Chapter 6:Surprise after Surprise

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Previously on "Son born in darkness"

Yuzu left his room and closed the door which was heard by Ichigo as when he heard that he quickly pulls up the covers and reveals a still naked Yoruichi pressing her body against him

Ichigo:Why are you like this!?

Yoruichi: *giggles* Because I just love seeing that blushy face of yours

Ichigo: *puts his hands on his eyes* Just put on some clothes and meet me outside after I'm done eating breakfast


After Yoruichi's small teasing he had a very silent and awkward breakfast with his family as they could all see the big blush that was on his face but didn't decide to ask about that

But they did decide to ask Ichigo about why he's still in that form and while Isshin had the answer the girls needed Ichigo knowing this seriously tells their father to tell them the truth which shocks him before understanding when he tells him that Karin already knew about all of this so he thought that Yuzu deserved answer too

And so after leaving his father to deal with that he walks out his house and meets up with Yoruichi who was now wearing her clothes

Yoruichi: *turns around to see Ichigo* You all set to go?

Ichigo: *nods* Yeah let's go

Yoruichi nods too and soon after they both used their speed like techniques to disappear from the house and appear in front of another work/ house place

A very familiar place for Ichigo as this was the place where he had unlocked his zanpakuto's shikai

Urahara's shop

And I'm front of the door was Urahara himself as it seems that he was waiting for him and Yoruichi to come

Urahara:You've arrived Ichigo

Ichigo:Yeah now tell me *narrows his eyes* what's this about something that should have given me back my powers

Urahara:Hmmm *turns to Yoruichi* I see you told him about the sword


Yoruichi:Not the complete story I thought that you would explain it to him better

Urahara:Hmm alright then *turns around and opens the sliding door* come on in Ichigo we have a lot to talk about

Yoruichi starts to follow Urahara and Ichigo was a bit hesitant about following but decided to follow anyways as he will learn about the sword that should have given him the powers he lost a long time ago

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

We're back were things were left in Urahara's shop but now our protagonist Ichigo still in his hollow Soul reaper form/Release Form now sitting in the room where there's a small round table

But he wasn't alone as in that room also sitting there was Kisuke Urahara and Yoruichi Shioune who sits beside Ichigo has they look at Kisuke who solemnly takes off his hat and puts in on the table

White Zangetsu: *in Ichigo's head* Holy s***t he took of the hat!!! things are gonna get real now!

Choosing to ignore him he shakes his head and stares seriously at Kisuke who looks up at Ichigo with a sad and worried look

Kisuke:You see Ichigo after you had to use all your power to stop Aizen from completing his evolution I had quickly started plans to create something that would bring back your powers

Yoruichi:We search in many locations that promised to had artifacts or weapons with such capabilities but after searching for awhile we gave up on that plan since must of the stuff was either already used or destroyed so that was a no go

Ichigo:Then how did you come up with the idea of building something that would bring back my powers

Kisuke:It wasn't easy I tell you but the idea was that how Rukia in the past awakened your powers by stabbing her Zanpakuto into you I planned to make a sword that would do the same again

Ichigo:Hmm I see

This gives Ichigo a quick view of the past when fhe and Rukia meet for the first time as their younger selfs stare at each other before Rukia's sword stabs Ichigo chest unleashing his power

Ichigo pondered about using the same technique again but then it hit him

Ichigo:Wouldn't that he impossible? considering the fact that hold tremendous amounts of spiritual pressure to do that I would need more than just Rukia's spiritual energy to get my powers back

Kisuke:True a very important fact that I had already thought off because you see before we had made our move to help you with the fullbringers—


Kisuke: *sigh* I know but let me continue. . .we were planning on visiting soul society to see if some selected old friends of yours would like to help you in your time of need as all their spiritual energy combined plus mine's your father's and Yoruichi's you should have theoretically regain your powers back

Ichigo:Oh. . . . . . .I understand now and thank you for at least trying your best in getting back my powers

Kisuke:Yeah I tried and I hope that's enough to gain your forgiveness Ichigo I'm sorry that wasn't there for you when you really needed me truly I—

Ichigo: *sigh* I think this gonna be something that'll repeat itself *looks at Urahara* I already forgave you dumbass you don't have to apologize

Urahara looks at Ichigo surprised before bringing up a smile a genuine smile that even makes Yoruichi smile which then makes Ichigo join in the smiles as he nods at Kisuke who nods back

Ichigo:Now that I got my answer there *frowns* my next question would be that why is it that no soul reaper came did they. . . . . . .abandoned me? or did forget me? or something like that? did me risking my life for them really mean anything

Ichigo looked down at the ground a bit sad which is quickly taken noticed by his two teachers who look at him with concern as they look at each other worriedly and then looked at Ichigo

Yoruichi:No Ichigo it's not that it's. . . . . .a lot more complicated than that

Ichigo:What do you mean?

Kisuke:. . . .When I arrived at soul society at was completely in shock at what I discovered

Ichigo: *confused* Wait? did something happened to soul society while I was with the fullbrings?

Kisuke: *nods* Yes *looks down at his hat* when I got there I saw hollows but not just a few I saw an army all attacking souls and soul reapers


Kisuke:I quickly took action and help in the best way that I can which got me to encounter the captain of squad 7 Sanjin Komamura who explained to me what was going on

White Zangetsu: *in Ichigo's head* Which Captain was that again?

Ichigo *mind* The guy that had a wolf's head

White Zangetsu: *in Ichigo's head* Ooooohhh yeeeaah! that guy huh I thought Aizen killed him

Choosing to ignore his partner once again he hears what Kisuke had discovered when going to soul society

Kisuke:He had told me that for last two months they've been huge hollow attacks on soul society with all of them appearing without warning nor without a sign they just appear and destroy

Ichigo eyes widen when hearing that now knowing that all this time ever sober last month his friends in soul society have been fighting non stop hollow attacks

Ichigo:Was that all did they tell you about anything else?

Kisuke: *shakes his head* No after k helped in the attack they had told me to leave and said that they had everything under control so I knew that if I would have mentioned the sword they would not help you right now since they are dealing with their own problems

Ichigo:Alright. . .I understand are they at least doing okay?

Kisuke:Things may have been seen chaotic and destructive but everyone seemed fine so don't worry

Ichigo:That's a relief

Things seem to calm down now as now that Ichigo got his answers he felt happy and thoughtful now that he knows what has been happening

But then the three's eyes widen when they suddenly feel something or someone's spiritual pressure

Kisuke: *puts on his hat* Looks like we got some company

Yoruichi:Yes two soul reaper and a group of hollows

Ichigo: *mind* Wait a minute doesn't aren't just two soul reapers they are *out loud* Rukia! Renji!

Using Étapa Sonido to quickly leave the shop and head towards where he's friends are leaving his two masters behind


But their screams of his names would mean nothing as he already miles away from the shop and was reaching the place where he feels Rukia's and Renji's spiritual energy

Speaking of the duo we find Rukia kuchiki and Renji Abarai fighting a hord of hollows with their Zanpakuto's being in there shikai state


Sode no Shirayuki

Renji was seen in the air with hollows charging at him head on

Renji:Roar! Zabimaru!

Renji launches his extendable sword onto the hollows swing it around so it hits all the hollows which it does successfully

As after it finished doing that it attaches itself back together and towards Renji who lands on the ground as he places his Zanpakuto on his shoulder

Renji:Hmm this is off the second we comeback hollows come after us *eyes narrow* did they follow us from soul society or did someone not wanted us to comeback here

"Hollow Roar!"

Renji looks up and sees a few more hollows lunging towards him from above

Renji:Tsk! guess we're going to be busy *launches his sword* take this you monsters

As Renji handled the group of hollows that attacked him Rukia was dealing with the same thing as we see her dodging three hollows attacks

She lands a few feet away from them to gain some distance so she can ready one of her swords attack

Rukia: *glares* Come

"Hollow Roar!"

They charge at her but this is what Rukia wanted them to do as when they were close enough she uses one of Sode no Shirayuki's dances

Rukia:First dance:White moon

Below their feet a flash of light devours all the hollows that were in front Rukia

The light disappears and a pillar of a light stands before Rukia as inside the pillar were all the hollows that were going attacked her

But are now trapped in this frozen pillar of ice that Rukia taps as it then breaks into many pieces destroying the hollows instantly

Rukia:There have been no reports of hollows in the past after Aizen's defeat so why is it that now after we comeback we meet a horde of hollows

"Hollow Roar!"

Rukia reacts quick and dodges the incoming hollow's attack as when she jumped back she jumps forward and swiftly cuts down the hollow in one slash

Seeing that another came out she turns around and sees that another group of hollows are charging straight at her

So she readies her stance and prepares her sword as she looks directly at the hollows before charging at them

Both soul reapers worked fast in taking down these hollows but when one was destroyed five of seven more would pop out

Lucky for them appearing on a ledge and looking down at the fight was Ichigo who has arrived and is now seeing what's happening

Ichigo: *mind* Whats with all the hollows

White Zangetsu: *in Ichigo's head* Yo king I think you might want to wrap this one quick these hollows seem to be coming out of nowhere

Ichigo: *mind* What do you mean?

White Zangetsu: *in Ichigo's head* Your pals down there are taking down a hole bunch and after that a new group shows up looks like somebody doesn't want them here

Ichigo now understanding nods his head and uses Étapa Sonido to appear on Renji's side of the fight and slashes two hollows down

This doesn't go unnoticed by Renji as he turns around and sees Ichigo there but he doesn't know that's Ichigo yet so readies his sword

Renji:There's one

Swinging Zabimaru at him hoping to land the hit only to be meet with a strong block from Tensa Zangetsu as we see Ichigo turn around

Ichigo:Hey! what was that for you dumbass! friendly! friendly!


Ichigo:I come all this way to help you guys and this what I get from you Renji!

Renji: *mind* That—

Rukia: * mind* —Voice

Rukia turns around and her eyes widen when seeing Ichigo in his new form seeing the king orange hair, pale skin, hollow mask and the familiar sword


Ichigo:Huh? *turns to Rukia and smirks* hey there midget how—look out!!

Rukia hearing that turns around and sees a big hollow lunging at her with his mouth open seeing that it's aiming to eat her


Rukia seeing this closes her eyes and waits for her death to come but after a few seconds of waiting nothing happens as when she opens her eyes she sees the hollow disappear into ashes as behind it was non other than Ichigo Kurosaki

Ichigo:You getting rusty on me Rukia? come on I thought you grew stronger after so long

Rukia was just speechless right now as standing a few feet in front of her wax the man that had saved her numerous times and has helped them many times as well

Renji lands beside Rukia and is having the same expression on his face seeibg the state he is in

Renji: *shocked* Ichigo. . .is that really you?

Ichigo: *rest Zangetsu on his shoulder* Of course it's me I mean who else did you expect?

Rukia: *shocked* But Ichigo how is it that you have your powers back?

Ichigo:That's a long story that we can talk about back at Urahara shop

"Hollow roar!"

Their reunion is cut short when they hear the sound of hollows approaching so Ichigo glances back and sees another horde of hollows making their way towards them

Renji:Tsk! *gets in his stance* here we go again

Rukia: *gets in her stance* There's just no end to them

Ichigo:Don't worry them *turns around* I'll handle it


They see Ichigo slowly start walking towards the hollows that are reaching then

Rukia:Wait Ichigo get back here! we'll take them on together!

Ichigo:Just shut up and let me handle this midget it's not even gonna be an issue

Rukia: *tick mark* Midget!? who are you calling a midget you big moron!

Ichigo: *looks back at her* Hey who you calling a moron you idiot!

Rukia:Who else do you see here that's a moron!?

Ichigo:I don't know maybe you!!

Renji: *sweat drops and in his mind* Even after so long this two still act like a married Tsudere couple

Ichigo:Hey! what did I say! shut up *turns around and charges up a cero* and let me handle this!!!

A huge cero blast is fired from Ichigo's left palm as it hits the hollows head on destroying them in an instant

Seeing the power he just showed off the two soul reapers are shocked with how much he has in him and his much he just showed off

Because they know that while that may have been powerful that wasn't in him at his strongest since both knew that his strongest would have hit them and destroyed the buildings and hollows around them

The smoke that Ichigo had in front of him disappeared as he takes a quick breather

Weirdly enough once he got out the air the black and red outlined blast that he fires appears out his mouth for odd reasons

Ichigo: *turns around to Rukia and Renji* See it wasn't to hard of a job

Rukia/Renji:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ichigo:Um guys?

Renji:Well I'll be da*m you really have gotten powerful dude but why do you look like a *motions to his new look* a hollow

Ichigo:Full story I'll tell you guys at Urahara'shop *starts to walk towards them* but the shirt version would be that a group of humans got themselves powers which they got upgraded because they stole the powers I got back but those powers also awakened my hollow and soul reaper powers

Renji:Oh I see *chuckles* hey if I were to grab a red cape and—

Ichigo:Someone already did that joke

Renji:Dang it

Ichigo: *chuckles* I still see that you've haven't changed Renji

Renji: *smiles* Speak for yourself you still act the same as before

Rukia:Yes you've matured and becomes strong Ichigo since the last time I saw you

She smiles at him and he smiles back at her but it seems that wasn't the case

Rukia:In your dreams! *kicks him in the face*

Rukia:The minute I take my eyes if you this happens to you! you really are a fool Ichigo!

Ichigo layed on the floor with his left cheek smoking from the kick but Ichigo quickly gets up and gets his face right in front of Rukia

Ichigo:Hey I don't want to hear that from the fool that let their guard down in the fight when they could have died in that moment

Rukia:May I remind you that you distracted me!!

Ichigo:Hey it's not my fault that you just decided to turn around and look at me like a lost bunny for sone reason

Rukia:Hey! what do you mean by that! your the animal here for being a list poppy waiting for me to comeback!

Ichigo:Well then why didn't you!!?

Rukia:Because I was busy!!

Ichigo:Bullshit Rukia! you could have returned when ever you wanted but you didn't!! you idiot!!



Rukia:Big dummy!


Ichigo/Rukia:Stay out of this

Renji quickly shuts up and looks away from them as hd crosses his arms and waits for the two to stop arguing

Which soon turned to staring contest as then look at each other their faces only being two inches away from each other but they don't take knowledge of this fact no they stay staring at each other for at least a few minutes

As their angry faces soon turn to calm expressions and then to sad expressions thaf two take notices off which resulted in both hugging each other

Ichigo:I've. . .missed you

Rukia:. . . . .I missed you too Ichigo I'm really sorry that I couldn't come back I was planning too but hollows began to attack soul society a lot more than before

Ichigo:Yeah Urahara told me I just wish that I got this powers early so I could help you guys as quick I could

Rukia:Oh Ichigo you truly haven't changed still thinking of others before yourself I see

Ichigo: *separates from the hug* Well that's just who I am *smiles*

Rukia: *smiles* Yeah *mind* that what makes you special and different from others

The two stare at each other for like it seemed eternity for them as their smiles never changed and their stares kept themselves locked on one another


But the two were then brought back to reality when they turn around and see Renji smiling at them with Kisuke and Yoruichi standing beside him

Kisuke:You know I can a room for you two alone in my shop

The two blush when hearing that as they resides their swords and aimed them at Kisuke's neck

Ichigo/Rukia: *blush* It's not like that!!

The three could only sweat drop at their response as things were seemingly looking like their were going back to normal

Time Skip brought to you by Ichigo sitting under a tree again only this time he had Yoruichi in her cat form on his head, Rukia resting her back and head on his chest and Riruka plus Orihime were using his shoulders as pillows as the five of them just stare silently at the stars

We are brought back to the same room with the small wooden table only this time Renji and Rukia are here and as for Rukia she was sitting beside Ichigo's left and Yoruichi was sitting on his right as the other two boys sat on the opposite side

Rukia:Hmmm I see so mothers who've had experience with hollows their spiritual energy goes to their baby which later goes to the object that form a bond with so they can awaken their powers

Kisuke:Yes it was thanks to Ginjo that multiple fullbringers were able to come out but he was the one who has been stealing soul reaper powers for some time if you guys knew about that

Renji:Actually we did and the captains even had a meeting after the first three reapers got their powers stolen but after that they didn't say anything

Rukia: *nods* He tells the truth when I got to see Captain Ukitake after the meeting he had a look of fear in his eyes one which I have never seen him show

Renji: *looks at Ichigo* And you defeated Ginjo even when he used his Bankai?

Ichigo: *nods* Yep after all all he really stole was the power I had when I had my complete Fullbring abilities so he really then take away anything important

Rukia:That's a relief

Ichigo:Though I have been feeling my Fullbring power slowly comeback to me after I took down Ginjo


Ichigo:Yeah but it's only a fraction that I'm feeling or more so that's what my inner hollow told me last night

Kisuke:Hmmm alright we'll have to talk about later now it's onto why you two are here?

The attention is now directed towards Renji and Rukia as they look at each other and nod before turning towards them

Rukia:We were sent here to pick up Ichigo the head captain would like to see him

Kisuke/Yoruichi: *eyes widen* Head Captain Yamamoto wants to see Ichigo!?

Renji: *nods* Yes

Rukia:Since the idiot here decided to show off to much of his power the head captain sent us to get him

Renji:I'm pretty sure everyone in world could feel the energy he showed off which is an idiotic move as our enemy now knows the full extent of his abilities

Rukia:Uh huh

Ichigo:Hey! it's not my fault Ginjo wanted me to hit him with all I've got *crosses his arms and looks away* also who said that was my full power if I truly had hit him with everything I've got he wouldn't have survived and gone Bankai after my fireworks




Ichigo:What was that for Yoruichi!?

Yoruichi:That's for not ending the fight when you could have easily finished without taking so long

Ichigo:Sorry *sighs* well at least this saves me the trouble of going to soul society directly like I originally planned


Rukia:Wait second Ichigo? if you were to have done that they would think your just some hollow like how Renji did heck I could say that would target you as one if they misunderstood everything right now

Ichigo: *shrugs his shoulders* I'm sure everything would have been sorted out after a good long fight

The four there facepalm at his confidence and where about to argue with him but the sliding doors to the room open and the one who opened them is revealed to be Riruka who's wearing the same clothes she had before gaining Ichigo's power

Riruka:I'm bac— *sees Ichigo and the soul reapers*

Ichigo: *waves* Hey Riruka

Riruka:O-Oh hey Ichigo why are there soup resorts here

Ichigo:This are some of my friends from soul society Renji is the red hair guy over there and Rukia is the midget that's on my right

Rukia: *hits him in the head* Shut it *looks at Riruka* you must be one the fullbrings they talked about

Riruko:Yeah is there a problem with that?

Rukia:No actually I liked to thank you for helping this idiot over here

Riruka: *smiles* Well he is an idiot so a smart person like me has to stand up for him since he was acting like a cry baby


Rukia: *smug smile* She's right Ichigo you can sometimes be pathetic after you've meet your match in a fight

Ichigo:That's not true

Yoruichi:Oh quit trying to act tough you know their right

Ichigo is now seen in the corner curled up in a ball while the girls giggled had him in his saddest

Ichigo:You guys are evil

Kisuke and Renji sweat drop at this and are feeling sad for Ichigo

But the comedic atmosphere changes when Riruka sits down and Ichigo turns towards her

Ichigo:By the way Riruka where are Yukio and Jackie?

Riruka:Well Yukio got a call from his family and had to head back to his old home and Jackie decided to go on her own since she said in her words "there's nothing for me here so I'll see what I find out there" do she left the town

Ichigo:Okay and you what are you going to do now?

Riruka:I guess I'll stay here I'm mean I got no one to go back to other than you and the two fullbringers

Ichigo nods at her and for some reason stands up and pets her head which also taken oddly by everyone else even Rukia who looks at this a bit envious

Ichigo:There there don't worry I'm here for you

Riruka: *blush* Hey quit treating me like a kid!

After that they have argument that makes everyone sweat drop but after that argument we are now seen in the huge battleground basement Kisuke has in his shop where they stand in front of the portal that takes them to soul society

Ichigo:I guess I'll see you three later when I get back

Yoruichi:Don't do anything stupid there you hear me?

Ichigo:Yeah yeah don't worry I won't do anything stupid as you guys say

Renji:Will make sure he doesn't do anything stupid

Kisuke/Yoruichi:Please do

Ichigo: *tick mark* Hey! *turns to Riruka* take care

Riruka:Yeah you too. . . . .and Ichigo

Ichigo: *turns to her* Yeah?

Riruka:Be careful

Ichigo smiles at her and nods as he, Rukia and Renji all step through the portal and make there way towards soul society

After the portal closes the three that watched the other go three turn around and head towards the latter that leads them back to the shop

Now that Ichigo as made contact with some of his old friends he has to now face off with the once he's helped through out his life when he was younger the question is how will they react when they see what our hero has turned into and what other female would find interest in this strawberry man we shall see

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