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The next morning, I have the courage to ask my mom if Bryan can cone over. He and I discussed it. His mom is chill with it as long as my mom is.

"Mom!" I say as I watch her walk by her in the hallway. "What's up?" She asks. "Can I have a friend over?" I ask. She gives me a stern look. "Absolutely not!" She says, "do you know how dangerous that would be for you? This friend could bring in a disease that could kill you! Even the common cold is too much for your system!"

"But Mom, this is the first friend I've had in fourteen years. Please, just let me meet them in person," I say. She sighs softly, "Jordan, sweetie, if it wouldn't put your life in danger, I'd let them come over. But since this could hurt you, I can't. I can't risk it."

"Okay," I say sadly. "Do you need anything else?" She asks. "No," I reply, "I'll be in my room, waiting for my daily checkup." She nods as I walk off.

As soon as I make it to my room, I see that Bryan has messaged me. "So????" The message says. "It's a no :c sorry.." I reply. "ah, maybe another time?" He asks. I can sense the hopefulness in his message.

"Idk," I reply, "depends on what my mom & ash say." "Good luck c:," he says. "Thx," I say, "got a #?" "Yee," he replies. We exchange numbers. That means we can actually talk to each other. Maybe we'll form a stronger connection that way.

"You're cool ^^," he texts. "Rlly?" I reply. "FVCK YES. (idk how cool u are w/ cussing.)" He says. "I'm chill with it. Thanks," I reply. "Isn't it time for your checkup?" He asks. I check the time; it'll be time soon. "Yeah," I reply. We bid our goodbyes and he goes offline.

I decide to check my emails. I haven't done that in awhile. When I get on Gmail, it reminds me of that. I have 348 new emails. I check through the emails from YouTube and delete the others. I'm only interested in emails from YouTube. They tell me who's uploaded a video.

I notice Ashley walking by my door. "Ashley!" I call out as I turn around. "Yes?" He replies. "Can we talk?" I ask in reply. "Of course," he says. He comes into my room.

"What should we talk about?" "Can you do something for me?" I reply. "Of course," he says, "well, it depends." "Can you make a time for me to meet my friend?" I ask. "Definitely!" He replies, "your mother has a meeting Thursday. What about then?"

"It's cool. Thanks!" I say, "but please make sure she's gone. She can't walk in and see him here." "So it's a he?" Ashley questions. "Yeah," I reply, blushing, "he's nice." "I sense a crush," Ashley says in a singsong voice.

"No!" I say, feeling very embarrassed, "I-I barely know him. I can't confirm that." "Hmm," he hums, "well, you can find out Thursday. Remember to stay on your side of the room and he'll stay on his." "Okay, agreed," I say, "I have a daily checkup to attend to." He nods and exits my room. I have no choice but to follow him.

I make it to the room and sit down. I wait for Mom to come in. I may hate this, but I always get in here early. Just so I won't get yelled at.

"I see you beat me here," Mom says as she walks in. "Of course," I reply, "I didn't want to get into trouble again."

She then begins to do the usual check my blood pressure, pulse, and temperature. It takes seventeen minutes in all. "All done," she says, "you stayed quiet this time. What's up?" "Oh, because of the events that happened earlier today," I reply.

Her happy expression turns sad. "Jordan, again, I'm sorry. I can't control this. I just have to keep you safe. Your sisters think the same thing," she explains. "I know," I reply, "can I go now?" I really don't want to talk about this anymore. Especially since Bryan is already coming over.

"Okay," she says. I get up from my seat and go to my room. I decide to message Bryan. "You can come Thursday," I text. He doesn't reply; he's still offline. I'll talk to him later.

Looks like I'll be meeting the first friend I've made in fourteen years.

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