Chapter 4:Ginjo's end

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Previously on "Son born in darkness"

The Cero swirls around his horn becoming a little bit bigger each second that passes but this attack makes Ginjo scoff at Ichigo

Ginjo:Is this really it? you know I'm getting sick and tired of you holding back this ansi g power you have *glares* COME ON ICHIGO STOP HOLDING BACK AND HIT ME WITH  EVERYTHING YOUVE GOT!!!

Ichigo:. . . . . . . . . . . .

White Zangetsu: *mind* Here comes the music!!

(Envy at a coast starts playing)


Ichigo:Hit you with everything I've got?


Ichigo:You know the only reason I've been holding back against you fullbringers is because I know that sone of you had tough lives


Ichigo:I could see that Jackie had experienced that people would judge her because of who she is on the outside and not on the inside, I could tell that Yukio had some traumatic or a neglectful life were he had to take care of himself and lastly Riruka


Ichigo:She had to live in a world where it was either be strong or be weak which is what you used to trick her into joining your little squad of fullbringers


Ichigo:So if you want me to stop holding back *reiatsu begins to rise* let me show you what happens when I don't hold back


Ichigo's spritual energy began to rise


And his spiritual pressure began to be heavier as Ginjo could now only be on one knee while using his sword to support himself


Ichigo was then started to get surrounded by the black and red flares of spiritual energy as he brings out his sword

(Author vortex:And the song continues on)

Ichigo:Then I suggest you prepare yourself

Ginjo could only stare in shock as he sees a surging red light heading straight for him as through the reflection of his eyes we see Ichigo raising his sword before dropping it down with a slash unleashing a powerful blast that heads towards Ginjo and spreads through out the hole boos room


His scream was heard through out the boss room which had started to get covered by the a black and red light that slowly makes the world crack

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

This time we are brought back to the forest where Ichigo, Uryu and the fullbringers were last seen in before Yukio had transported them to the boss clearing game

And speaking of Uryu and Yukio we now see both of them standing side by side looking up at something that's in the sky

It was a large black box that seems to be what the rooms look like outside when Yukio transports anyone into his ability

Uryū:You created that *turns to Yukio* how is it that your not able to erase what you've created that doesn't make sense

Yukio:Listen! I wasn't in the right mind at that moment okay! I programmed it so even if he defeated all of us he wouldn't even escape at the of it all

Uryū:I get it but have you at least tried

Yukio:Of course I've tried! but it just won't work everything I command and program is absolute and without hesitation that the systems itself recognizes so even if I decide to erase the same program I made it won't even accept my orders

Uryū:Tsk! dammit

???:Have you at least tried to see if you can see what's going on inside the black box?

A feminine voice speaks up which makes the two boys turn around and be meet with four individuals with two of them being the familiar red head that loves cute stuff Riruka and the quick and strong Jackie

And the other two were Ichigo's friends that were previously under Tsukishima's influence but are now free because of what Ichigo did to Tsukishima and this friends are



Before they could both join Uryū where he is now they had woken up with the other friends and sisters of Ichigo who were affected by Tsukishima's power

But now that they've returned to they're senses they are eager to help Ichigo in whatever they can but Uryū had informed them that they might not be needed as he had informed them about Ichigo's sudden awakening of power

But what he didn't tell them was the fact that Ichigo had the power and look of a hollow right now

And so now the group waits for Ichigo to come out of

Riruka:Yeah didn't you say you had made connection with the boss room that you made for them so you could see the fight

Yukio:I did but Ichigo's suddenly released powerful spiritual energy that destroyed all the invisible cameras I had placed there

Things go silent after that as our heroes could only hope that Ichigo is fine fighting Ginjo and Tsukishima

Orihime: *looks up at the black box* Oh Ichigo please be okay

Chad:Do not worry Orihime *looks up at the black box* I'm sure Ichigo is fine

Orihime: *turns to Chad* Chad?

Uryū:He's right Orihime

Orihime: *turns to Uryū* Uryu?

Uryū:You must know yourself that Ichigo's to stubborn to lose a fight against a man like Ginjo *looks up at the black box* we just have to wait that's all

Orihime stares at her two friends who tell her that her crush will make it out of this fine and back to her so she smiles seeing that their trying ti cheer her up

Orihime: *smiles* Thanks you two and your right *looks up at the black box* we just have to wait *small pink blush appears* he'll return he always does

The two boys smile and think the same as her has they remember fully well that their friend even though he fought countless opponents that would have killed him his always comeback to them

But while they thought of that the fullbringers could only hoped that Ichigo is fine since he had helped them be free from Tsukishima's influence only that one of them was thinking about two things

Riruka starred at the black box and hoped Ichigo would just finish the fight so he could return to them but her gaze soon changed towards Orihime noticing the girls interest and obvious crush over Ichigo which makes the Fullbring jealous since she knows that Orihime's been by Ichigo's side much longer then her

Riruka: *small blush and in her mind* Why did she have to fall for him

This sudden expression doesn't go unnoticed by the gaming fullbringer as he brings out a sly smile

Yukio:You know Riruka if your worrying about your crush there's no shame in telling us

This sudden words get the attention of Orihime who's body tenses up when hearing that someone has a crush on Ichigo

Riruka:Huh!? *blush* what are you talking about Yukio! I don't like that idiot! I'm just worried about him that's all!

Yukio:What? I may have said that you had a crush on him but I didn't ask if you like him


Yukio gets hit in the head again but this time by Riruka who then stomps on his back since he fell on the ground

Riruka:Shut up Yukio! you know you shouldn't mess with someone else's love life! *stomps on his back again*

Yukio:Hey! stop! your going to break my back!

Riruko:Like I care

Orihime:Excuse me

The air soon started to get tense as Riruka turns towards Orihime and once she made eye contact with her she sees the cute and innocent girl give her a sweat smile with a dark aura surrounding her while she looked at Riruka who was a bit freaked out by the look

Orihime:The person that you like wouldn't happen to be Ichigo now would it?

Riruka was a bit scared by this but soon gathered enough confidence to face Orihime as she blushes and looks away from Orihime

Riruka:Yeah what if I like the idiot you got a problem with that?

Riruka gave off the same dark aura like Orihime and has the same smile that Orihime had starting a challenge with Orihime who gets closer as sparks could be seen coming out of the closed eyes of the girls

The others who are watching this had sweatdrops while awkwardly staring at the two girls

Uryu:Who knew Ichigo could get girls to start fighting over him

Chad:Right now in front of us *opens his eyes* I see a teddy bunny and fairy standing behind the two girls ready to fight to the death

Uryu: *looks at Chad with a sweat drop* Really?

Lucky enough a cat fight did not start between the two girls as they crossed their arms and looked away from each other


Everyone else:Phew!

Orihime: *pouts* Why does someone else have to fall for him I saw him first

Riruka: *hears her* Yeah! well I helped him get back his powers!

Orihime:That was only a plot that you guys organized to steal his powers!

From there the two girls started argued about their times with Ichigo which made the air more awkward then it already was

And while that all happened poor little Yukio was still on the ground with both Riruka and Orihime's foot stomping on his back

But while everyone else was finding this odd one person was getting tired of the girls continues banter

That person was Jackie who had a tick mark on her head as she decided to snap at the two girls

Jackie:Could you just stop talking about your crush and shut up already!!!

This sudden outburst makes the two girls stop and scares them a little as they quickly move away from her

The girls:We're sorry

Jackie: *sighs* hmmm? *looks up to the black box and notices a small crack forming* hey! look up there!

Jackie pointed at the black box and everyone soon followed what she was pointing at and proving what she saw everyone was shocked to see a crack on the black box

Yukio: *stands up* Impossible

The crack started to become bigger and more began to appear with black and red lights slowly coming out of them and soon enough those leaks of spiritual energy had started to come out like spikes through the cracks

But what was odd all of sudden was the sudden spiritual pressure that made group feel heavier as Jackie, Yukio and Riruka all had fallen onto one or both knees and the other three literally fought to stay standing as they see the top part of the black box explode as huge amount of spiritual pressure had skyrocketed to the sky's

Swirling like a red tornado Ichigo's reiatsu if everyone in the town was a soul reaper they could have seen and even sensed the power all over the world

But speaking of Soul reapers

We transition our location from the forest that's being pushed by Ichigo's spiritual pressure to a place where the souls of those that I've died feel said spiritual pressure that goes towards

Soul Society

but more specifically felt

In the sereitei

The home of the soul reapers

But we zoom in towards squad 13 section of the sereitei as we going into the office of someone who's dropped something


Her voice sounding surprised and shocked as she felt a large and powerful spiritual energy that belong to certain strawberry that she knows very well

???: *appearing in front of her office door* Rukia did you feel that!

Still sitting in her chair was a black hair and blue eyes girl that was the lieutenant of squad 13


And standing in her doorway was her best friend and somewhat Ichigo's rival


Rukia could only stare at Renji with her shocked expression as the red hair soul reaper could feel the state of shock that she is in

Renji:Is that re-really Ichigo who I'm sensing?

Rukia:I-I don't know I don't remember it being this strong

Renji:We need to get to the human world and fast

Rukia: *quickly stands up* Ri-Right!

The two lieutenants quickly made their way out of Rukia's office but were quickly intercepted by a member of squad's two stealth force

Stealth force member:Lieutenants Rukia Kuchiki of squad 13 and Renji Abarai of squad 6 the head captain is wanting your immediate attention

Renji:The head captain? what would he call us for?

Rukia:Hmmm this might be about Ichigo *looks at Renji seriously* we need to go

Renji: *nods* Alright

The three flash step/shunpo away from squad 13 barracks and headed to the captains meeting place in hopes to have the permission to go to the human world and see what's happening to Ichigo

But it seems that soul society wasn't the only once who felt Ichigo's spiritual energy skyrocketed

As we see numerous panels showing someone sitting in Aizen's former las noches throne slightly turned the head towards something

Then we see a man with green hair sitting on a rock with two individuals behind him as he moves his head towards a certain location which brings a crazy and sadistic smile to his face

Lastly we are shown to a man sitting in a blue throne where he had his eyes closed but when he felt Ichigo's reiatsu they slowly open with a frown appearing on his lips

Then after seeing all the different areas Ichigo's spiritual energy reached we are taken bank towards where it came from as on the sky a large cloud of smoke covers the area where the black box was

Only for it to start to slowly disappear as the group on the ground has finally gotten to breath properly after seeing that the spiritual pressure that was released was now gone

Chad:What was *looks up* that?

Uryu:That *pats* must be Ichigo *pats pats*

Orihime: *looks up* Ichigo?

She looks up hoping to finally see Ichigo but when she got a glimpse of a familiar long orange hair her eyes began to slowly widen as she grabs her hold of her shirt

And when the dust cloud completely disappeared her eyes now widen in shock as she sees the state No the form that Ichigo is in which caused her to have a quick flashback of


Ichigo(Vasto Lorde): *distorted roar*


After remembering that horrific event that she had she starts to have a panic attack

Her breathing becomes heavily

Her eyes were starting to blur out

And all she could see up there was the No steroid form her crush transformed into to destroy Ulquiorra

This panic was then taken notices by her friends


The quickly went to her aid but their shouts of her name were not heard by her as she found only stare in fear at Ichigo who notices a glance that was directed towards her

Orihime: *mind* No! he saw me!

Orihime wanted to scream no she wanted to run she wanted to get out of there but she knew she couldn't she knows how fast vasto lorde Ichigo is

So she closes her eyes and waited

but to her surprise she had suddenly felt an arm slowly wrap itself around her which quickly makes her eyes open and she sees Hollow soul reaper Ichigo Kurosaki hugging her with his eyes closed


Orihime: *gasp* Ichigo? is that really. . . .you?

Ichigo: *opens his eyes with a smile* Yeah it's me and I'm glad to see that you and Chad are safe plus out of Tsukishima's influence

Orihime: *starts to tear up a bit* I'm so sorry Ichigo *sniff* I wish I was strong like you then maybe I wouldn't have been controlled by Tsukishima's lies

Ichigo:It's alright Orihime *lets her go and then places his hand on her left cheek* you had no control of what was happening so I don't blame you

Orihime:Ichigo *puts her hand on top of his as she smiles at him while feeling the warmth of his hand*

But this interaction was look on in jealousy by a certain red head who had their arms crossed while looking away from them

Yukio: *turns to Riruka with a smile* Whats wrong Riruka you jealous?


Riruka:Shut up!

Riruka had hit Yukio on the head again which makes the gamer dizzily fall to the ground seemingly knock out

But back with the two orange hair duo

Ichigo: *releases his hand and turn to Uryū and Chad* Good to see that your okay Chad

Chad: * gives him a thumbs up* Good to see that your fine as well Ichigo

Ichigo: *turns to Uryū* See I told you I'd fix my mess

Uryu:Yes well *puts back up his glasses* you certainly took your sweet time in finishing this

Ichigo:Hey it's the end result that counts *turns to the Fullbringers* you've gotten back your true memories

Jackie:Yeah so thanks for the help Ichigo

Yukio:Yeah man thanks and sorry for what happened in our fight

Ichigo:It's fine don't worry *notices Riruko looking away from him* something you want to say to me Riruka?

Riruka:Hmph! *looks away with a blush*

Ichigo: *appears in front of her* Oh come on don't give me that at least be a little excited that I'm out

Riruka:. . . . . . . . . *sigh* Glad to see your find you idiot *blushes a bit*

Ichigo:See? now was that so hard?

This little interaction makes Orihime pout a little when seeing how friendly Ichigo's being with Riruka who while on the outside is seen not liking this on the inside she's screaming like a Highschool girl


But it seems that the happy reunion will have to wait a bit longer as the sound of someone crashing onto the ground is heard and the group turns around to see a familiar individual that looks beaten up

Ichigo:Oh look *appears in front of the group* you survived which I won't lie was entirely my intention

Standing a few feet away from the group was beaten, bruised, bloodied and with his armor having a destroyed areas was


Who was very pissed off for some reason

Ginjo:You bastard! I'm going to end you right now!!

Ichigo: *chuckles* Will see about that *gets in a stance* so come on then bust out that Bankai of yours

Ginjo: *eyes widen* How did you?—

Ichigo:Dude. . . .two years ago I discovered that my uncle who's not blood related was non other than Kisuke Urahara so I got a bit of his sense to known things


Everyone behind Ichigo:Huh?








Ichigo:But ignoring that *narrows his eyes* you gonna go full power or what?

Ginjo: *glares* Alright you want my full power *raises his reiatsu* so be it *he started to get surrounded by a purple light* Ban. . .Kai

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The light shine out of Ginjo as he transforms into his fullbringer Bankai form which made his hair go white, have a red x scar on his face, get red eyes, remodeled version of his armor that becomes now a part of his skin, red fur around his neck, a pair of four purple wings and his sword changes again

He had a smile a crazy smile showed on his face as he stares happily at Ichigo who keeps his calm and collective poseur

Ginjo:Here I come Ichigo! *charges up his sword* but first. . .Getsugatencho!

Firing off another knock off version of the getsugatencho with this time being colored in black and purple

Ichigo seeing this launches his own air slash at Ginjo's getsuga colliding with the attack that makes a powerful shockwave that pushes everyone behind Ichigo back a little

Ichigo:Stay here

After saying those words he and Ginjo both dashed at each other clashing their blades in between the spiritual air slash and the knock off getsugatencho

Creating a much stronger energy shockwave that stays around the two warriors who stay in that power struggle

Ginjo:This is just what I need to defeat you!

Ichigo:Fat chance!

They quickly separate from one another leading the clash they were just in create an explosion that grows high sky

Which is where the two take their fight as they clash their blades up in the sky which each clash creating sparks

But soon they charge at each other that their collision created another shockwave and huge sparks of fire that quickly disappear as Ginjo quickly separates from Ichigo

But Ichigo does let him have his distance so he follows behind him charging at the fullbringers with Etapa Sonido

Ginjo sees that Ichigo disappears out of sight and then reappears behind him after slacking a little bit of his right shoulder as blood had splattered out of the cut

Ginjo:Tsk! Getsugatencho!

Ginjo turns around to launch his knock off getsugatencho at Ichigo who disappears again using his Etapa Sonido using said speed to start appearing in multiple locations

Each version had appeared and disappeared looking in different stances that confuse Ginjo as he starts to try and follow his opponents movement

Ichigo:What's wrong? *disappears from behind him* to fast for you? *reappears from his left and disappears again*

Ginjo:Ggrrrrr quite doing this and face me!



Ginjo quickly turns around to try and slash Ichigo who had landed a clean cut on his back

Ichigo goes to slash his bank again but Ginjo was able to block this slash which makes him smirk all of a sudden so Ichigo disappears and reappears again to try and slash Ginjo but the fullbringer was joe starting to adapt to his opponents speed as he starts blocking his slashes

Left, right, straight, back, above and from the bottom Ginjo was starting to adapt to Ichigo's speed

Which starts to boost Ginjo confidence as he believes his catching up to Ichigo's Etapā Sonido only to he meet with said technique as when was about to block another of Ichigo's attacks the hollow souls reaper vastly appears on his right cutting Ginjo's right side

Ginjo:Gah! dammit!

Ichigo then appears above Ginjo aiming his Tensa Zangetsu down at him trying to downward stab him but Ginjo was able to block this attack and was able to toss Ichigo towards the ground by using his diving speed against him


Firing another of his black and purple knock off getsuga's at Ichigo who had landed on his feet and started to charge up a cero

Firing it above his head

Easily going through Ginjo's getsugatencho and heading straight towards the fullbringer who fired the knock off

Lucky for him he was able to get out of the way on time as the cero blast goes right pass him and into the night sky

Just when he thought he could take a quick break Ichigo had appears behind him and ready to slash him so he has to quickly turn around and clash with Ichigo's sword but the impact of the slash makes Ichigo quickly spin as he uses Ginjo on movement against him as he starts to lean forward a bit faster letting Ichigo to try and slash him but Ginjo had block the slash but was not able to block the cero that Ichigo fires at pint blank ranch

The blast creates an explosion that turns into a cloud of smoke that Ginjo pops out off with his sword raised and protecting him from the blast

So after sieving the cero Ginjo had lowered his sword as he stares at Ichigo who stays where he's floating waiting for Ginjo

Ginjo gets irritated by this as he raises his sword forward and towards Ichigo


The tip of his sword soon began to charge of a blast which seems like it was going to be a very big blast that Ginjo shoots at Ichigo who raises his left hand in front of the blast

The others on the ground started to get worried as they see Ichigo get consumed by the blast that Ginjo fired but were relief when they saw that Ichigo had stopped the attack with his left hand that holding a few particles that were left from the blast

And as those particles disappeared from his hand he stared calmly and seriously at Ginjo

Ginjo on the other hand is starting to get angry by this as he lets out another war cry and charges at Ichigo who decides to the same

As we then see from a far away viewpoint a red and a purple like meteors moving around the skies clashing g with another every time they were close enough before separating again and then clashing again

Then we see them clash their swords again like they did at the beginning of this second round with Ginjo war crying at Ichigo who remains quiet

Their clash takes both of them down to the forest below where when they land on the ground they created a crater that expands s little bit because of their clash that soon ends because their swords separated giving Ichigo the moment that he needs to use Etapā Sonido

This time appearing around Ginjo at a much faster pace as we see numerous Ichigo's circulimv around the big bad fullbringer who can't seem to follow the boy's speed


Ginjo looks down at his right cheek and notices blood cling out of the cut Ichigo gave to his right cheek but after that cut many more came









Ichigo then appears in front of Ginjo with his sword ready to lunge forward

While Ginjo stood their as then all of a sudden multiple cuts began to appear all around him as blood burst out his cuts

Ichigo:This is over

Ginjo:No! *raises his sword* it's not over yet!

Ginjo using all the strength he has left start to descend down his sword onto Ichigo who lunges his sword forward and through Ginjo sword cutting off a chunk of the top of his sword

Ginjo: *mind* What?

(Music stops here)

Before Ginjo could even react he was then elbowed in the stomach making him vomit out a bit of blood and after elbowing him in the stomach Ichigo then pierces Tensa Zangetsu through Ginjo's chest


Ichigo:Well isn't this familiar *grabs the tsuba part of his sword* but now it's time to finally end this


Ichigo:Getsuga. . . .tencho!!!

Firing off a burst of spiritual energy at Ginjo chest which had its heart the fullbringers could only scream in absolute pain as he gets completely annihilated by the attack

And after meeting the same fate as Tsukishima only worse Ichigo takes the sword out of his chest and wipes the blood off his sword

White Zangetsu: * in Ichigo's head* And just like that we win

Ichigo:Yeah *sees Ginjo body fall face forward onto the ground* we won

Ichigo stares down at Ginjo dead and defeated body that stays laying there with a smile?

Ichigo:Wonder what got him so happy?

And with that the Fullbringers leader was defeated by Ichigo Kurosaki the Hollow Soul reaper

???:How could you!!!

Who's fight seems to not have ended yet as he turns around to meet his new attacker

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