Chapter 5:Aftermath

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Previously on "Son born in darkness"

Ichigo:This is over

Ginjo:No! *raises his sword* it's not over yet!

Ginjo using all the strength he has left start to descend down his sword onto Ichigo who lunges his sword forward and through Ginjo sword cutting off a chunk of the top of his sword

Ginjo: *mind* What?

Before Ginjo could even react he was then elbowed in the stomach making him vomit out a bit of blood and after elbowing him in the stomach Ichigo then pierces Tensa Zangetsu through Ginjo's chest


Ichigo:Well isn't this familiar *grabs the tsuba part of his sword* but now it's time to finally end this


Ichigo:Getsuga. . . .tencho!!!

Firing off a burst of spiritual energy at Ginjo chest which had its heart the fullbringers could only scream in absolute pain as he gets completely annihilated by the attack

And after meeting the same fate as Tsukishima only worse Ichigo takes the sword out of his chest and wipes the blood off his sword

White Zangetsu: * in Ichigo's head* And just like that we win

Ichigo:Yeah *sees Ginjo body fall face forward onto the ground* we won

Ichigo stares down at Ginjo dead and defeated body that stays laying there with a smile?

Ichigo:Wonder what got him so happy?

And with that the Fullbringers leader was defeated by Ichigo Kurosaki the Hollow Soul reaper

???:How could you!!!

Who's fight seems to not have ended yet as he turns around to meet his new attacker

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Things open up from where we left off with Ginjo's defeated body laying on the ground and Ichigo turning his attention towards someone who aims to attack him

This person was non other than the Fullbring who wields a broken katana that used to manipulate peoples memories and it's user was Shūkurō Tsukishima

Ichigo calmly starred at the approaching Tsukishima noticing multiple bruises, cuts, his broken sword and a hole that's on the right side of his body


He was pissed very pissed as his eyes only showed rage a rage that seems familiar to Ichigo as when he sees this it reminds him about the times he's shown the same face

Ichigo:Just stop Tsukishima


Ichigo: *sighs* I gave you a choice

And with that he waits for Tsukishima who continues to let out his angry cry's of pain now seeing that his idol is dead

Tsukishima: *pulls back his broken sword* DIIIIEEE!!!!!

Ichigo stares calmly at the approaching broken blade that was targeting his face but just then out of nowhere an orange force field appears in front of Ichigo protecting him from Tsukishima's attack that gets pushed back by the shield sending Tsukishima into a tree

Tsukishima: *crashes into a tree behind him* Rrraaagh!! *landing on his but he takes a moment before looking at the individuals in front him* Tsk! very well timed to use your powers Orihime well done

True to his words Orihime was the one who protested Ichigo from Tsukishima's attack as we then see her standing beside Ichigo looking serious at Tsukishima

Tsukishima:Well would you look at this *chuckles* the gangs all here too

Standing now a few feet away from Tsukishima were Ichigo, Orihime, Uryu who had his arrow aimed at Tsukishima, Chad who had his right abd left arm ready, Jackie who had her fullbring suit on, Riruka who had her cute toy gun out and Yukio he had a hand ready to program something on his arm computer

Tsukishima: *starts to stand up* But that won't stop me *aims his broken sword at Ichigo* I will end you Ichigo Kurosaki abs I don't care if this friends of yours get in my way I'll cut them down to get to you

Ichigo: *appears in front of him* Why go through them if you can face me at any time you want Tsukishima

Tsukishima:RAAAH! *swung his broken sword*

Tsukishima tries to slash Ichigo but he easily dodges his pathetic attempts before taking the weapon away from Tsukishima throwing it deeper into the forest

Tsukishima: * looks at where he threw his broken sword* You-You bastard *turns to Ichigo with a glare*

Ichigo:Give up you have no sword nor power to even stand up to me so why even try

Tsukishima:Because Ginjo would want me too! and since you killed him *points at him* I shall not stop until I avenge his death!

Ichigo:With what? your fist?

Tsukishima:No with this!

Thinking that he has the upper hand in this situation Tsukishima toke out a pocket knife that he had and was going to use it to try and stab Ichigo who doesn't react or flinch at this as before Tsukishima even knew it a hand grabs his wrist that had the knife stoping him in his tracks

Tsukishima looks towards his left and his eyes widen when he saw Riruka glaring at him while holding onto his arm


He doesn't get to finish his sentence as the same person he was going to call pushes him away from Ichigo

Tsukishima stumbled back but had no time to dodge a kick from Jackie that sends him crashing into a tree that digitally summoned chains that tied him to the tree

Tsukishima: *looks around himself before turning to the three fullbringers* What are you three doing!?

Yukio:Stoping you from going any further than you already have

Tsukishima:But don't you want to avenge Ginjo!

Jackie:Tsk! like I'll help either of you two *glares* you tricked us and basically forced us to join you so we ain't doing anything for Ginjo

Yukio:Pretty much so your gonna stay there okay Tsukishima

Tsukishima:Release me Yukio! *looks at him but sees Yukio not really responding to his words* you bastard! *he then turns to Riruka who glares at him* come on Riruka you must be by my side right? Ginjo has done so much for you why aren't you attacking Ichigo Kurosaki?

Riruka:Because he deserve it Tsukishima Ginjo deserve to die

Tsukishima:What!? why would you say that!? Ginjo had a vision! one that would have helped us fullbring's become stronger

Riruka:Through what means? *points at Ichigo and his friends* forcing everyone who cares for Ichigo go against him and then what? basically take the live of someone you already hurt enough

Tsukishima:Needed choices for our survival

Riruka:Really for our survival? or for both of your greedy hungry bastards since all you talked about was about stealing his power

Tsukishima:Can't you just understan—

Riruka:No! you need understand that this are consequences you both deserved and to add to this look at Ginjo *points at the dead corpse* does he look like a man that's angry because he died

Tsukishima angrily looks at Riruka before looking at where the dead body of Ginjo is and then notices the smile that's on his face


Riruka:He's happy and his dead that means he has no control over our lives because if we would have continued down the path we were going down on we would have turn ourselves into hollows in the form of humans

Tsukishima was now silent when she said that and when he thought about it she told truth which is what hurts Tsukishima more as he begins to realize all the mistakes he and Ginjo had done up to this moment

Killing innocents

Forcefully making others join them



Putting a person's love ones against them

Then they we're going to make everyone forget him

All this wrong doings went through his mind as his head looked down at the grassy ground below him

???: *voice* So now your getting it huh took you awhile

Tsukishima's eye widen again when he looks up and sees Ginjo's spirit leaning on the tree his tied upon

Ginjo:We lost Tsukishima we gotta accept that *turns to Ichigo* we were outmatch even when we got an upgrade

Tsukishima:But maybe we could—

Ginjo: *hits him on the head* Stop thinking that we could have done something better because we couldn't and I'm just gonna say *looks at Ichigo* if he was this powerful than I think our uprising would have just been a waste of time for the soul reapers

Tsukishima:Oh *looks down* I see

Tsukishima was silent for a second before he felt a hand on his head petting him as he looks up again seeing Ginjo smiling down at him

Ginjo:Come on you brat I think it's time for us to go *turns around to leave*

Tsukishima: *Starts to get on his feet* Go where?

Ginjo: *stops before turning towards Tsukishima* Wherever the wind takes us

Tsukishima had a surprised look before it turned to a smile as he walks up to Ginjo and together they walked away from the forest abs into the light that was ahead of them

And while that happened in Tsukishima's mind in the actual reality we find him still tied up to tree with his head looking down at the ground


Which everyone takes notices as Riruka shakes her head abs looks down at the ground that is until she felt a hand on her shoulder

Turning around to her surprise it was Ichigo giving her a warm smile and an understanding look

Ichigo:You did what you could

Riruka:Yeah *looks at the dead Tsukishima* just wished those two would have taken a different path than this one

Ichigo:Well is as they say 'we all take on our own path' all we gotta do is make the right choices in that path

Riruka: *smiles at him* Yeah I guess your right

Ichigo and Riruka have a moment there as they stare at each other with someone else staring at them with a bit of jealousy and that person was Orihime who had inflated her cheeks when seeing this

Also she could have sworn that she saw Riruka mocking her while she had her moment with Ichigo

Orihime: *walks towards them* Ichigo are you okay? do require me to heal you?

Ichigo: * turns towards Orihime* No thanks I'm alright but I really gotta thank you Orihime *flashes her a smile* thanks for protecting me there when Tsukishima came back

Orihime: *warmly smiles* Your welcome

Now Riruka could have sworn that she saw Orihime mocking her by stealing Ichigo's attention away from her

Riruka:Hey! I save you too you know! *looks away with a blush* you can at least say thank you to me too you know

Ichigo:Is that so? well then thanks for the save Riruka

Riruka:Hmph! *but smiles* Your welcome you idiot


Riruka gets hit in the head by the bottom part of Ichigo's sword

Riruka: *stare at him angrily* Hey why did you hit me!

Ichigo:For calling me an idiot you moron

Riruka:What did you say!

Orihime: *silently giggles and mumbles* That's what you get

Riruka: *hears her* Oh now your going to get it! come here!

Riruka jumps on Orihime and both began to comically fight one another like a cat and dog as a could of dust covers their fight but words like "POW!", "BAM!" and "KA-POW!" were seen coming out the dust

Everyone who watched it was sweat dropping but they could understand why they are doing this and for who they are doing this for but sadly the same person is well

Ichigo:I wonder why they are fighting about?

Pretty much dense about the two girls obviously having a crush on him so Chad, Uryu, Yukio and Jackie all anime fall at his response

White Zangetsu: *in Ichigo's head* King *sigh* why is it that your so dense to this type of things

Ichigo: *mind* What do you mea—no it can't be that can't it?

Ichigo could hear in his head a loud slap that quickly makes him stop talking to White Zangetsu and confusedly focus on the two girls that are fighting

Ichigo: * sighs* Alright knock it off you two *grabs both of them by the back of their shirts* we are done fighting each other so stop acting like kids and let's go home

The girls stop abs look at Ichigo before looking angrily at each other

Orihime/Riruka: *look the other away* Hmph!

Ichigo: *sweat drops* Really come on you two? get alon—

Ichigo stops himself from completing his sentence which is noticed by the two girls as he releases them both before picking up Tensa Zangetsu


Ichigo: *turns towards a part forest* . . . . . . . . . .

Riruka:Is there something wrong?

Ichigo remained silent as he walks pass the two girls and a few feet in front of the open filled of the forest and soon enough the others started to follow his lead

Uryu:Ichigo what's going on?

Ichigo only raised his left hand towards them signaling them to stop which they do and quickly get into battling positions

Ichigo:No *turns to them* stand down it's nothing bad it's just that—

Ichigo suddenly blocks a mysterious individuals attack which creates a shockwave that makes the trees rattle and makes everyone guard go up as they look at the person who attack Ichigo

Ichigo:Someone seems to be getting rusty in their years *smiles* is isn't that right?—

The person Ichigo blocked was wearing tight black pants and tank top that's covered by an orange ninja shirt, they're skin was tanned, they're hair was that of a dark purple and they're eyes were like that if a cat


Looking down at Ichigo with a proud smirk was the former captain of squad two and the one who trained Ichigo to unlock Bankai in three days

Yoruichi:What? you saying I'm getting old Ichigo?


Ichigo:I don't know am I? *smile turns into a smirk* or maybe I've finally surpassed you in speed

Master and student stare at each other with a playful smirk which soon turns into a frown or more specifically Ichigo's expression turns into a frown when he feels to arms wrap themselves around his neck

Glancing behind him he could see Yoruichi there flashing him a cocky smirk

Yoruichi:Nope your still need to work on your speed *nuzzles her head on his red fur* also this things are so comfy I wouldn't mind sleeping here

Ichigo: *blushes a bit* Hey get off me

Once again the others sweat drop at this as they see Ichigo try to get Yoruichi of him but seems to be failing while on the other hand both Orihime and Riruka had dark auras on them

Yoruichi:Hmmm? *notices Orihime abd Riruka's reaction and smirks* but I guess I'll have to rest here some other time

Yoruichi got off Ichigo Abs now staves I'm front of him

Yoruichi:But I won't lie combining both Shunpo and Sonido onto your new form did impress me Ichigo you've certainly grown quite strong after gaining your powers back

Ichigo:Yeah well I'm still surprise on the fact that they combined honestly I believe that I was using shunpo the entire time

Yoruichi:We can work on that later right now I think there's someone you should talk to

Ichigo:Yeah well it's not just him I have to talk to *turns towards something* you guys gonna come out or do I have to make you?

Everyone except Yoruichi was confused as they turn towards where Ichigo was looking at and they could see two figures slowly start to come out of the bushes

???:Now now Ichigo is that anyway to talk to your  uncle and dad

Coming out of the bushes were two former captains

One is the genius and powerful former captain of squad 12 and Ichigo's uncle

Philza Minecraft

(Author vortex:Alright sorry sorry but I just felt like I needed to do that but onto the real name and look


One is the genius and powerful former captain of squad 12 and Ichigo's uncle

Kisuke Urahara

And the former captain of squad 10 and father to Ichigo, Yuzu and Karin

Isshin Kurosaki

Ichigo looked at both his father who had his soul reaper suit on and his y uncle who had his eyes shadowed by his green and white hat

Isshin:Ichigo. . . . . .you still got control of your hollow powers right

Ichigo:. . . . . . . Yeah is there a problem with that?

Urahara:No no honestly I'm more surprised and proud to see that you've gotten your powers back and that you've gained full control of your hollow

Ichigo:Yeah well it's not exactly like that

Isshin:What do you mean?

Ichigo:Me and my hollow have formed a connection—no a bond where is not that one is in control of the other is that we've become one with each other

Urahara:Oooooohh I see uniting both your soul and your hollows soul to become one very interesting






Issshin:Hey! what was that for Ichigo!

Ichigo: *had his fist smocking* That's for not helping me in the first place

Yoruichi:Why did you hit me too Ichigo I helped

Ichigo:Now you did *turns away from them crossing his arms* not when I first started to learn Fullbring and not even before this hole things started because I'm pretty sure *glances back at them with a slight glare* you had enough information to know about the fullbringers and their plan so for that your not off the hook yet

Hearing that the three felt a bit shameful about themselves since he was right they never really came to help him when he was slowly starting to lose all those he loved and when he got his Fullbring powers they weren't there to help him or even warn him about their plan

Urahara: *sigh* Listen Ichigo we—

Ichigo: *raises his left hand* Tomorrow your shop we'll continue this conversation there because *yawns* I'm feeling tired right now

Urahara:Oh *wipes the sweat* okay then see you tomorrow I guess

Ichigo nods and turns towards his friends who are wondering about what's going to happen tomorrow at his shop as they all then turn to him

Ichigo:I guess I'll see you guys tomorrow or some other day *turns away from them and starts to walk away* see ya

Ichigo wave back at them without looking back as he Étapa Sonido's away from the forest leaving everyone else behind

Uryu: *looks at where he's friend was and then turns to Urahara* Be careful with what you say tomorrow Kisuke *turns away from them and starts to walk away* tonight we just witnessed great tremendous power that if angered they could have destroyed the town and everyone in it with just a simple explosion of their power

And with that the quincy leaves the scene leaving a worried Chad and two worried girls who looked at the direction their crush went

Urahara: *sigh places his haves on his eyes* Yoruichi could you per—

Yoruichi:Yeah yeah you do y have to tell me *starts to walk on the direction Ichigo went on* I'll go make sure he's not feeling doubtful about us

With that Yoruichi flash steps out the forest and towards where Ichigo is

Urahara:Well *turns to Isshin* this is quite the predicament that we are in

Isshin:Yeah and I can honestly feel like this all my fault *looks down at the ground* if I hadn't thought him the Final getsugatencho then maybe the pain he went through this past few days could have been avoided

Urahara:Yeah well your not the only one that's feeling guilty right now. . . . .just wished we had more time to make that

Isshin:How much was left?

Urahara:Only a few touches and some help from old friends of his

Isshin:I see. . . . . . . . . . . .I'll be heading home now see ya tomorrow *turns to Orihime and Chad* see ya you two *waves them*

The two waved back at him and soon also started to leave the scene with Orihime and Riruka giving each other one last glare before the orange hair girl leaves

Urahara:Now *turns to the fullbrings* come along you three I think it's time you guys get some rest too

The three fullbringers decide to follow Kisuke even though they don't know him they have no other choice since Ichigk basically nuked there mansion

Speaking of Ichigo we can see him still on his Hollow soul reaper form or released form standing in front his house which is also a clinic

A house that is also a clinic which Ichigo sometimes helps in but this days he works somewhere else

After taking one good look at his home he walks towards the front door that leads into the house part of home and goes inside

Ichigo:I'm home!

White Zangetsu: *in Ichigo's head* Um king?

Ichigo:What's up? *closes the door* something wrong?

White Zangetsu: *in Ichigo's head* Aren't you gonna like. . . .turn back to your normal self

Ichigo: *mind* I would but I want to get adjusted to this form for awhile before turning back to normal

White Zangetsu: *in Ichigo's head* Won't your sisters not see you?

Ichigo: *mind* Considering the fact that one of them had started to learn of this version of myself for  awhile and one of them had gotten herself into many situations with hollows and other spirit situations

???/???:Welcome back Ichigo!

Ichigo: *mind* I'm neither worried nor afraid of what's going to happen next

Smiling at the two figures who come around the corner he sees his two little sisters



Both little sisters had smiles which soon turned into confusion when they take notice of Ichigo's new look but then Karin's eyes widen when she recognizes Ichigo's look

Ichigo:Hey you two how do you feel?

Yuzu:Um Ichigo?

Ichigo:Yes Yuzu?

Yuzu:Why do you *motions to his form* look like that?

Ichigo:Oh this *motions to himself* don't worry about it's just something I cane to learn of today why? those it look bad?

Yuzu:No no it actually looks good on you but how did you get your hair to become so long?

Ichigo: *winks at her* That's a secret

Yuzu:Oh come on! please tell me! *quickly gets behind him and starts checking out his hair* it's so soft and smooth how did you get it to he like this?

Ichigo:Like I said it's a secret

Yuzu pouts as Ichigo chuckles at his little sister's reaction but then he turns to his other little sister Karin who is looking at him curiously

Ichigo:What's on your mind Karin?

Karin:Hmmm well I'm asking myself if let's say I wave a red cloth and say 'Ole!, Toro!' would you charge at him *gives him a sly smile*


Yuzu: *giggles* Nice one Karin

Ichigo: *blushes in embarrassment* Is that what you really have to say when I arrive home like this

The girls giggles at his reaction and soon Ichigo's embarrassed face turns to a happy one as he walks towards his sisters and kisses them both in the head making them stop laughing and turn to him surprised

Ichigo: *smiles down at them* Goodnight you too *walks pass them* I'll see you both tomorrow

Kurosaki sisters:O-Okay goodnight Ichigo

They wave at him and he waves back at them as he starts to go up the stairs towards his room

Without realizing that Isshin had arrive and watch the hole thing with a smile placed on his face

But back with Ichigo we find him in his small but also comfy room which back when he was still a soul reaper was used many times by his friends as a meeting place heck every lieutenant and almost every captain were there once

Ichigo places Tensa Zangetsu leaning against the wall near where he places his lamp as after he did that he throws himself onto the bed with his head aimed upwards towards the ceiling with his eyes closed as he took a deep breath

Ichigo: *relief sigh* It's been awhile since I could just. . . . .throw myself into the bed without a care of the world

White Zangetsu: *in Ichigo's head* Well you have come a long way king and no one I mean no one can tell you that you shouldn't take a nice.long.nap

Ichigo:Thanks for that. . . .Zangetsu

White Zangetsu: *in Ichigo's mind* Oh finally! you've decided to calm me by my actual name and not by 'white me'

Ichigo: *chuckles* Sorry about that I was just getting to focused on the fights that o could quickly say your name

White Zangetsu: * in Ichigo's head* Excuses now get your ass in here! it's time we train up that form of yours

Ichigo soon then closes his eyes and went to sleep or that's what it looks like outside as inside his mind we see him opening his eyes and entering his inner world where he sees White Zangetsu there waiting for him with a white version of Tensa Zangetsu

White Zangetsu: *smirks* You Ready?

Ichigo: *stands up* Always

He picks up the black version of Tensa Zangetsu and quickly both charge at one another as when their swords collided with one another a powerful shockwave was sent throughout the inner world

TIME SKIP brought to you by Ichigo in his hollow soul reaper form sitting under a tree with a cat form Yoruichi sleeping on the red fur of his form that's on his neck while also deadpannendly staring at Orhime and Riruka fighting over who gets to feed Ichigo which at the end makes him face palm himself as in his inner world White Zangetsu laughs at him

The next day comes around and Ichigo is still soundly asleep in his bed but thanks to the light of the sun that hits his face he starts to slowly wake up

Ichigo:Huh? *yawn* it's morning already?

???:Yes it would seem that way *cat like yawn* ready to start the morning Ichigo?

Ichigo:Yeah no issues here *wipes his eyes and gives another yawn but stops mid way* wait?

Ichigo looks down toward the left side of his shoulder and sees a black cat with the amber eyes as Yoruichi

Which what's odd since this is Yoruichi in her cat form which weirdly has a me's voice for some reason


Cat Yoruichi:Yes Ichigo?

Ichigo:What the hell are you doing in my house, in my room and resting beside me

Cat Yoruichi:Well *cat stretches* if you must know I find those nice looking red furs of yours very soft and comfy *finishes his stretch* so I've let myself in

Ichigo: *sigh* It's to early to start arguing with you about this so I'll let it slide *starts to get out his bed*

Cat Yoruichi: *stands up sitting* Also I'm here to pick you up

Ichigo:Pick me up for what?

Cat Yoruichi: *gets off the bed and staves in front the closet* To take you to Kisuke shop so we can have *looks down at the ground in shame* that talk

Ichigo had stop himself from fully getting out his bed as he now sits on it with his gaze aimed at the ground

Cat Yoruichi:Look Ichigo I. . . . .. .I'm sorry we know that we should have been there for you but we were busy and we're working on something to return back your powers

Ichigo hearing that turns to Yoruichi with a surprised look

Cat Yoruichi:But we were too late it seems and it was miracle that were able to gain your powers back but it pains me that through out this week with done nothing but sit on the sidelines while you slowly suffered loses

Ichigo now had his eyes shadowed by his hair as he continued to hear Yoruichi

Cat Yoruichi:And as a teacher it hurts that when you gained your Fullbring powers I was there to help you master them or even warn you about Ginjo

Ichigo:. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Cat Yoruichi:I hope that you can for—

Ichigo:Could you please turn back normal! it still feels weird hearing your me voice when your a literal girl!

This sudden outburst stops Yoruichi as she looks surprised at Ichigo who had a serious funny face on him while he looked Ichigo

Cat Yoruichi:What?

Ichigo:Just turn back to your normal self that voice of yours is really starting to get weird

Cat Yoruichi:You moron! can't you see I'm trying too—

Ichigo:I already forgive you guys

Cat Yoruichi:Huh?

The funny atmosphere quickly turned serious as Yoruichi stares at Ichigo who turns his head away from her

Ichigo:I just want to hear what made you guys so secretive all of a sudden that's all I already forgave you guys because you at least saved my friends and sisters from the fullbringers that's enough for me to give you my forgiveness

Cat Yoruichi:Ichigo

Ichigo:Do rest assured *starts to turn back towards her* I won't do anything like explode a cero on your fac

Stops his sentence and appears a big blush when he sees Yoruichi back in her human form which was a problem now as she was well


And crying

Ichigo:Yo-Yoruichi! could you at least put on som—

He stops when he feels Yoruichi hugging him all a sudden which does keep his blush but lowers his embarrassment when he feels her tears fall on his shoulder

Yoruichi:Thank you and. . . . .I'm truly sorry

Ichigo:It-It's fine okay I forgive you

The atmosphere soon became quiet as Ichigo and Yoruichi stayed like that for a bit

But then they hear someone start to open his rooms door


His little sister was everything his room which freaks out Ichigo as he quickly takes action

Yuzu pops out her head and sees Ichigo still wrapped up in his blanket

Yuzu:Oh Ichigo did I wake you up?

Ichigo: *blush* No it's okay I just woke up actually

Yuzu:Okay I just came to tell you that breakfast is ready

Ichigo: *blush* Okay I'll see you down there Yuzu

Yuzu nods and was quickly about to leave his room but she suddenly hears a yelp from Ichigo so she quickly heads back towards him and sees him still under the blanket but his face was even redder

Yuzu:Ichigo are you okay? you haven't taken off that mask and I've just realized that your skin is really pale are you sure that your okay

Ichigo:Yeah yeah I'm fine *fake smiles* don't worry about me Yuzu you just go down there and start eating breakfast I'll join you guys as quick as possible


After that awkwardness Yuzu left his room and closed the door which was heard by Ichigo as when he heard that he quickly pulls up the covers and reveals a still naked Yoruichi pressing her body against him

Ichigo:Why are you like this!?

Yoruichi: *giggles* Because I just love seeing that blushy face of yours

Ichigo: *puts his hands on his eyes* Just put on sone clothes and meet me outside after I'm done eating breakfast


After Yoruichi's small teasing he had a very silent and awkward breakfast with his family as they could all see the big blush that was on his face but didn't decide to ask about that

But they did decide to ask Ichigo about why he's still in that form and while Isshin had the answer the girls needed Ichigo knowing this seriously tells their father to tell them the truth which shocks him before understanding when he tells him that Karin already knew about all of this so he thought that Yuzu deserved answer too

And so after leaving his father to deal with that he walks out his house and meets up with Yoruichi who was now wearing her clothes

Yoruichi: *turns around to see Ichigo* You all set to go?

Ichigo: *nods* Yeah let's go

Yoruichi nods too and soon after they both used their speed like techniques to disappear from the house and appear in front of another work/ house place

A very familiar place for Ichigo as this was the place where he had unlocked his zanpakuto's shikai

Urahara's shop

And I'm front of the door was Urahara himself as it seems that he was waiting for him and Yoruichi to come

Urahara:You've arrived Ichigo

Ichigo:Yeah now tell me *narrows his eyes* what's this about something that should have given me back my powers

Urahara:Hmmm *turns to Yoruichi* I see you told him about the sword


Yoruichi:Not the complete story I thought that you would explain it to him better

Urahara:Hmm alright then *turns around and opens the sliding door* come on in Ichigo we have a lot to talk about

Yoruichi starts to follow Urahara and Ichigo was a bit hesitant about following but decided to follow anyways as he will learn about the sword that should have given him his powers back after so long

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