Chapter 24- Finally Arrived

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*Mike's pov*

Luckily, after a few hours of waiting for someone to come, someone parks next to us in a eighteen wheeler. I try looking in the window of the big vehicle, seeing someone with short reddish brown hair and bright green eyes. They roll down the window and look at us from above, a warm smile on their lips. "Well hello down there! Are you fellas lost?" From the looks and sound if their voice, I'm guessing this person is a female. But then again I don't want to assume genders now.

"Uh yes, we are very lost." I say loud enough for her- or he doesn't matter, to hear. She laughs opening the door jumping out, having on a.. green jumpsuit on? Okay then, not judging. She walks over smiling more. "Ah, people get lost around here a lot. So don't worry, where is it that you dudes are going to?" I look at Randy, since he's the one who knows what we're looking for, I just follow his directions. "He can answer that question." Randy is the type to get awkward or shy around others, so either way I would still put him in the spotlight, since I find it amusing to see him try to speak to others. But I don't do it out of being a jerk, I just want him to get better at speaking to others as well as see him fail... Okay yeah I sound like a jerk.

The female in the green jumpsuit turns to look at Randy, while he's to busy glaring at me. "Mike.." He mutters, I give him a smile and mention for him to speak to her. He sighs looking at them, having a flustered blush on his cheeks. "Uh.. Apparently my phone kinda messed up on us and made different plans.. so we turned here and we kinda.. got lost..?" He says, unsure if he said the right thing or not. I faceplam. "Randy, she wants to know where we're supposed to be going, not what happened!" The person laughs. "Well then, now that I know why, where are you trying to go?" She asks again.

"To an old location of Baby's rentals?" Randy again says like he's unsure. I sigh finding it getting really old. "Oh yes! Actually your right infront of it." I stare at her. "... What." She chuckles pointing to a really tiny building. "It's right there." I look in the direction she's pointing and groan seeing the huge sign. "OH COME ON!" I slap my hand to my face, feeling stupid that I over looked the huge sign that has the name on it.

"Well then. Thanks for pointing us in the right direction!" Randy says waving, basically wanting to get out of speaking with a stranger. "Eh anytime!" She says happily, with that she goes back to her truck and drive off. Once I can't see the huge vehicle I look at Randy with a smirk. "Nice social skills ya got there." He rolls his eyes huffing. "Shut up." I chuckle going to the trailer, finding all of the animatronics sitting around.

"So?" Salvage Springtrap says looking me, having what seems to be hope in his dead looking eyes. I feel myself wanting to cringe at the thought of something actually being IN him, but shake my head of my thoughts. "We have reached our destination." I say, all four of them cheer. Molten stands up. "YAY I DON'T HAVE TO BE CRAMPED!"

(... I feel like I could've done better at this chapter... So I'm not really proud of it. And I feel like people are getting bored, since nothing hasn't even happened in this stupid story. And it feels rushed to me, but then again I did tell myself to finally get them to find the freaking place. Yes people it takes four animatronics and two brothers 12 chapters to finally get to their destination. Anyways, I hope you've liked it. If not oh well, I wouldn't like it either. Bye.)

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