|Chapter 11|Battle of Secrets|

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Levi grabbed him with the collar of his shirt and raised him a couple inches of the air."You say one word about this to any one, and I have your head cut off to be fed to the titans themselves." He threatened and then dropped him onto the ground.

"Levi! Please don't hurt him! It wasn't his fault—""Shut up (Y/N)." He muttered, grabbing the papers off Armin, who then ran outside as fast as he could.

"I've gotta talk to him." I sighed and followed after him. This went from perfect to horrible in less then 5 minutes.


I ran outside of the tent to see Armin sitting on the bench near the fires. I sighed and quickly walked over to him, taking a seat on his left side. "Look Armin, I'm so sorry for what happened back there." I said placing my hand onto his. He looked up at me and gave my hand a squeeze.

"Oh, it's alright. But I just can't believe your in a relationship with the captain! And you haven't told us!" He explained. I looked down at the floor before responding."Well, we decided to keep things secret for a while, but you and Mikasa are the only ones who know now." I said. Armin smiled and nodded.

"It's alright (Y/N), I understand. You don't want everyone to know just yet until you know what to do. And at least I'm not the only one keeping this a secret!" He laughed. I smiled, thankful that he wasn't mad or anything."Well, thanks Armin. I hope this doesn't get in the way of our friendship." I smiled, letting go of his hand to stand up. He shook his head."Of corse not!" He grinned and gave me one last hug before turning back to his tent. I sighed with relief and walked back to the corporals tent.

I looked down and instead I saw Levi, who fell asleep reading the papers he got from Erwin. I rolled my eyes and smiled, grabbing one of the spare blankets to throw over him. I turned off the lamp and fell to sleep on my own mat.


I awoke the next morning to someone tapping me on the shoulder. I lazily opened my eyes and saw Levi. I sat up and yawned."Morning sleepy head." He responded standing up. I smiled as he kissed my forehead and got ready to leave. I almost forgot about the expedition we had to continue."I have to go get my horse together." I sighed and stood up."Mhm." Levi responded. I rolled my eyes, walking over to give him a kiss on the cheek before a left. He smiled in response and I walked outside.

It was still early and not many people were out and about. Thankfully, no one saw me exciting the captains tent. I fixed my hair as I made my way over to the horses. I began to check and re-check all the bags making sure I had all the different colored flares. I grinned and patted my horse when everything was done. I had a couple minutes left of free time before we had to leave. I went over to where they were dividing food and took a price of bread.

I saw Armin talking quietly to Mikasa over by their horses. I gave them a confused look, and Armin gave me a thumbs up in response. They're probably talking about what happened last night, I thought. I tried to focus on something else, but all I could think of was what they might be saying behind my back.

"You alright (Y/N)? You didn't come back to the tent last night." I looked up from where I was sitting and saw Eren, who had a worried expression on his face. Shoot, how was I supposed to explain this? I could feel my face getting red and I looked the other way. He then sat down next to me. I looked back and he has a smirk on his face.

"Wait—it was nothing like that! Shut up! Mikasa let me stay with her so I wouldn't be the only girl!" I quickly responded. He rolled his eyes and stood up."Well, you wouldn't mind if I asked her would you?" He asked. I shook me head."Nope, go ahead."

For once I was glad that she knew my secret, that means she could totally lie and save me right now. I glanced over at them while they were talking. Mikasa gave Eren a confused look and then glanced back at me. I bit my bottom lip and looked into her dark grey eyes. She then turned back to Eren and nodded. After a minute, Eren walked back over."Well, sorry for that." He laughed. I stood up and nudged him."Your a very perverted 16 year old." I muttered walking away.

"Alright everyone back on the horses! We're traveling towards the castle north of here today!" Announced Erwin. I sighed and walked back over to my horse. I gave her one last snack before I jumped on and rode up beside my squad. "Hey look (Y/N), I'm sorry! I was just worried when you didn't come back. I swear I wasn't thinking of anything!" He tried to explain. I started to braid my hair back."It's fine Eren." I said, my face becoming flushed again.

Levi looked back and gave me a small smirk. I gritted my teeth. Why did he have to hear that!"Jaeger, go find those three idiots." The captain ordered. Eren rolled his eyes and looked at me."Sure corporal." He muttered and rode back into the crowd. Once he was gone, I rode up beside Levi and took his hand.

"Don't die today." I mumbled, loud enough for only him to hear. He gave my hand a squeeze and nodded. I smiled and let go.

"FORWARD!" Erwin shouted at full force just as Eren arrived with the three dimwits. We all raced forward and out of the camp, circling back into our formation. I saw that Jillian girl ride of with some others.

"Don't worry, I told her not to tell anyone this morning." Eren said when he noticed my worried face. I gave out a heavy sigh and quickly followed Levi out and to the left before anyone could see.

Word Count: 1088

Sorry, this one was a bit of a filler, I'll make the next chapter more exciting! Stay tuned!

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