Operation: Meet Friend

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I wake up to a text notification. I didn't realise I had fallen asleep. "REALLY? WHAT TIME?" The text says. It's from Bryan.

"I don't know. Lemme ask," I text. "Ashley!" I call out. "Coming!" He replies. He then comes to my room. "What do you need?" He asks. "What time can Bryan come over?" I ask. "Your Mom will leave at eight, so, nine. Just to make sure she doesn't come back and see him here," Ashley replies.

"Thanks!" I say and quickly text Bryan to tell him the information. He replies seconds afterwards, "coooool. I'll be there :)." I smile to myself. "That's all I needed," I tell Ashley. "Good. Your Mom will be telling you about her meeting today," he says. "Cool," I reply.

I decide to follow Ashley out of my room. "So, if I do have a crush, which I totally don't, how do I impress him?" I ask. "This is cliché, but just be yourself. No one likes a fake," Ashley replies, "be shy and kind as you usually are." "Okay," I say, "and, another thing, how did you meet Andy?"

Ashley smirks, "I don't know if I should tell you." "Please? I'm almost eighteen! I am old enough to hear anything!" I insist. He sighs and rolls his eyes, "Since you really wanna know..." I nod eagerly, telling him to go on.

"We met at a Guns N' Roses concert. We hung out together all night. We exchanged phone numbers, too," he begins, "we talked for a month before I had formed an attraction towards him. I told him weeks later since I knew he was pansexual. He accepted my feelings and asked me if he wanted me to be his boyfriend. I gladly accepted! Then, three years later, I proposed to him. We were married for a year before we adopted Winter."

"That's cute," I say, "what does Winter call you two?" "She calls me Papa and calls Andy Daddy," Ashley replies, giggling slightly at the end. He can be so immature; I love it!

"I hope I find the right person for me one day," I say. "Oh, I'm sure you will. As I said, you're a guy anyone would want," Ashley assures me, "the person you meet will just have to be flexible and accepting; and not scared of your mother." I nod in agreement since she can be scary.

"Do you talk to Andy much?" I ask. "Yeah. I go home every night while you're asleep and sometimes they come here," Ashley replies, "next time they come, I want you to meet Winter. She needs a friend. Sadly, she can't make many at school."

"Why can't she just befriend my sisters?" I ask. I don't really feel like hanging out with girls right now. "Because they're not her age. I'd like her to meet people her age," Ashley replies, "she's seventeen as well." "Okay, I'll try to be her friend," I say.

Mom walks into the room. "Jordan, we need to talk," she says. I look at Ashley before standing up and walking towards her. "Are you okay with being home alone?" She asks me. "Of course I am," I reply, "I've been yearning for independence forever now."

"Well, you're getting your wish," she tells me, "on Thursday, I have a meeting. I'll leave at eight am. Ashley may be checking on you throughout the day." "Okay," I say, "anything else?" "I won't be home till the next morning. Ashley will be here Thursday night and the next morning. As I said, he may check in on you throughout Thursday," she explains.

"I can handle that," I assure her, "you focus on your meeting. Don't worry about me." "Okay, okay, just be careful," she says, "anyways, I'm not leaving yet. Thursday is in three days." "Oh," I say, dumbfounded. No one keeps me caught up with the days of the week. Mainly because I don't have to go to school every week day.

I wait for Mom to exit the room before I go back to Ashley. "Operation Meet Friend ago," I tell Ashley. "Sounds good," he tells me, "act normal, okay?" I nod, hoping to assure him.

I'll meet you soon, Bryan.

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