Chapter four

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Mary never received an answer from Tony which she expected, however what she didn't expect was to find that Tony had blocked her after asking him to help her. It wasn't until then that she let herself cry, not once had Tony refused to help her if she needed her. Maybe because of what happened last night he thought she was a slutt and wanted nothing to do with her.

"I guess the rumor about him not having a heart are correct, " she said to herself as she sobbed angry tears. Both for being taken advantage off and feeling betrayed by someone she thought she could trust. "Womanizing pig, he always letting woman hang all over him just being a playboy! Stupid, why would I be different? She thought to herself. "Yeah why would I be different, I am not tall, pretty or outgoing, I don't even have the courage to be honest with him or myself, " she admitted her words making her feel worse about herself.

However just when she was about to curse at Tony again, she heard yelling coming from downstairs.
"Stark you've got some nerve showing up at my house, " She heard Richard say. Curious she opened the door to her room and sure enough Tony was down there with her husband. He looked even more pissed then she had ever seen him.
"Stand aside Parker, I know you've been hurting Mary and I won't let you do it again!" Tony yelled and Richard responded by laughing at him.

"Seriously Tony you think that you can just come in here after you seduced my wife into sleeping with you? I am Mary's husband and I how treat her is none of your business, " Richard said to him.
"Then I am going to make it my business! Because unlike you I actually care about her! " Tony yelled and the sight of watching him fight Mary got the courage to step in.
"Tony? " Mary asked rushing down the stairs.
"Sweetheart I thought you were in our room?" Richard asked putting his arm around her.

Tony noticed the way she flinched at his touch and it only made him angrier.
"I heard yelling so I wanted to make sure everything was alright, " she responded.
"What happened to your face? " Tony asked noticing the red mark on her cheek, she felt the urge to try and hide it. It made her look horrible, unfortunately before she could say anything Richard answered for her.
"She just slipped and fell on her face, nothing to worry about, " he said.
"I was asking Mary not you, " Tony confirmed.
"How dare you! Get out of my house Stark and don't ever come near me or my wife again! " Richard ordered.

Tony thought about punching him but he knew that would only get him trouble, however the second he saw the tear stains on Mary's face he thought, fuck it! He gave a Richard a punch in the nose and he fell back briefly in pain.
"If I ever find out that you've hurt her again I will do a lot worse! " Tony declared before leaving. Mary was touched that he did such a thing for her and followed him outside. Luckily Richard was too busy wallowing in pain to notice.
"Tony! " She called out as she ran after him. He didn't have the chance to say anything before she caught up with him. "Thank you," she said to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek to show her thanks. He blushed a bit and stammered a your welcome before leaving.

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