|Chapter 10|Past The Wall|

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Then I saw it, a small girl, I guessed around the age of 7 or 8, on top of her dads shoulders and pointing at me.

"Look daddy! That girl was one of the best! She looks like the person on the paper! Right daddy!?" I heard her ask, he dad nodding and smiling in response.

I couldn't help but smile, and then giving the girl the smallest of waves. She and her dad both saw and grinned in response. Just then, the bells went off and Erwin called for the Garrison Regiment to open the gates. I turned to look forward and clicked my heels. My horse started to gallop after the others and I followed Levi as we separated into our sections.


"Hey (Y/N)!" Eren smiled as he brought up his horse next mine. I was on the right side of Levi and Eren was on the right side of me. The other three cadets stayed a little behind us, most likely scared at what might come.

"What were you and Levi talking about in the stables?" Eren whispered, leaning over on his horse. My face went red, and I pretend to cough to cover it up."Just, you know, battle tactics and what not." I answered, a little too loudly because Levi turned his head to look at us."What's so important that you can't wait till we reach the forest?" he said angrily.

"Nothing sir." I responded, looking at Eren and then glancing down at the fast moving ground. Eren looked away and I took this as a chance to look back up at Levi. He gave me a quick smirk and I rolled my eyes in response.

"Red signals coming from the left sir!" One of the cadets announced. I looked up and towards the left, just to see a trail of red signals in the clear blue sky.
"Alright, one of you brats convey the message." The captain responded, flicking his hand backwards.

"Yes sir!" All three of them called. I glanced back to see all three of them loading their flares."He said one of you idiots." I yelled back. They all panicked and one even dropped the packet.

Eren snorted, and I elbowed him."Its their first expedition." I said. He rolled his eyes and loaded his flare. He shot it clear into the sky, and some others followed after him. After a while, a green flare could be seen from the middle section, the whole formation was to move to the right to avoid the titans coming from the left.

"Alright, move." The corporal ordered, the squad nodded and turned with him. We continued like this for a couple of hours, moving either left or right depending on where the titans were spotted. So far, knock on wood, there were not any deaths or ab-normals.

"Wait sir, there's a purple signal coming from behind!" Eren shouted. Levi and I turned to see a vibrant purple flare shot in the sky."You guys still have two extra horses right?" I asked. All three of them nodded.

"Alright, purple means someone is without a horse or stranded for some reason, I'll take a horse and get them quickly." I smiled, slowing down to take a horse off one of the cadets."No, cadet (L/N), the risk is too high, if there stranded that means a titan could of came by, it could still be around." He said, continuing to look forward.

"I'll take that chance, I'll be back in a couple minutes, if I don't return, send someone after me." I said, grabbing the reins and riding backwards. Last thing I heard was a 'tch' from shorty as I traveled the opposite direction.

After about a minute, I reached the spot where the flare had come from. What I saw was a young girl crying over a horse that was collapsed onto its side. "Oh my, what happened? I gasped, leaping off my horse. And dropping to the ground with her.

"I-i don't know! She started to pant, so I stopped to give her a break and she just collapsed!" She cried into her scout jacket. I frowned and helped her stand.

"There's nothing you can do now, we have to get out of here before a titan approaches, you can join my squad, since it seems that you lost yours." I said, handing her the reins of the spare horse. She wiped away some tears and nodded.

"I was in the left outside back squad, they told me to catch up when my horse calmed down." She muttered jumping onto her horse."I'm in the center ring left back squad." I said simply, kicking my heels and guiding the girl back to my section.

"What's your name again? You seem familiar." She asked, tilting her head a bit."(Y/N) (L/N)." I said, I could see the others now."Wait?! Your the girl at the top of the class! Aren't you in the Levi squad? Wow! I'm Jillian Graham!" She smiled. I nodded as we approached the squad.

"Captain Levi, Cadet Graham's horse collapsed and mysteriously died. I gave her the spare and brought her here. Her group has most likely advanced." I reported the situation.

"Nice work, continue as planned." He said. Eren pulled back to ride next to me and Jillian."I think you got a compliment, that's a first." He chuckled, elbowing me back from earlier. I laughed and we continued as planned.

"So, why are you guys here anyway? Aren't you supposed to be in the middle?" Jillian asked as we picked up speed. Levi spun around and looked at all of us in the eye. As if in cue, everyone adverted there eyes downwards, ignoring the question. Jillian gave us an odd look and we carried on without a word otherwise.

"Alright, were approaching the forest, there should be a small campsite on the inside. Stay with your section, excluding Cadet Graham who will return to her section upon arrival. And if you see any signs of approaching titans, alert the camp. Although there are guards posted all along the borders." Levi explained. The squad nodded in agreement and followed him into the forest.

I could see a small open skied camp, which had many tents and small fires inside. We rode our horses inside and tied them up, some cadets suppling them with food and water.

"Nice work today (Y/N)." Eren smiled. I smiled back and went looking for Mikasa and the others. I eventually found her, sitting on a bench looking over some books and maps.

"Hey, what's up?" I grinned and took a seat next to her. She looked up and smirked."Nothing much, what happened with you?" I knew exactly what she was referring to and I smiled and nodded in response.

"Squee!!!!! (Y/N)'S got her first boyfriend!" She sang. I quickly looked around to see if anyone saw."Shut up, it's a private matter I would prefer not to share with everyone." I muttered, lightly hitting her on the head. She grinned and began to look back at her papers.

"Alright everyone! Good job today! Tomorrow we will venture deeper into the forest and reach some new places. Get a good nights rest." Erwin announced once everyone arrived.

I sighed and made my way to the tent I had to share with Eren and those three idiot cadets. It sucks being the only girl in the squad. I saw Eren wave me over. I smiled and waved back. He went inside, but suddenly, I felt a tug on my wrist. I turned to see Levi, giving me a odd look."Aren't you staying with me tonight (L/N)?" He said with a straight face."I-I um I mean." I stuttered, my face becoming flushed. He rolled his eyes."I didn't mean it that way idiot, I've got a private tent, might as well stay together." He shrugged and walked away.

"Wait—no! I'm coming!" I called and ran after him. He didn't look back, but I followed him inside his tent any way. He had two large mats laid out to sleep on. I sighed with relief and collapsed down on my own. Levi sat down a couple inches in front of me, playing with some hair that was in front of my face. I smiled and closed my eyes, ready to fall asleep."No good night kiss (Y/N)?" He asked, stretching a bit.

I stood up and took place on his lap. "Ok, captain." I smirked and leaned in for a kiss. He put his hand on my back and on my neck while I had my hands on his face, twisting some of his raven-black hair. It felt good to be this open with him, I felt a lot better now. We stayed like that, only separating for short breathes before continuing.

"Captain! Erwin asked me to deliver— oh my god, (Y/N)!?" I broke away immediately, falling onto the ground. Levi stood up and faced the guy. I looked up and saw it was poor little Armin Arlert. I panicked. Armin was one of the nicest guys I knew! And the fact that both him and Mikasa knew could tarnish both me and Levi's reputation!

Levi grabbed him with the collar of his shirt and raised him a couple inches of the air."You say one word about this to any one, and I have your head cut off to be fed to the titans themselves." He threatened and then dropped him onto the ground.

"Levi! Please don't hurt him! It wasn't his fault—""Shut up (Y/N)." He muttered, grabbing the papers off Armin, who then ran outside as fast as he could.

"I've gotta talk to him." I sighed and followed after him. This went from perfect to horrible in less then 5 minutes.

Word Count: 1663


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