Ch. 7

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That week at school everyone was getting excited for homecoming the cheer team was making posters and hanging them any where there was the slightest bit of space Yugeom once even had to step throw a poster to get to the bathroom. But this wasn't even the worse place a poster has been found, one poster was hung by the stove and when Youngjae  went to turn the stove on and 'woosh' flames every where. The whole class had to leave and lets just say the brownies were a little more than just burnt but anyways many things were happening the nerds were petitioning to have a quiz bowl instead of football game lets just say no one else agreed, and while all this was going on all Jinyoung and Mark could think about was each other.

Back at the practice room Mark and Jinyoung were looking for outfits even thought they had both said they were just going as friends they still wanted to look good. Although they had agreed to go as friends both boys were wanting to be more so whenever one had something to do the other would be at there side. Like the other day Mark had to pick up a bag of rice for his Brother and Jinyoung insisted on Joining him and it was probably a good thing he did because at the shop he went to there where many pretty girls, even though Mark prefers guys it was a great opportunity for the boys to talk. Then on time Jinyoung had to go talk to an electrician for the boys home he was currently living at and of course Mark had to join him, but on there way back they got distracted and somehow ended up at a music in the park event. They had a karaoke part and Mark pulled Jinyoung up to the stage and they got the whole crowd on there feet and when they got ready to leave they got invited back to preform for real, and with all this happening Mark is really starting to wonder if he should ask Jinyoung what he really meant when he asked him to come with him to the danced but Mark decided not to bother.


That afternoon Jackson set up a sort of double date for him, Bambam, Mark, and Jinyoung. it was very hard for Jackson and Bambam to not tell the Boys that they where going to a couples event but they figured if they would have told them they wouldn't  have agreed to go.

When they got to the event Jackson finally told them what they where at and surprisingly the Boys didn't care they just laughed and went along with it like they had been threw this hundreds of times.

"Well babe shall we go," laughed Jinyoung.

"Yes oppa we shall," says Mark linking arms with Jinyoung.

Jackson and Bambam are shocked. it's like they are a more experienced couple than us they thought.

Mark and Jinyoung walk ahead hand in hand they look like a real couple, they even got stopped by other couples to ask them questions like how long have you been together and how do you two get along so well, and with all of these questions they smoothly answer like they've said it thousands of times, but the best time was when an older couple asked them how they met and they answered with the truth everyone loved the story of love at first sight and for right now in this moment Mark and Jinyoung felt like the perfect couple that had love at first sight and stayed together through everything for just this day all that felt real.


later that night Mark and Jinyoung were having so much fun that they decided to go do some thing. Mark decided to invite Jinyoung to his house he was a little nervous because his brother was very embarrassing and would probably tell Jinyoung that he was gay but if that did happen Mark would be ready.

When the boys got there they went strait to Mark's room Jinyoung was surprised there was pictures every where but that wasn't the thing that was most surprising, there where plushies piled on his bed, it is so cute thought Jinyoung as he goes to sit down. Mark sits down beside him on the bed.

"So I figured we should get to know each other more," says Mark grabbing  a plushie.

He's so adorable thinks Jinyoung.

"Well what do you want to know?" Asks Jinyoung.

"I was thinking I would tell you about me since I know a lot about you,"

"Okay then I want to hear everything,"

"Well to start I have one brother, he's who i'm living with now. It was hard for me to leave my Dad because when I was little  I didn't have many friends. I would spend a lot of time by my parents side and one day I was in the kitchen with my mom when she collapsed and I didn't know what to do so I called for my dad and when he came inside and saw he called 911 and we got to the hospital and she was gone.

At this point Mark was sobbing.

"It's all my fault," cried Mark.

Jinyoung felt he had to do something so he wraps his arms around Mark and holds him tight.

"It wasn't your fault bad things happen and so do good things," and with this Jinyoung softly kisses Marks forehead.

Marks crying fades and the two boys are left holding each other, both knowing that they can't live with out the other.


Later on Mark's brother walks in to see the two boys cuddled up together, but when he goes to shut the door it creeks and Mark and Jinyoung are woken up.

"Oh sorry I didn't mean to wake you and your boyfriend," says Mark's brother.

"It's fine and we're not a couple,"says Mark calmly.

"Mark you don't have to be embarrassed i'm not that judgmental jeez,"

"I know but seriously he just broke up with a girl and even if he did like guys he doesn't like me like that,"

While this is going on Jinyoung still has his arms around Mark, but now he's confused what does this conversation mean is this not surprising for Mark's brother does mark like guys do I have a chance.

"How do you know have you asked him?" Questions Mark's brother.

"Um well no," replies Mark.

"Well seeing the situation I think you should." With this Mark's brother shuts the door and walks away. He has always helped Mark and this time was no different.

Now Jinyoung knew and he was very happy he did have a chance. He still had his arms around Mark but now he had no intention of letting go.

Mark looks down at Jinyoung.

"Well so how do you feel?" Asks Mark.

"Honestly I feel great," with this Jinyoung kisses Mark.

Mark is shocked but he loved it so he kisses Jinyoung back. When the kiss ends the boys just fall Back on the bed and laughed.


The next Morning when Mark's brother comes to wake Mark up he sees the boy is still there he sighs and smiles knowing what happened after he left the night before.

Mark and Jinyoung wake up with a text from Jackson. They had forgotten to tell him they where leaving and Jackson was worried they had been kidnapped. They respond telling him they where fine and where they went.

After eating Mark offers to walk with Jinyoung back to his place, and Jinyoung agrees not wanting to leave Mark.

On there way the boys talk and Laugh, But when they get there they are not ready to part. After a while they finally say good bye, and Mark walks back. When he gets Home his brother is waiting for him.

"So how's  my gay little brother,"

"Wow love you to at least I have someone,"

"Oh that stung a little," laughs Mark's brother. "I'm glad you did the right thing last night.

Mark is glad for everything his brother has done for him, and he know that if it hadn't been for him he may still not have told Jinyoung how he felt.

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