs in response. "A-Aaron... I'm fine, just a little..." He coughed. "Beat up at most..."

Aaron shook his head. "Beat up is an understatement Zane, you almost got killed by your own brother, by a fight that you started. Where did he hit you?" Zane sighed, nothing would stop Aaron for worrying about him. "Just my shoulder, and stomach, nothing too bad... Probably..." Zane said, Aaron sighed. "If you wake up with bruises on your shoulder and stomach just call me, I've dealt with them before." He went and helped Zane up. "Really? I expected better from you Aaron, not to go and start fights." Aaron gave him a small smile. "Glad to see your at least recovering easier." 

Zane looked to the side. "Yeah..." Aaron cocked his head to the side. "Did... Something happen? Like something you didn't tell me?"

He stayed silent. "And you'd think I'd get used to not getting an answer," He lightly patted Zane's back. "Whenever you need to talk just know I'm in close contact, alright bud?" Aaron reassured, Zane nodded. "Get going bud, you might want to talk to your mom, she's worried about you; about both of you two." Zane nodded and walked towards the stairs, eventually he ended up at the top of the stairs. He knew that it wasn't surprising when he found his mom in her and his dad's old room. He opened the door with a sigh.


She looked towards him.

"Zuzu!" He took a few steps towards her. "Mom!" Zianna rushed towards him and pulled him into a tight hug, tears falling from her cheeks. "Zuzu! I saw what happened, a-and... What happened? Are you okay? I tried to help b-but I couldn't... Are you okay Zuzu?"

"Y-yes, yes, I'm okay, I-I'm okay... Are you okay?" Zianna pulled away from the hug and cupped his face. "A-are you hurt? Are you okay?" Zianna asked in her panic toned voice. "I'm all right mom. I'm all right. Are you gonna be okay?" Zianna nodded in tears. "Do you need a place to stay? You can stay at my house if you want to?" Zane urgently asked, Zianna nodded. "Yes... Even after everything, thank you..." Zianna pulled him into a hug, sobbing into his shoulder. 

He hugged her back. "No... Thank you for being there for me Mommy..."

. . .

Mr. Perfect Garroth

Missed Calls (12)

Zane thought that 4 days was enough to give him the hint that he didn't want to talk; one in the morning, one if the afternoon, and one at night, a constant reminder that his phone was best left on silent hidden from his mom. He trusted his mom that was now staying at his house would know better than to intervene with something that they needed to sort out themselves, maybe even try and schedule therapy for him. 

But trust is soon betrayed when enough goes wrong to make a person snap and put all there defenses up again, something that was yet again tried to be lowered again; everything lost. Once he saw that face again, that face that reminded him of the man he used to call a father. 

"G-Garroth?..." He mumbled. He could feel everything crashing down.

Garroth looked at him, a guilty look on his face, he waved. "Hey, Baby Bro... Mom let me in, I came to apologize for what happened a few days ago..." He rubbed his arm with a nervous look on his face. 

Everything he had worked up towards, crashing down in an instant, all the emotions he had kept under check so his mother wouldn't have to be worried more were unleashed. He could feel the tears rolling down his cheeks, he felt numb to this now; he had cried so much that day that it wasn't really the same anymore. He stood there frozen in place until he felt his brother hug him, hug him as if nothing really happened, like if his whole world wasn't crashing down in front of him. 

Zane pushed him away, everything was a jumbled mess, he just wanted to leave, to escape all of this. He wanted to avoid all of this, to avoid his brother, to avoid his father, to avoid every single call or text that asked him if he was alright. He wasn't, was it really that hard to understand? He was told he meant nothing to his father, he almost got killed by his own brother, his mom and dad are getting divorced and he couldn't even go get help if he wanted to since he had to take care of his mother instead of himself.

He was lost.

So he did was he always did when he was put in a situation like this, he ran, he ran away from everything.

He was stupid. He was wrong. He was pathetic.

But he still ran away.

. . .

He looked down at the ground, there he was, running away from all his problems because he couldn't handle them.

Zane wiped away the tears with his sleeve and let out a shaky breath, he turned around to leave but his breath was soon caught in his throat when he saw someone he never thought he'd see again. 


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A/N: Things are always said for a reason.

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