Run Away With Me

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It's 12am. Midnight. Bryan and I will be leaving soon. I hope we're going somewhere good. Maybe Australia!

I hear someone knocking on my window. I look and see Bryan. I get up from my bed and open the window. Bryan climbs in. "Ready?" He asks.

"Yeah," I reply, "let's go."

I get my duffle bag out from under my bed. I bid a silent goodbye to my room. Bryan takes my bag. "Be careful when climbing down the ladder," he whispers.

He climbs down first. I hold my breath and begin climbing down, too. I make sure to close the window. I'm scared. I've never done this before. What if I fall? I don't need to get hurt and ruin mine and Bryan's plan.

Fortunately, I make it to the ground in one piece. I'm still shaking, but I'm okay. Bryan takes the ladder and puts it away.

Bryan puts my bag in the trunk of his van. He then gets in the driver's seat. I get in the passenger's seat. We buckle our seat belts and he starts the car.

"Ready?" He asks for the second time tonight.

"Ready," I reply.

He pulls out of the driveway. He begins driving down the road. "Where are we going?" I ask.

"The airport," he replies, "we're flying to Australia. Are you up fro that?"

"Some of my family is from Australia. They all moved here, though. So, yeah, I'm up for it. I've heard it's beautiful and deadly," I say, "and, I'm already facing death by being outside. So, going there doesn't bother me."

"That's the spirit!" Bryan exclaims. He turns the radio on. A song is on. It had a heavy sound to it. 'On the ground I lay. Motionless, in pain. I can see my life flashing before my eyes. Did I fall asleep? Is this all a dream? Wake me up; I'm living a nightmare!'

"What is this song?" I ask.

"Time of Dying' by Three Days Grace. It's good, right?"

"Yeah! Probably my new favorite song," I say with a smile. I haven't heard good rock in awhile. So, this moment is amazing!

I soon see the airport in sight. I smile at the bright lights. I can just feel the freedom. Australia, here we come!


"We're here. On a plane. Now." I say nervously.

"Chill out. It's not that bad," Bryan assures me, "everything will be okay."

"I hope," I say, "I'm about to be free! Free from schedules, free from doctors, free from medicine, and most of all, free of worry."

"We'll find a great place to settle down at in Australia," Bryan says.

"And we can start a new life," I add, "but, let's sleep for now. I'm tired."


I close my eyes. I'll need energy for Australia. Life will be better there. The only thing Bryan and I may have trouble with is learning the new laws and getting used to the new time zone.


"Woah," I gasp as Bryan and I walk out of the airport. I almost drop my duffle bag.

"Beautiful, right?" Bryan asks as if he's been here before.

"Right," I reply. It looks like a painting. I can see a beautiful city beyond the airport. Soon Bryan and I will be in the middle of that city.

"Let's go," Bryan says. He leads me to a place. He talks to a guy. I drown out their conversation and look around the area. This airport looks similar to the one in the USA.

Bryan is handed a car key. "We have a rental car for now. We'll have our own soon," he says.

We walk over to a car. Bryan unlocks it and we get in. Of course, he's in the driver's seat while I'm in the passenger's seat.

"Let's go find an apartment," he says.

This is it. We found Neverland. 

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