Chapter five

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Mary thought everything would be okay after that, and it was until about month later when Mary discovered she was pregnant. She hadn't been felling well and she bought the tests as a precaution, but after taking a total of four which all came back positive. She was certain that she was pregnant and since she never had sex with her husband it meant that it was Tony's kid.

"Oh my gosh, " she said to herself and pressed her hand to her stomach. Expecting her bump to be there already but it was still flat. It didn't feel real to her, could she really be pregnant after a one night stand?
Yes she told herself, she wasn't stupid and knew how that all worked. But now she was left with a difficult choice, should she tell Tony? He probably got false claims like this all the time, so how would she prove it? Would he even want to be a part of his kid's life? More importantly how was she going to tell Richard? She didn't want to tell him because she knew he wouldn't react well. But keeping it from him, would end up so much for her.

"Oh so many questions, and so few answers," she said to herself. She sat in the bathroom for what felt like hours until she finally decided that she would take a DNA test and tell Tony herself. She quietly left the bathroom and her husband luckily was out for the day, most likely getting drunk with his friends. She called her sister in law May and explained the situation to her.
"Mary are you sure its his?" May asked.
"Yes I haven't slept with Richard, " Mary answered.
"What do you want to do? "
"I need you to do something for me, can you  do a DNA test for me?" Mary asked. May was a nurse so she understood why her sister in law wanted one.

"I guess Ben and I are going to have a niece or nephew, " May said trying to lighten the situation up.
"Yes, I am not sure why but I think its boy, " Mary answered and she actually smiled when she said that.
"Mother intuition?" May asked.
"Yes, " Mary confirmed "is your husband home?" She asked. May's husband, Ben Parker was the exact opposite of his younger brother. While Richard was quite selfish and cared only about himself, Ben was selfless and cared more about others than himself. He also married for love, and wasn't on speaking terms with his parents due to the fact, they cut him off for marrying a commoner.

"He is at work so come on over, and things will be okay, I promise, " May promised before she hung up.
"I wish I could believe that, " Mary said to herself. She changed into a different outfit since her current one was soaked with tears of shame. Once she did that, she walked downstairs and got inside her car. The next few hours went by like a blur for her, May took a look at her and confirmed that she was indeed pregnant after Mary explained her symptoms. She also took a DNA sample and told her that the results would be done in a few days.

Mary was still shocked about the whole thing and decided that she couldn't wait to tell Tony anymore, she had to face the music and tell him. So after thanking May she left for Stark Industries and was once again glared by Pepper once she came in.
"Is Tony here? I need to see him ASAP, " Mary exclaimed.
"He is currently in a meeting and I don't have an appointment scheduled with you," Pepper answered.
"Look lady I don't know what your problem  with me is, but I really need to see him, " Mary responded.

"I can't send you to see him, if you just appear out of the blue, " Pepper said jealousy dripping from her voice. Mary caught onto to it and realized why Pepper disliked her.
"We're just friends you know, also you should really get your jealousy checked, " Mary commented. Pepper was going to say more but she never got the chance, as Tony had stepped out of his workshop and overheard the two talking.
"What's going on here?" He asked wanting an explanation.
"Tony, she told me you were in a meeting, if you're busy I can come back later, but I really need to talk to you, " Mary explained.
"I wasn't in a meeting, just working in my workshop, besides my sales can wait," Tony answered giving Mary a gesture for her to follow him.

Pepper eyed the two of them with jealousy  and hoped that Mary would stop coming over.
"You okay?" Tony asked once the two of them were alone in his workshop. Mary didn't know how to respond because the truth was she wasn't sure she was going to be okay after doing this.
"I'm pregnant, " she blurted out.
"What?" He asked blinking a few times thinking he heard wrong.
"Tony I am serious, and I haven't slept with Richard so its yours, "

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