Chapter 1:Awakened Power

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"Ichigo Kurosaki the boy that at first could only see ghost of those that have died soon later began to fight ghost monsters that it ghost which are called Hollows and through the years Ichigo had began to strengthen his power because hollows weren't the only thing that brought danger there were others like soul reapers, bounts and even arrancars which are the soul reaper version of hollows but continuing with Ichigo at the end of the final battle against Sosuke Aizen he unleashed his true power at the causes of his powers which he would soon get after learning about fullbring which was taken away again by the man who organized his downfall after getting his powers back Kugo Ginjo"







This were the thoughts of the orange haired teen adult that used to be the substitute soul reaper known as

Ichigo Kurosaki

He was on his knees looking down at the ground as rain poured down on him and those around him

As in front of him were the ones who organized his downfall of getting his powers back only to lose them again

The two individuals who did this are the fullbringers known as

Shūkurō Tsukushima and Kugō Ginjo

There was someone else there with Ichigo but unlike him he was injured and on the ground defeated

He is one of Ichigo's friends who hasn't been affected by Tsukushima's Fullbring powers as he was taken down by Ginjo before this event could happen

He is the last(cough!) of the Quincy's

Uryu Ishida

The quincy looked at his friend in fear and worry because of the events that been happening around him he worries about what's going to happen to Ichigo now

Uryu: * weakly* Ichigo

Ichigo:. . . . . . . . . .

Ginjo: *sigh* Honestly this is just a sad sight to see *brings up his sword* well then Ichigo I think it's time we said are finally goodbye wouldn't you agree Tsukushima?

Tsukushima:Yes I believe the poor boy needs to be put out of his misery *turns his sword into a book* he is of no use to us anymore

Ginjo: *nods* Right *turns to Ichigo* but don't worry Ichigo will take good care of your friends and family *smirks* even though they won't even remember you exit

Uryu's and Ichigo's eyes widen when they heard what Ginjō said

He was going to make Tsukushima basically forget he even exited that would mean all the battles, all the sacrifices and all of the hard work Ichigo put into this line of work was going to be all for nothing

He would die here with no one left to even know he had died and no one to even mourn for him

Powerless and weak that's how he wax going to die now

Ichigo: *mind* Is this really how it ends

Ichigo may have been thinking this in his mind but what about in his inner world? that's what we transition to as we see Ichigo drown in his inner world with chains tying him up

Ichigo: *mind* I can't even lift up my finger anymore

He rested there in silence as he looked down at the ground or I should say at a window of a building with his eyes saddened

Ichigo: *mind* I truly I'm pathetic

???:You Damm right you are!!

Ichigo: *eyes widen* What?

A light shined down at Ichigo who was able to release himself from his bedding's that hold him down but now help him up to his feet

???:Don't tell me your going to give up now after everything?

Ichigo slowly look up as he could see a figure slowly descend down towards him with their hand extended towards them

???:Come on! what happened to the king that tamed the horse!? huh!? we're my teachings of instinct not good enough for you?

Ichigo: *surprised* You are—

The figure lands in front of Ichigo bud his face is not revealed yet as we get only a glimpse of someone in a white suit

???:Now get back out there and teach that bastard why he shouldn't mess with you

Ichigo goes from the world inside his mind to the world that is real as we see him still on the ground with his hands pressed to the floor but those hands soon clench into fist as he slowly begins to move up



Uryu:Ichigo what are you doing?

Ginjo:Quincy's right Ichigo what the hell fk you think your doing?

Ichigo says nothing as he out of nowhere lunges towards Ginjō and punches him square in the face making the former substitute soul reaper stumble back from the punch

Ichigo:I'm going to make you pay! Ginjo!!

Ginjo: *wipes his mouth* Going to make me pay huh?

Before Ichigo could even react Ginjō had dashed towards the teen and pierced his chest with his giant sword



Ginjō:With what power? right now you are powerless Ichigo with no one here to reawaken your powers oh wait *chuckles* you've been completely wiped of your powers so your basically nothing right now

Ichigo: *coughs out blood* Is that what you think huh? heheheh *coughs out blood*

Ginjō:Huh? what's so funny?

He may have his heart pierced by Ginjō's sword but he hasn't given up yet actually he's smirking proudly at Ginjō

Ichigo:You think yo-o-our sone big shot now that you've taken away my power but *chuckles with a bit of blood coming out* your still nothing compared to the many enemies I've fought through the years

Ginjō:What? your saying that I'm still weak?

Ichigo:Hey you said it not me *gets serious* you will pay Ginjō I promise you that

Ginjō:Oh yeah! how are you going to promise that if your dead!!

Ginjō took his sword out of Ichigo and then roundhouse kicks him crashing into some of the trees seemingly looking like his dead

Uryu: *pushes himself up* No Ichigo!!

Tsukishima: *kicks him down* You stay where you are

Ginjō: *straightens himself up* Hmph! guess that's all talk

Back with Ichigo we find his body facing the ground not moving not even a single muscle moves he just lays there but then someone appears in front Ichigo's body

It was the same figure that appears in his mindscape but now he was out that world and standing in front of Ichigo with a crazy smirk

White Zangetsu

White Zangetsu: *see the hole in his chest* You ready to get back to business?

Ichigo: *weakly looks up* I'm ready

White Zangetsu: *nods* Grit your teeth

Ichigo question why he said that but he got his answer when he felt something surge inside him

A red reiatsu began to grow on Ichigo as it surrounded his entire body and even made his hair grow longer

Back with the bad guys

Ginjō and Tsukishima turned towards where they last saw Ichigo and saw a red light coming from the forest slowly rising

Tsukishima:This can't be Ichigo's can it? Ginjō?

Ginjō:No this can't be so I don't understand why I'm sensing spiritual energy where he is

Tsukishima:Could it be that he had something else in him that you couldn't take

Ginjō:No! that's not possible he's powerless now! he shouldn't have any spiritual pressure left

As they question the injured quincy that was on the ground had a quick memory flash back at the last time Ichigo had someone pierce his chest

Uryu: *mind* This can't be what I think it is *mumbles* No it can't be

Ginjō:Huh? * turns to Uryu* do you know what's happening right now?

Uryu:Yes and the only thing I can tell you is *glares at him* you'll regret that you even messed with him in the first place

The two fullbringers wondered what he meant by that but soon their bodies become tense when the feel a strong spiritual pressure rising from where Ichigo is

And where Ichigo is a black cloak of energy had begun surrounding his body as the same black and red energy he used to unleash when he was in Bankai begins to make it self notices

With his energy rising he had started to stand up letting the back and red energy begin to take shape

His figure gets noticed by the three individuals who are sensing him right now as they see him with his eyes closed beginning to get covered completely by this power

Ichigo: *opens his eyes* I will end you both

Surrounded by his reiatsu Ichigo is beginning to transform into his vasto lorde form but it seemed different then the last time

Because this time his own energy had started to take shape of his former Bankai clothes with some features that belonged to his vasto lorde form

His spiritual pressure top the likes of Ginjō and Tsukishima who were trying there best to remain standing on their two feet

Ginjō:What the hell is this!!?

Tsukishima:Ginjō *almost loses his footing* I'm slowly losing my footing

Ginjō:Stand strong Tsukishima I could feel his spiritual energy slowly dropping

True to his words the sudden rise of power stops completely replacing it with a huge gust of wind that pillars up like a tornado

And inside the smoke a figure with simple and slow swing from his sword the pillar of wind that surrounded him disappeared like a tornado spreading everywhere

But once they did that the figure himself had disappeared from the three individuals sight not leaving a single trace behind

Uryu: *mind* Where did Ichigo go?

The two villains thought the same thing as the quincy but fir some reason Ginjō and Tsukishima could feel sweat slowly go down their foreheads


Because someone was standing menacingly behind them


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Both Fullbringers quickly turned there heads to see who was behind them but the mysterious individual had acted faster than them as he back hands Ginjō sending him flying and then kicks Tsukishima in the chest sending him crashing into a lot of trees

The culprit who did this as the same descriptions as Ichigo only this time he stands there with long hair that reaches the back of his waist, pale white skin, sharp nails, Bankai clothes with a red cloth surrounding his wrist and his shoulders, wielding Tensa Zangetsu and having the right side of his vasto lorde

Standing tall was the former substitute soul reaper now hollow soul reaper Ichigo Kurosaki

Ichigo(Release form):See what I mean your nothing compared to what I—no what we are

White Zangetsu: *in his head* Now that's what I'm talking about!! HAHAHAHAHA!! We're back!

Ichigo(Release form):Hmph!

Uryu: *surprise* Ichigo?

Ichigo(Release form):Hmm? *looks down at Uryu* what?

Uryu:How is this possible? your in control of your hollow side

Ichigo(Release form):Yeah so what's wrong Uryu?

Uryu:But what if you—!

Uryu doesn't even get to finish his sentence as things get a bit anime comedic with Ichigo hitting Uryu in the head with a funny angry face on him

Ichigo(Release form):Calm down you idiot I have full control of my hollow side

Uryu:Idiot!? your idiot for trusting the enemy!

Ichigo(Release form):Well at least I wasn't taken down first

Uryu:Hey! that wasn't my fault I was caught of guard

Ichigo(Release form):Eeeh!? Uryu Ishida the man who always has his guard up has dropped his guard for just a second and had fallen to the enemy well ain't that a shock

Uryu:Oh you shut up!

The comedic surroundings finish when Ichigo stop looking at Uryu and turned towards Ginjō who charge towards him


Ichigo(Release form):I'll be right back Uryu got make sure of something right now

Ichigo disappeared and then reappeared in front of Ginjō clashing blades with him while also pushing him back by the charge

Uryu: *shock* That's not Sonido?

Tsukishima: *saw what happened* That's not flash step

Ginjō:What the hell!? how did you do that!?

Ichigo(Release form):Do what?

Ginjō:That wasn't flash step nor what is sonido so what did you just used

Ichigo(Release form): *shrugged his shoulders* Don't know? but I would advice you to not think about stuff like that

He uses his new speed like technique and appears behind Ginjō firing a burst of snag seem to look like a getsugatencho

Ginjō: *mind* A Getsugatencho?

Ginjō was able to block the attack but it does push him back a bit a few feet away from Ichigo who disappears again

Ginjō:Where did that bastard go now!

Ichigo(Release form):Above you

Ginjō quickly looks up and is meet with a kick to the face that sends him flying towards the front of the mansion the fullbringers live in

Ginjō lands on the concrete below him creating a small creator that stop his descent from going any further to the ground

Ginjō: *rubs his face* You know you could just stop aiming face

Ichigo landed a few feet away from Ginjō resting Tensa Zangetsu on his shoulder

Ichigo(Release form):Sorry but it's just so ugly that I just have to hit it I mean seriously man has anyone told you that you look like a creep at first sight

Ginjō:Shut up!! now that I know that your Getsugatencho's aren't going to be that powerful this should be an easy battle

Ichigo(Release form):Hmm? you thought that was Getsugatencho?

All of a sudden Ichigo's spiritual energy began to rise once again surrounding him completely even surrounding his sword that he extends forward

Ichigo(Release form):Let me show you *gets in a stance* my Getsugatencho

Ginjō: *mind* Oh shit

Ichigo(Release form):Getsuga-

Ichigo(Release form):-Tencho!!

Ichigo fires a Getsugatencho that heads straight towards Ginjō who stares in shock at the incoming blast that expands upwards towards the sky above literally clearing the clouds that were over them revealing the shining light of the moon

After the attack had ended we see Ginjō there standing with his sword in front of him for protection but lucky for him the attack was not aimed at him but at the building behind him

The mansion was completely destroyed destroyed with only a few parts of the bottom left behind

Ginjō: *scared* Yo-You fool you just—

Ichigo(Release form):If your going to say that I killed the very people I'm trying to protect well *glances at something* someone had already put them some where else safe

Ichigo notices something hiding in the bushes looking at their confrontation very closely

It was a stray black cat a very familiar black cat that Ichigo knows to well to not have noticed her spiritual pressure

Ichigo(Release form): *turn to Ginjō* Ready to get back to it? *raises his left hand* because right now I only have hate in my heart *a cero appears in his palm*

Ginjo: *mind* A cero!?

A red blast was fired at Ginjo who was lucky enough to dodge the attack by flash stepping away

Ginjō: *pats pats* How is it that he knows cero

Ichigo(Release form): *voice behind him* What did I say about asking question stupid question like those

Ginjō: *turns around* Huh!?


Ginjō spat out sone blood and his chest had a cut that was spreading his blood everywhere as his shocked look stares at the calm and mature expression Ichigo was showing

Ichigo(Release form): *grabs his face* I'm not done *charges up a cero*

Ichigo fires a point blank cero at Ginjo straight in the face sending him flying towards the ground creating a crater under him

Ichigo(Release form): *stands in front of the crater* This is honestly very disappointing you know that Ginjō

Ginjo: *stabs his sword on the ground and starts to pulls himself up* What did you say?

Ichigo(Release form):After so long I've been waiting to gain my powers again and you so greedily took them away but what I have to thank you for is that you didn't take away the once that truly belong to me just something that wasn't even needed in my life

Ginjo:What do you mean Ichigo?

Ichigo(Release form):Well if you haven't realized it yet noticed it yet you didn't take away my powers you only took away my Fullbringer powers which had previously awakened my powers

Ginjo:Impossible! *stands up*

Ichigo(Release form):Yep *raises his sword* so thank you Ginjō you really were a big help *rises his spiritual pressure*

Ginjo could only be horrified at what Ichigo was going to do now but his worries soon turn to hope when he sees Tsukishima dashing towards Ichigo with his sword

Ginjo:Well what can I say kid *chuckles* your welcome

Tsukishima was behind Ichigo and was about to slash him with his sword but a blue arrow appears out of nowhere and deflects Tuskishima's sword


More blue arrows appear and are all fired at Tsukishima who is forced to move away from Ichigo and block the arrows that were fired from Uryu who appears behind Ichigo

Ichigo(Release form):Took you long enough

Uryu:Had to gather my strength for the battle

Ichigo(Release form):Really? then you wouldn't mind moving away from here I'm going to wreck this guys shit

Uryu nodded as he moved away from Ichigo and fired his arrows at Tsukishima who dodges and blocks the arrows

Ichigo kept his spiritual pressure on him as the defeated Ginjo stand there looking at him in shock

Ichigo(Release Form):Cero

(Music stops here)

A red orb appears in front of Ichigo's horn as it fires a red blast the consumed Ginjo who tries to block the attack but is too late

The blast is seen by Uryu and Tsukishima who stop their fight and turn towards the red blast that Ichigo fired at Ginjo


Uryu: *mind* Is this really Ichigo? he acts like his usual self but is showing the aggressiveness of that hollow form he used against Ulquiorra

The two decide to separate from one another and quickly head towards the smoke the cero had caused after finishing the attack

We see Ichigo standing the smoke with his calm and emotionless expression that changes when he narrows his eyes

The smoke in front of him began to turn into a sphere that exploded in front of him but he did not flinch no he just kept looking at the figure that had just added his Fullbring powers into his cells

Ginjō:Aaaaaaaahhh now this feels nice

Ichigo(Release Form):This won't mean anything

Ginjō: *smirks* You think so?

Proving him right Ichigo had out of nowhere appeared behind Ginjō without him even noticing which makes the fullbringer widen his eyes as he quickly turns around and blocks Ichigo's sword which quickly unleashes a burst of spiritual energy that pushes Ginjō back

But Ginjō decided to fire hiw own burst of spiritual energy called


The air slash that Ginjō fires at Ichigo was about to hit the hollow soul reaper but he had simply raised his left hand and caught the knock off getsugatencho that he soon destroys

Ginjō:Damm *places his sword on his back* guess this is going to take longer than expected

Tsukishima: *appears beside him* You almost had me worried there

Ginjō:Oh calm down Tsukishima I ain't letting this brat kill me

Ichigo(Release form):Your only delaying the truth Ginjo you no fully well that you can't take me down

Uryu: *appears beside him* With what I've seen so far Ichigo's right *puts back his glasses* you guys are way over your heads

Ginjo:Tsk will see about that


???:Is it possible!? yes! I knew it!

The attention is soon taken towards four individuals that make their way running towards the fight


Four other fullbringers have joined the battle which is a problem because they are all on Ginjo's side we'll all except one

Ichigo(Release form):Oh? you guys are finally here

Riruko: *notices his new look* Ichigo?

Giriko:Why have you lied to us Ginjo? you have taken young Kurosaki's powers all to yourself

Riruko: *turns to Giriko* Hey Giriko!

Yukio:It's true! you promised us that you would share his power with us!

Ginjo I'm response remains silent seemingly ignoring the protest of the other fullbringers who wanted Ichigo's power

But it would seem not all of them were exactly on his side as we see Riruko walking in front of the group

Riruko:Wait just a second guys! we don't need Ichigo's—!

Ginjo:Tsk! can you guys just calmed down for a second *his swords start to light up* there's no reason to act like that

Before the other Fullbringers could even react Ginjō had slashed all four of them given them each a piece of Ichigo's power

Ginjo:That was the plan right? share Ichigo's power with all of you? then here you go my gift to all of you

Four green pillars surround the fullbringers as there power begins to change thanks to Ginjo's upgrades

Giriko, Yukio and Jackie they all smiles happily at what was about to happen but Riruko only looked on worried at what was about to happen as she didn't want this to happen

After the light show had ended the four fullbringers stood in the same place looking different than what they used to look like with a new set of clothes and new powers

Ginjo:Heheheh so? what do you guys think?

Giriko: *spreads his arms* Magnificent! the fullbringer power young Kurosaki had is nothing but amazing is as if my former youth had returned to me

Yukio:Are you saying that you are an old man? Giriko?

Jackie/Riruko:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Tsukishima:Will you not share Ichigo's power with Moe Shishigawara? you know that leaving partners behind is never something good

Ginjo: *glances at Tsukishima* If either his our your abilities were aver to have become much powerful that would have been a problem so when the battle is over. . . . . . .kill him

Tsukishima:. . . . . . . . . *sigh* I thought his abilities were interesting oh well

Giriko: *points at Ichigo* Let's go! let's go young Kurosaki! It is time to test out the power you have given us!

When everyone turns towards Ichigo they see him yawning?

Ichigo(Release form): *Yawn!* Have they finished already?

Uryu: *drinking tea?* Yes it seems they finished up their evil monologue

Ichigo(Release form):Finally!

White Zangetsu: *in Ichigo's mind* Yeah I was almost falling asleep here

Ichigo and Uryu descend down towards the ground and stood in front of the fullbringers

Ichigo(Release form):Well then if you guys are ready for battle

Ichigo had dashed towards the left side in his vision and pierced his sword through a wall

A digital wall

Ichigo(Release form):The first thing you shouldn't do is act like a bunch of cowards

The four fullbringers who were in front of him soon started to digitally disappear as the real ones revealed themselves behind a digital wall that Yukio created

Yukio: *surprised* How did you know?

Ichigo(Release form):I already knew those four in front of me were fake so how about you guys quit playing the cowards game and face me after all *moves away from them and back to Uryu* I'll like to see what exactly my Fullbring powers did for you guys


Ichigo and Uryu look up to see someone falling towards them with a punch ready but before the person could even land the punch Ichigo grabbed him by the head and tossed him towards Ginjo and Tsukishima

Ichigo(Release form): *looks at Ginjo* Shall we begin?

Ginjo:Tsk! Yukio!


Yukio began to mess with his wrist control and out of the ground Black digital walls began to rise up surrounding them all

Uryu:What's the plan Ichigo?

Ichigo(Release form):Well for starters *pushes Uryū back* you can leave this to me

Uryu: *falls on his butt* What are you doing!?

Ichigo(Release form):I caused this mess *turns away from him* so I'll take care of this you just wait there Uryu

The digital black walls closed off Ichigo who has now entered the game that Yukio has prepared for the fullbringers

Uryu could only watch as his friend goes to face his enemies alone with no back up nor friends by his side

Uryu:Ichigo be careful

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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