Chapter 9:So the battle begins

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Arc 2:The arrancar alliance of the "Son born in darkness"

Ichigo has now returned to the life that he used to have only this time he's not a substitute soul reaper but a hollow soul reaper with the growing abilities of his Fullbring abilities as now our hero will have to adjust to the new things that are happening around him like:His new power, nobility, the growing affection of the girls he hangs out with, Soi Fon's sudden stalking, Head Captain Yamamoto's family visits with Shunsui and Ukitake, His friendship with White Zangetsu which he now names Shirō and the sudden appearance of hollows so let's see what Ichigo has to deal with now 

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We open things up with a bright and sunny day in the town of Karakura as we look at the town in its early afternoon


But being now that is the afternoon the sound of a school bell is heard as the time for it to finish is heard as we are soon presented to said school

Karakura Highschool

A large Highschool to say the least with its three buildings all having different attributes from one another as you can see it has a sports facility and it's two main buildings are all full of study that's divided between the grades they are placed

Down at the school coming out the main door and heading towards the gate was a group of students all wearing the school's regular grey uniforms

In this crowd of students a familiar group of friends could be spotted here and one of this familiar individuals was Ichigo Kurosaki but this time he's not in his hollow soul reaper form but in his regular base form as you can see his skin go back to its regular color, his right side doesn't have a hollow mask and his hair is back to normal

Beside our strawberry head hero we're his friends Uryu, Ishida, Orihime, Rukia in her new school uniform as she's changed a bit after the years

And in this group of friends we also see one of Ichigo's oldest friends one of the first you could say as she stands beside Orihime while walking with the group

Her long black hair was almost to reach the same length has Orihime's and her body seems to have changed since the last time we saw her


She like others now knows about the hole soul reaper thing, hollows, Quincy's, fullbrings since one literally manipulated her, arrancars, Aizen and all the other stuff

And so she's actually grew accustomed to her friends new life although she wishes she was there to help them

Tatsuki:So Rukia how it been going ever since you've comeback from your tripped

Rukia:I would say that things have gone quite well and glad to have returned after so long

Ichigo: *mumbles* Yeah so long it's not like it's been an eternity since you've last been here midget

Rukia: *elbows him in stomach* Sorry if I may have worried you Tatsuki but you see I had to deal with an idiot back home

Ichigo's body suddenly clenches from the hit as Orihime who was to his right quickly starts to check if his alright and this actions were taken noticed by Tatsuki who sweat drops 

Tatsuki:An idiot huh? well I hope you at least you thought them a lesson they'll never forget

Rukia: *giggles* Oh don't worry they still have a long way to go but their slowly starting to show change

Ichigo gets a tick mark on his head as he knows that Rukia is very much referring to him so he slaps Rukia on the back making her almost fall forward

Ichigo:Yeah I meet the idiot she's referring too I heard that they need help knowing very well what's a bed and not a closet

Hearing this Rukia looks back at Ichigo with a glare which he sends back as the two glare at one another with sparks appearing in between them

Rukia:Yeah then I think that the idiot should just stop complaining about every single thing that has happens and just go with it

Ichigo:Well then why doesn't the idiot just act natural for once and sleep on a normal bed!

The two argued while walking out of the school with their friends who could only look at this with a sweat drop

Uryu: *sigh* Maybe if they stopped arguing for every little detail that happens to them maybe we wouldn't having much trouble in the field

Chad:They are always like this as if they were a married couple and they forgot that they were married

Uryu:Hmmm yes I would say that's what they are

Orihime: *trying to calm the situation* Guys please stop fighting your starting to cause a scene

Ichigo and Rukia hear this and look around them as they see some of the students looking at them while chuckling or with a confused look so seeing this that look at each other before turning away from another

The group goes pass the gate and start to go there own way and away from the crowd of students as they go down there own path in the city


But the sound of someone's phone stops the group as they turn towards Rukia who quickly takes out a phone that she takes a quick look at what she's received


Rukia: *nods* Yes and there seem to be a horde of them again

Ichigo:Alright let's move *turns to Tatsuki* see ya later Tatsuki

Uryu:Have a good day

Chad:See ya

Rukia:Gave a good day Tatsuki *runs after the boys waving back at Tatsuki* see you tomorrow *turns ahead*

Orihime:Have good day Tatsuki!

Orihime was about to go and follow the group but a hand grabs her shoulder and to her surprise it was Tatsuki who was holding back from following as she could see the worry in her friends eyes


Tatsuki:Orihime I—........*sighs* please be careful out there okay

Orihime: *looks at her friend worried before nodding her head* Don't worry I'll be fine I promise you

Seeing this Tatsuki let's go of Orihime and watches her friend run off to meet up with her friends while slowly clenching her fist while looking at the ground

Back with the group we see them arrive onto the scene as many different types of hollows could be seen around the block

Appearing in hulk like bodies, spider like looks and some were even in the air patrolling the skies

Uryu:Let us make quick work of this hollows *takes out his bow* meet you guys there

Uryu charges forward towards the enemy with Chad materializing both his right and left arm Fullbring abilities as like Uryu charges forward towards the enemy

Ichigo:Well they seem to be in a hurry

Rukia:Let's us join them *takes out something that a had a cute bunny head* I hope that your transformation doesn't last like your mask

Rukia sends something that goes in her mouth which allows her real body to come out of her gigai and appear in her soul reaper clothes with her sword still sheathed

Ichigo:Oh don't worry *places his hand on his face* there won't be any time limits this time

Ichigo's black with red reishi has slowly started to make itself known in his hand as it starts to spread all over his face and soon enough his entire body began to get surrounded by his reiatsu as it started to make his skin go pale, his hair grew longer, soul reader clothes with vasto Lorde features began to appear around his body and a sword was forming itself on his right hand

The light shines down on the right side of his face as it took the shape of his vasto Lorde mask but it only took the shape of the right side

Sounding down his hand Ichigo fully transforms into his hollow soul reaper form as he swipes Zangetsu before looking up at the vulture like hollow that's diving down towards him

Ichigo:You pick the wrong enemy to pick on hollow

Firing a straight cero blast from his horn at the vulture hollow who is completely destroyed by the blast so after taking care of that one many hollows had turned their attention towards Ichigo and began to make their way towards him

Ichigo:Alright! come at me you freaks!!

Channeling his spiritual energy onto his sword an x shape blade appears and it creates a circular shuriken in the middle

Laughing four getsuga shuriken's at the hollows who charge at him

As two spider like monsters get cut in two by one the shuriken's, a fat hollow gets destroyed by two of the shurikens and the last one cuts through three hollows heads splitting them in two

All those hollows were quickly destroyed by Ichigo but the mindless beasts don't stop their approach so Ichigo surrounds his sword in his black with red spiritual energy

White Zangetsu: *In Ichigo's head* Rip them to shreds King!

Ichigo:Got it!

Ichigo dashes forward at the hollows that charged him

Changing fighters we go to see Uryū skidding around with reishi under his feet as he dodges different big and muscular hollows who dried to crush him

Dodging them all he launches himself upwards above all the hollows as he looks down at them with his bow aimed and ready


Firing one shot that sends out seven more arrows at the hollows below him getting them all as they disappear in an instant after getting headshot by the arrows

Landing on the ground Uryu looks around to see if there were anymore hollows nearby


While they were not around him once he looks up he sees that they are charging from above

Uryū:Using the once I just took down to begin your assault on me *puts up his glasses* smart move but not smart enough *aims his bow at them* Lincht Regan

By just letting go of the strong dozen of arrows were shot directly at the hollows destroying them in an instant leaving absolutely nothing behind

After dealing with those hollows the light that came from Uryu bow disappears as he turns around towards the others to see them take down their hollows

Uryū:Hmmm this has been the fourth attack a large scale like this just who is causing this hollows to come here?

Deciding to find this questions on a later day Uryu appears reishi in his bow again and goes to deal with the rest of the hollows

And in a other extermination we find Chad letting out a war cry as he punch a hollow with his right arm laughing a blast from his right arm when it made contact with the hollows mask as the blast goes through him and three other hollows

Landing to the ground a hollow with big and muscular arms goes to punch Chad but he blocks the punch with his right arm but the impact does push him back a bit

Chad:Hmm this one seems to be strong *readies his left arm* but he won't survive el brazo izquierdo

The big arm hollow goes to attack Chad again as the big man readies his right arm's shield but then Orihime appears in front of Chad


Orihime:Santen Kesshu I reject!

Making a holographic triangle like shield in front of her

the punch was stopped immediately by Orihime shield who the. lets out a cry as the force of the hollows punch is thrown back to him pushing him backwards towards two other hollows that were approaching

Oriihime:Now Chad!


Chad lunges forward while railing his left arm back ready to use his most powerful attack

Chad:La Muerte!

Left fist glowing with blue electricity it goes straight towards the the big arm hollow

Landing the hit straight at his face mask the hollow with big arms and the ones behind him are all launched toward the ground as when they crash on it they all disappear in an instant as a crater that takes the shape of horned skull is seen on the ground

Dealing with those three big hollows Chad lands on the ground ready for more as he turns towards Orihime and sends her a thumbs up and she nods her head as they both make their way towards the remaining hollows that are being felt with

Moving towards Rukia who quickly slashes down three hollows with "Sode no Shirayuki" And then lands on the ground

Rukia: *turning around to see five hollows charging at her* Hadō #33:Sokatsui!

Firing a kido plast from the palm of her hand all the hollows that charged at her were quickly dealt with

Smoke coming afterwards Rukia could still see that she destroyed all the hollows that came directly at her so she swipes her blade before turning towards the remaining Hollow that charge at Ichigo who quickly destroys them with a burst of his spiritual energy

Ichigo himself after doing that stands in the air as he looks at the smoke that stood in front him as this were the hollows that came charging at him were

Ichigo:Guess that's done


Ichigo looks down and sees his friends regrouping below him so he smiles and descends down towards them

Ichigo: *landing in front of them* Did we take all of them down?

Uryū:Yes but this attacks are starting to make me worry that *looks up to the sky* somethings coming

Rukia:First Soul Society now their beginning to appear in the human world this isn't adding up

Ichigo:Yeah whoever's doing this is either just playing with power they shouldn't have or. . . . . . .

Rukia:Or what? *hears no response* Ichigo?

Three of them turned towards Ichigo wondering why he hasn't respond or finished his sentence as they see him looking up towards the sky for some reason

Orihime:Ichigo? is there something wrong

Ichigo:. . . . . . . Uryū . . .please tell me you see that

Uryū:Yes. . .it would seem we have one more challenge to deal with

Chad and Orihime turned towards Uryū and see him looking at the same direction as Ichigo as they follow their direction their eyes widen when seeing a crack in the sky

Rukia: *looks at the crack* Menos Grande

High up in the sky a crack behind to appear slowly starting to open a hole that starts to show a figures face

It was a hollow but it seemed much bigger then the hollows they've been fighting as this one had a round Black head with facial mask that had a king nose on him

This is the second stage of a hollows rise of power the Gillian's or as they are commonly known as

Menos Grande

They're hand was slowly opening a hole big enough for him to pop out from

But he wasn't the only menos grande as two other cracks begin to appear and two different menos grande began to make themselves known



Ichigo:On it!!

Ichigo stepped up to the plate and slam his door down on the ground as he start to charge up a veto blast a big one at that

Ichigo:Chad! Uryū! deal with the other two!


Uryū:Already preparing

Both Uryū and Chad join with Ichigo as Uryū bow suddenly grows creating a much bigger string that he uses to summon a much bigger arrow and in Chads side he starts to charge up a powerful blast on his right arm as a burst of reiatsu could be seen coming out of the end of the arm

Ichigo:Latem have it!!

With that Uryu launched his arrow and Chad fired a huge blast from his right arm both attacks which are sent directly at the two menos grande

Hitting them both directly in their faces they are literally sent back through the portal with now heads and just their disappearing bodies

And with two down only one remains as when they saw this the last Menos grande starts to charge up a ceri blast of his own but it is too late now as the cero that Ichigo created is finished and is huge

Ichigo:Grand ray cero!!

Firing a huge and powerful Gran ray cero blast at the Menos grande who is easily annihilated by the blast that burns his entire face off and the blast even continues on towards whatever is behind it

Ichigo:That was your warning *straightens up* now stop coming back

On the other side before the garganta could close Ichigo could actually see hueco mundo on the other side but what caught his attention was the short glimpse of someone being on the other side

But the garganta closed before Ichigo could recognize or even see who was on the other side but deciding to ignore that he turns away and goes back to his friends

Ichigo:I guess we're done for today

Uryū:Yes but do not lower your guard everyone this hollows could appear at any second and at any moment especially since our enemy seems to be getting to overused by summing hollows each day he could change that

Chad: *nods*

Orihime: *nods* Okay

Rukia: *nods* Understood

Ichigo: *swipes away his sword before swiping away his mask turning him back to normal* Alright thanks for the warning Uryū I'll see you guys tomorrow

Rukia: *goes back into her body* See you all tomorrow

Orihime:Alright you two are ya tomorrow! *waves at them*

All of a sudden before those two left Ichigo crouch down a bit before Rukia then got on Ichigo's back like she used too when he was starting as a soul reaper only this time he's not a soul reaper he's actually in his normal human state

Rukia:Onwards! *points upwards*

Ichigo then uses Bringer of light to leave the area leaving the two guys to sweat drop and to get a cute pout from Orihime who sees them go with a bit of a envious look

Orihime: *mind* No fair Rukia

After that the three of them decide to head to their homes as we move towards later in the day into the middle of the night as we go towards the Kurosaki clinic

There in his room we find Ichigo resting on his bed his hands below the back of his head and his eyes open as he wonders about the things that've been happening

Ichigo: *mind sigh* Just last month I was able to get the life I did not think I'll ever go back to but just after that hollows start to act the same way their acting on soul society someone definitely up to this

Shiro: *in Ichigo's head* Feels like every time we end something, something much worse comes into play *sighs* why must we live like this can we just kill the bad guy and then things can go back to normal

Ichigo: *mind* It's never that simple huh we're always placed in this types of situations

Shiro: *in Ichigo's head* Yeah hey! maybe after we deal with whatever is ahead of us maybe we could go on vacation!

Ichigo: *mind* Vacation? you know that would be nice actually

Shiro: *in Ichigo's mind* Right!

Ichigo: *mind* Will see if we can—

His metal sentence ends when he suddenly feels something that makes his eyes go wide as he quickly grabs something from the shelf and opens his window

Similarly piping out of the closet was Rukia now wearing her pajamas which she did not steal from Yuzu as this time she brought hers but ignoring that we see her with the soul phone in hand

Rukia:Ichigo! we have a situ—

She stops as she notices that his gone and that the window to his room is open as she could see wind coming in while blowing the curtains

Rukia:I must hurry

Back with Ichigo we find him in the air using bringer of light to move over the buildings and quickly towards the location that his heading

As after a little awhile we see him stop on the edge of a building as he starts to look around the area that his in

Ichigo:It's no use in hiding! I already know your out there!

He hears nothing for the first few seconds but then hears the sudden sound of someone using sonido to appear behind him so he uses bringer of light to both get away from his attacker and fudge the attack as he appears in another building that's lower than the one he was on

Ichigo:Okay! I see that we have anger issues here so what the hell are you doing here letting out your stress arrancar

Arrancar?:Tsk! you will pay for what you have done to lord Aizen Ichigo Kurosaki!

Ichigo: *mind* Aizen!?

???: *lands beside the arrancar* You shall face the punishment for what you had done to are lord!

The two take of their cloaks revealing them to be arrancars as they wear the familiar white with black outlined clothes and have katana's that don't resemble that off Soul Reapers but what makes them different from one another is there looks, clothes style and hollow mask

???:Prepare to face our wrath!!

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