Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"Hey, Tiger." Dillion glances at the door that Liam just left through. "Everything okay?" he asks, nodding towards the door.

"As good as they are going to get under the circumstances," I reply.

"You're not..." Dillion can't even bring himself to finish his sentence, so I finish it for him.

"We're over. Can't promise you won't be spending holidays or birthdays with Liam once with the baby is born, but that will be up to him."

"So, you're saying I'm stuck with him," Dillion says with a grin.

"Yeah, pretty much. So can you try a little harder not to beat up your Niece or Nephew's father?"

The grin disappears. "I was out of line, Cat. I shouldn't have pushed things as far as I did."

"Dad was actually hoping you would," I inform him, and his eyes light up with surprise.


I nod my head, and he laughs. "Damn, that means I passed up my one shot to deck the guy."

"Afraid so. You must be on your best behavior from here on out."

He gives a mock frown, making me chuckle. "Poor Baby. I'm sure I'll find someone else for you to hate someday."

"I wouldn't be too sure of that, Tiger."

"Why? Are you turning over a new leaf?"

"No, but I really like Alex," Dillion tells me, which throws me for a second.

"Dillion, Alex and I..."

"Save it, Tiger. You may be in denial, but I know that dreamy look of yours. You're head over heels, girl, whether you admit it."

There's a sudden ache in my chest and I'd love to blame it on hypertension, but I know that's not true. "It can't happen."

"Why not? Too good looking for you? Can't handle the competition?"

"Shut up. You know I'm not like that."

"I do know what you're like, Tiger. That's why I can't figure you out. Why wouldn't you take a chance on Alex? He's a good guy, a great guy. Hell, he even stood up to me because he understood it was the right thing to do for you."

"He's not meant for me," I state simply. It hurts to say it, but I know it's the truth.

"Not meant for you?" My brother's face scrunches up like I'm talking nonsense.

"Is he in a relationship with someone else?"

"No, but he loves someone else," I confess.

"You're certain about this?"

I nod. "He's in love with William."

For a second, I think my brother may fall over. "Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

I give another quick nod. "I shouldn't be saying anything because it's not my place to say, but I just don't want you pushing your agenda hoping for something might happen that has no chance."

"No! No, Tiger. I'm sorry, but you're wrong on this. There's just no way."

"He told me himself, Dillion. William and Alex go way back. He's been to rallies and AIDS walks with him. I've seen pictures of Alex dressed rather... well, flamboyantly. In fact, if William didn't get all weird on him, they'd be together right now. That was Alex's plan for Winter Break. It certainly wasn't being here with me."

Dillion collapses into the closest chair. "This makes no sense, Tiger. I could have sworn... I just can't believe he's gay. Bi-sexual maybe, but I can't believe he's only into dudes. I've seen how he looks at you. That's not the look of a gay man."

"Bi?" I hadn't considered that. It would explain a few things but ...

"You're shaking your head no, but I'm telling you..." Dillion argues, more adamant than before.

"It doesn't matter. Even if he's bi and is attracted to me, I still can't let something happen."

"Why not?"

"Are you serious? One - I'd be hurting my best friend, as I know William also cares about Alex. Two - I have enough to worry about with school, the baby, how the hell I'm going to handle the rest of my life, and three - honestly, even if I didn't have reasons one or two, you're right, I really can't handle that much competition."

"Competition? What are you talking about? He's totally into you."

"Now, maybe, but if he's attracted to both sexes... who can compete with that? I'd have to worry about every girl he ogles and every guy he gives a second glance. I'd go insane."

"Where's the trust, Cat?"

"That went out the door with Liam."

"You can't make every guy pay for Liam's mistake."

"I can't just go into a relationship blindly either. There are too many problems, too much opposition, too many chances of things going wrong. No, it's better this way."

My brother leans in closer. "He may not give you the choice."

"What do you mean?" I ask, but there is a knock on the door, and Alex peeks around it.

"Okay, if I come in? I saw Liam leave, so I figured that meant you were back here by yourself, but if you want more time alone with Cat, I can come back," Alex offers Dillion.

"Yes, come back," I say, wanting to know what my brother meant by I may not have a choice.

"No, come in," Dillion says, and I glare at him.

Alex looks at us both, obviously unsure of what to do. "I think I should leave and let you two figure this out?" he suggests, pointing to the hall behind him.

"Don't go anywhere." Alex sees Dillion jump up and he stops in his tracks.

"This is for your own good," Dillion quietly assures me, as he kisses my forehead.

"I was just leaving to check if we can break her out of here," Dillion tells Alex.

"Come on in. Have a seat."

"I hate you, sometimes," I whisper, pouting.

"I can live with that," Dillion murmurs. "You'll thank me later," he tosses back over his shoulder with a sly grin, opening the door wider for Alex to step through. "All yours, Bright Eyes."

"Thanks," Alex replies, as Dillion leaves me alone with him.

Alex approaches the side of my bed, but his expression changes from smiling to somber. "You sure you're okay? If you want to rest, I can..." he points towards the door.

I just shake my head, so he sits in the chair next to me. "First question... how's the baby?"

I smile. "Good, the baby is safe."

"Outstanding, and Mama?"

I just shrug and shake my head. Mentally, physically and emotionally, I'm pretty much all over the place, so I don't know what to say. I guess I can go for the standard "Fine" however, I doubt Alex will believe me.

"That good, huh?"

"It's been a rather crazy day," I offer.

"I can't argue with that, but at least now everyone knows. It's gotta feel pretty good knowing that's not hanging over your head anymore?"

"Honestly, I haven't had time to think about it, but I guess you're right. I got that over with and it only cost me a trip to the hospital," I say flippantly, but I can see in his face how it's affected him and instantly regret the teasing statement.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. You're trying to make light of the situation, which is a way better way of handling things. I just hope in the future that you can avoid ending up here, well at least until you have to deliver, because I'm honestly not sure I can handle it again."

"What are you talking about? I've been told you were the hero of the hour, talking to the EMT's, keeping everyone calm, catching me when I fainted."

"I'm pretty sure those accounts have been highly exaggerated," Alex claims with a grin before continuing with, "Although I'm certainly not against you falling for me, maybe next time, pick a way that's a little less dramatic?"

I snort. "I'm surprised you don't have more people swooning for you!"

"Whose to say I don't?" Alex teases. "In fact, I caught three nurses in the hall on the way here, but that last guy was really heavy. I think I pulled a muscle!" he says dramatically, acting it out by rubbing his lower back.

I laugh, and he chuckles with me.

"Seriously though, I appreciate your trust in me to catch you every time you fall, but can we stop testing that bond?"

"I promise. You do not need to fear that I'll fall for you," I tell him, knowing my words carry a double meaning, wondering if he'll catch my drift.

"Are we still talking about the same thing?" Alex asks, his expression now unreadable, his tone guarded.

"What else would we be discussing?" I respond.

He shrugs and I sigh, closing my eyes for a moment.


"Hmm?" I say, not opening my eyes. I hear him get up and he situates himself on the bed next to me.

"What do you want?"

I slowly open my eyes to find he's staring at me rather intensely. "Damned, if I know," I say.

"I think you do. I just think you're afraid to ask for it. You deserve it and so much more, but you'll never get what you want if you don't ask."

"Then I guess it's not meant to be mine," I reply sadly. I'm tired of asking for what should be freely given, begging people to love me, to show me I'm worth loving. For once I want someone to win me over, to give me proof, so I don't have to worry or wonder. Guess Alex is right... I do know what I want.

"Why would you say that?" Alex asks, clearly perplexed.

"Good news, KittyCat," my mom announces as she bursts excitedly through the door. "We just got the word. You can come home. Want me to help you dress?"

"Yeah, Mom. Please," I say. I look over at Alex, and he seems disheartened. I feel horrible, but if my brother is right, and although I never admitted it to Dillion, he is seldom wrong, it's better this way.

"I'll give you some privacy." Alex moves to leave, but I'm compelled to grab his hand before he goes.

"Thank you! If I haven't said it before, thank you for everything."

He smiles, but doesn't reach his eyes.

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