Chapter 3: Let the Treasure hunt begin

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I was sleeping until I heard the sound of my alarm clock go off

I groaned as I got up and stretched and turned my alarm off with me sitting on my bed with a white sleeveless shirt on and white shorts.

Y/N: Well I guess it's time to get ready.

I soon got out of bed and stretched a bit with me heading over to my closet and sorta through the different uniforms with me soon finding the one that fit me the best.

Y/N: This should do it


After getting dressed I went over to the mirror and saw how I looked

I looked at my hair as I grabbed a brush and poured some water on it and brushed it with it falling into it's normal look

Y/N: Much better.

I then grabbed my bag, I soon checked that we are meeting in the arena that battle studies takes place.

I soon started to make my away there with me soon making it to the arena where I saw a few other students with me spotting one that looked different from everyone else.

Y/N: Who is she?

???: Who's who?

I jumped as I turned around to see Gloria in her uniform

Y/N: Gah! You scared the daylights out of me.

Gloria: Sorry about that. So who are you talking about.

Y/N: I was talking about.

I looked over where that girl was only to see she was gone.

Y/N: Where she go?

Gloria: Maybe you were seeing things, sometimes that happens when you awaken up early.

Y/N: Probably. Why do you think everyone is here this early?

Gloria: Beats me, only one way to find out.

We soon made it with us seeing Nemona on stage with one of the professors of the academy.

???: Good morning everyone, I am Dendra, and I'm the teacher for battle studies class. Now you're probably wondering why you all had to come here bright and early. You see today we are starting the Mesagozea treasure hunt!

We all started talking amongst ourselves about it.

Y/N: Wait we are doing it today? I thought we be doing that later on in the school year?

Gloria: I guess they want to start us off early.

Dendra: But before that happens I have a guest here that's here to show off something important you'll need for the treasure hunt. The student council president herself Nemona.

Nemona got up and stood next to Dendra.

Nemona: Morning everyone glad to see you all up and hopefully ready so awesome battles!

Dendra: While that would be good but that's not why we are here Nemona even though I love a good battle once and awhile too. We are here to show them Terralzation.

Nemona: Oh yeah right. Well then let's get started, I'll start first. ( Grabs Pokeball ) Come on out Qxauly!

She tossed it into the air with it bursting open and Qxauly coming out with it fixing its hair.

Nemona: Now then watch closely everyone.

She pulled out a Terra orb with it building up Terra energy and soon tossed it with it bursting open and Qxauly becoming a Terra Water Type.

Nemona: Ta-da! Now Qxauly is now a Terra Water Type!

Dendra: Thanks but that's not the only thing these babies can do, now watch as I test out the other effect with this pokemon.

She let out a pokemon from a pokeball she had

Fuecoco: Fuecoco!

Gloria: I'm guessing that's the fire starter here?

Y/N: Yep.

Dendra: Now watch this.

She held out a Terra orb with it building up with Terra energy, she then tossed it with it bursting and Fuecoco became a fighting terra type.

Dendra: Not only can pokemon turn into a Terra type that originates from their own but can also turn into types that are different from their own, such as Fuecoco going from a fire type to a fighting terra type.

Nemona: Not only that but when they terralize they can get a power boost based on the type that move is.

Gloria: So it's about strategy when it comes to Terralzation.

Y/N: Everything about battling is strategy.

Gloria: Well that's fair.

Dendra: Well then you'll all be getting Terra orbs right now.

She soon got off the stage with her having a case with her as she passed them to all of us. After that she got back on stage.

Dendra: That's all for now, you're free to leave but come back in one hour so we can begin the Mesagozea Treasure hunt!

We let out massive cheer as we all left with me putting my Terra orb in my bag.

Gloria: Got to admit these are rather neat, back in Galar we have Dynmaxing.

Y/N: What was that like?

Gloria: You see Dynmaxing we use these things called "dynmax bands" when used they turn the pokemon huge.

Y/N: Wow, I bet Kieran and Carmine would love to see that.

Gloria: Maybe you can check out my home region sometime.

Y/N: Sure that be fun. Anyway I'm going to get something to eat, want to join me?

Gloria: Sure I'm hungry too.

We soon went to the cafeteria with us getting some food to eat.

Gloria: Got to admit this cafeteria food is pretty good.

Y/N: Agreed.

We went to find somewhere to sit with us seeing Arven sitting down eating a sandwich.

Y/N: Hey it's Arven, maybe we can ask him more about Miridon and Koradion.

Gloria: Good idea.

We went over to him with us sitting across the table from him.

Gloria: Hey Arven

He turned to us as he ate his sandwich.

Arven: Oh it's you two again? What brings you here?

Y/N: It has to do with Miridon and Koradion.

Arven: Listen I know you want to know more about them but I don't.

Gloria: But we do know about your parents being the pokemon professors here.

He then coughed a bit of his sandwich as he looked at us.

Arven: How do you know that?

Y/N: Nemona told us about your parents and how they are the professors here.

Gloria: Listen we know you probably don't know anything about Miridon and Koradion but do your parents know, they are their Pokemon after all.

Arven sighed with him pulling out a scarlet and Violet book out with it having what looked like Miridon and Koradion on the cover.

Arven: This was a book my parents were writing, it says those two might be related to the Pokemon they've been researching.

He then pointed to two pictures in the book.

Y/N: They sorta look like donphan.

Gloria: Yeah except one is more prehistoric and the other is more futuristic.

Y/N: So do you think Miridon and Koradion are these "Paradox Pokemon?"

Arven: Maybe but like I said I don't know.

Y/N: Ok well thanks anyway.

We soon got up and started to leave with us already finished our food as Arven had to look through the book for those pictures.


We soon went outside to get some fresh air.

Y/N: Ah good to be outside.

Gloria: Yep, so should we try practicing with our Terra orbs?

Y/N: We'll probably will need to know how to use them properly before using them any serious battles.

???: Leave me alone.

We both looked down and saw that girl from before and these two strange students harassing her.

Y/N: It's that girl from before, the one who disappeared.

Gloria: Looks like she could use some help, come on.

I nodded and followed her as we got Infront of the girl.

Guy: Hey what's the big idea?

Gloria: "What's the big idea?" You guys were harassing her just a few seconds ago!

Lady: Nah whatcha talking about, we were wondering if she wanted to join Team Star.

Y/N: She already told you to leave her alone so just leave her be.

Guy: Oh and like you two going to stop us.

Gloria: Oh you know it.

We both reached for our pokeballs but suddenly the pokeballs that held Miridon and Koradion burst open with them appearing and then roaring at the two with them scaring those people off.

Gloria: Woah, talk about perfect timing.

Y/N: I guess they knew what was happening and came out to help.

We looked over at the girl with us seeing she had what looked like an Eevee back pack.

Y/N: Hey it's ok, there gone now.

She looked at us with her fixing her glasses.

???: Th-Thank you. Both of you.

Gloria: No problem we are happy to help

Both Miraidon and Koradion looked at her and the two licked her as if they were dogs.

???: Hey stop it, that ticket and sorta gross.

Gloria: I guess they were worried about you too, but I agree. Come on you two she's already grateful for what you did but she needs some space.

They looked at us and nodded with them walking back towards us with us rubbing their chins.

Y/N: That's a good boy, or good girl? Still don't know I'll just address you as Miraidon to make it simple.

Miraidon nodded with both it and Koradion returned to their pokeballs.

Y/N: So who are you?

???: Oh ( cleans her glasses and puts them on ) I'm Penny.

Y/N: Y/N.

Gloria: And I'm Gloria.

Y/N: So who were those guys?

Penny: Those were team star, they are a group of people who got bullied and now they are bullies now too.

Gloria: Really, stuff like that happens here?

Y/N: How come someone hasn't done anything about it yet?

Penny: Most students are scared to face them.

Gloria: They didn't seem that scary, at best they are just delinquents.

Y/N: And they did turn and run after they saw Miraidon and Koradion. They don't seem that big of a problem if you ask me.

Penny: Well that's because those were just grunts, you haven't met their leaders. Listen if you see them just stay clear ok.

She was walking away but I tighten my fist.

Y/N: I'm sorry, but I'm not going to let people like them get away with that stuff. I don't care how strong their leaders are I'll take them on and beat them!

She kept going but she clearly heard me but she did seem surprised what I said.

Gloria: Wow where did that come from?

Y/N: Not sure, it just felt like something from inside just wanted to come out.

As we stood there we soon got calls.

Y/N/Gloria: Hello?

???: Hello this is the headmaster of the school I wish to see you two in my office and don't worry your not in trouble I wish to talk to you two both before the treasure hunt begins.

Y/N: Ok we're on our way.

We hung up with us looking at each other.

Gloria: What do you think he wants with us?

Y/N: Don't know we better go find out.


We soon made it to the headmasters office where we saw the headmaster at his desk with him having a purple suit on

???: Ah glad you two can make, please allow me to introduce myself. I am Headmaster Carevell, it's a pleasure to meet both of you especially since you both are from different regions.

Y/N: Thanks I guess.

Gloria: So why did you call us here?

Carevell: Well you see I saw you two confront Team Star but I saw the pokemon that came out and well I decided to set up something special for the two of you.

We followed him to a flat screen he had in his office with it turning on with it being a video call of two people with a woman in a cave like area and a man in a lab of somesort.

Lady: Hello, I am Professor Sada.

Man: And I am Professor Turo.

Soon both Miraidon and Koradion came out with them both seeing both professors.

Sada: Ah there you two are, we were getting worried about you.

Turo: Might I ask where you found them?

Y/N: Well I found Miraidon on the beach where it looked like it crashed there.

Gloria: And Koradion landed in my home of Galar.

Turo: I see, well then myself and Sada are busy with some important research so if it's alright with the both of you if you can watch over them for the both of us.

Gloria: Sure.

Y/N: I'm up for it.

Sada: Thank you so much for doing this, in that case take care you two.

The video call ended with the two returning to us with us turning to Carevell.

Carevell: Well with that settled let us make our way to the battle area so we can begin the treasure hunt.


As we stood there listening to Carevell give his speech about the treasure hunt I soon got a random text from an unknown number with it saying.

Text: Hello I am Cassiopeia and you seem to have a set of skills I found useful. I would like to recruit you for something called "operation Starfall" call me back if you wish to agree to such a task.

Y/N: What the?

Soon after we were set off on the treasure hunt with me telling everything to Gloria.

Gloria: So this "Cassiopeia" person wants you to take on Team Star?

Y/N: That's what the message said.

Gloria: Strange.

???: Hey you two!

We turned and saw Nemona with her running up to us.

Y/N: Hey Nemona.

Gloria: What brings you here?

Nemona: Oh nothing much, you see I was checking if you are going to try to take the champions expedition.

Y/N: Champion Expedition?

Nemona: Oh right you're new here. Well you see what the Champion Expedition is where you take on the champion of Paldea and see if you are capable of being Paldea's newest champion.

Y/N: That does sound interesting, how do I take part in this?

Nemona: Well you see, you first need to collect all eight gym badges to take part in it, so will you take on the gyms?

Y/N: Hmmm, well I can I ask why you asking me to take part in the expedition.

Nemona: It kinda helps me out with my secret treasure, so will you try it out?

I thought about it and thought it didn't seem to hurt.

Y/N: Sure why not.

Nemona: Great well good luck rival.

She ran off in a hurry, soon after we were approached by Arven.

Arven: Hey listen can I ask you two for a favor?

Gloria: What is it?

Arven: Well in the book I showed you it had something known as the "Herba mystica" I was wondering if you can help me find them.

Y/N: Does it have something to do with your treasure?

Arven: Indeed, so do you think you can help?

Y/N: Sure.

Arven: Thank you, I'll be sure to pay you back both. I'll see you around

Arven went off as we stood there.

Gloria: Why are you helping out everyone else with their treasures, why not work on yours?

Y/N: Well that's the thing, I sorta don't know where to start with mine, and maybe helping them out can help me find my own treasure.

Gloria: Ok but just letting you know you have the right to say no.

Y/N: I know, what about you? Aren't you heading off to find your treasure?

Gloria: I don't know where to start with mine so I might tag along with you for now if you don't mind.

Y/N: Sure I don't, we could start by heading to the first gym.

Gloria: Then let's get going.

We soon made our way out of Mesagozea as we started our treasure hunt.

And that is it I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you later. Now I would play the theme and a goodbye chat gif but I don't have a new one so here's a gif of Nemona being happy

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