That's a stupid plan

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"That's your plan?!" Windblade exclaimed, trying to hold back her laughter.

"Hey! You said you wanted to hear it! I told you it was going to be stupid!" Starscream pouted, crossing his arms.

"I like stupid..." Windblade smirked, leaning in closer to Starscream.


"Come here, my stupid little seeker." Windblade giggled, pulling Starscream into a warm kiss.

Starscream went red in the face, completely losing it on the inside. His optics drooped as he was lulled into the kiss and he wrapped his arms around her.

They pulled apart, each being equally embarrassed and red in the face.

"Wow.... it's been a while since I've kissed someone.." Windblade mumbled, a smile on her face.

"Did you enjoy it?" Starscream snickered, raising an eyebrow.

Windblade giggled, lightly smacking him on the helm for that comment. "You're not exactly the best kisser if that's what you're asking."

"You startled me! What else was I supposed to do?!" Starscream retorted, his wings fluttering.

"Okay, Okay! Calm down now, you don't want to blow a head gasket!" Windblade giggled like a giddy schoolgirl, neatly folding her hands in her lap. She checked her internal clock and almost freaked out. "Holy Primus! It's later than I thought! I have to go!" She went to get up, but Starscream grabbed her hand.

"You are going through with the plan, right?" He asked, a sad glint to his optics.

Windblade sighed, gently pulling her hand away from his. "Yes, I'll do what we planned. If it means getting you away from those monsters, I'm all for it."

Starscream smiled, getting to his pedes and brushing himself off. "Thank you, Windblade."

Windblade smiled at him and winked. "You're welcome, Starscream. See ya around." She jumped off the edge, transforming into her jet mode and soaring off into the night sky.

Starscream sighed in content, watching as she disappeared into the horizon. He leapt off as well and transformed, flying back to the Decepticon base.

-The next day, Decepticon base-

Today was the day. Starscream had butterflies in his tank as he reported to the flight deck for inspection.

Today was the day he would finally break free from this wretched cause. He would no longer be abused or made fun of. He would be accepted and treated like everyone else for once.


The harsh bark from Megatron snapped him out of his thoughts and he straightened up, doing a quick salute. "Present, Lord Megatron!"

Megatron walked over and stood directly in front of him, examining his finish and frame. He raised an eyebrow when he noticed a bunch of scratches on Starscream's leg thrusters. "Starscream."

"Yes, my liege." Starscream replied, gulping nervously.

"Why are your leg thrusters scratched up? Were you out in the desert last night?"

Starscream froze, wings stiffening up. "Scrap.... I forgot to buff those last night!" He chuckled nervously and flashed a grin at Megatron. "No, Lord Megatron. I must've forgotten to buff them after my latest encounter with the Autobots..."

Megatron frowned and Starscream began to panic. Did he not believe him?

"Alright then, but don't let it happen again. Understood?" Megatron leaned dangerously close to Starscream's face, burning red optics staring into his soul.

"Y-Yes, my liege." Starscream stammered, nodding quickly.

"Listen up! I don't want anyone messing around out there while flying. If I see one trick or prank being done, you'll have to deal with me. Understand?" Megatron shouted to the rest of the seekers, his voice echoing throughout the hangar.

"Yes, Lord Megatron!" They replied, standing up straight and facing him.

"Then go! You better not come back empty handed!" Megatron pointed to the flight doors, which were slowly opening.

The seekers all transformed, flying in formation out of the opening and into the outside world. Once they were out, they broke formation and went to their own selected area to search for relics.

Starscream was assigned to plot 3A with Thundercracker and Skywarp, which he didn't mind. He almost forgot about the plan.

Windblade was supposed to engage them and capture him somehow. She would then bring him back to the Autobot base like he was a prisoner, making the Decepticons believe that he didn't go willingly.

"Hopefully this goes well..." Starscream thought to himself as he flew faster to keep up with his trine.

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