Chapter 7:The meeting

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Previously on "Son born in darkness"

Ichigo:By the way Riruka where are Yukio and Jackie?

Riruka:Well Yukio got a call from his family and had to head back to his old home and Jackie decided to go on her own since she said in her words "there's nothing for me here so I'll see what I find out there" do she left the town

Ichigo:Okay and you what are you going to do now?

Riruka:I guess I'll stay here I'm mean I got no one to go back to other than you and the two fullbringers

Ichigo nods at her and for some reason stands up and pets her head which also taken oddly by everyone else even Rukia who looks at this a bit envious

Ichigo:There there don't worry I'm here for you

Riruka: *blush* Hey quit treating me like a kid!

After that they have argument that makes everyone sweat drop but after that argument we are now seen in the huge battleground basement Kisuke has in his shop where they stand in front of the portal that takes them to soul society

Ichigo:I guess I'll see you three later when I get back

Yoruichi:Don't do anything stupid there you hear me?

Ichigo:Yeah yeah don't worry I won't do anything stupid as you guys say

Renji:Will make sure he doesn't do anything stupid

Kisuke/Yoruichi:Please do

Ichigo: *tick mark* Hey! *turns to Riruka* take care

Riruka:Yeah you too. . . . .and Ichigo

Ichigo: *turns to her* Yeah?

Riruka:Be careful

Ichigo smiles at her and nods as he, Rukia and Renji all step through the portal and make there way towards soul society

After the portal closes the three that watched the other go three turn around and head towards the latter that leads them back to the shop

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Things start off differently then before as except of the human world we are now brought into soul society the world where the souls of those who've died and those that are born here go to live a second life

Though that is not the only thing this place holds as it is also the home of those who guide the souls into this world and the ones who destroy or cleanse hollows

Soul Reapers or Shinigami

This are the warriors that wield great weapons known as Zanpakuto's which are swords connected to the Soul Reaper's soul but we're not here to talk about soul reapers

We're to see what happens next as we go towards the home and base of the soul reapers

The Seireitei

A very large place where it's divided into the 13 camps that belong to the 13 court guard squads or Gotei 13

We go towards squad 13 barracks where in front of a sliding door two soul reapers one me and one female could be seen bowing down in front of the door as the male one spoke

Soul reaper 1:Captain Ukitake! Im here to report that Lieutenant Kuchiki and Abarai have returned with substitute soul reaper Ichigo Kurosaki! who was the one that defeated Ginjo Kugo!

After the soul reaper said that everything grew silent and no one responded to the soul reapers words as his partner the female soul reaper looks worried and the male soul reaper takes note of this

Soul reaper 1:I repeat! Substitute Soul reaper Ichigo Kurosaki has returned! and was the one who defeated! Ginjo Kugo!!

No response again only silences which makes the two soul reapers worried but then they hear the sound of footsteps approaching the door

???:I. . . . .see

Opening the sounding door a man wearing a captains cloak and has white king hair is seen standing there with a smile

He is captain of squad 13

Jūshirō Ukitake

The man who originally gave Ichigo the battle pass the day after Aizen's betrayal

We see him with a lot of sweat but a kind and tired smile on his face as he flashes it at his soul reapers

Ukitake:I'm glad

Then we change areas from squad 13 barracks to squad 11 barracks as we go down to walk path area and see two individuals there

One was a bald man that had a muscular body and something attached to his right shoulder down

Beside him was another man that had his soul reaper clothes with the addition of some orange under him and a fashionable look on his face

This two were squad elevenths third and fourth strongest members

Ikkaku Madarame

Yumichika Ayasegawa

The two calmly walk around together quietly with neither of them talking

Ikkaku: *yawn* Man today has been quiet don't you think?

Yumichika:Yes though I do enjoy the silence that we're having things are a bit too quiet

Ikkaku:Yeah I mean we never really have quiet days like this

Yumichika:True but who knows maybe we're finally having a nice and calm dia where there's no fighting, no surprises and no secret groups trying to kill us all

Ikkaku:I hear ya though I would't mind if something were to happen

The duo comes across a group of three people who are going to pass them but what the two members of squad 11 don't know is that the ones that are going to pass them are Ichigo, Renji and Rukia

Ichigo:Hey Ikkaku

Ikkaku:Hey Ichigo

They walk passed each other normally without anything happening as the three who've returned from the human world continue to make their way towards the captains meeting

That's is until

Ikkaku/Yumichika:EEH!? Ichigo!?

The two quickly turn around and see Ichigo still walking away calmly before being stopped by Ikkaku who grabs his shoulder

Ichigo:Hey what's the big idea

Ikkaku:Well how about the fact that your here! what the hell happen to you and how did you get back!?

Ichigo:Renji and Rukia brought me here

The two that were behind him nod their heads in confirmation of what he said so the two that were in front him calm down 

Yumichika:You've certainly changed we couldn't even recognize you until we heard your voice

Ikkaku:Yeah I mean look at you man you look like one those arrancars from back in the day but with a clear sign of being a soul reaper

Ichigo:Let's just say that some stuff happen back in my home town and I was able to gain back my powers after awhile

Yumichika:Hmm it would seem that with've missed out on something

Ikkaku;Yeah well I hope you and I can have a rematch later I still haven't gone over our first fight you bastard *smirks*

Ichigo: *smiles* Will see

The three turned around and walk away from the two as they see Ichigo wave back without looking back so after a little the two members of squad eleven go about their day by going the opposite way

Back with Ichigo we see him about to stand in front of the stairs that lead to the captains meeting place with Rukia and Renji behind him but stops when he hears multiple flash steps

Ichigo:Hmm! what? did you all came to greet me?

Standing in front of Ichigo were the captains of the thirteen court guard squads tjose being

Toshiro Hitsugaya-C.Squad 10

Byakuya Kuchiki-C.Squad 6

Sajin Kamamura-C.Squad 7

Kenpachi Zaraki-C.Squad 11

Shunsui Kyōraku-C.Squad 8

Byakuya and Toshiro stood in front of Ichigo as he looked surprised at them and the others that were in the back

???:Not all of us exactly

Flash stepping behind him Ichigo looks back to see Yoruichi's first student and absolute fan of hers plus the captain of squad two a.k.a the stealth force

Soi Fon

Soi Fon:Captains Hiraku and Ukitake are not here and Captains Unohana and Kurotsuchi are waiting inside

Ichigo:Oh hey Soi fon

Soi Fon: *glares* Don't get so familiar with me Kurosaki your worthless to me if master Yoruichi isn't with you

Ichigo: *sweat drop* I see that your still simping for Yoruichi

Soi Fon: *looks away with a blush* I have no idea of what your talking about

Ichigo:Really? then I guess I shouldn't tell you that she misses you a lot and wishes to see you

Soi Fon: *appears in front of him with stars in her eyes* Really!?

Ichigo: *smirks* Nope *chuckles*

Soi Fon hearing his answer gets a tick mark in her head and was about to kick Ichigo but the hollow soul reaper reacts fast enough to block the incoming kick and slaps away the punch

Soi Fon:Seems you've improved in your speed *starts to walk away* don't ever do something like that again

Ichigo:Yeah and you need to calm down you know that if you want to see Yoruichi so much why not visit her I mean it's not like she'll mind

Soi Fon in continues to walk ignoring what he said but in her mind she though of his words

Soi Fon: *mind* Hmm maybe I could visit master Yoruichi all though I wouldn't like to take his word for it hmm but maybe his right

Back with Ichigo he sees that Soi Fon and the other captains have started to make their way inside the meeting room

Renji:Is it me or those Captain Soi Fon have grudge against you or something

Ichigo:You know I think you might be onto something other than that fat and weak lieutenant of hers I've been getting glares and some times rude comments from her

Rukia:I have been noticing those in the past but what could have made her act like that towards you?

Ichigo: *shrugs his shoulders* Don't know let's hope that changes

???:Yeah well if your done chatting make your way inside the old man's waiting for you Ichigo

Turning towards the voice Ichigo sees a former visord and now returning captain of squad 9

Kensei Muguruma

He had his arms crossed and was leaning against the wall behind him as he stared seriously at the trio who stared back at him

Kensei:I doubt that you only came here to chat with us

Ichigo:Oh hey Kensei did you become a captain?

Kensei:Just shut up and go inside

Nodding his head Ichigo, Renji and Rukia made their way inside the captains meeting place as we see them form straight lines from opposite sides

And on the left side Ichigo could see two other familiar captains which are the captains of squad twelve and four

Mayuri Kurotsuchi

Retsu Unohana

On the right side there was a new captain for squad 3

Rojuro Ōtoribashi

And at the end of the room sitting on his chair with his cain placed in front him was the head captain and leader of the Gotei 13

He is known to be one of the strongest and most powerful soul reapers to have ever existed as even looking at him when he has his eyes closed shows intimidation

This was non other than

Genryuusai Shigekuni Yamamoto

Ichigo walks forward into like the middle area of the two lines as he stares calmly at the old man who has his eyes closed

Renji and Rukia bow down in the background to show respect and to remain silent as they can not say anything right now

Yamamoto:Ichigo Kurosaki it has been some time since the last time we saw each other

Ichigo:Yeah well I heard that you guys were dealing with an extreme amount of hollows so I understand why you guys couldn't visit old man

Soi Fon:Watch the way you speak! Kurosaki before I take that—

Yamamoto:That won't be necessary please refrain from any aggressive action Captain of squad two

Soi Fon was going yo protest but decided to go against her words and just glare at Ichigo who only took out his tongue at her before looking serious at the head captain

Yamamoto:Yes you are right hollows have started to appear randomly in soul society after some time after Aizen's defeat

Ichigo:That's so well I'm pretty sure that you guys also knew about Ginjo and his secret rising of fullbrings right?

Yamamoto:Yes we've heard that you fought an arduous battle

Ichigo:Yeah well I don't care is not like I didn't come here to be rewarded or something since I was planning on coming here after a few days

Yamamoto:Oh? and was your former reason of coming?

Tensions grew high as even with eyes closed you could see Yamamoto and Ichigo staring directly at each other like if one small move could cause a fight between them

Ichigo:Other than to make contact with you guys I was going to ask you if I could take back Ginjo's corpse which I know you sent soul reapers to retrieve after my battle with him. . . .I want to take him back to the normal world so I can bury him there

Everyone in the room was shocked at his request as they all widen their eyes and look directly at Ichigo looking at if he was joking of something heck you could even see Yamamoto opening his right eye bit

???:Are you stupid?

Ichigo turns around to see another familiar face of the one who taught him about his visord abilities and how to control them

Shinji Hirako

He walks into the room looking seriously at Ichigo thinking he's an idiot or something

Ichigo:Oh Shinji *turns away from him* I would assume that Kisuke had you a message explaining what happened to me and the fullbringers

Shinji:Yeah and do you know what your saying?

Ichigo:Yeah and presume everyone here knows of what happened too

Shinji:Yep so back to what I was saying how co—

Soi Fon:He's right! how could you ask that!? he was a criminal that stole soul reapers powers and then murdered them

Shinji:I didn't mean that

Soi Fon:What?

Shinji:Listen Ichigo he screwed up your family and friends can you really forgive a man like him after what he did?

Ichigo:. . . . . . . . . .

Shinji:I mean. . .are you okay with forgiving him?

The atmosphere grew silent after what Shinji said and all eyes were looking at Ichigo waiting for his answer

Ichigo:Forgive him? well it's not a matter of forgiving him or not because the good thing is that my family and friends are back to normal . . . . . . I'm still alive and he . . .is just. . . . . . a substitute soul reaper

Once again the atmosphere was silent as Ichigo look directly at Shinji who looked back at him but then the sound of something tapping the ground is heard and Ichigo turns towards Yamamoto

Yamamoto:Your words. . . . . . . .shall I reckon that you thought carefully before saying so. . .?

Ichigo:Yeah after all while he's path may have been the wrong one and his actions could never be forgiven I can see why he lashed out like this towards you

Yamamoto:Is that so?. . . . . .those that mean that he told you?

Ichigo:Yeah so I'll like to ask. . . . . . . .when were you all going to tell me about what the licenses were truly meant for


We are brought to the past at a time where Ichigo could trust Ginjo as we see them sitting down in one of the couches of the bar

Ginjo:Hey Ichigo


Ginjo:Did they ever tell you about what the licenses was truly meant for

Ichigo:What? you mean *brings out his Bettie pass* you mean this thing


Ichigo:I mean they only said that'll help me transform me into a soul reaper but that's just about everything oh! and that I showed it to soul reapers so that way they recognize me so they know I'm on their side

Ginjo: *mumbles* So the same thing they told me hmph! bastards


Ginjo:Sorry just saying something to myself but back to what I was saying *looks at Ichigo seriously* you know that it's a lie right?


Ginjo:What they told you may be true but it's real function is to control and watch

Ichigo:Wait what!?

Ginjo: *nods* It hears what you say, it tracks everything you do and everywhere that you go and it even controls the users reiatsu

Ichigo was surprised and shocked of what he just heard as he looked at Ginjo and then at battle pass

Ichigo: *mind* Did they even trust me?


We're back in the present time where we see everyone looking shock at Ichigo even Renji and Rukia who was looking more horrified than shock wondering what Ichigo will do now

Ichigo:Old man . . . . . head captain . . . . now that've gotten my powers back do you trust me?


Toshiro:Ichigo are you trying to imply something?

Ichigo: * looks at Toshiro* You guys gave the battle pass in the past which I understand why after what Ginjo did but what about now *motions to himself* I am an arrancar or haft of one and my spiritual energy has grown exponentially since the last time *looks at Yamamoto* I am trustworthy to you?

Yamamoto:I do not know. . . . .do you feel betrayed after what we hid from you? will you become our enemy?

All of a sudden Ichigo use Étapa Sonido before anyone could react to appear in front of Yamamoto with Tensa Zangetsu placed in front of his neck

Ichigo:Am I your enemy?

Every captain quickly took out their swords and Renji and Rukia quickly stood up as they looked surprised at Ichigo's actions

Rukia:Ichigo stop! what are you doing!?

Soi Fon:Step away from the head captain Kurosaki

Kenpachi: *chuckles* Bold move there kid but I'll need you to stand back

Toshiro/Byakuya:Don't do something you'll regret Ichigo

Everyone was ready except Shinji who looked calmly at this as he did even had a hand on the hilt of his sword because he didn't need to


Laughter soon appeared as both Ichigo and Yamamoto laughed at each other confusing literally everyone except Shinji who actually joins the laugh with a chuckle

Shunsui:I did not expect this from the old man

Kensei:I'm so confused now

Rojuro:Your not the only one and why is Shinji even laughing


The three that were laughing stopped and decided to take a few breathers

Ichigo:Oh God I don't think I've ever laughed like this ever in my life

Yamamoto:It has been years seen I had a good laugh thank you my boy from bringing a good time here

Ichigo:Heheheheh no problem gramps

Soi Fon:Wait!?


Soi Fon:You weren't going to attack the head captain?

Ichigo:Why would I? he's my great grandfather, so I see no reason to hurt him


White Zangetsu: *in Ichigo's head* Look at their faces king! their priceless!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

Rukia, Renji and all the other eleven captains were shocked at what they heard the boy No the guy who was the former substitute soul reaper was now telling them that his the head captains great grandson

Which was impossible in their view point

Yamamoto: *chuckles* It's true

Unohana:Oh my

Sajin:Truly something unexpected

Kensei: *looks at Shinji* How do you know about this?

Shinji:Ichigo told me awhile ago when we were training him and just like you I was shocked

Ichigo: *lowers his zanpakuto* Yeah so continuing I've decided to continue my work as a soul reaper

Yamamoto:I'm happy to hear you say that my boy and do not worry about the body it shall be buried where he died

Ichigo: *nods* Then I guess we're done here

Ichigo turns around and begins to leave the meeting room with everyone looking at him in shock

Yamamoto:Yes *slams his cane on the ground* this meeting is adjured!

Yamamoto stands up and leaves the room just like Ichigo who walks out the door leaving everyone that was still inside in shock

That is until they got back their senses

Rukia:Ichigo get back here!!

Rukia runs out the room with Shunpo with Renji who also decides to go after Ichigo surprisingly even Soi Fon was running out the room

Soi Fon:Get back here you bastard!!!

Flash stepping when she run passed the doorway she goes after Ichigo

Kenpachi:Oi! wait I forgot to ask him to fight me!

He leaves the room

Byakuya:I need to have a serious talk with him now

He shunpo's out of the room

Mayuri:Hmmm this one interesting subject I do not wish to miss I hope Nemu knows any other techniques to put down someone while I inject them

He calmly leaves the room

Toshiro: *sigh* I'll make sure they don't do anything too bad to him

Shinji:I'll go with you

They also flash step out the room leaving the other captains there in there thoughts

Shunsui:Well that was a surprise how about we all just take a break from paperwork and go get ourselves a drink


With that the remaining captains begin to leave the meeting room calmly walking out the door before it close on its own

But then we go back to Ichigo as we see him calmly walk through squad four barrack's grounds



Ichigo looks up to see Rukia, Renji, Soi Fon, Kenpachi, Byakuya, Toshiro and Shinji descending down towards him

Ichigo: *catches Rukia* What?

Rukia: *grabs his head* When were you planning on telling me that you were head captains great grandson!!?

Ichigo:Um well you know that never actually crossed my mind


Ichigo:Hey don't scream in my ear

Ichigo then felt someone wrap their arm around him and then point so something sharp at his right cheek as he glances at the person he sees Soi Fon there

Soi Fon:I'll scream in your ear and kill you until you explain to me everything!?

Ichigo:Soi Fon?

Kenpachi: *readies his sword* Ichigo! fight me!

Ichigo: *mind* Nope!

Ichigo puts down Rukia and uses Étapa Sonido to get away from Soi Fon but then stops as he stumbles upon Byakuya who looks at Ichigo with his normal look


Byakuya:You Ichigo Kurosaki are now technically a noble knowing that your great grandfather is the head captain himself

Ichigo:Yeah and?

Byakuya: *pops out a big book* You must be trained properly and taught many things for you to be a proper noble

Ichigo: *mind* WHAT!?

White Zangetsu: *In Ichigo's head* Shit got weird real quick

Ichigo:That sounds fine but maybe we could talk about this smother time okay Byakuya

Ichigo turns around to leave but Byakuya had his hand on his shoulder making Ichigo shiver now feeling the rising spiritual energy from Byakuya

Byakuya:I insist that we start now

Ichigo: *mind* Oh crap!

He uses Étapa Sonido to get away but it seems that he won't be losing anyone as squad captains of 2, 6 and 11 all go after Ichigo


She goes after Ichigo to well. . .make sure that he's okay

And while the chase happens standing on a roof looking at this with a sweat drop we're Toshiro, Shinji and Renji

Shinji:That kid

Toshiro:Let's go make sure they don't kill him after we just got him back

Renji:Why must Captain be like this?

The shunpo away towards the fun as we span towards Ichigo seeing him running away from the three captains with a smile on his face actually

As we wonder now if the soul reapers will be the same towards Ichigo now with his new power and also how exactly did Ichigo find out about his great grandfather and will he survive Soi Fon's wrath, Kenpachi's power and/ or Byakuya's teachings all that will be answered next time

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