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A few days later, I'm feeling better. My fever is gone and I can eat normally once again. Brian and I have been texting each other nonstop.

He's been talking about running away together. Away from all this drama. Away from our fucked up lives. Away from everything. Maybe we can see if being outside for too long will actually kill me. If it does, so be it.

"Jordan," I hear Mom say behind me.

"Yes?" I reply.

"I have to go on another business trip. I leave tomorrow. You will be left here with Ashley, just like last time. Ashley will watch you closely this time. He will be here 24/7," she explains, "please stay inside. You can't get sick again. It won't be good for you."

"I know," I reply, "I'll be fine. I'll stay inside. I promise," I assure her.

"Okay. I need to start packing. Yell if you need anything," she says and turns to leave my room.

I decide to message Brian about my mom leaving again. We can run away while she's gone. I don't know where we'll go, but anywhere is better than here.

He quickly messages back. "Really?? Maybe we can run away then."

"Yes!!" I text back.

"She leaves tomorrow right? Let's leave early the next morning" Brian suggests.

"No, late that night." I message back. I'm just sick of this place. I need to escape!

"Deal" he quickly texts back.

I squeal in happiness. I'm leaving this place! I'll be out of here tomorrow night! I'll be free!

Brian and I will be able to be alone together. We'll have everything we've ever wanted. It will not longer be a fantasy. It will be real. We'll find our own Neverland.


I wake up at 8am the next morning. I grab my duffle bag from the closet and begin putting clothes in it. I also put my lion plushie in there. That's all I'll need.

I'll leave my some of my clothes and toothbrush here so people will believe that I'll come back. Little do they know, I'm never coming back here. I don't want to be caged in anymore. I got to feel freedom for a few seconds two weeks ago. I want to feel that again.

Once I finish, I out my duffle bag under my bed. I go to my desk and turn my laptop on. Once my laptop is on, I go on Twitter. I message Brian to tell him that I'm packed and ready when he is. He tells me that he is, too. We agree to leave at midnight. Ashley will be asleep by then.

"Good morning," Mom says from behind me.

I turn around and see her standing in the doorway. She is wearing a black dress. She always wears that to business trips or  meetings. One day someone is going to tell her to sashay away.

"Morning," I reply.

"I'm about to leave. I love you," she says.

"I love you, too," I reply.

"I'll see you when I get back," she says.

"I will, too."

I don't think I've ever lied that well in my entire life.

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