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Lucy packs up all of her stuff and puts on her very beautiful white outfit suitable for outdoors and she waves goodbye to her mother as she walks out of the Mansion and gets into the Limo and on her way to Celestial summer camp not ready for what was about to happen.

She steps out of the Limo and sees the owner of celestial "Long  time no see Capricorn" Lucy greets him with a bright smile that could light up any dark room "Hey Lucy i'm glad your volunteering again it honestly makes me happy" Capricorn says shaking Lucy's hand and smiling. "After all  i promised the kids i will come back and i plan on fulfilling my promise" Lucy says chuckling. 

Capricorn smiles at Lucy widely "Here you go Lucy" He hands her balloons "Just stand at the entrance of the camp  and and these balloons out to the children who come" Capricorn says walking off  Lucy takes the balloons and stands at the entrance, she sees a ton of kids running toward her shouting "MISS LUCY WE MISSED YOU!!! "the kids scream jumping in happiness. Lucy hugs them and says "I missed you too" she smiles as she starts handing out the balloons to the excited kids.


Lucy and Mira head to camp in Mira's car Lucy jumps up and down in excitement she can't wait to see Lucy Heartfilia and for her father to finally be fully happy and not empty inside and she can't wait to satisfy her mom's last wish and do what daughters do when their mothers ask them to do something so this means a lot to both Mira and Lucy.

After hours of driving Lucy and Mira make it to the summer camp..

They walk up to the entrance of the summer camp and see a GODDESS... who's hair swayed with the wind so beautiful and how she lighted up the room with her glow and beautiful bright smile.

 "Is that her...?!" Mira shouts in shock "I think so.." Lucy Dragneel's says in awe as she shivers. she slowly goes up to Lucy Heartfilia she finally makes it to Lucy and just stares at her giving balloons out. Mommy said she was beautiful but i didn't expect her to be so pretty  dad is a lucky man Lucy thought with a bright smile on her face. She's NOT flat-chested  HELL her boobs are probably larger than mines...Mira thinks in a trance.

Lucy Heartfilia sees Lucy Dragneel standing there with a big smile on her face  "Hey little girl what's your name i never saw you around here before" Lucy asks kneeling down as she smiles brightly  "My name is Lucy" Lucy says shyly.  Lucy Heartfilia's eyes widen "What a coincidence my name is Lucy as well"  says Lucy Heartfilia as she ruffles younger Lucy's hair. "Did you come here for a balloon?.. i'm soo sorry but they're all finished" Lucy Heartfilia frowns but then she   gives Lucy Dragneel a lollipop instead. Lucy Dragneel smiles at Lucy Heartfilia Mira watches in amusement from afar.

"Can i volunteer as well?" Mira asks with glittering eyes approaching Capricorn "Sure the more the merrier" he says smiling brightly. Mira smiles  back and takes her celestial camp uniform she gets one for her niece Lucy Strauss Dragneel  and they both change into it Mira walks up to Lucy with a smile "Hi i'm Mira i'm also volunteering in this camp that girl who just talked to you is my niece" Mira says putting out her hand for a handshake "She's such a cutie" says Lucy Heartfilia shaking her hand "Well nice to meet you" Lucy says walking to the children and playing with them as they all smile happily while giggling Mira plays with the kids as well.


Natsu wakes up finally rubbing his head and stretching. He slept in because he didn't have work today or he thought he didn't. He grabs his phone lazily and stares at the thousand notifications of messages from his Business partner "What now" Natsu mumbles groaning. Natsu sighs as he reads the message telling him to attend an important meeting about costs or something along those lines.

 Natsu got up, took a shower  and put on his suit and made his way to To the meeting. Gray tells him about some deals that need to be made and Natsu nodded and took notes feeling bored as hell he huffs mid way groaning slightly "Let's just get this over with" Natsu says slightly irritated "Sure flame brain" Gray says chuckling Natsu glares at him flipping the middle finger.

After Natsu and Gray's meeting..

Natsu goes back to his office and realises Lucy and Mira weren't home he curses in anger. He calls up Mira "Hey Natsu me and Lucy are at the celestial summer camp we are having so much fun and there is nothing you can do" Mira snickers as the kids behind her snicker loudly copying her actions. Natsu sighs deeply "I'M COMING THERE NOW!..SO PACK YOUR BAGS!" He screams angrily into the phone "If you want! cheerio!" Mira screams back hanging up Natsu grabs his hair in frustration as he rushes to the drive through he sighs as he forgot his car at the garage cause he needed to fix it "DAMN IT!" he screams in frustration kicking his table.

Natsu forgot to take his car back from the garage, so he has no choice but to use public transportation "Great" Natsu mumbles sarcastically. Natsu waits half on hour at the train station to  get on a train and it finally comes so he runs to it and finds an empty seat but he has to sit next to a old man snoring very loudly. 

Natsu eyes twitch slightly but he slowly sits down since he's exhausted. Then the train had to break down, Natsu screams curses as he jumps off the bus. He saw a random truck with hobos behind it and yarn so Natsu had no choice but to jump on the back of the truck. As he gets on the truck. he saw Celestial camp from afar he jumps off the truck running as fast as he could to the nearest building he finally made it  as he ran into a room full of children he stops for a second to catch his breath and he put his hands on his knees "LUCY!" he screams finally looking up he saw someone he saw a face he didn't think he would see again not the Lucy he was expecting but it shocked him Lucy looks back at him with shock as she immediately shifts her attention back to the kids slightly trembling.

Natsu approaches her in disbelief as he comes face to face with his high school best friend his eyes glimmer with tears as he grabs her shoulder gently "L-lucy?" He stammers as he looks her up and down "You changed..." he says looking her up and down as he gets closer "Natsu..." she mumbles blushing heavily while looking to the other side.  "AND YOU HAVE BOOBS???!" he exclaims in shock. Lucy slapped his face "I  see you haven't changed one bit" Lucy retorts huffing Natsu chuckles and gives her his iconic fanged grin.

 "So How's Lisanna doing?" Lucy asks while shifting  uncomfortably. Natsu looks down sadly "She's in a better place..." Natsu says sighing .Lucy's heart stopped although Lisanna took natsu away from Lucy They were still a friends Lucy cried feeling sad. Natsu holds Lucy comforting her "So i'm guessing that other Lucy is your daughter?" Lucy asks slowly connecting the dots "Aww how sweet of you to name her after me" Lucy says ruffling his hair playfully. 

 "I didn't name her Lisanna did" Natsu says fixing his spikes. "Well welcome to Camp celestial" Lucy says to him as she sashays back to the children as she does that.Natsu couldn't help but stare at her ass "Damn"  Natsu mumbles slowly feeling like his old self again ,he sees Lucy with the children and how beautiful she looked smiling .Natsu was so obsessed seeing Lucy again he didn't even notice Mira and his daughter Lucy snapping hundred pics while squealing and chanting "NALUU" they squeal quietly snapping more photos. Natsu walks up to his daughter and mira and "We are Definitely staying here!" Natsu says excitedly as he thinks of Lucy.

Lucy Heartfilia was outside looking at the stars still in disbelief that her first love showed up and had a daughter and how looked at her with so much care she blushed recalling his sexy muscular arms and broad chest and still handsome face and stupid behaviour. Natsu approaches Lucy on the bench and sits besides her and they both decided to watch the stars together "The stars are so beautfiul.." Lucy says in awe staring at the stars with shining eyes.

"Yeah like you.." Natsu blurts out accidentally Lucy's heart beat increased so fast and her face flushed a deep red. She looked up to see Natsu blushing slightly and grinning at her Lucy suddenly hugs him "I missed you Natsu.." Lucy mumbles as tears of happiness stream down her face Natsu couldn't help but sniff Lucy she smelled like Vanilla and strawberry before she use to smell like root beer and pencils he laughs at the memories. Lucy turns back to the stars  again Natsu wasn't even paying attention to the stars cause her eyes were stars because they are shining so bright.. Igneel was right ...You can love twice.

(A/N  i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and Lucy and Natsu's  Reunion )

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