Chapter 3:Ichigo vs Tsukishima and Ginjo

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Previously on "son bien in darkness"

Ginjo in his Fullbring shikai form stood over a fake Karakura town boss room waiting for Ichigo while also watching some holographic screens that show Ichigo's fights with the other Fullbringers

Ginjo:Come on Ichigo *rest his sword on his shoulder* you can't keep me waiting for to long


Bursting into his boss room was Tsukishima followed by the aftermath of Ichigo's getsugatencho following him

Ginjo:Tsukishima! *readies his sword* Getsugatencho!

Ginjo launches his knock off version of the Getsugatencho at the real Getsugatencho colliding with it which also creates an explosion

After dealing with that Ginjo went towards Tsukishima

Ginjo: *lands beside Tsukishima and crouches down to his level* Tsukishima are you okay? what happened to Ichigo?

Tsukishima: *cough cough* Ginjo he's—

He didn't need to answer anything as all of a sudden Ginjo and Tsukishima could feel a strong spiritual pressure entering the boss room

Ichigo: *voice* Yo

Ginjo looks up towards the location he heard Ichigo's voice only to see nothing there but the hole he made

But Ichigo then appeared behind Ginjo his back facing Ginjo's back as Ichigo with his calm  expression glances back at Ginjo

Ichigo:It's time we continue are fight Ginjo

The last thing we see is Ichigo quickly swinging his sword at Ginjo who wasn't going to react fast enough to block it

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]







The sound of metal colliding with metal is heard has we see Ginjo swinging various slashes at Ichigo who's blocking each slash

Ichigo:Your starting to bore me *pushes Ginjo sword away with his* so just die

Ichigo swung his sword again but Ginjo was able to dodge the swing or his face was able to dodge as he was still cut in the shoulder with a little bit of his shoulder pad getting taken off by the slash

This makes Ginjo boost himself away from Ichigo who follows Ginjo bringer of light steps with great speed as he was only six feet away from Ginjo

Ginjō:Tsk! *raises his sword blocking Ichigo slash that does pushes him back* are you always this murder happy with your opponent?

Ichigo:No only the once who really piss me off get this treatment

Ginjo:Really? and I thought bringing us to a place your so familiar with to fight aren't you so grateful for that?

Ichigo: *appears to his left* Like I care what you decided to be your grave *extends his left arm towards him* the only thing I care about right now *charges up a cero* is killing you two. . .cero

Ichigo fires a point blank cero at Ginjo who was able to dodge it because of his now increased bringer of light

But Ichigo wasn't done as he channels another cero in his left hand

Ichigo:Cero's barrage

Ichigo swung his arm to the left which launched many many small cero spheres that were fired directly at where Ginjo is

Ginjō: *mind* What the!? since when could he do that!? *out loud* this won't stop me! *his swords lights up* Getsugatencho!

Ginjō fires the knock off getsugatencho at the many ball shaped cero's that were fires at him destroying them all with the attack

Ginjō:Heh *mind* even if he learns new stuff it won't make a difference *out loud* face it Ichigo! you can't beat m—


Ginjō could not even see it he had now a cut on his left cheek and blood coming out his left arm

The culprit obviously being Ichigo stands a few feet behind Ginjo with his back turned to him

Ichigo:Sorry about that I'm still getting adjusted to my speed *wipes the blood of his sword* next time I'll aim for your ugly face

Ichigo uses his speed like technique to now be inches away from Ginjo back as he readies his sword for a slash has it incases itself in spiritual energy

Ginjo: *quickly turns around* Getsugatencho!

Both spiritual energy type attacks clash with one another rising above to the clouds with Ichigo's reiatsu bring bigger than Ginjo's

Who uses bringer of light to move away from the smoke that surrounded Ichigo's figure as the Fullbring starts to use his sword main ability which was to release high amounts of energy in one attack

Ginjo:HAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Take this!!

Ginjo fires off his attack which was a huge wave of green energy that sends shockwaves through out the fake city

Ichigo on the other hand is not affected by this as all he does is charge up a cero blast from his horn firing it at Ginjo's attack over powering the attack completely

Ginjo: *shock* What!?

Ichigo: *appears in front of him* Thought I told you that your attacks are meaningless against me oh wait I don't think I exactly said that

Ginjo:Quite fooling around! *charges at him*

Ginjo went to slash him but before he could even do anything Ichigo had used his speed like technique and grabs Ginjo by the face adding a little pressure to the grab

Ginjo could only growl in pain at the feeling of his head slowly getting crushed by Ichigo's hand

Ichigo:Then if all you want is just the sweet taste of humiliation then I'll gladly give you you're wish

With incredible strength Ichigo tosses Ginjo to another end of Kurakura town making him crash through three buildings before using bringer of light to get back to the sky where he had to barely dodge a dashing Ichigo who quickly turns around to slash him and Ginjo does the same

The impact of the blades was so strong sparks could be seen leaving the metal of the swords that were pushed away from each other because of the clash



Both individuals fired their own blast that collided with one another creating an explosion that they both move away from as they appear in another part above the town



Both air slash attacks collided with one another creating a big shockwave that spreads out above the fake town

But the attacks stayed because they were fighting to overpower the other one with Ichigo's being the victorious one as it cuts through Ginjo's knock off getsuga and heads straight towards the fullbringer

Ginjo:Wow *dodges the first haft of the air slash before spotting the other haft* dammit!

Using bringer of light to dodge and move away from the attack but once he had appeared out of his technique Ichigo appears a few feet behind him charging up another attack


But this one was different than all the other air slashes or getsugatencho's that his fired

Ginjo's eyes widen when seeing the shape of the circular Getsugatencho that was heading straight for him

The getsugatencho actually hits him making a smoke after the aftermath explosion of the attack as out of the smoke Ginjo is seen being send backwards towards the ground

Ichigo:Hmmm I can't believe that version worked

White Zangetsu: *in Ichigo's head* Seeee! I told you it would work

Ichigo: *mimd* Will talk about it later I got another asshole to take care off

That same asshole that Ichigo is thinking about is standing behind him bleeding and injured but still having a confident smile on his face

It was Tsukishima who was readying his sword right now

Tsukishima: *mind* Gotcha


Ichigo had raised his reiatsu a little a bit to stop Tsukishima sword from even touching him which shocks the fullbringer himself


Ichigo:Too slow Tsukishima

Ichigo quickly turned around and went to slash Tsukishima who luckily was able to block the attack and then struggled to block the other three slashes so he decides to use bringer of light to get away from Ichigo but that didn't work as Ichigo quickly appeared where he was clashing his sword with Tsukishima

But then Tsukishima's eyes widen in that moment as he sees his sword get cut a little by Ichigo's sword

Tsukishima:When did you?—

Ichigo:Right now actually because I just need to cut this piss of junk in haft and my friends true memories will return right?

Tsukishima: *glares* Bastard


The two turn towards Ginjo's voice and see him charging up his Fullbring sword's ultimate attack

Ginjo:Get away from Ichigo!

Tsukishima listens to his orders and quickly uses bringer of light to get away from Ichigo who turns to Ginjo who's ready to fire he's attack


The same green light of spiritual energy is fires at Ichigo who calmly stares at this attack before firing his own attack

A powerful cero from his horn that collides with Ginjo's attack creating a huge explosion from the impact


The aftermath of the collision left a huge smoke cloud in front of Ichigo who decides to get rut of this by swinging his sword

Perfectly and nicely done by Ichigo as he makes the huge smoke cloud completely disappear and reveal Ginjo and Tsukishima standing side by side

Ichigo:The both of you against me? just the way I want things to go

Tsukishima:Against one of us things would have gone to your favor but with the two of us combined you won't stand a chance

Ginjo: *smirks* So you better be ready to pay up for what you've done to us

Ichigo: *sighs* How many times do I have to say it?

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


Ichigo appears behind and above the two fullbringers which quickly turn around to meet his gaze which was looking down at them with a serious stare

Ichigo:Your the once that are going to pay for what you did *crosses his arms*

His sword gets incased in its black and red energy while his left hand was charging up a cero

Ichigo:Getsugatencho *launches the attack* Cero barrage *fires the attack*

Both attacks were send at the same time making Ginjo and Tsukishima use bringer of light like crazy as they speeded across the area while dodging the attacks that were fired at them

Ginjo:Your just full of surprises aren't you!

Ichigo: *appears behind him ready* You got a problem with that?

Ginjo turns around to slash him but Ichigo was already prepared for the attack as he blocks it and then unleashes a burst of his spiritual that pushes Ginjo back

Ginjo:Ggrrrrr *unleashes a burst of his spiritual pressure which stops the blast* Getsugatencho!

Ichigo: *cuts the knock off Getsuga in two* Pathetic!

Ichigo then dodges a thrust from Tsukishima's sword and turns to clash blades with him which doesn't go well with the fullbringer as his sword now cracks a little bit

Tsukishima: *mind* No!

Ichigo:Your slowly losing your sword Tsukishima what will you do? *goes to slash him*

Tsukishima: * barely blocks the slash* I'll keep fighting I will not be defeated by you Ichigo Kurosaki

Ginjo: *appears above them* What he said! Getsugatencho!

Ginjo fires another knock off at Ichigo who dodges it by disappearing and then reappearing away from the duo as he fires an air slash at them


They did he his attack but Tsukishima gets quickly confronted by Ichigo who had his sword pulled back and ready

Ichigo:You won't get away

Ichigo thrust his sword forward and Tsukishima wasn't going to able to block the attack but luckily for him Ginjo had appeared just in the nick of time to save Tsukishima


He fires a close up knock off version of the getsugatencho at Ichigo who gets pushed back by the attack but is not affected by it

He simply just cuts down the attack and then fires a cero blast at the two fullbringers who quickly dodge it

Ginjo:We got to attack at the same time let's go Tsukishima!


The two fullbringers let out a war cry while charging at Ichigo who gets into a fighting stance waiting for them

And once they were close enough the battle had begun once again with Ginjo and Tsukishima swinging there swords at the same time but that didn't help much as Ichigo would block each slash without having any struggles which the two Fullbringers take notices so they changed up their approach and Tsukishima lunge forward to stab Ichigo but Ichigo blocks his thrust which again appears another crack on Tsukishima's sword but he doesn't care about that because he continues attacking Ichigo who blocks each of his slashes but then Ginjo appears from above and has the tip of his sword aimed down at Ichigo's head so he dives down to potentially get the finishing blow but Ichigo already took notice of this so he blocks Tsukishima sword and ties the chain on Tensa Zangetsu onto Tsukishima right arm keeping close which makes said fullbringer surprise ad he looks at Ichigo who looks up and fires a cero blast at Ginjo that's forced to switch up things to defense since blocks the cero blast that was fired at him making him grunt as the attack still had an affect on him but ignores the pain as he clears the smoke cloud in front of him and is made with Tsukishima that has a smoking chest and was heading towards him

Ginjo:Tsukishima! *catches him* are you okay?

Tsukishima:I'm *coughs out sone blood* fine

Ginjo:No your not just sit this one out I'll finish this don't worry

Tsukishima:No! *releases himself from Ginjo* I'll help you fight I won't let you face him alone

Ginjo: *looks at him silently but nods as he turns towards Ichigo* Alright then let's go

Both nodded at each other and then charges at Ichigo again

Ginjo:Round two Ichigo!!

Ichigo:Bring it

This time Ginjo goes in first and sends a three strike slash that Ichigo blocks but those gets pushed a little back but he then blocks without looking a surprise attack from Tsukishima who tried to slash him from behind

Ichigo then backward kicks Tsukishima who using bringer of light dodges the kick and goes to stab his sword on his neck but Ichigo blocks that attack too before adding a cheek blast that Tsukishima was lucky enough to dodge


Ginjo fires off the knock off Getsuga at Ichigo who was ready to counter it but was also seeing Tsukishima dash at him from behind

Tsukishima:I've got you!

Two attacks from the front and one from the back all in hopes to finally land a hit on this hollow soul reaper who doesn't even flinch at this


Ichigo uses his speed like technique to dodge both of the attacks which also means that Tsukishima was going to be hit by Ginjo's knock off getsgatencho but he was able to barely dodge the attack before going after Ichigo who appears away from them but once he reappeared Ginjo and Tsukishima followed behind and tried to the same thing by attack from the front and the back with both of them this time attack with their swords

Ichigo in response to this attack incases his sword in its black and red spiritual energy and spins around himself creating a burst blast the expands in front of the two fullbringers who are force to try and block the attack while their being pushed back by it

Ginjo was able to hold his ground but Tsukishima couldn't as he was sent further away from them while his swords had then shown led more signs of starting to break

Abs this what Ichigo needed as he quickly blitz Sarah from Ginjo and to Tsukishima pulling his sword back so he could thrust it and while Tsukishima was going to block the attack


Tsukishima sword not only gets cut in two the top part of the sword soon breaks into multiple small pieces that fall onto a part of the fake town

But he did not just lose his sword he also gets stabbed in an area that's near the part where his lungs reside

Tsukishima:It can't *coughs out blood* be

Ginjo: *sees what's happening* Tsukishima no!!

Ichigo: *grabs the tsuba of his katana* It's over for you Tsukishima *his sword begins to glow red* getsugatencho

(Song ends here)

Out of nowhere a huge burst of spiritual energy burst out of Tensa Zangetsu and literally blast the inner parts of where Tsukishima is stabbed in as behind him a large wall of black and red energy is seen conning out of the other end of the sword

Ginjo had tried to reach them but the spiritual pressure Ichigo was releasing was too strong for Ginjo to even reach ten feet away from them as he now stares in shock to see his ally get literally destroyed by this

And after Ichigo had finished the attack he took out his sword and wipe the blood of it as he stares down at the falling Tsukishima

Ichigo:You know you deserve this


Ichigo turns around and blocks Ginjo slash

Ginjo:I'll end you!!

Ichigo:Will see about that won't we?

They speeded away from one another and Ginjo is the first to appear out of bringer of light as he charges up another knock off getsugatencho


He fires a big purple air slash at where Ichigo appears

And when he appears he has a getsugatencho already prepared


Firing a much smaller getsugatencho that actually cuts the knock off Getsugatencho as it heads straight towards Ginjo who charges up another one

Ginjo:Grrrrr Getsugatencho!!

His knock off Getsuga destroys the small one but Ichigo's not done

Ichigo:*charges up another* Getsugatencho

This time he fires a much bigger and stronger getsugatencho that destroys Ginjo's completely as it then starts to head towards the Fullbring himself at speeds that he could not dodge so he had to block the attack

Which was a bad idea because while he could block the middle part of the attack the rest of the attack itself overwhelmed Ginjo as he was consumed by the getsuga

But is soon seen far away from the explosion breathing heavily after surprisingly surviving that

Ichigo:Check out this new trick I've learned!

Ginjo turns around and sees Ichigo charging up another attack but this time except of unleashing spirit Energy the energy itself takes the shape of a huge x

That create four circular Shurikens that head straight towards Ginjo

Ginjo's eyes widen when recognizing the love he just did since in his fullbringer form he was able to that but it seems now it has adapted itself into his new form

He was to block two of those attacks but two of them hit him in the stomach and his right shoulder exploding on impact when they hit him making him start falling to the streets below

Ichigo:Let's see how you blocks this!!

Ginjo opens his eyes in a panic as he sees Ichigo above him launching the huge x shaped reiatsu at Ginjo as it spins like a saw blade that Ginjo blocks but is still pushed to the street below creating a crater while still blocking the x saw that started to create sparks from the clash


His sword burst into a green light as he unleashes the power of his fullbringer once again creating a huge explosion in front of him that later turns into a could of smoke

But when it started to clear out we could see a heavily breathing Ginjo with his sword stab to the ground

Ginjo: *pats pats* I can't *pats* give up yet

Ichigo:Your spiritual energy is slowly going down and you've used to many powerful attacks at the same time and you say you can't give up yet?

Ginjo turns around and sees Ichigo there standing a few feet away from him with a cero ready to fire

Ichigo:Honestly I think that's the only thing I can respect about you

Ginjo: *chuckles and says sarcastically* Well thanks I at least got something good out of our fight

Ichigo:Yeah well it seems everything will now come to an end I wonder if you can survive this cero blast now

The Cero swirls around his horn becoming a little bit bigger each second that passes but this attack makes Ginjo scoff at Ichigo

Ginjo:Is this really it? you know I'm getting sick and tired of you holding back this ansi g power you have *glares* COME ON ICHIGO STOP HOLDING BACK AND HIT ME WITH EVERYTHING YOUVE GOT!!!

Ichigo:. . . . . . . . . . . .

White Zangetsu: *mind* Here comes the music!!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


Ichigo:Hit you with everything I've got?


Ichigo:You know the only reason I've been holding back against you fullbringers is because I know that sone of you had tough lives


Ichigo:I could see that Jackie had experienced that people would judge her because of who she is on the outside and not on the inside, I could tell that Yukio had some traumatic or a neglectful life were he had to take care of himself and lastly Riruka


Ichigo:She had to live in a world where it was either be strong or be weak which is what you used to trick her into joining your little squad of fullbringers


Ichigo:So if you want me to stop holding back *reiatsu begins to rise* let me show you what happens when I don't hold back


Ichigo's spritual energy began to rise


And his spiritual pressure began to be heavier as Ginjo could now only be on one knee while using his sword to support himself


Ichigo was then started to get surrounded by the black and red flares of spiritual energy as he brings out his sword

(Author vortex:And the song continues on)

Ichigo:Then I suggest you prepare yourself

Ginjo could only stare in shock as he sees a surging red light heading straight for him as through the reflection of his eyes we see Ichigo raising his sword before dropping it down with a slash unleashing a powerful blast that heads towards Ginjo and spreads through out the hole boos room


His scream was heard through out the boss room which had started to get covered by the a black and red light that slowly makes the world crack

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