Chapter 10:Ichigo vs Loly and Menoly

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Previously on "Son born in darkness"

Ichigo: *mind* Will see if we can—

His metal sentence ends when he suddenly feels something that makes his eyes go wide as he quickly grabs something from the shelf and opens his window

Similarly piping out of the closet was Rukia now wearing her pajamas which she did not steal from Yuzu as this time she brought hers but ignoring that we see her with the soul phone in hand

Rukia:Ichigo! we have a situ—

She stops as she notices that his gone and that the window to his room is open as she could see wind coming in while blowing the curtains

Rukia:I must hurry

Back with Ichigo we find him in the air using bringer of light to move over the buildings and quickly towards the location that his heading

As after a little awhile we see him stop on the edge of a building as he starts to look around the area that his in

Ichigo:It's no use in hiding! I already know your out there!

He hears nothing for the first few seconds but then hears the sudden sound of someone using sonido to appear behind him so he uses bringer of light to both get away from his attacker and fudge the attack as he appears in another building that's lower than the one he was on

Ichigo:Okay! I see that we have anger issues here so what the hell are you doing here letting out your stress arrancar

Arrancar?:Tsk! you will pay for what you have done to lord Aizen Ichigo Kurosaki!

Ichigo: *mind* Aizen!?

???: *lands beside the arrancar* You shall face the punishment for what you had done to are lord!

The two take of their cloaks revealing them to be arrancars as they wear the familiar white with black outlined clothes and have katana's that don't resemble that off Soul Reapers but what makes them different from one another is there looks, clothes style and hollow mask

???:Prepare to face our wrath!!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

We back to where we left of which is in the middle of the night in the city of karakura town on sone buildings that one was taller then the other one that's at least three floors under the tall building

In this buildings three individuals can be seen as on the shorter building we find Ichigo Kurosaki in his base human form standing on the edge of the smaller building

On the tall building we find two arrancars who came here to seek vengeance for their imprisoned lord as we see them take out their swords and glare down at Ichigo

The one on the left was a girl with black two ponytail hair, one right pink eye, a hollow mask that covered her left eye, wearing very revealing clothes that only showed her stomach and muddled part of her chest and wielded a one sided edged sword with a pink colored hilt and a knight cross tsuba

The second arrancar was a girl with yellow hair, one left green eye, a hollow mask that covered her right eye, a bone collar around her neck, clothe around her haft her arms and was wearing clothes that covered her complete but showed off a little bit of her breast

This two were arrancar's number thirty three and thirty four

Menoly and Loly

They both starred down at Ichigo with visible killer intent which he could feel where he is right now and even felt it when they first arrived to the human world

Ichigo:Here to a avenge Aizen huh *starts to put on his black glove* no offense but if I defeated Aizen and you guys are not espada how are you supposed to beat the person who could be far stronger then you

Loly:Shut up! and die you bastard!!

Loly is the first one to attack as she dashes forward at Ichigo who extends his right arm to the side saying one word


All of sudden a bursts of spiritual energy came out of Ichigo's right palm as it surrounds the hand and starts creating something that quickly starts to take shape

Loly goes for the slash but something stops her attack from slicing Ichigo as Ichigo himself was the one who stopped her attack after he summoned his windmill like Shuriken


Ichigo:Guess it's time I finally test out my Fullbring abilities on one of you guys *pushes her away from him*


The yellow hair arrancar charges at Ichigo going in for the attack but her slash was also blocked by Ichigo who uses her momentum to make her go straight to the ground taking known of this Menoly eyes widen when she sees that her blade is not connecting with Ichigo's reiatsu getting her a kick that makes her go off the building

And coming back to the building was Loly who lands on the roof and quickly charges at Ichigo while letting out a scream that gets his attention as he turns around and blocks a strike from Loly and then another and then two more before making a clash in the fifth slash that is quickly broken when Ichigo makes the cross x getsuga spin which causes Loly to lose her weapon as it gets knock over by the spin shocking her as she is then to late to react to Ichigo's next attack which was to spin and then throw a point blank getsuga Shuriken that sends Loly back and crashing onto the railing of the roof


Ichigo turns towards Menoly and sees her in the air looking at the direction her partner has crash so she then turns to Ichigo with an angry look

Menoly:Tsk! *pulls back her left arm* bala!

Bala an arrancar low level attack that fires a much smaller version of the hollows main blast attack the cero

She fires a red spherical ball of energy at Ichigo who dodges the attack and then fires off another getsuga Shuriken at Menoly who dodges the attack by using Sonido to then reaper in front of Ichigo going in for the slash that he then blocks as they are put in a clash

Ichigo:Honestly what was the big plan here just come back after two years and start acting like you some big boss or something?

Menoly:Do you always talk with your enemies!

Ichigo:No but I'm having a hard time understanding what's going on here I mean we're you the ones who sent those hollows to soul society and then to the human world?

Menoly:I have no idea what your talking about *left hand starts to blow red* so shut up! Cero!

Hoping to fire a point blank cero blast at the Fullbring but the cross x started to spin rapidly which it did stop the attack but it did not stop it from blowing up in there faces as then a small cloud of smoke covered the spot the two were in


Arrancar 33 screams out the name of her friend who pops out the smoke a bit scratched up but still alive and heading upwards

On the other side Ichigo pops out of the smoke a little scratched but still unscathed so he quickly readies his next attack by grabbing his right arm

Loly: *appears beside Menoly* Let's end this bastard for what he's done


The two girls dashed down towards Ichigo who's getsuga X grew larger to then appear circular symbol on it

Firing a set of four getsuga shurikens at the girls

This makes them stop as we see Loly first dodge one of the getsuga shurikens but is force to block the second one which spins so fast sparks could be seen as Loly tries to deflect the attack but is struggling and as for Menoly she was blocking two getsuga shurikens at the same time but was slowly losing her defense as the two attacks are forcing her sword to spirit lower down

Ichigo watch from below seeing the sparks that continuously come out of their clash as we then see the X shrink down a bit before Ichigo readies himself to throw it plus behind the girls without them knowing the getsuga Shuriken that Loly did he first was coming back and heading straight towards the girls


Ichigo throws the spinning x saw blade while the getsuga Shuriken closes in on the two girls exploding who are in between the two attacks and their eyes widen when seeing what's about to happen as when the spinning x saw blade makes contact with the other getsuga shurikens and the one behind them touches their backs a burst of black and red energy explodes on them

Said explosion is very much noticed by Rukia who is seen now in her soul reaper clothes and in the air as she turns towards where the blast is seen as she see it turn to a large cloud of smoke

Rukia: *concern* Ichigo *starts making her way towards where he is* please be safe I'm on my way

Also the same distance away from Rukia a Senkaimon opens up on top of the roof of a building and coming out of it was one person comes out and it was non other than Soi Fon herself

Soi Fon:I've arrived now where is *notices the cloud of smoke in the distance* already being reckless I see

She shunpo's away towards where the explosion is sighted and once we go back there we find Ichigo looking up at the smoke cloud that was above him while his left arm had a grip on his right arm aa his eyes stared calmly at what was above him they soon go wide when he sees a red glow starting to make itself known

Out of the smoke cloud a red blast comes out and heads straight towards Ichigo seemingly hitting him head on as a dust cloud then covers the place that he was hit as the first dust cloud starts to disappear and we see Loly and Menoly very damaged and tired as they had one of their arms extended forward and we're breathing heavily

Loly:We *pats* have *pats* avenged you *pats* lord Aizen

Menoly:We did it *inhales and exhales* now let's us make sure his dead and quickly return to hueco mundo

Loly:Right *takes a deep breath before letting it out* this bastard better be dead that might have been all we could have ditched out

Menoly:Yeah *sees the smoke cloud starts to disappear* now let's us see our price

Loly: *smiles* Yees

The girls look on as the smoke cloud began to fully disappear but what they thought to be a victory was only false hope as they don't see any sign of Ichigo


Ichigo:I'm not out yet!!

The two shocked turn around and see Ichigo behind them in the air with wide glaring eyes and an X getsuga ready


The X grows a bit more bigger and he throws it at Menoly who tries to block the attack but is quickly denied the attempt and sent back down towards the roof

Loly:No! Menoly! *turns towards Ichigo* Ggrrr you'll pay!

Loly charges at Ichigo and both are out in a clash where they collide each others weapons over and over again before they collide them one more time which creates a small spark

Loly:Why can't you just die!

Ichigo:Sorry but that is the one promise I gotta keep

Making the X getsuga spin makes Loly get forcefully pulled to the side by her sword leaving her open for Ichigo to use bringer of light to knee kick her in the stomach making gasp out and spit out saliva but it doesn't end there as Ichigo then elbows the back of her neck making her pupils shrink and let out small shocked sounds

Ichigo:Here's more!

Ichigo then fires a point blank getsuga Shuriken which sends her straight down towards the roof below them as this is taken noticed by Menoly who slowly starts to pull herself up


She tries to stand up but she was stop immediately by Ichigo who drop kicks her sending her straight towards the streets below

Ichigo: *looks down below and sees Menoly in a crater and sees her still awake* Alright no more holding back

The energy that surrounds Ichigo's right hand disappears as he then starts taking off the glove while behind him Loly uses her sword as support and slowly starts to stand up and while she do that Ichigo places his left hand on his face as reishi begins to cover the palm and then his face as when he swipes it down his entire body changes into his hollow soul reaper form

Ichigo: *turns around towards Loly* I'm surprised you can still stand after everything that's been happening to you

Loly: *struggling to stand up* Fuck you

Shiro: *in Ichigo's head* Damm! this bitch's love for Aizen really make her go pass her limits

Ichigo:*mumbles* I'll say

Loly:For the glory of lord Aizen *starts to get on her feet* I shall not back down nor will I yield to you *glares and then starts to let out sone spiritual pressure* Escol—Gaaah!

Before she could even finish to call out her resurrección Ichigo had used Étapa Sonido to appear in front of her and grab her by the neck

Ichigo:Sorry but I'm not letting you do that

He uses Étapa Sonido again to appear above the street that Menoly was as he then basically throws Loly down towards the street beside her partner literally crashing down beside Menoly who was on her feet


Menoly goes to check on her friend but finds her now unconscious and to make things worse for her Ichigo has now landed a few away from where she is

Menoly: *turns towards Ichigo* Cero!

Menoly fires another cero blast at Ichigo who only raises his left arm up to both block and absorb the attack as he combines it with his reiatsu that begins to appear

Changing the fully red energy to black with red outlined spiritual pressure as he calmly glares at Menoly

Ichigo:Are you done?

Menoly:No! like hell I'll let you get away with this!! *starts to raise her reiatsu* escorpión!

Ichigo's eyes narrow as he sees a yellow light shine off Menoly as she transforms into her resurreción form as once it dies down we see her with scooping like hands and a scorpion tail slowly moving behind her while we see that her shirt is now gone and the upper haft of her upper body is now covered with a few bones

Menoly: *glares* This is my resurrección Ichigo Kurosaki and it will be the last thing you'll ever see

Ichigo:Even if you transform into your resurrección form it won't matter as the statement is only proven if the one who says it actualky does what they say

Menoly:Then I guess I'll just have to show you

Shiro: *In Ichigo's head* Okay so if she's taken the form of a scorpion the obvious thing to do here is not get sting by that tail so king whatever you do don't—

Before he could finish his sentence Menoly's scorpion tail fires a cero blast at Ichigo who dodges the blast before dashing forward at Menoly as her right scorpion claw clashes with Zangetsu


She tries to sting him with her tail but he uses Étapa Sonido to dodge the attack and appear above her as he goes in for slash but Menoly clashes again her left scorpion claw against Zangetsu and tries to sting him again only for him to use Étapa Sonido again to move a few meters away from her


Firing another cero blast from her tail Ichigo decides to counter her blast with a cero of his own as he appears one through his horn


One yellow and one red both cero blast collide with one another for second but Ichigo's was far much stronger as it goes through hers and straigh towards her but she was able to dodge the attack and used Sonido to appear behind Ichigo and try to stab him with her scorpion sting but he blocks her attack without looking

Ichigo:Is this the best you can do?

Menoly:Gggrrrr I'll end you! *she opens her mouth wide and yellow light could be seen coming out of it*

She was about to fire a cero blast from her mouth but she was suddenly kicked in the face by Soi Fon who sends her back ten feet away from them but Menoly stopped herself from going any further back as when she did she place her left claw on her nose wiping it a bit to when she moves it away she sees blood

Menoly: *glares at Soi Fon* You bitch

Soi Fon:Yeah well you just fell into our trap *smirks* bitch

Rukia:First Dance

Menoly's eyes widen when she looks down and sees Rukia down at the street below her with a white circle in front of her

Rukia:White Moon

The white circle then shoots out a white pillar of light that captures Menoly who is then quickly trapped in a pillar of ice

Ichigo:Well that takes care of them *gets hit in the head* Ow! hey!

Soi Fon:Thats what you get for taking to long in dealing with your opponents when you have the ability to deal with them in seconds

Ichigo:In my defense I was trying to get my Fullbring to grow stronger and maybe reach stage two but it seems that this two weren't as strong as I expected

Rukia: *joins them* Well they do seem to have potential

Ichigo:Yeah but their love for Aizen is likes Soi Fon's towards Yoruichi so that stops them from growing stronger like Ulquiorra

Soi Fon: *mumbles* Well it's not exactly Lady Yoruichi it's you, you idiot

Ichigo:Hmm? you say something?

Soi Fon: *blush* What? nononono I'm fine *looks away from him and towards Loly* we should takes this two to a secure location now so we can interrogate them

Ichigo:. . . . *blink* . . . . . .*blink*. . . . . . .

Rukia:. . . . .Yeeeaaaah let's do that

Ichigo chooses to ignore Soi Fon's odd change in attitude there and goes to pick up Loly while the other two go free Menoly from the ice pillar

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