Chapter 2: Nemona and Mesagozea Academy

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The two of us made our way along the route with us soon seeing the gateway that lied entry into Mesagozea Academy.

Y/N: There it is won't be long know.

Gloria: Good my legs are killing me.

Y/N: It was a long walk but I'm sure it'll be worth it.

As we made our way we soon were met by a girl who was also heading into Mesagozea.

Y/N: Pardon us do you go here too?

???: Yep, say never seen you two before.

She then gasped as a response.

???: Say how would you two like to battle!

The both of us seemed confused why she wanted to battle us. While Gloria seemed tired still I decided to battle her alone.

Y/N: Ok but my friend here is kinda tired so I'll battle you myself.

???: Alright by me then. Go Quaxley!

She soon set out her first pokemon

Quaxley, the starter from the Paldea region. I can't send out Cyndaquil since he's weak to water, and so is Wooper. But luckily a pokemon I have isn't weak to Water.

Y/N: Go Nymble!

I let out Nymble as it stood there ready to battle.

Y/N: Use Double Kick!

Nymble jumped into the air and kicked Quaxley twice.

???: Quaxley use water gun!

Quaxley soon fired a blast of water at Nymble which knocked it back a bit but he landed on his feet.

Y/N: Use Struggle Bug!

Nymble back legs started to shake and soon fired out a burst of green dust at Quaxley.

???: Counter with Water gun!

Quaxley blasted the struggle bug with Water gun which dispersed the struggle bug but Nymble was gone.

???: Wait where did it go?

Y/N: Peekaboo

They looked up and saw Nymble was above them.

Y/N: Now Astonish!

The attack landed with it making Quaxley flinch.

Y/N: Finish it with Double Kick!

Nymble jumped at Quaxley with him kicking Quaxley in the face sending him back to her with his hair messed up.

Y/N: We did it Nymble.

Nymble strike a hero pose in response.

Gloria: Way ago Y/N.

???: Come on back Quaxley.

Quaxley returned into its pokeball as she held it.

???: You did well bud, now get a good rest. ( Puts Pokeball away ) Got to admit that was quite amazing. How you do that.

Y/N: Simple, I had a feeling it be hard to get up close to hit Quaxley so I used Struggle Bug as a distraction while Nymble was able to jump high in the sky without getting spotted.

She seemed surprised with her mouthing something to herself.

Y/N: Hey are you ok?

???: Oh I'm good, well then here's my last Pokemon. Go Pawmi

She soon set out what looked like Pikachu but Orange

Y/N: I see, Nymble returned

Nymble went back into his pokeball as I held it in my hand.

Y/N: You did well get a good rest.

I then switched out Nymble for Wooper with it standing tall.

Y/N: Alright Wooper, this is going to be your first battle, just listen to me and it's going to be ok, okay?

Wooper: Wooper.

???: I see you choose a ground type to handle Pawmi, I guess you already know type advantage.

Y/N: Yep.

???: That might help but it's not just about typing that matters you know. Pawmi use quick attack!

Pawmi dashed at Wooper and hitting him on one of Wooper frills which was a bad move with it poisoning it.

???: Pawmi got poisoned?

Gloria: It must have the poison point ability.

Y/N: In that case, Tackle go!

Wooper dashed at Pawmi and hit it with it's head with caused it to stumble back but this didn't seem to worry her one bit infact she looked happy

???: Got to admit I didn't I would have to pull this out for this situation.

She pulled out a Tera orb it soon built up with Tera energy and she soon tossed it with it Terralizing Pawmi into a pure Electric type.

Gloria: What is that?

Y/N: Teralization, it let's people able to turn pokemon to their respective Terra type.

???: Glad to see this is familiar to you. Pawmi use Thunder Shock.

Pawmi taking a bit of the poison stood up and rubbed it's fur and blasted out a burst of thunder.

Y/N: Counter with Mud Shot!

Wooper took a deep breath and fired a ball of mud with it hitting the thunder shock.

Y/N: Now get up and personal and use Poison Tail!

Wooper ran at Pawmi who tried to dodge it but the poison made it unable to dodge so Wooper jumped up and landed poison tail on it's back with it taking it out.

Y/N: We did Wooper!

Wooper: Wooper!

Wooper ran up to me and jumped into my arms with him really happy we won.

???: You did great Pawmi, get a good rest.

She returned Pawmi into it's pokeball with her being happy.

???: Got to admit that was rather impressive, where did you learn to do that.

Y/N: Well I sorta watched my older sister battle so I kinda learned from her a bit.

???: I see, say you are pretty strong, how would you like to be rivals.

I was surprised what she said.

Y/N: Wait what rivals?

???: Yeah wouldn't be fun, you and I can get stronger and have so many amazing so battles so please let's be rivals.

Y/N: But I don't even know your name.

???: Oh right, sorry I knew I forgot something. I'm Nemona nice to meet you.

Y/N: Hi I'm Y/N I'm from Kitakami.

Gloria: And I'm Gloria and I'm from Galar.

Nemona: Galar, ( gasp ) that's the region of champion Leon, is he strong as he says he is.

Gloria: Uh I don't know maybe, I don't personally know so maybe.

Nemona: Ok, so what about it Y/N want to be rivals?

Y/N: I'm not sure, can I think about it.

Nemona: Sure take your time, so I'm guessing you two are here to join Mesagozea Academy?

Y/N: Yes we are.

Nemona: Well seeing how you did Y/N you have a bright future seeing how well you battled, especially since you were able to beat the student council president.

Me and Gloria were surprised to hear the this stranger I just beaten was the student council president and not only that she wants to be my rival only after beating her once.

Gloria: Wasn't expecting to meet the student council president in the first day.

Nemona: I guess you can count that as your first Paldean surprise, anyway since we are already here why not I show you around the academy.

Y/N: We would appreciate that.

Nemona: In that case right this way.

She pushed opened the door with us seeing the place with it almost looking like a large town.

Nemona: Since we are here this is Mesagozea plaza, we have tons of things here's like stores, restaurant, and a few other surprises here on campus. Next up is the main attraction.

As we followed her I saw some students with some wearing orange and some wear purple.

Y/N: Excuse me can you tell us about the uniforms?

Nemona: Oh well you see girls here wear orange and the boys wear purple, sound good to you?

Y/N: Yeah, actually we ran into a guy named Raven who wear the same uniform, you know anything about him?

Nemona: Oh yeah he's the son of the professors Sada and Turo.

Gloria: Waitz he's the son of the professors here?

Nemona: Yep.

That would mean both Miraidon and Koradion are the professors pokemon, but why would one fly to Paldea and the other stranded on a beach.

Nemona soon took us to see the Academy itself with it being a mix of Orange and Purple.

Nemona: This is the amazing Mesagozea Academy, and probably the oldest in Paldea.

Y/N/Gloria: Wow.


After awhile she gave us a tour of the school with us learning about all the classes and meeting the professors.

Nemona: Now this is the ending spots of the tour, the dorms. Y/N here's your form.

She opened the door with me seeing the room with it being mostly purple with a few things inside.

Nemona: We kinda split the Academy split into two so no risky business happens around here. If you know what I mean~. So the boys dorms are on the left side of the academy and the girls dorms are on the right side.

Y/N: Ok, and I have this room too myself.

Nemona: Yep also your uniform is in the closest, you have quite a bit of styles to choose from so pick what's best for you. Anyway I'll be taking Gloria to her dorm see you in the morning rival.

She closed the door as her and Gloria left.

Y/N: I guess I'm here rival.

I held Cyndaquil pokeball out with it looking around.

Y/N: Well buddy this is where we are going to be staying while we are in Paldea.

I looked out the window as the sun was about to set.

Gloria POV

Nemona: And here's your dorm Gloria.

She opened the door with me seeing the room with it being mostly orange.

Gloria: Hmm feels like home to me. So I get the room to myself.

Nemona: Yep, my dorm is right next door so if you need my just give a howl.

Gloria: Thanks.

Nemona: Also quick question, do you and Y/N have something special going on.

I turned to her blushing.

Gloria: What no, well I don't think so. Didn't you say you were going?!

Nemona: I know, I know seeya in the morning lovebird.

She left with her closing the door behind. After she left I sighed as I took my cap down and flopped onto my bed with me looking at the ceiling just thinking.

Gloria: Me and Y/N, as a couple? Well he is adorable a bit when he's shy.

I soon blushed as I shot up from bed.

Gloria: Why am I thinking about this.


Y/N/Gloria: This is going to be an interesting year.

And this is it I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you later. Also quick question should I do Goodbye chats or play the theme at the end or both for this series? For this part I'll do both.

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