It's possible to love twice.

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Lucy wakes up and gets ready for the day. she decided to wear a red beautiful dress and she put her hair in a side ponytail with a red ribbon wrapped  around her side pony tail lowkey trying to impress a certain lucky man.

(A/N  That's her outfit for the day just in case you were confused)

Lucy Heartfilia  went to Natsu's room and knocked it, Natsu opened the door shirtless Lucy blushed so hard as she gulped "Like what you see Luce?" Natsu asks a blushing Lucy whilst smirking "N-no.." Lucy mumbles blushing so hard "Aww you're so cute when you're blushing Natsu says snickers."Okay stop this Natsu" Lucy begs slightly biting her lip nervously "Fine if you say so" he says pouting.

"One last time" Natsu says flexes his bicep Lucy slaps it and huffs getting ready to leave  the room "Thanks for wasting my time" Lucy retorts sarcastically. Natsu looks at Lucy's outfit she looks so hot in red he thought biting his lip "Hey Luce did you wear that for me since you know i love red?" Natsu smirks while raising one eye brow Lucy turns around "You wish..."Lucy says confidently as she sways her hips out of his room walks to the room full of children That girl will be the death of me Natsu thought suddenly feeling hotter than usual.

 "ALRIGHT EVERYONE WE ARE GOING TO PLAY BASKET BALL!" Capricorn yells with a coach outfit on and whistler around his neck. "YAYYYYY" All the children shout excitedly "ME vs YOU like the old days Luce" Natsu says as he grins widely  "Okay.. but i'm a little rusty...." She says "EXCUSES" Natsu yells as he bounces the ball.

Lucy tries to get the ball from him but she failed every time every one was watching Natsu in awe. "I see you became better than me Natsu." Lucy says bitterly. Lucy starts to distract him by showing a little cleavage "Ahh its so hot in here" Lucy says fanning herself. Natsu  gets distracted and blushes as he feels him self getting hard.

He completely forgets about the basket ball game and while that happens Lucy goes and grabs the ball and jumps to get it in the hoops she then stumbles and falls on top of Natsu "OW" Natsu mumbles but then he forgets about the pain for a second and he just stares into Lucy's eyes. Lucy stares back with so much love they both thought 'some things change in the heart'... as they both leaned in...

"AHEM!!!" the summer camp interrupted.Mira was squealing so hard  "NALUU NALUU  NALUU!" Mira and Natsu's daughter chant over and over again. Everyone else was confused and slightly disturbed Mira was fan girling so hard she fainted and younger Lucy drags Mira back to their tent.

Lucy Heartfilia and Natsu got up and dusted themselves whilst trying to avoid eye contact Natsu blushes as he realises he nearly kissed Luce his former best friend.Lucy is literally blushing so hard she covered her face and ran back to her room.She slams her door and leans against the door whilst touching her heart. it was beating so fast her feelings for Natsu were only increasing "n-no" she cries not wanting this to happen.. for her guard to be down.

Natsu walks up to her room but he hears her crying and he feels bad all of a sudden. Did i do something wrong...?. I thought could only fall in love once guess i was wrong...I love Lucy ...and it took me this long to figure it out...he thought to himself sighing.

He decides to go back to the kids and seesthe kids playing outside happily as it was night time. He smiled watching the kids play and he turned to see his daughter playing with Mira as they were both smiling brightly while snickering at some photos he smiles to himself gently feeling content. 

Mira saw him smile  "You know what that smile means" Mira and Natsu's daughter say smirking at each other Lucy walked in slowly suddenly feeling nervous but she approaches some kids and talks to them while smiling bright she looks over at Natsu and their eyes connect as they both turn away with blushes on their faces.

Suddenly it rains causing all the kids to run back to their room including Mira and Lucy Strauss Dragneel. Natsu and Lucy were too busy getting the children back in that they forget they were  getting wet from the rain and had no choice but to evacuate somewhere else he saw Lucy getting wet as well. 

He grabbed her hand and ran into a green house as it was the nearest place they run inside the greenhouse panting slightly Lucy dried her hair and squeezed the water out of her clothes not paying attention to anything else but when she looked up to see she saw Natsu staring at her with so much passion. He suddenly grabbed Lucy's  waist pulling her close and kissing her passionately she slowly leans in kissing him back with the same amount of passion then he pulled away and started dancing with her in the greenhouse as the rain was hitting the roof creating a beautiful sound.

He was caressing her body so gently whilst they were dancing this made Lucy shiver and blush. They were dancing and Lucy was leaning on Natsu chest as he was pecking her neck and twirling her she felt so special, but then she looks at her right hand sees her engagement ring. Her eyes widen and she trembles as she looks at Natsu in shock.

 "I can't do this..." she mumbles walking backwards from a confused Natsu. She suddenly runs out of the green house she ran and ran she didn't care where she was going she ran into a forest and leaned on a tree while saying out loud "I LOVE YOU...  I LOVE  YOU SO MUCH "  Lucy says to herself as she was panting  "I love you too " she heard a voice say behind her.

She turns around and sees her fiance Sting, "Hey i thought you were going to staying  in London.. " she says sighing "I couldn't stay there any longer i missed you too much so i decided to come back" sting says smiling at her brightly.  "Okay.." Lucy mumbles fake smiling she remembers Natsu and what would happen if she stayed here longer all her hard work of trying to heal would be for nothing.

"Sting can we get married straight away ..please.." Lucy begs desperately "Sure Lucy" sting says a little confused but he brushed it off with a smile. "I need to pack up all my stuff i left it at the summer camp.." Lucy says in a rushing tone. Sting drops her off to the summer camp so she can pack  she made this decision to marry sting as soon as possible because she wanted to forget Natsu for good..he was never gonna get out her mind if she stayed at that camp. 

She and sting walk into the camp and Natsu sees Sting and glares at him. Sting sees Natsu and "Hey dude." Sting says smiling as he puts out his hand expecting to get a handshake. Natsu's doesn't even acknowledge his hand in the air "who are you?" He asks slightly angrily "Oh i'm Lucy's fiance were getting married soon." Sting says kissing Lucy's hand gently. Natsu's eyes widen and he stares at Lucy in shock Lucy tears up .

"I'm sorry" she mouths to Natsu. "Well i'll be waiting in the main room" Sting says as he goes and waits in the main room he sees Natsu's daughter Lucy Dragneel standing by the door of the main entrance and crying "WHY ARE YOU MARRYING LUCY STING !?" Natsu's daughter screams at him angrily stomping.

"Uh because i love her...."  he says raising his eyebrow at the kid .she mumbles "Dad also loves her..." Young Lucy mumbles with tears streaming down her face. Sting  "Okay how about can come to the wedding kid?" Sting says patting her head gently and smiling. Lucy cries harder "I CAN'T BREAK THE PROMISE I MADE TO MOM!" she screams storming out Sting sits there dumbfounded This is a weird camp he thought.

Natsu goes to Lucy's room and sees her packing up "So you're engaged huh?" Natsu asks Lucy but she ignores him and packs up faster "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!" he screams at her in frustration but she says nothing as her lips tremble slightly "..Luce?" Natsu says tearing up Lucy tries to ignore him and pack up.

 Natsu  suddenly grabs her wrist "Please listen to me Lucy.." he says with tears in his eyes. Lucy tries to hold in her sob but she fails "...I'm sorry Natsu...i should have told you.." She says cupping his cheek gently. Natsu stares at the floor as his bangs shadow his eyes. Natsu couldn't bare the heartbreak any more so he stormed out and went back to his room...He saw his daughter crying into a picture of her mom. Natsu kisses his daughter's cheeks as they both falls asleep with heart breaks and tear stained faces.

(A/N i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter :D)

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