Chapter ten

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Queens New York 2016

After a long day of saving the day as Spiderman and doing school work, Peter was ready to head home and relax. His best friend Ned was rambling on about something he had heard on the news about the Avengers breaking up.
"Wait really?" Peter asked hoping that it was just a rumor. The Avengers were his heroes and they were supposed to fight evil together, not each other. However his all time favorite was Tony Stark or Iron man.

The man was a big time genius and had built his own suit of armor in a cave. While being a prisoner of terrorists who had his own weapons. However before that Peter still thought he was amazing, he couldn't remember much about Tony before he became Iron man. Mostly because he was only six when it happened, but he did remember that he admired him like no one else he knew. His Aunt May was never pleased with his obsession, she never directly said it but he knew that she wasn't a fan of him.

He couldn't explain his admiration to anyone really, Ned sometimes teased him about having a man crush on the guy. However Peter always knew it wasn't love at least not that kind of love, but he kept those feelings to himself. After all he had lot to be grateful for, and after what happened with his Uncle Ben six months ago. He knew that he should never take what he had for granted, or he would lose it.

"Yeah apparently Security Ross tried to get them to sign documents that would allow the government to control them, " Ned explained.
"Does Ross need to get his head checked, the Avengers save people, " Peter argued. However while he knew that was true, he did know that the heroes could leave a mess wherever they went. So maybe having some damage control wasn't a bad idea.
"Sounds like you're siding with Captain America then, " Ned said. Peter shock his head.
"No I would side with Iron man, because as much as I like Cap, I trust Mr. Stark a lot more, " Peter answered.
"Man your man crush on the guy, is getting a little creepy, what's next are you going to start working for him?" Ned asked.

"If that ever happens I will walk on my hands, anyway I gotta go man but I'll call you later, " Peter responded.
"Later man," Ned said walking in the opposite direction so he could find his Mom in the carpool line. Peter had decided that he would 'walk' home even though Ned had said his mom wouldn't mind taking him home. However he decided that he would head home his way, as Spiderman.

He went into an empty alleyway, and pulled out his suit from his pack back. Accidentally ripping the zipper due to his super strength.
"Man this is the sixth one I've broken, " he muttered to himself and then after triple checking to make sure no one was around. He changed into his spiderman suit and swung off towards his apartment. As he did this, he was unaware of a pair of eyes watching him from a black limo.
"Well what do you know, " Tony said to himself as he watched Spiderman swing from building to building.

"Everything okay?" Happy asked from the front seat. "I know that with everything going on you've been a little down, " he continued.
"You know what I feel great, best I've felt in months, " Tony answered. After everything that was happening with the accords and his break up with Pepper. Seeing a new hero who no doubt was no older then fourteen definitely lifted his spirits. And it wasn't hard for him to put together who the new hero was. It was Peter, and he knew that because what other kid would try his hardest to save the day in a sweat suit.
"Happy we have a stop to make, " Tony said.
"We do? Where?" He asked.

Cue Civil war and you guys know the rest.

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