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At the end to a long night Jaebum finally had a song he was happy with. with this he smiled and fell asleep in his chair.


The next morning Youngjae walks in the room to see Jaebum leaning in his chair with the chair about to fall out from under him. What should I do if I yell and wake him up he'll fall. If I just leave him.

"Thump" Youngjae didn't even get a chance to finish his thought and Jaebum was now on the floor rubbing his head and glaring at Youngjae.

"What was that for did you just let me fall," said Jaebum getting off the floor.

"No I just didn't know what to do," said Youngjae try to make sure Jaebum wasn't mad at him.

"Jeez you're fine I was just asking," says Jaebum as he grabs the song he wrote to show to Youngjae.

As Jaebum and Youngjae were going over the song the rest of the guys where waiting for them so they could put the dance to the song that Jaebum wrote.

When Jaebum and Youngjae finally arrived they showed the song to the rest of the group. the song even fit pretty well with the choreography only a few changes would need to be made. after a while of the group practicing they decided to take a break.

"Oh Jinyoung how's the break-"

"Breakfast, how's the breakfast going, Jaebum come with me we'll go check,"said Jackson frantically pulling Jaebum out of the room.

"What the hell was that for?" Jaebum asked as they stepped into the hall, "I was just trying to ask about his breakup."

"Did you not read the text I sent you just in case you didn't it said not to TELL MARK!" Jackson said practically yelling at Jaebum.


While this was going on, back in the practice room everything was silent no one knew what just happened. What was that about thought Mark what was Jackson talking about Breakfast it's almost noon.

Mark looked and his eyes met Jinyoung's.

"What was he talking about breakfast?" Asked Mark.

"Oh he must have been talking about the dishes i'm not sure," replied Jinyoung clueless that Jaebum knew about his breakup.

Mark was still very confused About what just happened.


Is Jackson okay wondered Jinyoung he seems really frantic i wonder if the heat is getting to him. Jinyoung still has no clue what just happened and it's probably for the best because he probably would have messed up and told Mark about the break up to soon. Jinyoung really wanted to tell Mark about how he felt but he had never really been good with his feelings, and he'd never had to tell someone how he felt everyone have always told him how they feel first but in this case Jinyoung doesn't even know if Mark likes him back.

Jinyoung was so busy sitting and thinking that he didn't realize that Jackson had texted him to meet him at B'Chill.


When Jinyoung arrives at the shop he sees that Jackson and Bambam were talking and laughing as he walks in, the door bell rings letting Jackson know that Jinyoung was there.

"Oh Jinyoung we need to talk to you," said Jackson looking at Bambam. "Have a seat and don't bother saying any thing till we're done talking, got it."

"We know how you feel about Mark but if you want him to like you, you have to listen to us. We know you and we know Mark, Mark is a sweet guy but he's new around here and he doesn't know how every thing works he's so afraid of hurting peoples feelings and you are so use to it here that you know what people here think and you are still afraid to go for what you believe in. does this make sense to you."

Jinyoung has no clue what any of that meant, does Mark like someone, but I like Mark is that what Jackson is telling me. If so I need to win over Mark with whatever charm I have.

"Thanks i'm leaving now," Jinyoung said getting his stuff to go.

"Do you think he knows what I meant?" Jackson asked Bambam.

"We will just have to wait and see what happens," replies Bambam as he cleans the counters.


I wonder what the rest of the guys are doing no one has said anything since earlier when Jackson freaked out though Mark. I wonder if anyone needs help with anything I should probably go see.

Mark is on his way to the mall to help Youngjae with costumes when he sees Jinyoung, Bambam and Jackson talking. That's weird I wonder what's going on is what are they doing wonders Mark.

Mark decided to stick around and listen and try to hear what they are saying but it is really hard to hear without being seen so he decides he should just go in but as he starts to go in he see Jinyoung get up to leave. So Mark figures that he'll wait and see if Jinyoung wants to help with costume design beings he is he's at the mall anyways.


Jinyoung turns around to see Mark

"Oh hi what's going on what are you doing here?" Asks Jinyoung.

"I was going to help Youngjae with costumes do you want to join us," responds Mark.

This would be a great opportunity to show Mark who I really thinks Jinyoung.

"Sure but after me and you have to go do something that's actually fun," says Jinyoung.

"What do you mean costume design will be totally fun," laughs Mark,


When Mark and Jinyoung meet with Youngjae he already has outfits picked out, he choose a white and black theme that really fits the song the group is preforming.

Beings the outfits are already picked out Mark and Jinyoung have even more time to do something, so they decide to got shopping beings they are already in the mall. The first place they go is a cool store where the kids that think there cool but really just look like their trying to hard.

The next place they go is a a candy store because Jinyoung insisted that they get chocolate but as their shopping Mark recognizes someone in the aisle next to them.

"Jinyoung isn't that your girlfriend, and who's she with," says Mark.

"I think we should go," with this Jinyoung is pulling Mark out of the store.

As they get a ways away Jinyoung loosens his grip on Mark's wrist.

"What the heck was that about?" Mark asked Jinyoung trying to figure out what just happened.

"Well it would just be awkward for me to see the girl I was dating with the guy she's cheating on me with," said Jinyoung very casually.

"What you're just going to let it go if you don't care why are you dating her," said Mark slightly mad.

"Well I'm not dating her anymore and it's a long story why I started dating her."

"Well we have nothing but time so you might as well tell me what's going on," says Mark mainly just trying to see if he heard Jinyoung right.

"Okay to start the story when I was little and going to grade school I was walking around at recess and I see these guys picking on this girl that looked about my age, and I called the girl over and she came running and we started walking away and she broke down crying and thanking me, and that girl turned out to be Ji soo. After this event we were inseparable we did every thing together. Ji soo was the one I told every thing to when my parents would fight I would run to her house just to cry, then one night we promised each other if we were still single in high school we would become a couple, but it just never felt right she felt like a sister to me, so that is why I don't blame her for cheating on me and i'd rather us not be a couple at all than her cheat on me so that is why I had to break up with her."

Mark did hear what he thought he heard Jinyoung was single. Mark felt what he was feeling was wrong, the guy he cared about just went through a breakup and all Mark could feel was happiness that he finally had a chance.

"Oh i'm so sorry Jinyoung is their any thing i can do to help," responded Mark after a long period of silence. 

"Well you could accompany me to the homecoming dance."

Did Mark just hear what he think he heard was Jinyoung really asking him to the dance.

"Sure what ever I can do," smiled Mark as he sort of died of happiness inside.

"Okay well shall we go home for the night," said Jinyoung trying to stay calm when all he really wanted to do was jump with joy.

While this was going on neither of the boys had a clue how the other felt, but is this going to interfere with things in the future.

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