Here goes nothing

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Starscream pretended that he was occupied by scanning the area for relics. In reality, he was checking for Windblade's energy signal. "Come on... where are you.." he mumbled to himself.

"What was that, Screamer?" Skywarp asked, peering over his shoulder.

"N-nothing, Skywarp. Quit calling me that." Starscream huffed, trying to focus on the task at hand. His spark was beating at an abnormal rate and he could feel his palms beginning to sweat.

What if this didn't work? What if Windblade couldn't capture him successfully?

Starscream was lost in thought when Thundercracker spotted something in the distance. "Hey, what's tha—"

Laser bolts were fired down at them, forcing them to scramble for cover. Starscream dove behind a boulder, trying to see if it was Windblade.

"Thank the Primes..." He whispered as she landed on the ground, followed by the annoying Autobot scout, who drove up beside her and transformed.

"Autobots!" Skywarp growled, whipping out his weapon and firing at them.

Through the heat of battle, Starscream tried to get Windblade's attention. He fired a few warning shots, eventually getting her to look at him. He pointed to the boulder next to her and then pointed to himself.

She nodded, dodging laser fire from Thundercracker and lifting the boulder. She grunted with effort, lobbing the boulder in Starscream's direction.

The boulder caught him in the chest, sending him to the ground. He tried to get up, but the boulder was too heavy.

Skywarp noticed that he was trapped and went to help him, but Bumblebee kicked him out of the way.

"You're going for a wild ride!" Bumblebee exclaimed, yanking Starscream by the wings and dragging him away.

Starscream faked a struggle, trying to grab at the annoying scout who was almost half his size. Windblade darted over and helped Bumblebee drag Starscream away, leaving Skywarp and Thundercracker in the dust.

-Autobot base-

"I told you that would work." Starscream smirked as he walked alongside Windblade. His hands were restrained by stasis cuffs so that he couldn't escape.

Windblade rolled her optics and chuckled. "I doubted you at first, but your trine is dumber than I thought."

Starscream fluttered his wings happily. "Yeah... that's probably the only reason that worked. Brilliant plan, huh?" He chuckled, nudging her in the side with his elbow.

"Stop bragging and be quiet! We're coming up on Ultra Magnus's office now..." Windblade hushed him, shoving him in the back to go forward.

The door to Magnus's office slid open, revealing Ultra Magnus sitting at his desk. "Ah, so you've brought the prisoner. Come in."

Windblade gave Starscream a look before pushing him into the room and forcing him to sit down. She sat down next to him, folding her hands in her lap nervously.

Ultra Magnus glanced at a datapad containing Starscream's information and his optics narrowed. "Starscream, Huh? Didn't think it would be this easy to capture you."

"Don't flatter yourself, commander." Starscream growled, earning a glare from Windblade.

Ultra Magnus turned to Windblade and set the datapad down. "Did he come willingly?"

"Are you kidding me? He was kicking and screaming the whole time. Put up one heck of a fight, that's for sure." Windblade chuckled, glancing off to the side. She hated lying, especially to her commanding officer. But if it meant she could be with her love, then that's what she would do.

"Good, we want him to know that it's bad to come here. You're going to have a fun time in your new special restraint.." Ultra Magnus mumbled, glancing down at another datapad.

"What sort of new restraint, sir?" Windblade asked, caught by surprise.

"You haven't heard? Our technicians have developed a restraint that gives us the opportunity to shut up any inmate that wants to clap their jaws all day. Starscream is the worst offender."

Starscream's optics narrowed and he looked at Windblade with a worried look.

Windblade only shrugged, shifting in her seat. "Is that all?"

Ultra Magnus nodded, shuffling the datapads on his desk. "I think so. His cell is 8F, okay? Comm me if anything pops up." He waved them out of his office, sighing heavily.

Starscream's wings flattened and he huffed. "You didn't know about those restraints!?" He growled in annoyance.

"No! How am I supposed to know stuff that's top secret?!" Windblade retorted, hauling Starscream to the elevator that would take them down to the prison floor.

Starscream folded his wings so they didn't get scratched and vented in frustration. "Well great, there goes our only source of communication..."

"Quit whining, they have to take the restraint off to give you energon right? When they take it off, try to break it. Or you could complain that it's hurting your jaw mechanisms." Windblade chuckled, pressing the button and watching the doors slowly slide shut.

"Now I remember why I'm in love with you." Starscream laughed, nuzzling the side of her helm with his forehead.

"Whatever." Windblade giggled, shoving her hand in his face.

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