Chapter 1: Paldea where friends and dreams await

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We soon made it onto the ground with us boarding off the plane.

Y/N: Here we are buddy, Paldea. This is where our journey begins.

As we made our way out of the airport I grabbed myself a sandwich with me breaking a piece for Cyndaquil to eat and save some for later.

Y/N: I wonder what Pokemon we'll meet?

As I said that I bumped into someone with the both of us landing onto the ground.

Y/N: Oh I'm so sorry, I didn't.

???: It's ok

The personal I pumped into stood up with me able to get a good look at them

???: Hi I'm Gloria, need a hand.

I didn't know what to say, I felt like I hand butterflies in my stomach, I just didn't know what to say. I then shock my head with me taking her hand.

Y/N: Hey I'm Y/N again I'm so sorry about that.

Gloria: It's ok, there's no need to apologize.

Y/N: Yeah, sorry. No I mean.

She giggled a bit.

Gloria: Looks like someone's a little shy.

Y/N: I uh.

Gloria: It's ok I'm just playing, it's honestly kinda cute.

Y/N: Really, well thanks I guess.

Gloria: Your welcome, so where did you come from?

Y/N: Oh I'm from Kitakami, where are you from?

Gloria: I'm from the Galar region, I recently came here to take part in the academy here in Paldea.

Y/N: Wow, so am I expect for the Galar part.

Gloria: Your going to the academy too, well then why don't we travel together?

Y/N: Sure.

We started to walk together with us leaving the air port.

Gloria: So I'm guessing that Cyndaquil is your partner pokemon right?

Y/N: Uh yeah my grandparents gave him to me, do you have one.

Gloria: Yep, come on out buddy

Soon a pokemon came out of her hair with it standing on her shoulder.

???: Grokey

Y/N: What's that?

Gloria: This is my partner Grokey, he's one of the starters from Galar, he was given to me before I left for Paldea.

Y/N: Wow that's kinda neat.

Gloria: Thanks, well it looks like the school is quite a bit away, maybe we should try catching some Pokemon.

Y/N: Sure that be nice.

As we went into the path a pokemon walked into the path with it looking at us.

By some pure reflex I grabbed a pokeball and tossed it at it with it going into the ball and it shaking and soon clicking and being caught.

Gloria: Wow where did that come from?

Y/N: Oh sorry it was a reflex.

Gloria: Well it's a useful reflex if it comes to catching Pokemon.

Y/N: That is true.

I went to the pokeball and picked it up and held it.

Y/N: What was that pokemon anyway, it looked like a pokemon a friend of mine has.

Gloria: Hmm, here it is. It's a Wooper.

Y/N: Wait, how was that a Wooper, aren't most woopers blue?

Gloria: Yeah, but I'm guessing your new to regional pokemon. You see a some regions of unique versions of Pokemon, in Galar we have our own version of Zigzagoon with ours being black and white and able to become a pokemon known as Obstagoon.

Y/N: I see, so this must be a regional version of Wooper?

Gloria: Yep, and it's your first catch in Paldea.

Y/N: Wow, my first catch.

As we stood there another pokemon came by with it being much different

Y/N: ( Gasp ) another new one!

I tossed another pokeball but it kicked it away before running off.

Gloria: Forgot to mention not all pokemon are easy to catch, sometimes you have to battle it.

Y/N: Oh yeah, well I still want to catch it, come on let's go after it.

I gave chase with Cyndaquil following by my side along with Gloria with us soon finding it with it fighting another pokemon.

Gloria: A Chewtle!

Y/N: Chewtle?

Gloria: They're a pokemon in Galar, how about this you catch your bug friend and I'll catch Chewtle.

Y/N: Ok sounds good, you ready Cyndaquil.

Cyndaquil nodded with him getting ready to battle.

Gloria: Alright Grokey let's do this.

Grokey: Grokey.

Y/N: Cyndaquil use ember.

The flames on Cyndaquil ignite with him shooting out a small burst of fire with him jumping out of the way.

Y/N: It's quite the jumper.

Gloria: Grokey use branch poke.

Grokey dash forward with it poking Chewtle with his stick which hurt a bit.

Y/N: Now use ember again.

Cyndaquil fired again with him getting a good shot which sent it back.

Y/N: Now tackle.

Gloria: Grokey Pound go!

Cyndaquil dashed at it and hit it and Grokey pounding Chewtle on the head with it's stick.

Gloria: Ready?

Y/N: Yep

Y/N/Gloria: Go Pokeball!

We both threw pokeballs with both of them going inside and after a few shakes they clicked.

Y/N: Alright, we did it.

I checked my Rotom phone and saw what it was, it was a Nymble.

Y/N: Nymble that's neat.

Gloria: You got your second catch and I got my first catch in Paldea, I say we are doing rather well. Good job Grokey.

Grokey: Grokey.

Y/N: You too Cyndaquil.

We both looked around and saw Cyndaquil was gone.

Y/N: Wait, where is he? Cyndaquil where are you buddy.

I soon heard it's cry

We went over and found him standing by a cliff.

Y/N: Cyndaquil why did you run buddy, is something wrong?

He turned and pointed over to the beach with us seeing a pokemon in the sand.

Y/N: What is that?

Gloria: I'm not sure, but it's rather familiar. Let's go check if it's ok.

We hurried down and checked up on it.

Y/N: Hey you ok?

It's eyes soon fleshed on with it getting up but looking rather weak with it letting out a small cry.

Y/N: Hey it's ok we aren't going to hurt you.

Gloria: Here ( holds a potion ) this will make you feel better.

It turned it's head away from the potion.

Gloria: Strange, it doesn't want the potion?

Y/N: Maybe it's not in pain maybe it's something else.

It than sniffed me with it wanting something from my bag.

Y/N: Hold on.

I looked through my bag and grabbed the other half my sandwich.

Y/N: Do you want this?

It seemed happy to see the sandwich with it looking hungry despite it looking like a machine.

Y/N: Here take it, you need it more then I do.

It took the sandwich with it chowing down on it with it soon glowing brightly and seemingly to feel better.

Y/N: There you feel better.

It seemed to get close to me and started licking my face like a dog.

Y/N: Hey stop that tickles.

I proceeded to rub the bottom of it's chin as it seemed to enjoy it.

Y/N: What do you think it is?

Gloria: Not sure but it reminds me of something. Here take a look.

She held a pokeball with her letting the pokemon out from inside

Y/N: What is it?

Gloria: I don't know, it sorta crashed in my backyard in Galar, I asked the professor if she knew anything about it but she knew nothing about it, she guessed it must've came from Paldea.

The two looked at each other and smiled as the two came in for a hug.

Y/N: Well it seems they know each other.

Gloria: They seem to be friends.

Y/N: Maybe someone knows more about them.

Gloria: Yeah maybe your right, let's try the light house first.

Gloria tried to return it back to its pokeball but it refused with him standing close to his friend.

Y/N: Maybe they haven't seen each other in a long time, it's probably best we left them out.

Gloria: If you say so, let's start with that lighthouse there.

Y/N: Sounds good.

We soon started to make our way there with both of them sticking close, as we kept going we soon came across a guy at the lighthouse with him exiting the building

Y/N: Excuse us.

He then turned to us with him seeming calm but then seemed to be surprised seeing the two Pokemon behind us.

???: What the, what are you two doing here?

Gloria: You know these two?

???: Well uh, sorta.

They soon got close to him with them seeming to recognize him.

Y/N: So you know what they are?

???: Well the red one is Koradion and the purple one is Miraidon.

Gloria: Koradion and Miraidon, say these two wouldn't happen to be your pokemon would they?

???: What no don't be crazy!

Y/N: But they seem to know you?

???: Well just because they know me doesn't mean they're mine.

Gloria: Then how do they know you?

He seemed to be quiet for a bit before speaking up.

???: Their my parents pokemon, Koradion is my mom's and Miraidon is my dad's.

Y/N: Well do you want them back?

???: No look just, here take this. It is it's pokeball.

He handed it to me with him turning his back to us.

???: If you do see my folks just give it to them ok.

Y/N: Uh sure but what's your name.

???: Arven

He soon left with us standing here.

Gloria: Well there's something about him.

Y/N: Agreed, something tells me there's more to him then we thought. Anyway let's get going.

Gloria: Ok

We turned back to Miraidon and Koradion with them playing.

Y/N: Listen you two are having fun but we kinda need to get going ok, so do you two thin you can return to your pokeballs.

They seemed to understand with them going back into their balls.

Y/N: Hmm something special about these two.

Gloria: You said it, anyway ready to get going.

Y/N: Yeah let's go.

We then continued onto the path as we made our way to the school.

And that is that I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you later

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