|Chapter 9|Steady Wings|

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"Oh, yes. I'm fine, just thinking about tomorrow." I smiled looking up at him. It was surprising they called Levi short and not me. It strained my neck to look up at all my friends."You sure, it locked more like a love struck expression to me." He smirked.

I laughed and shoved him lightly."And how do you know what that expression looks like Jaeger?" I asked, smiling back. His face immediately went from his normal skin tone to dark scarlet. "Well, I um." He stuttered itching the back of his neck.

I giggled and shook my head."I didn't mean it that way silly." I laughed and walked back to my dorm, hoping to get at least a couple minutes of sleep before we had to do anything else.


I didn't to anything much the rest of that day, I just kept thinking of him. How did he end up falling for a girl like me? I wasn't as interesting it well-spoken like some other girls I know.

I woke up the next morning, opening my eyes to see Mikasa a couple inches away from my face.

"Woah!" I yelped and jumped up, only to fall back down."Shut up, we have to get ready." She smiled, quietly waking the others in the same scary fashion.

I quickly got dressed, throwing on a silver bracelet, with the wings of freedom crest hanging from it. It was passed down from my family, I got it the year before my parents passed. I only wore it on special occasions though, it gave me hope, and sometimes good luck.

I brushed my hair, leaving it down. It was wavy and naturally pretty this morning. And with the weather getting hotter, my (H/C) was slowly lighting up on the ends. Giving off the vibe that it had highlights. But if anyone ever asked, it was natural!

I walked outside the room with Mikasa, the other two girls still in the process of getting dressed. We made our way down to the dining area and began to eat. We couldn't waste anything, so we took as much as possible and ate.

More people slowly started to melt inside, nobody looking overly excited. Soon we would be told to prepare our horses and gear and get ready to wait inside the Trost District, as they opened to gates. We were some of the first to finish, so we began to talk quietly with some of the others.

Nothing new was happening, but I glanced over at Mikasa for a second. She gave me a odd look, smirking, and then turning back to the conversation. She was the only other person who knew what was really happening today beside the expedition.

Today, I was to give Levi the answer. Do I want to be with him? Or should we go our separate ways? During the past two days, my final answer has changed constantly from yes to no.

Who knows what I was planning on telling him. But I knew that the result would be for the best, no matter which one I decided on.

"Alright cadets, the time has come for you to prepare your horses and signal flares. Wait in the town of Trost, staying close to whatever group you were assigned to. You will split off in your specific directions once we're outside the walls. Does everyone understand?" Commander Erwin announced, moments after walking inside.

Everyone stood up, giving him the proper salute, and then walking outside of the mess hall, and into the court yard. My horse was placed in the stable with some of the squad leaders and commanders. It's one of the positive rewards of being a natural Titan slayer.

"Good morning Wings, you ready for today?" I smiled as I approached my beautiful mare of a horse. She had a cinder colored coat, and her mane being as black as the night sky. She also had some black and darker grey speckles along her back, I thought she was the most beautiful horse in the stables.

I rubbed the back of her neck, and quickly fed her some apple's I stole from the mess hall."Your gonna do great today." I smiled. I began to attach her saddle to her back, and then load the bags with the different colored flares.

"So, (Y/N). Today's the day." I spun around to see Levi. He was standing beside his horse, in the stall right next to mine. I smiled and nodded, continuing to load the bags."Have you made a decision?" He asked, his voice staying at the same level of calm.

I turned to him, Wings snorting at the sudden reaction."I most certainly have." I smirked menacingly, turning back and jumping onto my horse.

Levi smirked back."And? Do I get a direct answer Cadet (L/N)?" He said, jumping onto his horse and meeting mine side by side. No one else was inside the stable, they were most likely already in Trost or still eating.

I slowly turned my body to face him, my horse snorting again at the movement. I looked into his steely grey eyes as he looked into my (E/C) eyes. I lifted my hand and tucked a strand of hair behind his ear, and then leaning in for a kiss.

He kissed me back, and we stayed like that for a couple seconds before we broke off."I love you Captain." I smiled.
He smirked and brushed my hair back.

"I love you too Cadet. Make sure you don't die today, alright?" He said, kissing my cheek lightly, before turning back and riding smoothly out of the stables. I brought my hand to me cheek and smiled, knowing that I made the right decision.

I followed after him, arriving at Trost only seconds later. It was summer, all the kids were out of school and I could see them all together, watching in curiosity. Most, I could tell we're looking at Levi. I couldn't blame them, he definitely was someone to look up too.

Then I saw it, a small girl, I guessed around the age of 7 or 8, on top of her dads shoulders and pointing at me.

"Look daddy! That girl was one of the best! She looks like the person on the paper! Right daddy!?" I heard her ask, he dad nodding and smiling in response.

I couldn't help but smile, and then giving the girl the smallest of waves. She and her dad both saw and grinned in response. Just then, the bells went off and Erwin called for the Garrison Regiment to open the gates. I turned to look forward and clicked my heels. My horse started to gallop after the others and I followed Levi as we separated into our sections.

Word Count: 1142

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