Chapter seven

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After seven months of dealing with doctor visits, beatings and sleepless nights with her son. Mary was exhausted, all she wanted to do was just rest her eyes and sleep. However Peter had other ideas and woke her up with his cries.
"Shut him up! " Richard yelled from downstairs. Mary groaned and groggily made her way out of her bedroom so she could get to Peter.
"Coming darling, Mommy is coming, " Mary said as she entered Peter's bedroom and picked up her infant son.

She gently rocked him but no matter what she did, she couldn't get Peter to fall back to sleep. At least her soft singing voice managed to calm him down. "You're fussy during the night aren't you my boy, just like your father, " Mary said to him as she sat down in the rocking chair. He blinked at her with his brown eyes, he had Tony's eyes and it made her heart to think about her last encounter with the man. She missed him greatly and wanted to tell him about his son, but she wasn't sure if he would even see her. They had both said such awful things to eachother. Peter seemed to sense her sadness and gave her a bright smile.

It lighted up her whole day. Her son had the kind of smile that would make anyone happy no matter how bad of a mode there were in. Except for Richard, he hated Peter and Peter seemed to hate him to as he always refused to allow the man to touch him. Call her crazy but she suspected that Peter knew that Richard wasn't his real father. After realizing this, she knew that whether Tony would want to see her or not he had to know about Peter. After waiting for her husband to black out from all his drinking, she snuck out of the house with Peter.

"What am I even going to him? Pepper will probably get jealous and keep me away, " Mary said to herself. She was right because the second she walked in Pepper tried to get her to leave.
"I need to see Tony, " Mary said. Who was oblivious to the fact that she wasn't wearing shoes or the fact that she looked awful.
"I can't allow that, " Pepper responded. She had hoped that Mary would never show up again but here she was.
"No you just don't want to! I have tried my best to be nice to you but I won't let you get in my way this time! " Mary screamed and pushed her way past Pepper.

Mary ran up the stairs with Pepper close behind her. Peter pointed at Pepper and tried to tell his mom in baby talk that she was close. Pepper stopped when she noticed the infant Peter who was strapped to Mary's back, he had Tony's eyes and she was able to put and to together from it. She knew this was going to happen at some point but she couldn't do anything now, expect hope that Tony wouldn't believe Mary or refuse to see the kid. However she knew he wasn't like that, so it was a lost cause to think that. Mary knocked on Tony's office door multiple times until he answered.

"Hey what's the.... Mary?" He asked once he saw her. She didn't say anything only gave him a tearful glance. "You look awful, " he commented.
"Thanks I guess, I need to talk to you, " she said. He nodded and let her come inside. There was a long few minutes of awkward silence because neither of them were sure what to say. Eventually the silence was ended when Peter decided to make his presence known. "I guess he told you before I could, " Mary said taking Peter in her arms and trying her best to explain the situation. Fortunately Tony seemed to understand so she didn't have to say much.
"He's mine? " Tony asked and she nodded.
"Yes this is your son Peter, " she told him.

Without warning Mary gently handed Peter over to his father. Tony was scared that he would drop the kid but he didn't and held Peter like he was the most precious thing in the world. Mary smiled as Peter seemed to relax a lot more when Tony held him. "I know how I left things, and I don't know if I am ever going to fix things, but I think we should start over, " Mary said to him.
"How? I don't know the first thing about being a parent, " Tony pointed out.
"I don't either but judging by who he is with him, you're definitely his favorite, " Mary said to him. "I can't stay long, Richard will notice I am gone and that won't end well, " she continued and took Peter back in her arms. "Before I go, I can already tell you will be a great father, you don't like to admit it but you care a lot, " she finished before heading out of the room with Peter. The infant locked eyes with his father before the door closed putting a wall between them. If Tony had known that was the last time he would see Mary, he would told her how he felt. But he didn't, so he never said it.

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