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This weekend was homecoming, but there was still a long week ahead of them.

Got7 was going very well all of the members where working as one, and the big homecoming performance was looking great. Although Mark and Jinyoung had confessed how they feel for each other they still want to get things done without any awkwardness. The guys have been trying to keep there feelings under control until after the homecoming performance, but it's hard to hide how you feel when you truly care about someone.


That afternoon after everything was close to being finished for the group's performance Jinyoung and Mark decide to go for a real date and this time when there together it will be for real.

As they get to the mall they notice that everyone that lives in the area decided today would be a great day for a trip to the mall so the boys decide to go some where else.

Jinyoung is really trying to make their first date memorable so he decides to bring Mark to one of his favorite places from his childhood which is an old park that doesn't have much except an old swing set and some benches. When they get there Jinyoung jogs over to one of the closest benches.

"Come on slow poke," Jinyoung yells at Mark as he lies down on the bench.

"I'm getting there, I had no intention of doing any running today,"

"Sorry, but you know I still love you," laughs Jinyoung as he gets up to grab Mark.

Mark blushes and sits down on the bench and leans his head on the other boy's shoulder.

"I know, but I love you more," says Mark practically begging Jinyoung to kiss him.

Jinyoung obliges and kisses Mark. Mark squeals with excitement he loves it when Jinyoung kisses him it is like his drug. Jinyoung laughs and smiles at Mark who now has his head resting in Jinyoung's lap. With anyone else Jinyoung would have moved or yelled at them to get up but when it's Mark he loves the feeling of everything he does. For the first time Jinyoung felt like he had something he had to protect and that he could never let go of.

After a while of just sitting there Jinyoung leans over and kisses Mark than  jumps up and runs to the old swings. He looks back to make sure that Mark is following him, and when he looks back Mark is already catching up to him. The two boys are now racing since there is only one swing. Jinyoung gets to the swing first, but instead of just waiting his turn Mark decides to climb on to Jinyoung's lap.

"Ha I win," shouts Mark clearly proud of himself.

"I think i'm the real winner I get to have the beautiful Mark on my lap," laughs Jinyoung.

"Whatever it was my choice to sit here I can get off," says Mark starting to get off of Jinyoung's lap.

"Nope you win stay, please," pouts Jinyoung hugging Mark.

"Your just lucky that I don't want to stand," says Mark as he lifts Jinyoung's chin so that he can see his eyes, and then Mark goes in for a kiss and doesn't.

"Uh meany I was waiting for that," say Jinyoung as he turns his head. as Jinyoung does this Mark starts kissing his neck then his cheek then forehead then chin and almost his lips and stops. Jinyoung glares at him, and Mark plants a long hard kiss on Jinyoung's lips.

"Your lucky I like to kiss you or I would have just left you hanging," Mark says as he hugs Jinyoung.

After a while of just sitting there the boys get up to go for a walk but as they start to walk the sky clouds up and it looks like it's going to rain so the boys decide to text Jackson and Bambam and see if they want to go out to eat. Of course they wanted to, Jackson and Bambam where never ones to pass up food.

When they all got to the restaurant they found a table close to the back but not to far away from the buffet because according to Bambam it's easier to get the food right when it's put out and still not have people all around you while you're trying to eat no one else really cared but Bambam is very particular about that kind of thing.

There is plenty of things to choose from on the buffet but it seemed that Mark and Jinyoung were to busy trying to steal each other's food that they got full before they had a chance to try everything.

While they were busy stealing each other's food Jackson and Bambam were trying to talk about everything that was going on but Mark and Jinyoung were to busy trying to annoy each other that they didn't really listen to Jackson and Bambam. After a while they just gave up and decided to enjoy there own food.


After everyone was full and complaining they had eaten to much. They payed and thanked the manager for the food and decided to all go shopping for homecoming even though everyone already knows what their going to wear. The first place they go is a small shop that's only really sells tee shirts and food after awhile of just looking around at different stores they realized they probably wouldn't find anything so the boys go to Jackson's house.

When they get there Mark is amazed, how could a guy like Jackson have such a perfect room it was so clean and organized then Mark met the house keeper and it made sense it turned out that Jackson has never cleaned anything it's not that he won't clean its he can't clean he'll try to clean and end up breaking one of his parents expensive vases of something.


At this point Mark and Jinyoung were no an official couple because of the chaos of homecoming and the excitement of the groups performance but every thing they did had a very dream couple vibe. So when Jackson asked them if they wanted to stay for dinner they agreed only if they could sit next to each other. When Jackson's parents got home everyone got introduced to each other, and it would be to complicated to explain the whole not couple, couple to His parents so Jackson and Bambam just called them weird. Jackson's parents didn't even want to know they just laughed and told them all to be ready for dinner.

"Can you please pass the rice plate?" Mark asked Jackson's mom.

"More! you have practically ate it all already," jokes Jinyoung sitting so close to Mark he's practically on top of him.

"Hey!" Mark whines ,"it's soooo good."

At this point everyone at the table is staring at the "weird" couple silently wishing they could have that cute of a relationship.

"Hey Jackson and me are cute to," says Bambam clearly jealous of the attention he's not getting.

"Let them have there moment it's not to often that you see Jinyoung so desperate to get some one in bed," Jackson laughs.

"Aye," Jinyoung glares, " that's not true we're not like you guys who only think about sex."

Mean while Jackson's parents are sitting right there clearly knowing everything that goes on when Jackson says he's going to the library so him and Bambam can "study".

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