Chapter 23- A Problem with the Phone

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*Mike's Pov*

"I can't believe you've done this." I sigh faceplaming as Randy keeps looking at his phone. "I'm sorry! It kinda glitched out on me.." I put my hand on the hood of the truck and look around at the place, it being the wrong place, turns out Randy's stupid phone decided that it wanted to take us somewhere else. "Mike I really am sorry!" I sigh again looking back at him. "It's not your fault. But we need to ask someone for directions." Randy looks around. "That wouldn't be so hard, if there was even people around." I groan and bang my head on the hood, then regret it as the pain comes, making me groan again.

"Are we lost?" I jump and look at thing next to me, seeing it was Lefty- or Righty as I like to call him. "Uh.. If I answer don't freak out." He nods waiting for the answer. "Yes. We are kinda lost." A screech is heard, probably coming from Molten- or Noodle Boy. "WE'RE LOST?! WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO?!" He panics. I roll my eyes watching him flail his wirey arms around, seeing it is quite entertaining, but the loud screech is starting to make my head hurt worse.

"You know what you could do?" Baby asks him looking annoyed. "WHAT?!" Molten asks still freaking out. "Shut up." With that she slaps his face, for like the millionth time. Molten stops yelling and screaming, and just stares at her. "Why are you staring at me." Baby says looking at him, he slowly shakes his head while keeping his eye's on her. "I think someone is really cranky today." Then he stops and starts talking in a baby voice. "Does wittle baby need a nappy?" After the words have left his mouth and was heard by Baby, all hell broke loose. Back and forth goes the hits and yelling.

Eventually after we seen a piece of one of them go flying we knew we had to break it up somehow. I look at Lefty and he looks at me, I point to where they are fighting. "You need to get them to stop before one of them are scrap parts." He nods and slowly goes over to them. "Guys, you both are acting like kids, now stop." He tells them, it seemed to work since they stop and turn away from each other both crossing their arms. "Why can't you two just get along? You used to be so close!" With a sigh he walks back over.

"So close?" I repeat looking at him with interest. He looks at me and nods. "Back when we were on stage they used to get along well, but they seem to have gotten distant after they got this way.." He says sighing once more. I hum satisfied I got an answer instead if having to wonder, then I look back at Randy. "Any ideas on how to get out if here?" He shrugs still looking at his phone. "Only thing I can think of is wait until someone comes by." I, being the impatient person, groan getting back into the drivers seat slouching a little. "That could take hours!" I whine crossing my arms.

"I'm sorry Mike. But thats the way it's going to be." I groan again looking out the side window. "Great. We'll be here forever."

(Oof. I'm sorry for a long wait. Or maybe it's not? I don't know. But I've been going through things so that means updates are going to get slower, Yay....?)

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