Chapter 2:Inchigo vs Fullbringers

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Previously on "son born in darkness"

Ichigo(Release form): *looks at Ginjo* Shall we begin?

Ginjo:Tsk! Yukio!


Yukio began to mess with his wrist control and out of the ground Black digital walls began to rise up surrounding them all

Uryu:What's the plan Ichigo?

Ichigo(Release form):Well for starters *pushes Uryū back* you can leave this to me

Uryu: *falls on his butt* What are you doing!?

Ichigo(Release form):I caused this mess *turns away from him* so I'll take care of this you just wait there Uryu

The digital black walls closed off Ichigo who has now entered the game that Yukio has prepared for the fullbringers

Uryu could only watch as his friend goes to face his enemies alone with no back up nor friends by his side

Uryu:Ichigo be careful

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The world around Ichigo began to change starting to take the shape of a circular ballroom arena which was quite large

Giriko:Well would you look at that

Ichigo turned around t  on meet his first opponent that has a weird and creepy smile on his face

Giriko:It would seem that I will be your first opponent young Kurosaki

Standing a few feet away from Ichigo was the fullbringer's butler/bartender Giriko Kutsuzawa

Ichigo(Release form):. . . . . . . . . .Hey Yukio! you mind switching this guy for another opponent like I don't know someone that's not him

Ichigo completely ignored Giriko who watched in annoyance at Ichigo who tried to make contact with Yukio who was possibly watching them through a screen

Ichigo(Release form):Oi! Yukio! are you even listening!


Ichigo(Release form): *lazily turns towards Giriko* What is it old timer?

Giriko:Hmph! such disrespect young Kurosaki haven't your parents ever thought you about respecting your elders

Ichigo(Release form):They have the problem is that I only give that respect to those that deserve it and frankly I don't think you respect deserve respect

Giriko:Oooooh is that how it's going to be now young Kurosaki? and what's this I'm hearing about wanting a new opponent? are you trying to say that I'm not strong enough to face you?

Ichigo(Release form):What if I am?

Giriko:Heheh you may have power once again young Kurosaki but that cockiness of yours will ultimately be your downfall

Ichigo(Release form):I'm not being cocky I'm just stating the facts

Giriko:The facts you say? then allow me to tell you my fact because I know a better way to prove to people like you that the only way to take you down is with brute force itself

Ichigo(Release form):Hmm?

Ichigo watches on as he sees Giriko raise his right hand towards the left side of his body where a small number three switch appears and Giriko grabs it with two figures and slowly begins to turn it around

After he did that he bows in front of Ichigo like a gentleman but this gentleman body bulks up all of a sudden

His skin turns green and his body just doesn't grow bigger muscles but it also increases Giriko's height transforming him into this green muscular knock off version of the hulk


While boosting himself up and flexing a bit Giriko stares down creepily at Ichigo who with a bored expression looks up at him


Ichigo(Release form):Oh yeah? and what kind of deal did you make that they gave you this power?

Hulk Giriko: *stomps on the ground* QUITE SIMPLE YOUNG KUROSAKI! *extends his right arm forwards with a crazy smile on his face* ITS THE MOST SIMPLEST OF DEALS *clenches his fist* THE INCREASE IN POWER ITSELF *looks directly down at Ichigo* AND THAT IS WHY BY FACT YOUNG KUROSAKI I AM THE STRONGEST FULLBRINGER TO HAVE EV—


Giriko speech was stopped when he felt something split his body in two sides

Hulk Giriko:IT.CANT.BE!

Giriko's hulk like body began to separate into its two sides perfectly splitting in two with its two sides falling down there respected directions and blood slowly coming out from the middle

As for Ichigo well you can find him standing behind the now split body of Giriko wiping the blood off his sword

White Zangetsu: *in Ichigo's mind* You know what? I actually thought this was going to be an interesting battle

Ichigo(Release form):Yeah well *turns to the now dead corpse* we shouldn't expect much from this guys honestly

Soon after defeating Giriko a door opens showing Ichigo the way to the next battle

Ichigo(Release form):So that's the type of game Yukio choose for us huh a boss clearing game

Yukio: *voice* What else would you have expected

A screen appears in front of Ichigo and it shows Yukio sitting in a chair smirking at the hollow soul reaper

Yukio:Did you really have to end the geezer like that? I mean you do know he was trying to show off a little bit of his skills

Ichigo(Release form):Sorry to disappoint you but I'm not here to waste my time with you knock offs

Yukio:Knock offs? now what do you think your talking about we're fullbringers the next generation that will take over after you old bastards who call themselves Soul reapers

Ichigo(Release form):New generation? is that what you idiots think? well then sorry to burst your bubbles but this group of yours isn't going to do anything to the soul reapers heck I think even low level soul reapers could take you down

Yukio:Oh yeah! then come on them Ichigo Kurosaki clear the levels and reach your prize that's if you can take us all down

The hologram screen disappears and Ichigo just disappointedly shakes his head and then makes his way towards the door that he quickly goes through entering the next level

Abs in this level the surrounding gs have changed to a more open area with a water like floor and stone like pillars everywhere

Ichigo(Release form):Alright then *looks around* who's next?

Jackie:Up here!

Ichigo reluctantly looks up and sees Jackie Tristan standing on top of one of the pillars

Staring seriously at one another with no words being said

And as silent things were getting Jackie decides to go down the pillar and lands straight upon the water below her creating a big splash that makes small waves that reach Ichigo feet

Ichigo narrows his eyes down at water and then looks back at Jackie with his serious expression now change into a calm one

Jackie:What? you don't see me as a threat?

Ichigo(Release form):Maybe is that or maybe I'm just tricking you on letting your guard down

Jackie:Hmph! don't you dare play games with me Kurosaki!

Ichigo(Release form):Well we are technically playing a game right now so I hope that doesn't confuse your thought process there

Jackie:Tsk! how about you stop making jokes and let's get this over with

Ichigo(Release form):Alright then *crosses his arms* come at me

Jackie:What? aren't you going to attack first?

Ichigo(Release form): *stabs Tensa Zangetsu on the ground* Ladies first

Jackie:Huh? I see your only narrowing down things upon the outlook you have on things *glares* are you underestimating me because I'm a woman?

Ichigo(Release form):Nah just wanted to see what my fullbring powers did to you *notices the motorcycle pipe* so racking of that what's with the thing that looks like you got it from a motorcycle? you gonna wrap up the engine or something?

Jackie:Well if your not going to attack first then just shut up and watch

Ichigo decided to keep his mouth shut as he watch Jackie turn on the engine of the thing that was attached to her chest as it started to pop out smoke but what happens next makes Ichigo tilt his head in confusion because of the other thing the engine was popping out

Oil like substance began to pop out of the engine and began to cover up Jackie's clothes in a black like liquid that changes her suit completely from white to black

Ichigo(Release Form):So last guys gimmick was that he could make himself strong so what's your deal?

Jackie:Any grime on my Fullbring that surrounds it will make my body stronger

Ichigo(Release form):Really? then I do hope this is true because the last guy who said that didn't end up well after our fight

Jackie:Tsk! like I said don't underestimate me Ichigo *glares at him* you should pick up your sword

Ichigo(Release form):I don't think he's really needed right now

Finding this insulting Jackie slams her foot softly on the ground which creates a shockwave that destroys all the pillars behind her and beside her while also making the water below her rise up a bit

Jackie:What did I say!

Jackie dashed at Ichigo with great speeds that Ichigo seemingly looked like he couldn't dodge because he wax kicked straight in the stomach by Jackie creating a small shockwave

Jackie:Don't underestimate me

Ichigo(Release form):And I say I wasn't because if I was

Ichigo had caught Jackie's kick with his right arm before she could even land the hit on him

Jackie: *shocked* What!?

Ichigo pushes her away from him but Jackie had decided to try this again so she lands on the ground and quickly charges at Ichigo with a spin kick that Ichigo blocks easily shocking Jackie who's attack went behind Ichigo and destroyed the pillar that wax behind him

Ichigo(release form):I expected better from you honestly

Jackie:Shut it!

In response Jackie could feel someone grab her head and once she looked at who it was her eyes widen when seeing Ichigo be just inches away from her face

Ichigo(Release form):You first

Ichigo slams her on the ground where he drags her on the waters before slamming her onto one of the many pillars her boss room had

Ichigo(Release form):You should really just stop I really don't want to hurt someone who was hit by Tsukishima

Jackie: *surprised* How did you?—

Ichigo(Release form):Tsukishima had to force some of you onto this plan so my thoughts immediately landed on you, Yukio and Riruka

After telling her that he tossed Jackie a few feet away from him making her roll on the water before getting on one knee

Jackie breath heavily after the experience she had just went through but her eyes widen when she sees a red light slowly making itself visible in front of her as she quickly looks up and sees Ichigo charging a cero

Ichigo(Release form):See you on the other side

Ichigo fires the cero at Jackie completely covering her in the explosion of the blast

So seeing that he had defeated yet another member of the fullbringers he speeds towards his sword and speed towards the next room or I should say the next level of this game

Which was a room filled with plushies and donates oh! and it was very pink with a yellow floor

Ichigo(Release form):Umm











Ichigo(Release form):What the hell is this? *mind* White me what the hell is this!?

White Zangetsu: *in Ichigo's head* King if I had an answer I would give it to you but I'm just completely dumbfounded with what I'm seeing

Ichigo(Release Form): *mind* Well at least I already know who's here *out loud* Yo! Riruka where are you I'll like to talk to you for a sec

He called out her name but no one seem to answer

Ichigo(Release form):Riruka! I know your here you can come out now I just want to talk to you

He called out her name again but what he didn't know is that Riruka was much closer that what he would expect

As she was exactly behind two plushies and one donate away from Ichigo who was looking for the red hair herself Riruka Dokugamine

She remained hidden behind those three things while also having a small blush placed on her face

Riruka: *mumbles with a blush* Idiot what do you think your doing familiarizing yourself like that with me we're enemies right now

Ichigo(Release form): *appears in front of her* Who you calling an idiot?


Riruka screams after being scared by Ichigo who she immediately tries to slap but he easily dodges her slap and moves two steps away from her

Riruka:Idiot! why did you appear like that!?

Ichigo:Hey I'm not the one hiding so your the idiot here!

(Author Vortex:I feel like I should just call Ichigo by his his actual name and not add "Release form" to the dialogue)

Riruka:Shut up idiot! take this!

Riruka brought out her gun and fired three stuffed bunnies at Ichigo who easily cuts them all into pieces

Ichigo: *mind* If Rukia were here she be kicking my ass a lot for doing that

Riruka:Hey! why did you have to do that to my attack! *fires a drawer at him*

Ichigo:What do you want me to do!? blast your attacks!

The cero complete obliterates the drawer angering Riruka even more

Riruka:Aaaaahhh!! that's even worse!!!

Ichigo:You!.need to.calm.down! can't you see I'm trying to talk to you here!

Riruka:What if I do g want to talk you idiot!

Ichigo: *tick mark* Then I guess I'll make you

Riruka: *tick mark* I'll like to see you try!

White Zangetsu: *in Ichigo's head* You want to kiss her while your at if king?

Ichigo: *looks down at his sword* You shut up!

Riruka:Hey! weirdo stop taking to your sword and get back to the fight!

Riruko had launched a barrage of drawers, plushies and donates at Ichigo who was very irritated right now

Ichigo:Tsk! enough of this

Ichigo fires a powerful burst of spiritual energy in the form of an air slash that destroys every single thing Riruka threw at him

Riruka: *shock* So much. . . .power

Ichigo then appears beside Riruka and grabs her right arm surprising her even more

Ichigo:Like I said *glances at her* we need to talk

He uses his fast technique and takes himself and Riruka to a secluded area where Yukio could not see them

Which was under a pile of stuffed plushies that had surprisingly made a nice space for people to rest there

But now let's see what's going on between this two as we see Ichigo calmly look down at Riruka with his left hand holding her right arm and while he did that Riruka kept her gaze away from his

Riruka:So? what did you want to talk about?

Ichigo:Why did you protest when the other three literally begged Ginjō for my power

Riruka: *looks up at him* That's not true! you must of heard things

Ichigo:I know exactly what I heard Riruka! so don't start making bullshit excuses


Ichigo:You out of everyone in that group you were the only one against this so I just want to know why!

The grip that he had on her arm tightened making her yelp as she look straight at Ichigo who's face was inches away from hers making her blush a little

Ichigo:Aren't you my enemy?

Things were now silent after he said that Riruko avoided his gaze once again thinking on the question he had just asked with only one answer

Riruka: *mumbles* It didn't feel right

Ichigo:What did you say?

Riruka:I said it didn't feel right!

Ichigo:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Riruka:Taking your powers is one thing but making everyone you care about turn against you, kill you and make everyone not even remember you that's taking things too far and that's just not the thing I signed up for

Ichigo:Hmmm I see *smiles* I'm glad to hear your on my side Riruka

Riruka:Hmph! *looks away with a blush* you better be grateful you big idiot

Ichigo: *chuckles* Yeah and I hope you can forgive me for this

Riruka:Huh? what are you talking abo—gggreagh!!

Ichigo had landed a strong punch at Riruka stomach making fall on his arms while slowly trying to regain the air she had just lost from that punch

Riruka: *weakly* I-Ichi-chigo

Ichigo:Just rest Riruka I got to finish this

Ichigo tosses Riruka out of the pile and into the outside of her boss room where she is then confirmed defeated which grants Ichigo the next entrance to the next boss room

Quickly appearing in front of the door that leads boss room Ichigo takes one last glance at Riruka

White Zangetsu: *in Ichigo's mind* So what does that make now? like five girls that are interested in you

Ichigo: *mind* What are you taking about *starts going through the gate*

White Zangetsu: *mind* Oh. . . . .right I forgot how dense you are king

Not hearing his zanpakuto's thoughts Ichigo enters the new location which is a much more closed location with three hallways that lead to a different location

Ichigo:This better not be a maze

Yukio: *voice* If it were I should have brought the popcorn I guess

Yukio's holographic screen appears again in front of Ichigo looking at him again with the same smirk that he had before

Yukio:You finally made it good

Ichigo:Yeah. . .so what's the plan here? you just going to send stuff while you only sit on chair

Yukio:Yep! so good luck finding me *hologram screen disappears*

Ichigo:I think that out of all of them he's been the most annoying one after gaining new powers

Deciding to go down the right hallway Ichigo decides to uses his fast like technique to appear in an area of that hallway before taking a much calmer approach in this situation as he silent waits to see what Yukio will do first

Ichigo:It's quiet too quiet

But the silence would quickly end when Ichigo heard the sound of something heading straight for him and once he turned around he saw missiles going straight at him

Once they were close enough he slashes both missiles making them explode once they were both cut in haft

Dealing with that he turns around to see a door slide closing but stop the door from closing off whatever is that was there

Ichigo: *slide opens the door and sees an empty room* I hate games like this

Yukio: *voice* Wrong door! try again!

Ichigo:Oh this is going to be a massive pain in the ass

Deciding to explore the area by using his fast like technique once he got to a new area he would have been meet with a trap that went like this:after missiles he appeared a trap door that Ichigo didn't even fall too, then he shot Ichigo with flamethrowers that didn't even hurt him, after that one he had fired numerous missiles in another area that Ichigo quickly obliterate with a cero, in another area Yukio even made a digital copy of Ichigo only for the same man to cut down the copy with ease, there was a trap monster that was going to sneak attack Ichigo but the monster was quickly cut into multiple pieces and lastly the last trap that Ichigo face was a combination of the missiles, the flamethrower and some guns that did absolutely nothing because Ichigo would not be affected by one of those things and he was fast enough to destroy the other two

So now we see him standing in the middle of a hallway thinking on how to find Yukio and speaking of Yukio Hans Vorarlberna we can find him in the control room looking at a screen that shows Ichigo

Yukio:Heheheh with all the traps that I've been summoning each step he takes I'm sure that I'm slowing him down little by little just needs to keep this up and I'll win! *chuckles* I wonder what I should send next? a bomb? a horror monster? maybe even some hollows to bring him back some old memories




Yukio: *looks at the screen* What does he think he's doing!?

Looking through the screen Yukio could see Ichigo firing cero's at random locations of the boss room which caused explosion that destroy the room little by little


Right where Ichigo is the wall behind him appears a holographic screen that shows a shocked and freaked out Yukio

Yukio:Hey what do you think your doing!?

Ichigo:  *charges up a cero without looking back* What does it look like I'm doing? I'm trying to find you *fires the cero*

Yukio:Stop that!?

Ichigo:Destroy everything in front of me in one shot *charges up another cero* gladly

Ichigo channels a lot of reiatsu into his cero making the red orb grow bigger in size

Yukio:I won't let you do what you want! that's my role I'm the god of this universe!

Missiles were fired at Ichigo aiming to stop him from completing his attack but thanks to Ichigo's spiritual energy the missiles were destroyed even before they reach Ichigo

Yukio:Wait! don't!—

Too late Ichigo had fired a huge grand ray cero blast that disintegrated every wall, the floor and probably any other trap that was hidden in the different areas

After he had finished the attack Yukio watched in shock because of the aftermath of the blast left everything that was in front of Ichigo from right to left was disintegrated by the cero

And in his watch room he stared at the screen in shock which turn to anger when he saw Ichigo turn around and cut down the walk behind him which was the entrance to Yukio's control room

Yukio: *turns around* Why is it that you destroy my stuff?

Ichigo:Not my fault honestly I just got irritated with this game your playing

Ichigo fires an air slash at Yukio who summons a force field that protects him from the attack

Yukio:You should really be careful with what you do here I could have placed a bomb here you know that right?

Ichigo:How's your bomb gonna do anything to me when your other traps haven't exactly done anything

Yukio:Oh but that's just the thing *disappears his force field* you think your so cool in here with your hollow and soul reapers but I'll tell you right now *starts to mess with his buttons* your in my world I am god here so victory is on my side

The surroundings of the boss room change to that of a huge square room with metal walls and no doors or escapes anywhere

Yukio:This entire dimension is my ability and I won't let you ruin this world of mine

Ichigo:Really? wow you really got yourself a cool power there Yukio

Yukio:You making fun of me? *starts to press some buttons* I'll show you why your not going to win!

Behind Yukio a giant monster appears and it growls at Ichigo who scoffs at this

Ichigo:Is this the best you can do? giant monsters?

Yukio:Shut up!

Yukio had commanded his monster to attack Ichigo who dodges the monsters claw attack

Yukio:Hey! why you dodge that? you scared or something?

Ichigo:Well then oh so powerful god if this world don't make me dodge I mean you do have the power to do that right?

Yukio:Tsk! Alright then let me give you a taste of what I kind do

Yukio started pressing the red buttons that were on his arms at a rapid pace as slowly in front of Ichigo many other monsters like the first one appeared in front of him all looking as hideous as the other one

Yukio:Even if you es ape now! it won't help you! not just this room but the next one and the one after that one and the many more I control all of them! the walls, the ceiling, the floor and the many other things they're all apart of my ability!! all programmed to follow my every command which is to hunt you down! until you are smashed into millions of piec—


Ichigo now stood in front of Yukio with his sword extended to the right and the monsters behind him all start to slowly disappear into nothingness

Yukio: *shock* What!?

Ichigo:Game over brat

Ichigo raises his sword which scars Yukio who closes his eyes but things didn't go like he thought as Ichigo comically bonks Yukio on the head with the bottom part of his katana knocking the gaming fullbringer down

Ichigo:Hmmmm *looks around the room* even if he created this it seems the game doesn't even end when I defeat him

Just then the next gateway opens and Ichigo quickly makes his way towards it he lands in the next boss room which was an opened area with trees and square shaped pillars

Ichigo:First a ballroom, then a place that looked like Muramasa's home, toy land and then a room with endless hallways and so what's this place gimmick?

White Zangetsu: *in Ichigo's mind* I don't know king but when are we going to face Ginjo? I'll like to see the face he makes when we absolutely humiliate him

Ichigo:All in do time

???:Yes all in do time

Ichigo dodges the slash from someone's sword and then dodges the next slash and blocks the individuals sword on the third swing

Ichigo:Anyone ever told you that it's rude to interrupt someone when their talking to their inner spirits

Ichigo unleashes a burst of spiritual energy that pushes the individual back and then he fires three spherical cero's at the individual who using their fast like Fullbring technique he dodges the ceros and reappears a few feet away from Ichigo

Ichigo:Surprise attacking as always you sneaky bastard

???:Yes well it was thanks to this 'surprise attacks' that was able to make everyone go against you *smiles*

The man who smiles at a now angry Ichigo was non other than Ginjo's partner in crime Tsukishima

Tsukishima:And it saddens me that I can't use them against you again I mean after going through miss Orihime's memories I was able to see the time you transformed into this form only in a more berserk state

Ichigo:Yeah well things changed *aims Tensa Zangetsu at him* and I'm here to pain you back for making my friends go against me

Tsukishima:Then let's see how you deal with the two of us


Ichigo notices at the corner of his vision a figure lunging towards him with their fist ready to punch him

???:Got you now you bastard!

Ichigo dodges the individuals punch and kicks them on the side sending them flying towards Tsukishima with a cero blast as an addition

The individual who's joined the fight had gotten on one knee and gasp when they see the ceri heading straight for them but Tsukishima appears in front of the person and cuts the cero in two

Tsukishima:Don't be reckless Shishigawara this isn't someone you should just fight head on

Sitting on the ground surprised was the fullbringers punk with a mean punch

Moe Shishigawara

Moe:Sorry boss *stands up* thought I had the bastard in my sights

Tsukishima:It is fine now let's deal with him

Moe: *stands beside him* Right!

Ichigo:He won't make things easier for you Tsukishima

Tsukishima:We'll see about that

Finding it to be the starting 'go' of the fight Ichigo begins to walk forward towards the two soul reapers but once he took a step at a specific part of the battlefield a square like pillar rose from the ground forcing Ichigo to move back when he then sees the pillar crumble into ruble

Ichigo: *mind* Did he prepare that before I arrived here?

Moe: *behind the destroyed pillar* Dodge this you freak!!

Moe had used his fullbring powers to punch the ruble in front of him which caused it to break into small pieces that are fired at Ichigo who quickly cuts them down before blocking Tsukishima's slash that was aimed at his back

Ichigo:You'll have to do better than that


Ichigo and Tsukishima separated from one another and clash their blades all over the battlefield where they would appear and then disappear again and again

Which would mean Moe was stuck watching them because he doesn't have that mid of speed

Moe: *mind* Shit! I'm starting to not keep up with them

And Tsukishima was entering the same state as he because Ichigo was starting to increase his speed

Clashing their blades once again but this time Ichigo disappears and reappears behind Tsukishima landing a slash at Tsukishima who grits his teeth in pain because of the blood that started to come out

Ichigo:Got you

Tsukishima:Yes *stumbles forward a bit* it seems that you did

He speeds away with Ichigo following behind him as they clash once again their blades with Ichigo's being above Tsukishima who was struggling to keep his sword aimed upwards

Moe:Stay away from him!

Moe had jumped into the clash and was going to punch Ichigo who uses his speed like technique to dodge Moe's punch and appear a few feet away from the duo

Moe:You okay boss?

Tsukishima:Yes *gets in his stance* I can keep fighting don't worry

Ichigo:Your bringer of light—

(Author vortex:Which is what fullbringers call their speed like technique)

Ichigo:—Maybe he one of your specialties but seeing as how you couldn't even keep up with my own bringer of light when I was still a Fullbring what makes you think you can keep up with me when I have two types of speed techniques

Tsukishima:We'll just have to wait and see won't we?

Moe:Yeah! you ain't beating us you bastard!

Ichigo:Quite lying to yourself *extends his left arm forward appearing two fingers* you both are way out of your league *a cero starts to charge up* cero

Ichigo fires a cero blast that was bigger than the duo but that didn't stop Moe from trying to punch it


Tsukishima:Moe! wait!

Moe literally punched the cero blast which he thought he could stop or even destroy the attack only to ultimately fail at it

Moe: *gets devoured and blasted away by the cero* You motherfucker!!!!!!

With the Fullbring punk out of the way the only thing left standing in front of Ichigo was Tsukishima who was looking horrified at where Moe was launched too

Ichigo: *appears in front of Tsukishima* I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have even lasted against any of the other soul reapers if you ask me

Tsukishima: *gasp before using briger of light to get away from Ichigo* You won't get away with this Ichigo

Ichigo: *appears behind him* No

Tsukishima turned around to slash Ichigo but all he cuts is the nothingness that was around him

Ichigo: *behind Tsukishima* You and Ginjo will pay first

Tsukishima uses bringer of light to appear behind Ichigo and was about to thrust his sword to stab him only to not be quick enough to dodge Ichigo's attack

That was Ichigo turning around and Akashi g Tsukishima without Tsukishima realizing that he has a clean cut that reached from his shoulder to his  right side waist

Tsukishima: *mind* What?

Ichigo:You lost your focus Tsukishima that's not very good *spins* for you

Tensa Zangetsu gets incased in its black and red reiatsu that grows and extends while Ichigo swung the sword


Tsukishima's eyes could only look on at the incoming attack that was heading straight for him

Tsukishima: *mind* GINJO!!!

Speaking of Ginjo we can see him in his Fullbring shikai form

Standing over a fake Karakura town boss room waiting for Ichigo while also watching some holographic screens that show Ichigo's fights with the other Fullbringers

Ginjo:Come on Ichigo *rest his sword on his shoulder* you can't keep me waiting for to long


Bursting into his boss room was Tsukishima followed by the aftermath of Ichigo's getsugatencho following him

Ginjo:Tsukishima! *readies his sword* Getsugatencho!

Ginjo launches his knock off version of the Getsugatencho at the real Getsugatencho colliding with it which also creates an explosion

After dealing with that Ginjo went towards Tsukishima

Ginjo: *lands beside Tsukishima and crouches down to his level* Tsukishima are you okay? what happened to Ichigo?

Tsukishima: *cough cough* Ginjo he's—

He didn't need to answer anything as all of a sudden Ginjo and Tsukishima could feel a strong spiritual pressure entering the boss room

Ichigo: *voice* Yo

Ginjo looks up towards the location he heard Ichigo's voice only to see nothing there but the hole he made

But Ichigo then appeared behind Ginjo his back facing Ginjo's back as Ichigo with his calm  expression glances back at Ginjo

Ichigo:It's time we continue are fight Ginjo

The last thing we see is Ichigo quickly swinging his sword at Ginjo who wasn't going to react fast enough to block it

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