Chapter six

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"Are you sure? " Tony asked unable to process what she had just told him.
"Yes, and I know this probably happens to you a lot, some random woman claiming to be pregnant with your kid when they're not, " Mary responded. "I'm telling the truth though, I've only ever slept with you, " Mary continued. "I had to tell you in person, because I didn't think you would believe me any other way, " she finished.

"Are you going to pay me to not be involved with the kid?" Tony asked. He wasn't sure what to say really, his own father had been horrible so why would he be any better.
"No I just had to tell you, are you mad?" She asked.
"Suprised is more like it, " Tony responded. "Are you going to keep it? " Tony asked.
"Yes of course why would you even ask? " Mary asked almost horrified at his words.
"Because what I do isn't exactly kid friendly, and I have no parental skills what so ever," Tony responded.

"Does that even matter? It's your kid, " Mary pointed out. She was starting to get upset with him, he was straight up pushing her away. In her mind it was changing her once found opinion of him. Tony thought long and hard about how he was going to respond, he wanted to say that he loved her  and that he wanted to help raise the kid. But that's what he wanted say, and since he was scared he didn't say anything. Unfortunately she took his silence as her answer, she was heartbroken on the inside thinking he was leaving her to face this on her own.

"After all that we've been through together, you're not going to help me? " Mary asked. "Tony its your kid! " She added on but still he said nothing both because he was scared and ashamed of himself for hurting her this much. "Fine then, I'll raise the baby myself and just before I go, I hope I never see you again!" Mary yelled and ran away from him never looking back. If he wasn't an idoit he would run after her but he was and didn't. He just let her go, he would regret this for the rest of his life, he knew that. He just hoped Mary would come around and let him talk to her about how he really felt.

However he was wrong, Mary never spoke to him after that neither by text or in person. He tried calling her but she had blocked at least that's what he thought, he was still unaware that Pepper had blocked her on his face. Or that Richard had done the same thing to Mary after she got back home. The two were both miserable, and greatly regretted how ugly their relationship ended. But everytime they tried to work things out it seemed the other didn't want to talk.

Mary tried to play her pregnancy off like she was carrying her husband's baby, even going as far to have sex with him so he wouldn't suspect anything. It worked for awhile and he actually treated him with a bit more respect after that, however nine months later when her son Peter Benjamin Parker was born. Richard noticed that he had Tony's brown eyes and not his blue ones. He was furious and even she tried lying about it this time he didn't fall for it, and treated her like property again.

She also found out a little while later that had developed some lung problems. Richard smoked a lot even in the house so she wasn't too suprised, but she had a son now and she needed to stay healthy so she could take of him. That was easier said then done, so she took a picture of herself holding a day old Peter in her arms, and wrote a letter on the back of it.

Tony I don't know if you will ever get this because my husband has gone to great lengths to keep me from seeing you. But if you do I need you to know that this little boy is your son, I took a DNA test to be sure and you can take another if you wish too. I am unwell at the moment so I can't take care of him and my husband won't care for Peter, he refuses to but I know you can. Please love him and give what you can give.
She hid the picture in her desk with the intention to send it to Tony directly, but she also knew that Pepper wouldn't let him see this. She thought about giving it to him herself but due to how strained their relationship was now, it would be awkward.

She was pulled out of her thoughts by her son waking up and crying wanting to be held.
"Only a day old and you're already like your father, " Mary said to him as she picked him up. "Don't cry my little one, mommy loves you and I promise one day, you will know you really daddy and he will love you, " she continued and he blinked in response not sure what she meant. "You stay strong until then, always be strong, " she finished. 

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