Chapter 11:Was it revenge or was it a distraction?

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Previously on "Son born in darkness"

Menoly was about to fire a cero blast from her mouth but she was suddenly kicked in the face by Soi Fon who sends her back ten feet away from them but Menoly stopped herself from going any further back as when she did she place her left claw on her nose wiping it a bit to when she moves it away she sees blood

Menoly: *glares at Soi Fon* You bitch

Soi Fon:Yeah well you just fell into our trap *smirks* bitch

Rukia:First Dance

Menoly's eyes widen when she looks down and sees Rukia down at the street below her with a white circle in front of her

Rukia:White Moon

The white circle then shoots out a white pillar of light that captures Menoly who is then quickly trapped in a pillar of ice

Ichigo:Well that takes care of them *gets hit in the head* Ow! hey!

Soi Fon:Thats what you get for taking to long in dealing with your opponents when you have the ability to deal with them in seconds

Ichigo:In my defense I was trying to get my Fullbring to grow stronger and maybe reach stage two but it seems that this two weren't as strong as I expected

Rukia: *joins them* Well they do seem to have potential

Ichigo:Yeah but their love for Aizen is likes Soi Fon's towards Yoruichi so that stops them from growing stronger like Ulquiorra

Soi Fon: *mumbles* Well it's not lady Yoruichi actually it's you, you idiot

Ichigo:Hmm? you say something?

Soi Fon:  *blush* What? nononono I'm fine *looks away from him and towards Loly* we should takes this two to a secure location now so we can interrogate them

Ichigo:. . . . *blink*. . . . . . *blink*. . . . . . .

Rukia:. . . . .Yeeeaaaah let's do that

Ichigo chooses to ignore Soi Fon's odd change in attitude there and goes to pick up Loly while the other two go free Menoly from the ice pillar

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Loly:Huh? Nngh?

Loly's eyes had slowly opened but her vision is not fully restored yet as she only gets a blurry vision of what it would seem to be the ground

Loly:Hu— huh?

the blurry vision didn't really give her much but what she could tell is that she was in an area where the floor was concrete and there were only few pieces of grass

As she could see vague signs of green spots on the ground

???:You know this type of thing we're doing right now gives me major action movie vibes?


Loly still weak and with her eyes still seeing everything as a blur but surprisingly she was still able to move her head up and see that she being carried by someone orange, white and black

???:Like seriously look at where we are, an abandoned area in our town, a warehouse that's not been used in years and we're taking two people who tried to kill me to be interrogated

???:Your not exactly wrong on that Ichigo

Loly:nngghuhnn? *weakly looks to the right and sees two new individuals walking beside them*

???:Most you bring up such a non important question at a time like this Ichigo?

Ichigo:Oh come on Uryu you can't tell me that this place doesn't give you vibes like that?

Uryu:Hmph that do not need to answer questions like this after all I did not come to this place so we can talk about movies

Ichigo:Tsk! buzzkill

???:Thats enough! just like how the Quincy said we're not here to have small talk we're here to interrogate this two so let's first focus on that

???:She's right *mumble* though I wouldn't mind going to the movies with Ichigo some day


A loud screeching sound is heard and Loly sees in a still blurry vision that she and the group that has her and her partner are now entering a dark place

A dark place that she also submerge to as she falls unconscious the second the guy in orange, white and black enters the place that they are in

that is before she is then —



— brought back to the world with light as Loly opens her eyes in a panic after feeling a sting or something hit her on the left cheek

Ichigo:Well at least that was much quicker than throwing a bucket of water on them

Uryu:I still say that my method would have been much beneficial to us all *puts up his glasses*

Chad:We want them alive and talkative Uryu I believe your method would have brought bad outcomes

Ichigo:He's got you there

Uryu: *sigh* Alright *puts an object that he had in his hand away* I shall refrain from using this but if must I will take this interrogation upon my own hands

Loly: *whisper* Interrogation? what does he mea-

???:Ah you are awake arrancar

Loly turns to the left and sees the captain of squad 2 Soi Fon standing in front of her partner Menoly

Loly:Soul Reaper Captain? what are you—

Soi Fon:Quiet it now so I can wake up your partner the same way I did you

Loly: *eyes narrow* What do you mean by that?

Soi Fon doesn't respond as she pulls her right hand back and then send it forward onto Menoly face giving her a good slap on her left cheek like Loly



Loly:That was you!

Soi Fon:Good now your both awake *turns and walks away from them*

Menoly:Ow who slap me?


Menoly: *turns to see Loly tied up* Loly! your okay!

Loly:Yes but it would seem that with been obviously been caught

Menoly looks down at herself and sees that like Loly she also tied up, and they are both tied by metal chains prevent them from moving both their arms and legs

Menoly:Yes I can see that but why aren't we dead?

Ichigo:That's a simple answer really

The two girls turn towards Ichigo who stands together with Uryu the quincy, Chad the Fullbring, Soi Fon and Rukia who are soul reapers

And they are all located right now in an abandoned warehouse that look like it could still be used even if it was old

Abs light pierced through the roof of the warehouse and the side widows that were still now broken

Ichigo:We need answers and I think you guys can give them to us

Loly:Tsk! and why would we answer your questions Aizen killer

Menoly:Right! we got nothing to answer to you fools

Soi Fon:Heheh now we all know the that is a big lie arrancar

Loly:Yeah? well even if we know something like Menoly said we're not saying anything!

Uryu:Oh really? *starts to grab something that's behind him*

Menoly:Yeah! and you know what *breaks out her restraints* we're leaving

Menoly who seems to have gotten her strength back quickly grabs Loly who is still tied up and starts making her way out of the warehouse

Seeing this Uryu quickly takes out his bow and Chad appears his right arm but before they could do anything Ichigo places both of his hands on their shoulder

Ichigo:Don't worry you two their not escaping

Uryu;What do you mean by that Ichigo? can't you see that they are clearly making their escape


Chad:Uryu's right we should stop them before they can get away

Ichigo:It's fine guys don't worry *turns away from them* their not escaping


Soi Fon:His right their just wasting their time


Loly: *outside of the warehouse* Menoly!

Uryu/Chad:Huh? *they turn to one another confused*

Outside of the warehouse we see a hole in the wall and not far from it we see Loly still tied up on the ground and beside her was an almost knock out Menoly

Menoly:Ngh huh? what did I hit?

Loly:Ggggrrrrrr Raaah! *breaks free from the chains* Yes! Aim free *turns to Menoly and stands up* quickly we must find another way

Menoly:What? what do you mean?

Loly:Does soul reapers and humans put up a barrier to prevent us from escaping


Menoly looks up and then realizes that both she and Loly are stuck in this warehouse which is surrounded by an orange barrier which seems to have been made by performing a kido technique

Hachigyō Sōgai a form of kido spell that protects and keeps whatever it is that's inside and erases it from existence as the outside world doesn't even think, perceive or sense it making it a literal ghost house

The girls take a look at what's keeping them inside but there thoughts quickly end when they are then wrap around some light shaped whip that pulls them back inside the warehouse and back to the area where they were placed

As except of being tied up they are then trapped inside of cubes that keep them in place and stuck

Menoly: *looks at her new surroundings* Dammit! *punches the orange holographic wall that's keeping her in place*

Loly:Trapped and captured again *looks down* lord Aizen would be disappointed

Uryu:Well considering that you were working with Aizen before he was defeated and captured I would say that he's already been disappointed with you two

Loly / Menoly: * tick marks appear on their foreheads* What did you say!!

Uryu:I'm only standing the facts I would honestly believe that he really didn't have no use for you two

Menoly:Why you!!

Loly: *glares at Uryu* Shut if you damm quincy! you don't know a damn thing!

The two arrancar glare daggers at Uryu who doesn't flinch from their stares and just stares naturally at the two arrancars I mean why wouldn't they be angry he just basically accused them of being useless to their lord so now their anger as been moved towards him

Ichigo:Well thanks Uryu *chuckles* I guess you got them of my backs

Uryu:I was only being honest

Ichigo:Yeah I know you have a habit of doing that *turns towards someone else* though I also gotta thank you for coming all this way Hachigen I really appreciate your help

Standing a few feet behind Ichigo was a tall fat man with a pink mustache and hair that has an "X" while wearing a green suit with a yellow bow tie

Hachigen Ushōda

Hachigen: *smiles* It is my pleasure Kurosaki

Rukia:Yes thank you for coming all this way mister Ushōda I hope we weren't interrupting you

Hachigen:Do not worry yourself about that miss Kuchiki I am happy to help

Soi Fon:And what great help you'll be but now *turns towards the two arrancar* it's time we ask some questions

Loly:Do we have to spell it out to you fools! we're not talking!

Menoly:So quit trying this pathetic excuse of an interrogation and let us go

Ichigo:Yeah well considering that you guys came here to fight how do we know you won't start attacking the second we let you go

The girls don't respond to him they actually just cross their arms and scoff at him before looking opposite direction and away from him

Ichigo: *sweat drops* You two really hate me *looks at the others* someone else ask them because I'm pretty sure their not gonna answer to me

Rukia:I'll ask *looks at the two arrancar* let's start with the obvious question

Menoly:Which is?

Rukia:Why did you attack Ichigo?

Loly:Hmph! I thought we made ourselves clear to him that we attacked him for what he did to our precious lord Sosuke Aizen *upon saying his name she starts to get a little dreamy about Aizen*

Chad: *whispers to Ichigo* When you said that this two respected and loved Aizen I didn't exactly expect this

Ichigo: *whispers* Oh you have no idea

Soi Fon:Oh really? than why didn't you attack sooner?

The two arrancar:Huh?

Rukia / Uryu / Chad / Ichigo:What?


Menoly:What are you talking about?

Soi Fon:Simple actually because you see awhile back Ichigo Kurosaki here after defeating your precious lord had lost all of his power and through out the days that passed after he started living his normal life again nothing seriously happened to him *looks at Ichigo* am I correct

Ichigo: *sweat drops* Ye - Yeah that's right

Soi Fon:Then if that's true and you two have been wanting revenge on him for quite some time then why didn't you attack him when—

Rukia: —he was vulnerable

Rukia finishes the Captain of squad 2 sentence which makes the two female arrancars tense up as it seems that they've been caught

Menoly:Um we - well you see

Loly:T - T - That's an interesting *ahem!* assumption

Uryu:You two may have come for revenge but someone sent you so the question now to be ask *looks at the two arrancar* should be ¿who sent you?

Loly: *nerovous* No one! no one sent us! we came here to enact our revenge

Menoly:Right! we didn't need help we could open garganta's on our own we didn't need anyone help!

Loly / Menoly:So stop asking this stupid questions! and let us out!!


Everything was quickly silenced as everyone sees Tensa Zangetsu stabbed on the ground in front the two cubes that hold the girls

Abs standing three feet away from his blade was Ichigo who was now seen standing as he start walking up to his sword and takes it off the ground

Ichigo: *sighs* I'm only going to say this once and you two better give me an answer

He starts to float an gets at the same level as the two cubes the hold the girls trapped as his narrowing eyes turn to a glare and his spiritual energy start to appear in the form of small particles that resemble the black with red colors of his Getsugatensho as he raises his right hand and sends and sharp finger pointing at them me?

His voice became deeper and his power was being felt by the two girls who could only shiver and sweat at the being that was standing in front them as what scare them the most was his eyes, one red and one yellow both looking at the girls as if they were his prey

The others who are on Ichigo's side are surprised by this as they wouldn't expect him to do something like this


Menoly:We - We don't know!

Ichigo:You don't know?

Loly:Yes! he never told us his name! nor who he was! but he was most definitely an arrancar!!

Ichigo:An arrancar? and why is it that you don't know who this arrancar is?

Loly:Because he disguised himself in a cloak! and did not take it off!

Menoly:She's telling the truth! please you have to believe us!

Loly:Yeah! we only know that his an arrancar! that's all! so please don't hurt us!!

Ichigo glared and started to add pressure on his energy making the two girls fall to their knees and start trying to hold their breath but luckily did them the boy is merciful as he stops what he is doing and smiles

Ichigo: *smiles* Thank you

Ichigo touches the ground again and walks back towards where he was with everyone looking at him with shocked and surprised expressions

Rukia / Soi Fon: *mind* Why was that sooo hot~

Uryu / Chad:Wow

Hachigen:Hmmm interesting

Ichigo:Alright we finished my question *looks at the soul reapers* you should ask about the excessive amount of hollow in soul society and Karakura town

The two girls who had basically just seen a demon stand or float in front of them have now regained their breath and strength back as their eyes widen when Ichigo mentions the second question

Rukia:Oh right *looks at Loly and Menoly* you two wouldn't happen to know why hollows have been attacking more frequently now wouldn't you?

Menoly:And what if we do know about that?

Ichigo:You two seriously want me to do that again?

Loly / Menoly:No!

Ichigo:Then answer the question you idiots

Loly / Menoly:Idiots!

Everything seem calm for second that is until everyone except the two arrancar expressions got serious as Ichigo stood back up and the others turned towards him

Ichigo:Their obviously here for them so me and Soi Fon will go confront them the rest of you stay here and be prepared for if they know that we're keeping them here

The four of them nod and Ichigo and Soi Fon nodded at each other as they quickly make their way out of the warehouse through the hole Menoly made

They go out of the barrier and into the outside world where they quickly disappear using flash step and Étapa Sonido but unknown to them someone has already found the warehouse and this figure quickly disappears a few seconds after Ichigo and Soi Fon disappear

???:Where the hell are they!!?

Shouting could be heard coming from the business district of Karakura town as we see high above in the skies and beside the skyscrapers

We see two individuals discussing or I should say arguing about something but would seem that this a one sided argument

???:I brought out my spiritual energy right now so this dumbasses could come towards us!


Apacci:So where are they!!?

???:Do remember that you just recently did that and not like an hour ago

Sun Sung

Sun Sung:So they should be at least be making their way towards us right now

Two new arrancars were seen now and they were numbers 54 (Apacci) and 56 (Sun Sung), and are also the ones who got the attention of our fearless heroes who have not arrived yet

Apacci:Really? tsk! and I thought soul reapers were supposed to be fast enough to intercept us before anything would happen to this puny humans

Sun Sung:Then why didn't you attack this puny humans? maybe that would have gotten them to get here sooner

Apacci:Huh? you know what I think your right Sun Sung *appears a bala in her right hand* I guess a little fun wouldn't hurt thanks for the suggestion

Sun Sung:Well someone has to give it to you since we both know your an idiot who can't come up with their own way to entertain themselves

Apacci:What was that!!? I'll have you know I have hobbies! and they do keep me entertained!

Sun Sung:I doubt that and also you spend must of your rule with me and Mila

Apacci:Ggrrrrrr shut it! Abs don't interrupt my fun!

She fires a small red sphere named bala down at the cities street below but before it could go any further the attack was destroyed by something or-

Ichigo:Now what do you think your doing there arrancar?

Or someone

Standing in front of Apacci was Ichigo who had whispered into her ear what he had said to her after destroying her bala it would seem

Apacci:Huh!? who the heck are you!?

Ichigo:Just the guy that's going to kick your ass

Apacci:I'll like to see you tr— *feels something hit her gut* Gaaah!

Apacci spits out some saliva and getting sent back a few feet away from Ichigo who is seen with his left knee raised upwards

Ichigo: *lowers his knee* There goes that one *turns to Sun Sung* now it's your turn

Soi Fon:She's mine!

Sun Sung's eyes widen as she sees Soi Fon coming down with a downward slash towards her but the arrancar was able to dodge the slash and push herself backwards though she cannot escape Soi Fon who dashes towards her

Going in for a slash that Sun Sung blocks with her sai as Soi Fon then tries to double kick her the arrancar slides out of the way making both girls go back ti back

Sun Sung: *mind* nows my chance to strike

She turns around and lunges towards Soi Fon aiming to stab her but the captain of squad 2 turns around as well and blocks her attack before quickly doing a spin kick that hits Sun Sung stomach sending her back a few feet away

Soi Fon: *straightens herself up* Hmmm hey Ichigo! *turns to Ichigo* let's switch opponents I'll like to take on horn girl there of the three beast

Ichigo:Three beast? you saying the two are apart of a three member group of arrancars

Apacci:Yep! *starts getting up* and our other members should be finishing up her job right now

Ichigo:Oh really? what makes you say that?

Hearing him ask that question Apacci smirks as she decides to intimated and tell Ichigo of what's going to supposedly happen to his friends

Apacci:Because we know for a fact that you two are the strongest here so that means that the others that were left behind are weak so it's going to be easy money for her

Sun Sung:S-She's right *stands up* it is recommended that one of you goes back to make sure they are fine after all you don't want them to die now don't you?

Ichigo:Huh? what are two babbling about? what makes you two so sure we left weaklings back there honestly I think we left the right people back at our hideout?

Sun Sung:Hmm? interesting counter argument but we are fully confident that our partner will succeed in her mission

Apacci:Thats right so one of you two better head back *chuckles* you know just in case

Soi Fon:Heh

Apacci: *looks at Soi Fon a bit irritated* and what are you laughing about?

Soi Fon: *slowly appears a smirk* Sounds to me that your scared to fight us both so your trying to separate us so you can get the upper hand on one of us

Apacci:What!? that's not true!

Sun Sung:That is definitely true

Apacci:Shut up Sun Sung!

Soi Fon: *mind* I am glad that Ichigo hasn't broken out of character and is actually staying but I think his right considering who we left to guard the two arrancars I'm sure they can handle it while we deal with this two

Ichigo: *mind* I should worry but I know fully well that they can do it

Shiro: *in his mind* Don't you think that your trusting them a bit to much there king?

Ichigo: *mind* Naaah I have full faith in them

And so speaking about where the two have left the others at we see a single individual standing a few feet away from the entrance of the warehouse

It is a tall and muscular tanned woman with long brown hair and looked to be wearing some kind of amazonian battle clothes

Mila Rose

Mila Rose:If what I saw was right those two soul reapers pop out this place after they sensed the idiots energy

She walks up to the barrier and the second she places her hand on it her hand gets zapped which makes her flinch and move her hand away from the barrier

Mila Rose:Gggrrr alright then if the nice way won't work *takes out her sword* brute force it is

She was about to swing her sword at the barrier but the loud war cry that is heard from above stops Mila Rose from attacking the barrier and turns her attention towards Chad who's dropping down on her


Mila Rose:Wow!

She jumps out the way on time before she could have been crushed by his mighty right arm that punches the ground of where she was creating a crater

Chad:Leave arrancar *stands up before dusting himself off* you have nothing here to find

Mila Rose:Oh really? then I guess that two of my subordinates aren't there right


Mila Rose:Hmph! thought so now! move aside human before I cut you down

Chad:That won't happen *summons his left arm and looks seriously at Mila Rose* I won't let you go through me

Chad was serious of this statement as he remained his ground and stared seriously at the Amazonian arrancar that stood a few feet away from him

Mila Rose:Alright then human if you wanna die alone *readies herself* then I'll grant you your wish!

Uryu:Who says his alone?

Two blue arrows where fires at Mila Rose who was able to spot them begird they hit her as she blocks the two arrows and spots Uryu on top of the other warehouse that was there

He had his bow out and ready plus a Seele Schneider

Uryu:It would seem that you will be the one that's going to fight alone arrancar

Mila Rose: *gets in a stance* Crap

Chad lunges straight at her and Uryu dashes towards her with Seele Schneider ready as all Mila Rose did was let out a war cry and charge at the two

But we leave that fight and go back to the fight that was about to happen which is Soi Fon vs Apacci



We are brought back to side as we see Apacci block a sword slash from Soi Fon that was aimed at her head and she blocks this attack with her two sickles

Apacci:Tsk! crap!

Soi Fon:Giving up already?

Apacci:Fat chance bitch!

Apacci was able to hook the sword onto her weapons and uses this chance to forcefully pull and throw Soi Fon away from her but she still had her sword in hand

Apacci:Damm thought I could take her sword away right there

She sees Soi Fon still flying away until she stops herself and then uses flash step to disappear from her sight

Apacci: *quickly gets in her stance* Shi—

Soi Fon:Take this!

Out of nowhere Soi Fon appears and kicks Apacci in the stomach making her vomit out some saliva and lean forward her body

Soi Fon:Now to end you!

She starts lowering down her blade towards Apacci's neck but luckily for her she gains her strength back quickly and blocks her slash a second away before it cut her neck

Apacci:Get off me!

Apacci pushes Soi Fon's sword away from her neck and kicks Soi Fon in the stomach as well but this was a much stronger hit as she was send flying backwards and onto the wall of a building

Apacci:How you like that! you bitch!!

Placed on the wall Soi Fon coughs twice before getting out the wall as she stretches her body and then takes of her captains cloak

Soi Fon:Alright let's play like that *smirks* arrancar *brings up her sword and aims it at her right hand* pierce her flesh Suzumebachi

Her sword now covers her right hand now that it had turned into its shikai form which is a sharp hornet shaped weapon

Soi Fon:I'll make you pay arrancar!

She uses flash step to appear right in front of Apacci who's eyes widen when she sees her thrusting her right hand forward

Apacci:Wow! *blocks the stab with her left sickle* back off soul reaper! *slashes her with the right one*

Soi Fon leaned backwards to dodge the slash and then roundhouse kicks Apacci in the face before lunging straight at her with Suzumebachi ready


Soi Fon flash step a few feet away from Apacci who fires a cero blast at her but misses


After seeing that she had missed she later look at her right shoulder and notices a butterfly shaped symbol on it

Apacci:What the— ? the hell is this?

Soi Fon:It's a mark my Zanpakuto creates to anyone she stabs but if I stab you again there then........ you die

Apacci:Huh!? that can't be right *starts to try and get the butterfly symbol off her shoulder* why won't it get off? *takes off her right sleeves but the symbol is still there* what the fu—

Soi Fon:Keep your eyes on the fight arrancar

Apacci forgets about the symbol and looks to see Soi Fon thrusting her right hand towards her again but luckily enough this time she blocks the attack and kicks Soi Fon away from her

Apacci:I'll kill you first before you can ever kill me!

Before dashing towards where she sent her opponent but is stop midway as Soi Fon uses flash step to appear four feet away from Apacci who spots this allowing to block Soi Fon's fourth attempt to imprint another butterfly on her


But from that fight we move towards the other one


Which is Ichigo vs Sun Sung but there's something wrong here


There just standing alone in the air staring at each other seriously with no other emotion or expression just seriousness



Sun Sung:...................

Shiro: *in Ichigo's head* Umm......are you going to attack or what

Ichigo: *mind* I would but something about this one doesn't feel the same as the other three

Shiro *in Ichigo's head* what do you mean?

Ichigo: *mind* Well she seems much calmer, more quiet and seems to be a bit more honest and realistic on like the other two and that other arrancar

Shiro: *in Ichigo's head* Aaaah I see

Sun Sung:Are you just going to stand there like a fool and allow things to go this way?

Ichigo:You know I was just about to ask you same thing I mean why haven't you attacked? scared?

Sun Sung:Oh please do not underestimate me soul reaper

Ichigo:Right back at you ummm

Sun Sung:Arrancar number 56, Sun Sung and the a member of the three beast 

Ichigo:Sun Sung huh? cute name you got there the names Ichigo Kurosaki but I feel like you already knew that so hope your ready because I really don't like people *spun Tensa Zangetsu before pointing it at Sun Sung with a glare in his eyes* who hurt those I care about

Sun Sung:...........................


Sun Sung:Is that so......... *turns around and start walking away?* I guess I'll go help my friend

Ichigo:. . . . . . Huh?

Sun Sung:Hav - Have a good day I - Ichigo

Shiro: *in Ichigo's head* Is this bitch running away from us!!

Ichigo: *mind* I think so or maybe it's something else

Shiro: *in Ichigo's head* Yeah well fuck that! this one shows better potential then the other three so let's fight her king!

Ichigo: *mind* Ummmmm

But while Ichigo had his inner demon tell him what to do without an inner Angel trying to counter the demon we go in Sun Sung's thoughts as we see what she's thinking

Still covering her mouth with the long sleeve of her clothes two pink and round circles could be seen on both her cheeks

Sun Sung: *blushing while in her mind* What is going on? I could feel something in me beet everything time I stare at him? I could I feel this way when I don't even have a heart in the first place?

Ichigo: *Starts making his way towards her* I can't let you go help your friend so I'll defeat you here and now Sun Sung

Sun Sung: *gasp* What? no stay away!

Ichigo: *confuse look but ignores it* Just what is wrong with you woman

Sun Sung:I said stay away! *quickly appears a huge pink cero sphere*

She fired her attack at Ichigo who's eyes widen when she suddenly attack like that and seemingly enough the attack hits him straight in as we see a dust cloud from the aftermath of the blast cover where he is

Sun Sung:Did I. . . .get him?

The smoke starts clearing and appearing in full view was Ichigo who had his left arm extended forward while having an unamused and dull expression on him


Sun Sung: *mind* Oooooh~ he looks so cool *mindful squeal*

She stops being a fangirl when she sees that Ichigo charging at her with his sword winding up for a slash but when he goes for it she was able to dodge the attack and lunge towards him with her sai but Ichigo blocks her attack and goes to slash again but she blocks her slash this time and then the next one

But the third one came and while she blocked it she also moved like a snake around Ichigo and gets behind him as she wraps her arms around his neck

Ichigo:What the—

Sun Sung:Shhhhh~ just let me get a smell out of you *her face now shown as she smiles and then takes a sniff out of Ichigo feeling him shiver as she did that* hmmmm well that's interesting~ a hollow and soul reaper combined into one I can see one of the reason why I'm so into you now~

Ichigo: *mind* What!?

Shiro: *mind* I'mma add her to the list then

Ichigo:What kind of crap you pulling here!

Sun Sung: *giggles* You act cute when your angry too~

Ichigo:Okay! that's enough! *raises his spiritual pressure a bit*

This sudden increase actually makes Sun Sung's eyes widen as she quickly senses the danger and moves away from Ichigo who after seeing her back away lowers his power

Sun Sung: *surprise* Such power

Ichigo:Yeah *turns around towards her* let's get back to fight now I know fully well you still got right left in you

Sun Sung:That I do *readies herself* so let's us continue *mind* and while we do that I'll get to know you better heheheh

But before they could get back to the fight her eyes widen again when she looks away from Ichigo and towards another direction that far away from them

Sun Sung:Mila

Back with Apacci we see her in the air on one knee while breathing heavily as we see her with three butterfly symbols on her, one on the right shoulder, a second one on her left leg and a third one on her neck

Apacci: *pats pats* Huh? *turns away from Soi Fon and looks at something that's far in the distance* that idiot

Soi Fon:Hey! why are you looking away *starts dashing towards her* we're still fighting here!

Apacci:Gggrrrr fuck off you soul reaper bitch! *charges up a cero on her horn*

She fires a red beam at Soi Fon who sees the attack and quickly dodges the attack using flash step but when she reappears again she sees Apacci running away before disappearing with Sonido

Soi Fon:Running away? tsk! coward

Ichigo: *appears beside Soi Fon* Soi Fon

Soi Fon:Ichigo

Ichigo:We might want to head back to the others I think I know where their going

Soi Fon:Tsk! I understand what you mean but they already have a head start

Ichigo:. . . . . .Then let me handle this *picks up Soi Fon in a bride style state* I'll get us there in no time

Soi Fon: *blush* Ichigo! put me down now!

Ichigo: *scoffs* Oh just shut it you ninja and let me deal with this problem of ours

Soi Fon: *covers her face to hide the blush* Idiot

Ichigo shakes his head before using Étapa Sonido to go back to where they came from which is the warehouse

And going back to that location we see that the area has been destroyed or mostly destroyed as we see holes in the other two warehouses, craters on the ground and there's even small areas with ice on both the ground and on the walls as outside we see Chad and Rukia with her Zanpakuto in their shikai state while Uryu is on top of the roof of the warehouse on the left with his bow out

In front of the trio was Mila Rose who was bruised, bleeding and tired as she was on one knee on the ground looking at the trio of opponents

Mila Rose:Gotta say *smirks* you guys ain't haft bad but you've definitely been screwed if I went full power

Uryu:Is that so? then why not show us this true power of yours ti prove that

Mila Rose: *chuckles* I would like to do that Quincy but I've been sadly ordered to remain in this form when visiting this world of yours

Rukia:Then this is the end for you areancar *looks at Chad* do it

Chad nodded as his left arms fingers began to spark with electricity until he closed them as his left arm starts glowing a little

Chad:I will end this *railed back his left arm* La-



They all looked up and saw Apacci and Sun Sung charging straight down towards them as they both were charging cero blasts


Mila Rose:Tsk! right! *jumps away*

Apacci / Sun Sung:Cero!

A blast of red and pink heads straight towards Rukia and Chad who's eyes widen when they notice that the attack is heading straight to them but luckily

Ichigo:Getsuga —

Their friend had arrived on time as he appears in front of the blast

Ichigo:— Tensho

He fires a quick and small getsugatensho at the attack the two arrancars fired at him as the attack both clash creating a power struggle as the air slash was actually pushing the duo cero blast slowly backwards


Sun Sung: *mind* Ooooh~ impressive

Before the two could even do anything they were hit by Soi Fon from behind as she send a powerful air blast at them which pushes them straight towards their own attack

Which results in the air Getsugatensho to go through the cero blast splitting it in two as it reaches the two girls


An explosion happens and the girls were caught right in it as they are later seen falling down the sky and onto the ground

Shiro: *in Ichigo's mind* You should save them


Shiro: *in Ichigo's mind* I don't know but it could be beneficial to you in the future

Ichigo:Hmmmmmmmm forget it

Taking Shiro's idea Ichigo disappears and then reappaers right below the two girls as he un summons Tensa Zangetsu and catches Sun Sung in his left arm and grabs Apacci's leg to stop her from falling, and so after that he uses Étapa Sonido to appear in front of the warehouse and puts both girls on the ground

An whole things seem calm at first he quickly summons his sword again and blocks a surprise attack from Mila Rose

Ichigo:I think we've had enough out of you three

Mila Rose:Heheh you seem strong I just wish we could unleash are true power that way I could fight you better

Ichigo:I wouldn't like that and I'm pretty sure the others won't either so how about we just give you your two arrancars in here and we can all leave this behind

Mila Rose:Huh? you giving them to us?

Ichigo:Yeah I mean I'm sure we got what we wanted so you guys can have them

Mila Rose:Hmmmm *she reluctantly moves her sword away from him and sheaths it* alright then soul reaper I'll accept this just know I'll be coming after you someday for that fight


On coincidence the barrier disappears and Hachigen walks out the warehouse carrying Loly and Menoly

Hachigen:Ah! I see you have concluded things here as well Kurosaki

Ichigo: *nods* Yep

Hachigen:Good to hear *puts the two girls down* I shall leave this two with you and leave until we meet again *uses flash step to leave*

Ichigo: *turns to Mila Rose* They're all yours

Mila Rose:Thanks *sees the four unconscious bodies and sighs* this is going to be a pain

Ichigo:You shouldn't worry to much *points at Sun Sung* she's actually awake

Sun Sung: *pulls herself up* You knew?

Ichigo:Yes now take your girls and leave *sighs* I'm gonna take a break

He calmly and peacefully walks away from them and as he walked away Sun Sung opens up a garganta and picks up Apacci while Mila Rose had Loly and Menoly

Ones they left the group reunited as Ichigo in summons her sword

Ichigo:That went well

Soi Fon:It certainly did

Ichigo:Did you ask them Rukia

Rukia:Yes *nods* and I'll inform you all tomorrow right now I believe we all deserve sone rest


Chad: *nods*

Ichigo:Alright then *yawns* I'll see you all later or tomorrow *uses Étapa Sonido too leave*

Rukia soon follows after him, Uryu and Chad leave together and Soi Fon stays standing there for a little before disappearing with flash step

(AUTHOR VORTEX:Daaang!! I'm sorry guys for not publishing this one earlier but as you can see it is much longer than what I anticipated but here you go, now onto the next bleach story)

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