Hello, I Love You

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I text Bryan to tell him about the plan. He will come on Thursday at nine am, he will have to be very clean (immaculate like), and he has to stay on his side of the room. He's cool with it all.

I honestly can't believe this is happening! I haven't been able to hang out with a friend in years! Twelve years, to be exact. Maybe if I don't get sick after this, I can hang out with Bryan more.


Surprisingly, the three days I have to wait pass by quickly. I get up on Thursday morning excited. I haven't been this excited since the week before I was hospitalized and diagnosed with severe immunodeficiency. It was Christmas.

I watch the clock. I can hear my mom running around. She's probably making sure she has everything. I get up from my desk and walk to the window that faces Bryan's house. I sit in the windowsill. I see him getting his mail. He turns around, sees me, and waves at me. I wave back.

Ashley is so right; I have a crush. I have a crush on a boy. A boy that I probably have no real chance with. He wouldn't be able to live a life with me. I have to stay indoors all of the time; that's not a real life.

I push the depressing thoughts aside and continue to watch Bryan. He seems so content. If only I could be outside retrieving the mail for my mom. That's one thing most people take for granted: the ability to go outside.

I check the clock again and see it is 7:53. So, I get out of the windowsill and walk to the lounge room. I see that my sisters have already gone to school. Their backpacks are not in their usual place beside the front door.

I see Ashley walk through the door with his husband, Andy and a girl who I guess is Winter. "Good morning, Jordan," Ashley greets. "Good morning," I reply, "is that Winter?" "Yes, it is," Ash replies, "your mother said she could come over. But, you two don't have to have a long conversation."

Winter looks at be parents before walking over to the couch I am sitting on. She sits on the end away from me. I don't mind. I would do the same.

"I'm Jordan," I tell her. "I-I'm, Winter," she replies timidly. She's so adorable. "Don't be scared," I tell her, "I don't judge and I won't bite." She smiles and looks at me. Her eyes are a piercing shade of blue. It's hard to believe that a girl with naturally black hair would have eyes like those.

"You're beautiful," she tells me. "But not as much as you are," I reply. "Jordan," Andy says sternly. "I'm not trying to flirt, calm down," I assure him. "Plus, um, I don't have a love interest in boys," Winter says and Ashley and Andy look surprised. "Cool," I tell her.

Mom walks into the room, interrupting our conversation. "I've got to go. I love you all. I'll be back tomorrow. Jordan, be good," she says. "I will," I reply. She hugs me before she walks out of the house.

"So I hear you're meeting a special someone today," Winter says. "Yeah," I reply, "I'm guilty!" "I knew you had a crush," Ashley claims, "anyways, Winter, are you meaning to tell us that you're lesbian? Your Daddy and I are 100% okay with it."

"I am," she says, "I'm sorry." "No need to apologize," Andy assures her, "you're you and nothing can change that. No matter what your gender identity, size, or sexuality is." She smiles once again.

We continue conversing about how it's okay to be gay and my crush on Bryan. We talk till about 8:45. That means Bryan will be over in fifteen minutes.

"Uh, Winter, we should go," Andy says, "Jordan will have company soon." "Oh, okay. Good luck, Jordan. Have fun," Winter says. "Thanks," I reply, "bye." "Bye," she says. She and Andy exit the house. I have a feeling Andy doesn't like me that much.

"Are you ready?" Ashley asks me. "Yeah," I reply, "but I'm nervous!" "Don't be. You've got this," Ashley assures me, "you're amazing. Don't let insecurities hold you back." "But that's hard," I say. "But not impossible. Hell, the word itself says 'I'm possible,'" Ashley tells me. Since when did he become a walking, inspirational card or poster?

I take deep breaths to calm myself down. I hear a knock at the door. Ashley smiles and goes to answer the door. When he walks back in, I see Bryan standing next to him. I stand up. "Bryan, you stay on your side. Jordan, you stay on yours," Ashley says, "I will leave you two alone."

Once he's out of the room, Bryan takes step closer to me. I take a step back. "Hi," I say nervously. "Hello," he replies, "I'm glad we can finally see each other face to face." "I am, too," I reply. We've only known each other for a few weeks or so, but it seems like we've known each other for years.

"You're so much more beautiful in person," Bryan says and steps closer to me. "Th-Thanks," I reply. Yes, I know he's flirting. I don't know how to respond!

"Sorry if I seem awkward," I say, "I just don't know how to handle situations like this." "It's okay," he assures me and takes a step closer to me, "if I were you, I wouldn't either. You're brave."

"How?" I ask. "You went against your mother's wishes to meet me. You're letting your heart get in the way of your mind. That's a brave thing to do," he explains. That makes sense. I have gone against the only rule in this house: no outsiders.

"Bryan, is it bad to feel attracted to someone you barely know?" I ask. "No," he replies, "why?" He takes two steps closer. There won't be much space in between us soon.

I look down at the floor. "Because there's this guy I just met and I really like them. I don't want to weird them out. They could be straight, even though they're a real flirt when it comes to boys," I explain. I look back up and see him in front of me. Damn, he's silent when he walks.

"What's this person's name?" He asks. "Bryan," I reply. "Bryan who?" He questions teasingly. "Whatever the hell your last name is," I reply. He smiles, "I'm not bothered by your feelings at all. I feel the same about you." He smile and feel my face heat up. "Really?" I ask. "Of course," he replies, "let me prove it."

He pulls me into a hug. I am stiff at first, but I soon relax and hug back. He kisses the top of my head. "You're beautiful, no matter what. So what if you have a medical condition? That doesn't mean a damn thing," he says. That was random.

When we pull away, I see that Ashley is peeking in at us. I glare at him and shake my head. He shrugs and disappears. So he wanted this to happen, didn't he?

"Jordan, will you be my boyfriend?" Bryan asks. He catches me off guard. I look at him and blink. "Of course!" I reply once I have regained composure, "we're on the same page with feelings towards each other, correct?" "Correct," he replies.

I smile and he hugs me again. "Your smile is adorable," he says. "Shut up," I reply and playfully punch his arm. He takes my hand and drags me over to the couch. "We just started dati—" "Chill, I don't want to do anything like that. I'm just tired of standing," he assures me. "Same," I reply.

"Let's keep this secret, okay?" He asks. "Okay," I reply, "it's for the best. No one can know!" Although, Ashley already knows....

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