Chapter 8:New start

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Previously on "Son born in darkness"

Ichigo as we see him calmly walk through squad four barrack's grounds



Ichigo looks up to see Rukia, Renji, Soi Fon, Kenpachi, Byakuya, Toshiro and Shinji descending down towards him

Ichigo: *catches Rukia* What?

Rukia: *grabs his head* When were you planning on telling me that you were head captains great grandson!!?

Ichigo:Um well you know that never actually crossed my mind


Ichigo:Hey don't scream in my ear

Ichigo then felt someone wrap their arm around him and then point so something sharp at his right cheek as he glances at the person he sees Soi Fon there

Soi Fon:I'll scream in your ear and kill you until you explain to me everything!?

Ichigo:Soi Fon?

Kenpachi: *readies his sword* Ichigo! fight me!

Ichigo: *mind* Nope!

Ichigo puts down Rukia and uses Étapa Sonido to get away from Soi Fon but then stops as he stumbles upon Byakuya who looks at Ichigo with his normal look


Byakuya:You Ichigo Kurosaki are now technically a noble knowing that your great grandfather is the head captain himself

Ichigo:Yeah and?

Byakuya: *pops out a big book* You must be trained properly and taught many things for you to be a proper noble

Ichigo: *mind* WHAT!?

White Zangetsu: *In Ichigo's head* Shit got weird real quick

Ichigo:That sounds fine but maybe we could talk about this smother time okay Byakuya

Ichigo turns around to leave but Byakuya had his hand on his shoulder making Ichigo shiver now feeling the rising spiritual energy from Byakuya

Byakuya:I insist that we start now

Ichigo: *mind* Oh crap!

He uses Étapa Sonido to get away but it seems that he won't be losing anyone as squad captains of 2, 6 and 11 all go after Ichigo


She goes after Ichigo to well. . .make sure that he's okay

And while the chase happens standing on a roof looking at this with a sweat drop we're Toshiro, Shinji and Renji

Shinji:That kid

Toshiro:Let's go make sure they don't kill him after we just got him back

Renji:Why must Captain be like this?

The shunpo away towards the fun as we span towards Ichigo seeing him running away from the three captains with a smile on his face actually

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


We open things up showing a very tired Ichigo making his body fall to the ground backwards while he had his eyes closed

Ichigo:This last three days have been one of the worst days I've ever had

Rukia:Oh quit your whining you big baby they weren't that bad

Ichigo: *turns to her with a tick mark and points at her* Easy for you to say! you didn't have to go through with anything

Ichigo sees Rukia sitting on the grass beside him as his annoyed expression turns back to calm one as he decides to lay his head back down to the ground

Right now the two old friends were relaxing in a big clearing field of grass that's surrounded by trees and had the wind blowing at them a lot which made it a very refreshing spot

The atmosphere between the two was quiet as Ichigo had his eyes closed and Rukia had hers open as she enjoyed to look at the nature around but then she looks down at Ichigo seeing his calm and relaxing demeanor there with his head placed on the grassy ground

Which then gives her to do something she wanted to do that she read from a book

Rukia:Hey Ichigo?


Rukia:How about you use my lap as a pillow so you can rest your head on something more comfortable

Ichigo: *blush* What!? *looks at her* what are you talking about I'm fine

Rukia:The grass isn't always the best spot you know also it'll get annoying after awhile and considering you exaggeration on this past few days you'll need something comfortable to rest on

Ichigo: *blush* Well—I mean—you know what sure just don't complain of my horn annoys you okay?

Rukia: *giggles* It's fine just come on and put your head here *pats her lap*

Ichigo is a bit hesitant about this as unlike Rukia who finds this fine he finds this more embarrassing considering that he knows that only couples do this abs last time he remembers he and Rukia are very good friends

He with his blushy face looks at Rukia's lap but he quickly shakes his head so that no naughty thoughts would appear

Ichigo: *places his head down on her lap* There you happy?

Rukia: *giggles* Why are you so embarrassed about Ichigo is not like something bad will come up by doing this

Ichigo: *blush* Where did you even get this idea from?

Rukia:Oh! I got it from this book that tells the story of two young individuals who slowly fall in love


Rukia:Yeah and so the female protagonist does this to the male protagonist so he could relax and clear all negative and stressful thoughts out his head

Ichigo: *blush* Oh! I see? what's this story called if I may ask?

Rukia: *smiles* Oh it's called "ninjas of love" and I've only read twelve pages

Ichigo literally face turns read and he vomits out a small cero blast that destroys the tree that was a few meters away in front of him

The two look at his destruction with a blank expression but Ichigo's face was still very read and White Zangetsu was laughing hard in his head

White Zangetsu: *in Ichigo's head* Did she really!?—HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA he HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! I remember when you read that!! It was a hilarious reaction when you saw how descriptive the author was with some parts

Ichigo: *mind* Shut up! don't remind me

Rukia:Ichigo. . . . .why did you do that?

Ichigo:Sorry sorry something inched my nose all a sudden and then that happen

Rukia:O-Kay? so you mind telling me how is it that this last three days have been stressful for you *starts to pet his head*

Ichigo: *mind* You know this is actually quite nice—focus! don't lose yourself in her soft han—I said focus!!

White Zangetsu: *in Ichigo's mind* Ooooh I need to prepare popcorn for every time your with one of this girls

Ichigo: *mind* Shut it! *out loud* Well let's first start with the fact that your brother is basically forcing me to study nobility

Rukia:Oh brother is so wise

Ichigo:By wise you mean cold, strict, commanding and very informative plus specific with what his teaching me

Rukia:Oh come on Ichigo is not that bad brother is just preparing you for if you ever have to deal with any of the other nobles like Rurichiyo Kasumiōji

Ichigo:Hmm? Rurichiyo? man it's been a long time since I last saw her how is she?

Rukia:Don't know ever since our last encounter in the human world we haven't seen her since but I'm sure she's fine

Ichigo:Yeah but back to what we were talking about with Byakuya teaching me nobility which I don't understand why because well I may be old man's great grandson but my last name is Kurosaki not Yamamoto

Rukia:True but information like this could be leak out to other nobles and things could become . . . . troublesome to say the least and he just wants to prepare you so your ready for them

Ichigo:Hmm alright *sighs* now I get it I don't like it but if things get crazy just because one thing then *rolls his eyes* I guess I can take his classes I bit more seriously

Rukia: *taps his head* You better now tell me how you found out about Yamamoto being your great grandfather

Ichigo:Oh that? weeell it all happened awhile back two weeks after me and the others rescued you


Two years ago after the Rukia rescue we find ourselves in Karakura town in the middle of the night

Where we find the foot of a sandal step on literally nothing

As when we slowly move up the body we recognize a familiar orange hair boy wearing shinigami and wielding a big sword that's covered in clothe behind him

This was non other than Ichigo Kurosaki when he was fifteen years old and was still dealing with his inner hollow

Ichigo: *sigh* I should just go home there no hollows this night

That is what Ichigo thinks until he heard the loud cries of someone calling for help so being the person that he is he's eyes narrow and he quickly shunpo's towards where he hears the scream

And that's where we go as we see a a young woman with a chain attached to her chest run for dear life as behind her was a hulk like hollow

The hollow look to be ten feet tall withbs muscular body, a hole in his chest and has a triangle shaped like mask with two hole eyes that have two red line crossing them and serious shape mouth on it

The hollow ran after the woman who just kept on screaming and running even though that was honestly all she could do in hopes that the monster will leave her alone

Female Soul:Someone please help!

Hollow:Heheheheh sorry sweetheart but no one's coming to save you!!

Female Soul:Leave me alone please!

Hollow:Sorry sweetheart can't do that

She ran and ran, and was able to reach a park but that didn't help so much as she accidentally trips on a rock making her hit the ground face forward allowing the hollow to finally catch up

Hollow:Hahahah finally Gotcha

The woman turns around and her eyes looked horrified as she sees it's hand slowly make its way towards her making her scream out again

Female soul:AAAAAAAHHHH!!!

Hollow:Oh don't worry I'll make it quick

He was about to grab her but suddenly out of nowhere


The hollow's right hand falls to the ground as standing in front of him and the woman was Ichigo with Zangetsu completely out and ready showing off it's shikai state

The woman that screamed looked up surprised at her savior as she wonders just who or what is he

Ichigo: *turns to the soul* You okay ma'm?

Female soul:Ye-Yes! I am fine *looks at the hollow* but that thing

Ichigo:Don't worry about it you just go hide somewhere while I deal with this thing okay

Female soul:O-Okay

Following his orders the woman runs away and hides behind tree allowing Ichigo to turn his attention towards the hollow who swings his left arm at Ichigo

Ichigo: *blocks the punch* Your gonna need a lot more than that

Hollow:You bastard! that was going to be my finger!

Ichigo:Yeah well she's not gonna be anyone's dinner after I send her somewhere safe

Hollow:Ggrrrrr *pulls up his right foot* you son of bitch! die!

He went to stomp on Ichigo but he uses shunpo to get out of the way and reaper in the air at the same height as the hollow's

Spotting him he goes to punch again with his left fist but Ichigo just charges forward with Zangetsu ready as he cuts through the hollow's fist and mask quickly destroying it

The hollow slowly disappears into ashes as no screams, no words nor moment were seen from him as he just disappears

Ichigo:Phew *rest Zangetsu on his shoulder* that was quick *turns towards where the soul is hiding* hey you can come out now

And so after destroying the hollow Ichigo sends the woman he saved to soul society after tapping the bottom part of his zanpakuto on her head

After that we see him make his way home

???:Ichigo Kurosaki

But stops when he heard a familiar old and mature voice call out his name turning towards the voice he finds non other than the head Captain Yamamoto standing on the edge of a building looking at Ichigo

Ichigo: *mind* Old man head captain? what's he doing here? *out loud* Yo! head Captain what brings you here? *makes his way towards him*

Yamamoto:I am in need of your assistance

Ichigo:My assistance? in what may I ask?

Yamamoto:I am looking for someone that very well be living in your home right now as we speak

Ichigo:Huh? someone that's at my house? but why? who is this person that your looking for head captain?

Yamamoto:All shall be explained in do time my boy now! let's us make our way there *shunpo's away*

Ichigo:Hey! *puts Zangetsu behind him* wait up! *shunpo's after him*

We later see Yamamoto now above the Kurosaki clinic looking down at the house with his usual calm and neutral look

That's when Ichigo finally appears beside the head captain breathing heavily with his hands on his knees

Yamamoto:It would seem your flash step needs more work Kurosaki

Ichigo:Yeah *pats* I know *pats but pulls himself up* just how did you get here so fast?

Yamamoto:With enough training or your Bankai you too shall reach this kind off mastery of shunpo

Ichigo:Okay I understand *sighs* I'll go get in my body to see if the person your looking gif is in there

Yamamoto:Oh that won't be necessary my boy we will just go through the front door

Ichigo:Wait what? are you sure head Captain I mean I know my family won't be able to see then but why go in personally

Yamamoto:Well I know fully well that your sisters won't be able to see us but your father *starts descending* that's another story

Ichigo:Huh? *mind* what does he mean by that?

Ichigo also start to descend down and once both soul reapers landed on the ground they made their way towards the front door where out of an odd reason the head captain actually presses the doorbell which confuses Ichigo even more

After a few three minutes the door opens and the one who opened it was actually his father Isshin Kurosaki

Isshin:Hello how can I—

He notices Yamamoto there and his eyes widen when he sees him but not just him but Ichigo there in his soul reaper clothes which is also taken notice by Ichigo who's surprised

Ichigo: *mind* He sees us!?

Yamamoto:Isshin. . . . . . . .Kurosaki

Isshin:Head Captain Yamamoto

Ichigo: *shocked and in his mind* WHAT!?

Yamamoto:It's been awhile. . . . . . . .my grandson

Isshin:Yeah it has old man *smiles* seems you finally found me

Yamamoto:Well I wouldn't have known of your survival if I didn't take a closer look at this young man of yours


The two turn towards the thing that fell and it was Ichigo who has fainted from shock and information that he has just learned

Yamamoto:Who has just fallen unconscious

Isshin: *chuckles* Guess is a surprise him to know that his great grandfather was you

Later that time Ichigo woke up and was told about everything

About his father being a soul reaper and that his last name is Shiba making him realize his relation towards Ganju and Kukaku but also his relation towards the head captains as he explains that his wife was of the shiba clan which gave birth to son that then through his wife gave birth to Isshin making Yamamoto Ichigo's great grandfather

(Author Vortex:I hope that this was what you guys were expecting of this reveal)



Ichigo look up at Rukia with a irritated deadpan look as said girl was laughing very hard while still surprisingly keeping the position she's in with Ichigo's head on her lap

Ichigo:You can stop laughing you know that

White Zangetsu: *in Ichigo's head* *chuckles* Oh come on king let her have her laugh because that shit is just hilarious

Ichigo: *mind* Oh don't you start

Rukia:Heheheh you fainted after discovery that fact *giggles* Ichigo that is so funny and pathetic if I might add

Ichigo:Hey! you try to process that after so many years your great grandfather just pops out of nowhere and he so happens to also be the head captain of the group you just fought to save your sorry ass 

Rukia: *giggles* Hey you have to agree that it's a little funny but at least you do make a fair point there I do think my reaction to something like that would be the same

Ichigo:Yeah you better see it my way

Rukia: *giggles while she pets his head* Now now don't act like a big baby Ichigo you still gotta tell me what other things happened

Ichigo: *sighs* Well I was escaping from Mayuri and his weird Lieutenant Nemu I encountered Rangiku who changed a bit like you guys and was acting hmmm strangely weird with me

Rukia:What? what do you mean by she was acting strangely weird with you

Ichigo:She was very bold, seductive and carefree with me

Rukia: *mind* Was Rangiku flirting with Ichigo!? when did she?

Ichigo:It was a very embarrassing encounter I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Tōshirō

Rukia:I see what else happened?

Ichigo:Other than being constantly stalked by Soi Fon because she was still skeptical of the hole being the great grandson of the head captain

Rukia:Oh so she continues to be rude to you?

Ichigo:Yeah but thanks to my inner hollow I was able to make her go away

Rukia:Eh? what did you do

Ichigo: *winks at her* That's between me and her so you better keep your nose away from that business

Rukia: *pouts* Ichigo

Ichigo: *chuckles* Yeah and other than that I had a little bit of a spar with Kenpachi

Rukia: *deadpan look* A spar?

Ichigo:Yeah? what else would you call it?

Rukia:Ichigo yours and Captain Zaraki's spiritual energy was felt through the entirety of soul society!

Ichigo:Really? it didn't look that way for us






We are shown the area where Kenpachi in the past fought both Tousen and Sajin alone in their Bankai's

But now he's using this area again to fight the person that has been wanting to fight for quite a while for like a really long time

Out of the smoke cloud two individuals pop out the side those being Kenpachi Zaraki Captain of Squad 11

Kenpachi:HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! HA!! Yes! this what I've been waiting for!!

His opponent standing on the other side was the former Substitute soul reaper Ichigo Kurosaki in the hollow soul reaper form

Energy began to swirl around his sword as he calmly stared at Kenpachi

Ichigo:Hope you can handle this

Ichigo fires four separate air slashes at Kenpachi who's smile grows bigger as he charges forward with his yellow aura surrounding him

Kenpachi:This won't stop me! Ichigo!!!

Kenpachi literally goes through the attack destroying it and charges directly at Ichigo who charges at him

Clashing blades that are deflected from one another while Kenpachi still kept up his aura

Said aura grows as he fires a point blank burst of spiritual energy at Ichigo who seemed to have been hit by the attack

But he then is seen reappearing in another part of their battlefield completely fine but still scratched up

Kenpachi: *comes out the smoke* Don't hold back with me Ichigo you know that won't do you well

Ichigo:Oh yeah?

Quickly firing a cero at Kenpachi who just keeps that sadistic smile of his has it just keeps growing

To Ichigo's surprised just like in the past when Kenpachi fought Nnoitora the squad eleven captain catches the veto blast and throws it aside

Creating an explosion that destroys a side of the battlefield

But they did not care about the damage they made to their battlefield as quickly enough both launch their respective burst/air slashes

A black and red outline attack collides with a huge yellow burst attack

As when combined they make a ball of their colors that explodes like a tornado that reaches the clouds that were above them

Creating a huge smoke cloud that is quickly dispersed by the clash of metal that came from Ichigo and Kenpachi

Who collide in the spot where their attacks clashed in the first places

They then were moving around the battlefield at great speeds as dowels could be seen from each clash they made

???:Yeah! Yeah! Go Keni!! Go Ichi!!

Standing in a same spot watching the fight of the two soul reapers was Kenpachi's second in command and lieutenant of squad eleven


Yachiro:Let's go!! Yay!!!!

Also there watching the fight was Ikkaku, Yumichika, Renji, Byakuya, Toshiro, Shinji, Unohana and Toshiro's lieutenant and the lieutenant of squad 10

Rangiku Matsumoto

Rangiku:Wooow~look at them go~ *thinks* but you know I still wonder why they call this a spar

She had her eyes aimed directly at the spa—I mean fight but more so her eyes were specifically aimed at Ichigo as a small but almost visible blush could be seen on her cheeks

Yachiro:Oh don't worry miss booby it's a spar after all if they were fighting at full power the seireitei would go bye! bye!

Rangiku: *sweat drops* Oh really

The others were staring at the fight very seriously keeping a very closed eye on what happens

Shinji:How long have they been at this?

Byakuya:It has been exactly one hour since they started their fight

Toshiro:Let's just hope that their supposed spar doesn't destroy soul society

The lieutenant and two members of squad eleven gulp at the thought of those two doing that so they had their shikai' out and ready

As we go back to the fight we see one last clash happen with their aura's surging around them and their faces close to their blades as you can still see Kenpachi's sadistic smile on him and Ichigo has a small smile on him

In this clash both their spiritual energies combined surrounding them in spherical hall that then explodes


Ichigo:Yeah I think that Yachiro explained things enough to tell it was a spar

Rukia:The world was shaking because of your spar!!

Ichigo: *chuckles* Okay now you quit your whining and stop acting like we were planning to destroy everyone we were just enjoying our spar

Rukia pouts cutely at Ichigo who finds this cute too as he smiles at her and chuckles which actually makes Rukia smile and giggle as the two enjoy their moment

But then the moment grew quiet as the two individuals stare at each others silently and calmly



Ichigo:Nothing it's just that ever since the hole Fullbring situation *pulls himself up as he sits beside Rukia* and me getting my powers back with the events that've been happening I guess this is the new start I've been looking for

Rukia:The new start huh? well I guess all we can do now is get you back to the way things were right?

Ichigo:Yeah. . . . . . . . . .believe it or not I miss those days *chuckles* you, me, Renji, Orihime, Chad and Uryū it was all six of us together against the world

Rukia:We were a team and most of all we were friends we will always be there for each other and most importantly will be there for you a Ichigo you've done so much for us

Ichigo:Hey it's fine also I think I miss those days when you and I would go hunting for hollows

Rukia:Really? *giggles*

The two enjoyed their time together without realizing that their hands were slowly getting close to one another

Ichigo:You know now that I'm back I just wonder what's going to happen next become I think that our lives truly wont remains peaceful

Rukia:Yeah but whatever it is *slowly puts her hands on his* will surpass it together

Rukia smile at Ichigo who ignores the feeling in his hand and smile back at Rukia as the two stare deeply at each other

???:You two done being emotional?

But their monument moment was interrupted by Yoruichi who placed her hands on their shoulders while having an amused smile on her face


Ichigo:What are you doing here!?

Yoruichi:Looking for you my dear student of mine *smirks* but I'm not the only one *points her thumb back*

Ichigo and Rukia follow where she's pointing and walking towards them was a group of girls that were Orihime who's waving at them, Riruka, Soi Fon and Rangiku

Orihime:Hey Ichigo!


Riruka:You were taking to long to comeback so we decided to come to you


Rangiku:Yeah and what were you two doing here all alone hmmm~?

Ichigo: *blush* Rangiku?

Rukia: *blush* Please don't tease us we weren't doing anything

Ichigo: *blush* Yep *shakes his head to make his blush go away and turns to Soi Fon* Soi Fon?

Soi Fon: *blush* He-Hey Kurosaki

Ichigo: *confused wave* Hey?

Even Yoruichi was shock as she looks at Soi Fon notices the blush that she has on her face which would be one that she appears when she's around her but this time she's showing it around Ichigo

Which brings a proud and seductive smirk on her lips

Ichigo:Well now that you guys are here would you like to join us for the fireworks?

Orihime: *smiles* Yeah we came to join you guys just for that *brings out the basket* I even brought us sone snacks just in case

Rangiku:Really? nice one Orihime

Riruka:They better at least be sweet and cute snacks

With that the girls joined Ichigo and Rukia as they sat down close to them

With Yoruichi sitting on top of Ichigo's head in her cat form, Rukia remaining to stay on the left side of Ichigo, on his right was Soi Fon who was cutely sitting close to him, Riruka rested her back on Ichigo's back as she crossed her arms and closed her eyes with a smile on her face, Rangiku and Orihime actually used his laps as pillow as they placed their heads on his legs

White Zangetsu: *mind* If this keeps up THE KING WILL FINALLY NOT BE A VIRGIN!!!! YEEEAAAAHH *starts to run and fly around the inner world in happiness*

Ichigo: *mind* This was unexpected but I guess this it where it behind my new start

They all look out ahead of them as they could see fireworks explode in the distance on the night sky

Arc 1:Agent's return


To be continued

In Arc 2:The arrancar Alliance

(Author Vortex:Alright guys it's almost time to leave 2022 and welcome 2023 I hope you guys are enjoying this story and I'll inform you that the next arc I'll continue it when I'm done giving chapters to the new things I've brought today that you guys seem to already enjoy 😅 so for now everyone I hope you guys enjoyed this year and I hope that whatever lays ahead of us all we can surpass it and go through with our lives as happy individuals)

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